Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 966: Self-destructing Great Wall

An old cloth has already surprised Christine and Nina who came to visit the class. Another Rhett, it's even more dazzling. They began to believe that what Chen Hao said before was not unfounded. He said that he would make this film. It's a classic, but now it doesn't seem to be nonsense, he has the confidence to do this.

So far, he has not seen his own role performance. From the experience of their cooperation, this man is a man who will never give up. Since others have such a good performance, he wants to come to his role in performance. Have more powerful content.

No wonder Will Smith will come down from his own value. No wonder he did n’t explain it in the face of outside doubts. No explanation is needed. When everything comes out and the movie is released, everything before it will become pale. Real strength will have a Best stage show.

Both Andre and Will Smith have finished filming the film. It was very successful. The night fell and the whole crew was in a state of rest, but it is very obvious today. Everyone is waiting in secret to see the joke. The two big beauties are here. They didn't leave after finishing the class. What would happen in the end? They were all looking forward to it. I'm sorry if I didn't look at the excitement.

As a result, everyone was disappointed. When the two were invited to dinner, there was a crew member to accompany them, and then they were on the farm and prepared a room for the two of them. After sending them to the room, Chen Hao went straight out in the conference room and pulled them. A group of post-personnel will carry out comprehensive editing and inspection of the captured material in advance, so as to ensure that there is no defect in one frame.

Early the next morning, the two women left one after the other, and Nina left first. When she left, she got into Chen Hao's ears: "Is it necessary to be so timid?" Tones, some words, the less clear they are, the better the results.

When Christine left, this guy also reacted last night. He was really overreacted. What does this have to do with himself and why it seems to be like a grudge.

"Are you sure you don't need a guest character?"

Chen Hao held back and didn't smile: "Rest assured, I really need to find you."

When Christine was gone, he laughed in his room. Whether it was fun or Christine was fun, she found herself in such a clumsy way that she thought she was pretty good.

The arrival of the two women is just a small episode of this crew, but it is welcome to fall into the eyes of the media. If the news of your crew is not found, then it is your personal, you Haozi is not good at this. ? We now treat others as they are, and report on you with what you do best.

"The two girls gathered in the crew and left the next day."

"MOUSE's good relationship is revealed, and the relationship with the actresses who have worked with him is not bad, and he came to the class as soon as possible."

The media are writing articles on this ‘first time’, quoting these four characters specifically. The girlfriend ’s front foot has just left, and you go to the class as soon as possible. What do you mean? We do not guide, let everyone think for themselves.

Lace news is always a hit. This film is a joke so far, but no one will say that Chen Hao is a joke. His previous results are there, his number of fans is there, a look, fans and the media. It's been a while on the Internet that it's clear that Haomen fans have the upper hand. This time the media fought a turnaround.

Men have some confidantes, but this is the perfect person in your mind. What do you think of his behavior? Is it continued support? Or stand on the moral high ground to negate his behavior?

For Chen Hao, this is a gossip. He doesn't care, and continues to shoot with people, one after another, he does not respond after a long time. The number of media around the crew has decreased, and the whole show's attention The degree also slowly declined. Just as everyone was about to use this news as a past tense, another news appeared and dragged him up again. Everyone found that his name appeared in entertainment news again.

In the second season, he made a strong landing in the American TV series in the fall, and after the subsequent renewal was not completed, he still got a good time period.

FOX simply took Chen Hao's renewal of the third season as the second season's propaganda. Everyone began to learn his propaganda routines, and learned to use them, using the blade that should be used most. On him.

For a while, the outside world began to discuss this again. Hao Zi should not renew the contract. FOX did not mention the script, but only said that Chen Hao did not renew the contract. This has a lot to do with many American dramas. The main actor can get the box lunch, but can it star? Everyone ’s recognition of a play also includes the recognition of the male and female protagonists. His non-renewal is tantamount to saying that the third season of the show ca n’t be shot, and the second season has been given a price of 2 million episodes. You What else does MOUSE want? You have enough power in the crew and enough money. Do you still want more? This is not good.

FOX did not mention the script, it will only lead to the audience ’s recognition, or the contract renewal conditions are not discussed, or it is reward, power, or time. No matter what, if the artist makes a rejection decision, it is It hurts the audience who likes the show. The audience will put a part of the anger and resentment caused by this harm on the artist.

For several months in a row, Chen Hao has been big news and controversial news. He has clearly supported and opposed him. His enthusiasm has not dropped. It seems that it is full of benefits. He is always news. But there are also some troubles in it. Some people start to think that he is deliberately speculating, whether it is good or malicious, but when you have an impression of being good at speculation, everyone will be very certain. Negative long-term effects, for the time being see nothing, will make some people in the stage of becoming fans wait and see, once the wait and see is hindered, in the end 90% will lose these people.

After Chen Hao played a surprise or surprise, he knew that he could say goodbye to encountering things for a few years to explain this behavior, and no one would ignore him, but fortunately, knowing that the explanation was useless, simply I won't explain it. I do what I should do, and I have enough good works to use the works to erase the negative effects that slowly appear.

Fortunately, there is a broadcast in the second season. Everyone's discussion on this drama has offset the impact of these negative news to a certain extent. How to play this in the second season has been discussed on the Internet. Many netizens Everyone guessed the direction of the script, that is, escaped from a small prison in one place, escaped from a large prison in a country, and there were some fans, and even brains supplemented Michael with a second set and a third set of preparations, a map of the whole body There will be information. Without the plane, there will be other ways.

Guess the big trend, but the wonderful story is not discounted. Most of the audience watched it with interest. Each week put the second season into the ranks of the chase. The American drama guessed the big trend is normal, so many seasons, In many cases, it is necessary to consume the audience's recognition, adapt the plot that everyone likes before, change the soup without changing the medicine, and retake it. At least once again, the audience will buy it.

This is unacceptable to Chen Hao, although the number of viewers is good; although the popularity of each starring role is increasing; although, some people are still trying to get him to sign in various ways.

Three million episodes.

A price that is enough to make the entire American TV market a big earthquake is far from reaching the level of a large TV show. Even the most popular American TV series with only the core protagonist has not dared to offer such a price.

One of FOX's media contacts, Tommy, was blocked by the media as soon as he stepped out of the elevator. They were convinced of the fact that the news of the price of three million was not released by them. They were still fighting for Chen Hao. Naturally, he would not self-destruct the Great Wall, knowing that Chen Hao was a bad temper, and he would not 'abduct' him to perform in a way that the media and the public wanted to force him.

After the news leaked, today ’s work time was delayed, and Tommy got the official explanation finally given by the high-level. This was the first time to take the elevator down from the office area to face the media and give the media and the public a Explanation also gave Chen Hao an explanation.

"The price of three million is just an intention, and it is our sincerity, not what the outside world has said ~ ~ We have issued a sky-high price only for MOUSE to continue to join the shooting. At present, our budget has not come out, This kind of thing must spread a malicious rumor, and I ask everyone to look at it rationally. "Tommy's heart straightened and his whole body was cold. He didn't know what kind of problems he would face, and he hated that. The person who leaked the information is currently conducting an internal investigation and finds out that the bosses above mean never tolerate.

"Fox gave MOUSE a price of two million episodes in the second season. If he signs a contract in the third season, the price of three million is not as scary as everyone thinks, right?" A reporter asked, three For millions of people, the pressure is on the TV station. You are destroying the ecological environment of the entire industry. This cannot be allowed.

Upstairs, some responsible persons of FOX TV also felt the roots of their hate. Just now, they received a call from Chen Hao himself. In the call, this new big coffee dared to play the national media, There was a total outbreak. At this time, there were dozens of media that blocked FOX. On the crew side, there were hundreds of media.

Chen Hao hung up the phone, the anger on his face dissipated, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Next to him, Kang Yan and Chen Gang glanced at each other. He would not hide the two of them from such things. Even Qiuyu did n’t know. A few hours ago, the messenger that made many people angry and hate. , Standing opposite them at this moment.

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