Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1: Lost love and traveled through time

"Don't come here again. Firstly, you don't have a job, and secondly, you don't have a house. How will you support my daughter in the future?"

Ye Yuze's ears were buzzing, and he seemed to be deaf. He only saw Qingqing's mother's mouth moving open and closed, but he couldn't hear what she said.

This sentence hit him hard, after three years of passionate love. Qingqing had been integrated with his life for a long time, and now he was about to be stripped away. He doesn't even know how he can survive?

He looked at Cao Qingqing with pleading eyes. Like a drowning man reaching for a branch on the shore.

Cao Qingqing turned away, her always gentle eyes filled with strangeness.

"Let's go, Ye Yuze! I've heard enough of your promises."

Before he finished speaking, there was a loud "Bang!" The door was shut tightly.

Although it was just a security door, Ye Yuze felt like he was a world away.

He opened the elevator in despair and came downstairs in despair.

There was a loud noise in the sky. Then a bolt of lightning struck him. It started to rain.

Ye Yuze clutched the pendant on his chest tightly. The pendant is a wolf tooth. Over time, it has turned yellow.

But the flash of lightning just now seemed to give it life again. It became crystal clear and shone like silver. But at this time, the sharp wolf teeth had pierced Ye Yuze's chest.

Ye Yuze closed his eyes and seemed to be suffering from some huge pain. His brows were furrowed and his teeth were clenched. Then after a moment of dizziness, he lost consciousness.

"Drive! Drive, oh drive!"

A burst of shouting woke him up, and Ye Yuze opened his eyes with some difficulty. "Hey, why is it so dark?"

He realized that he couldn't see anything, so he stretched out his hand and pulled. So soft, it turned out that I was covered in a quilt! He opened a corner of the quilt, and a bright light flashed through. Extraordinarily dazzling.

But the scenery outside shocked him. He closed his eyes and paused for a moment. Open it quickly again. Yes, he read that right. It's icy and snowy outside. At this moment, he was sitting on a carriage.

No, not a carriage. It's a sledge, a horse-drawn sledge. In front of the sledge, two men in fur coats sat side by side. The figure of one of them was particularly familiar.

While he was guessing, the man driving the carriage spoke. "Dr. Ye, are you planning to go to school here when you bring your eldest son back this time?"

Dr. Ye smiled heartily: "Yes, his mother always misses him. He is not obedient at grandma's house, and he is old. Take him back and go to elementary school."

"Dad!" Ye Yuze almost shouted. How could he not be familiar with the voice after hearing it for more than twenty years?

But what's going on in elementary school? His eyes caught a glimpse of his hand and he was startled.

"Why so small?"

He quickly lifted the quilt and looked at his body. It became clear at once. This is time travel. Still traveled back to childhood.

At this time, a vague scene flashed in his mind. The number 1976 is particularly clear at this time.

It's just that the year he was in was 1995, and he had just turned 26. But what the hell is this 1976? It seems something went wrong somewhere.

No matter, I have read so many time-travel novels anyway. I have gained experience in dealing with these. But can I still go back?

After thinking for a long time, he suddenly remembered the wolf fang. Quickly touch the neck. It's really there.

So he clenched the wolf's fang again and thought silently in his heart.

"I want to go back, I want to go back."

However, there was no response at all. He recited a few words silently without giving up. The result is still the same.

He took the wolf teeth outside for closer inspection and found that the wolf teeth were white and delicate in color. But there were blood stains on his hands.

I couldn't help but secretly speculate that this thing was the same as a magic weapon. Need your own blood to activate?

He gritted his teeth, picked up the wolf fang and pierced his finger. Sure enough, after a period of dizziness. Then, there is no more. He languished alone in the rain downstairs of Cao Qingqing's house.

Heavy rain poured from the sky, and his whole body seemed to have been fished out of the water.

At this time, a BMW 3 Series drove over from the direction of the gate. Stop at the door of the unit.

A man in a suit walked out holding an umbrella. Ye Yuze didn't see it clearly until he walked up to him.

This man has a short build and a Mediterranean hair style. The most conspicuous thing is the protruding belly. It seems that even the umbrella can't cover it.

The raindrops fell along the edge of the umbrella on my shirt-clad belly. The white shirt quickly got wet and stuck to his belly.

"Qingqing, slow down, slow down. Don't get you wet."

The man's gentle voice sounded. Unexpectedly, this middle-aged greasy man had a magnetic voice.

Ye Yuze raised his head in surprise. It turned out that Cao Qingqing came out of the corridor. The greasy man hurried over and moved the umbrella over Cao Qingqing's head. Totally unconcerned about being exposed to the rain.

Cao Qingqing smiled brightly and followed him to the car. The greasy man opened the car door. Cao Qingqing sat in. The greasy man closed the car door for her and ran to the driver's seat.

Cao Qingqing looked up and saw Ye Yuze in the rain. There was a hint of pain in his eyes. But then he turned around and didn't know what he said to the greasy man. The BMW started and quickly disappeared into the rain.

Ye Yuze stood up from the puddle. He cursed at the hazy sky:

"I'll kill you, uncle!" Ye Yuze cursed and strode out of the community.

The heavy rain was heavy, and Ye Yuze walked unsteadily. There are no people on the street. Only the occasional passing car created two curtains of water from the water on the road.

Some splashed directly onto Ye Yuze. Ye Yuze no longer felt the slightest feeling. He didn't even notice that he had already reached the motorway, and his heart ached sharply.

"Is this lovelorn? It's so fucking uncomfortable!" Then "squeak!" a sudden brake sound sounded. Ye Yuze flew up like a fallen leaf.

"It hurts!" This was his last feeling. Then he held the wolf's teeth tightly with his fingers. This time it's not just heartache. My body hurts too. The kind of pain that pierces your whole body. These were his last thoughts.

The driver stopped the car and quickly got out of the car to search. The rain was too heavy and the visibility was not good. But he clearly saw that he knocked someone away. But he searched everywhere and couldn't find that person. Could it be that I am dazzled?

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