Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 976: The market in the gap

30 million, the first day.

45 million the next day.

One hundred million, the third day, Saturday in the United States.

120 million, the fourth day, Sunday in the United States.

42 million, the fifth day.

The box office of more than 300 million really scared the entire Hollywood and North American markets. Looking at the entire world film market, the box office of the European and American countries for this show is not low. South America and Australia are also good news. Africa The data is worse, but if compared with other films shown on them, Shawshank's redemption box office is definitely not low.

In Asia, it is a real box office gathering place. Excluding Huaxia, the data of other countries can drop the box office in North America, which shows that Chen Hao's appeal in Asia and the stamina of this film.

Over ten million moviegoers in South Korea, the island ’s unprecedented enthusiasm for watching movies, and even countries in Southeast Asia that have resisted Chinese movies, this time completely opened the door, because this Shawshank salvation is really applicable to all cultures, there is nothing Eastern and Western cultural differences, any culture is craving for freedom and affirming self-salvation. Andy and Red represent not two kinds of people, but two forms of existence. Today's society makes too much too much. The person lives with the shadow of Rhett. Few powerful guys can break free of the shackles and live out their new world. Andy's initial struggle in the prison and the adaptation in the middle period seem to be somewhat contradictory and follow the flow until The day he opened the poster on the wall, everything changed. At that moment, all the moviegoers were boiling. They may have the heart to resist the pressure of reality. Some of them can only be thought in their minds. Now there is a Movies can show them specific pictures.

When people are thirsty, warm water is the most quenching thirst, and this Shawshank salvation is the warm water of movies of this era. It looks not as attractive as wine, not as good as drinks, not as good as coffee, but when you are really thirsty This glass of warm boiled water will definitely quench thirst than an iced drink.

This is an era where most people feel hungry.

The Huaxia box office fully displays the hunger and thirst. When everyone thinks that it is relying on Haomen fans to prop up the horror box office, this movie Chen Hao subverts everyone's perception, and I want to let more people go When entering a movie theater, it is necessary for those critics to send out a film review in good faith. It is not deliberately arrogant to say bad things about me, nor is it to be afraid of the arrogance of Haomen fans.

It will be released on the first day of the new year, and the box office on the first day should be considered half a day, 180 million.

On the second day of the new year, 300 million box office.

On the third day of the new year, 330 million box office.

On the fourth day of the new year, 310 million box office.

At the beginning of the new year, 280 million box office.

On the sixth day of the new year, 350 million box office.

After the Chinese box office data came out, everyone in the world who followed this movie and followed the box office in China felt very bad. This is not a super-burning blockbuster, not a big-blooded action movie like the War Wolf series. , But this is a film, the box office momentum straight into the sky, in addition to the fastest break in the front and the single-day box office records, and so on, the total box office actually gives people a feeling to surpass War Wolf 2, according to this situation, you It's really impossible to tell what height it can reach.

The most important thing is that the artistic achievements and word of mouth of this film are not built by everyone's pure love. It is the kind of recognition that really uses strength to make audiences with different tastes. You can't imagine what many things will look like in the future. However, you will know that today, movie audiences across the country are talking about Shawshank's redemption.

This year's Oscar, Chen Hao is a pure accompany guest. He was invited as a guest of honor. According to the normal process, he also had a good box office work last year, and almost nominated the best actor. We invite you to come and give you a certain picture. Is to guarantee your visibility.

Here at Chen Hao, the invitation this time has a different taste. It seems that he was exposed on the stage of the Oscars and made him the object of making fun of you. Did n’t you show your style at the Oscars last year? How about one year? Time has passed, is your grade like this now? Did you go to the field of TV series to hang around and shoot a commercial blockbuster action shooter with popcorn, is this the only one?

If this is purely, what qualifications do you have to refuse to pay you the expensive price for the third season of prison break, why do you disregard so many fans who love this show asking to refuse to participate, we are waiting for your Michael Schofield , You tell us that you are not acting, are n’t you saying that oe is the best artist for fans?

In order to like the fans of this show, our fox opened the third season, re-selected the actor, and continued the whole story again. Your departure will be great damage to us, but we will not bow to you, you ca n’t Come to shoot, we would rather face the failure, but also shoot the story, without you oe, we will not disappoint fans who like this show.

From Oscar's invitation to Chen Hao, in the field of Europe and the United States, the above remarks have spread. Everyone knows that this is fox's dissatisfaction. Chen Hao refused to appear in the third season of jailbreak. Subjectively I feel for everyone. It was the problem of the actor, and he did not specifically explain it. Of course, Fox would not be polite, and those who had small actions behind it would not miss this opportunity to step down Chen Hao.

There is more than one road, and the road does not only pass through the width of one person, but your presence really occupies a place, and you are running too fast. We have one less place in the top position, and we will have the opportunity to Eliminating from the road, not only has one more road, we can also have one less opponent on the road to eventually compete for the ranking.

Many people felt that Chen Hao would not accept the invitation, but he did not expect that he responded to the Oscars early and said that he would participate.

When Shawshank's salvation is released, and then look at Chen Hao on the day of the Oscar awards, those who are waiting to see the joke put away their gloating faces, facing him, the first thing that comes to mind is to pass a smiley face.

A non-special effect blockbuster is still being released. The box office currently calculated is enough to make it one of the top ten box offices in the world ’s film history. It is also the only non-commercial film. You ca n’t imagine it will get such a box office. The film critics who sang praises for it were completely confused. At first, when these people stood up and set up a monument for this film, they said that the film was artistic, and that the film would get the whole world. Favored by all awards.

This is less than a week. The box office was unexpectedly crazy, and various analysts have come forward to analyze it. In addition to the appeal of the cast, they have given high praise to this easy-to-understand story. It allows ordinary people to accept the story, and then to accept what the story wants to convey. Compared with the cruelty of many high-tech achievements films, this film feels the same as it is, boiled water.

The era has made this film.

This is the answer given by some professionals, producers, directors, and some big film critics. The artistic achievements of this film still need to be fermented and undoubtedly regardless of the era, but the box office of this film is achieved in this era. After everyone is accustomed to the fact that commercial blockbusters get super high box office prices, suddenly a movie that is not a commercial blockbuster and also makes them very interested is naturally supported; secondly, what the film content shows, completely It fits the living conditions of most people in this era. This is too important. It does not deliberately inspire people to guide how to be inspirational, but uses a role like Andy to tell everyone what is truly powerful. You keep learning It is not necessarily a good thing for Red to fight, the outside world may not be so good ~ ~ Do what you can do in your current position, even if you have not gone abroad and have not become the boss of a large company, you are the same Can live wonderfully.

In such an era, this film gives more answers, no longer pure freedom, no longer pure salvation.

The last point is the answer given by the owners of all movie companies. Xiao Shenke ’s redemption propaganda was done very well. Chen Hao grabbed everyone ’s appetite from the beginning, and then died. Once the film exceeded everyone ’s expectations The power that erupted was beyond imagination.

Consider the current market, a high school student who does not like to watch such movies but likes to watch superhero movies, one day he went to school and found that people around him were talking about a redemption movie called Xiao Shenke, even if he did n’t like Chen Hao. Too cold, even if he doesn't catch the flatness of the movie, but it is necessary to go into the cinema to see it. After coming out, I feel that I just want to say nothing, and I hear people around me talking about the film's quotations. Something that people think about, you will definitely not speak at this time, you will think about the plot sideways, think about the plot that can bring you different things, and then slowly attracted by the delicateness of the plot, and finally can A few words with the people around me, I think it's good here, and after getting everyone's approval, you will think that I like people around me to see my eyes, I want to see more things in this film, again Get them to worship my gaze.

A newspaper such as the New York Times actually reported a movie. Although it was not the front page, it gave a very important layout and sufficient space. It used a title that was later considered to be the most appropriate and settled for Shawshank's redemption. A location that belongs to the western world.

"A powerful movie found in the market between the times"

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