Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 917: Still fascinating each other

Work hard for what?

Happiness, happiness for yourself and those who care.

Fearful and cautious, that's definitely not in the list of happiness. Hearing Chen Hao to make him more willful, Xiao Di's heart is very touched, how difficult it is to mix in the entertainment industry, few people will say that I just came here to play and succeed , All paid the sweat in proportion to the attention of the spotlight.

She hadn't thought about it herself, and Chen Hao mentioned today that suddenly there was a kind of dependence on the impact that she once dreamed of at midnight, strong and independent, and did not want to be a vassal of others. Beside the man, willing.

"If it's possible, let's relax. Everyone is a friend."

"This kind of thing isn't you or me or they think that whoever talks first loses face. The circle and the audience like to see opposition, like to see contradictions. The real peace is reduced to mediocrity."

Chen Hao sighed. Some things, he has contacted the senior management of large companies in various industries, and he can know more deeply than others. The two parties to the conflict, as long as they are not beaten up completely, have no fight back. Over time, they are mutually beneficial. The Bing battle has been going on for many years. In fact, two people haven't said anything. Until now, when you mentioned Fan Bingbing, you would think of Li Bingbing. One of them has big news, and the other one will be followed.

The beautiful man's Luhan is a good opponent. The media and some black hands who have contributed to the flames are willing to see the picture more fiercely.

The East Third Ring Road is close to the second ring road. It is a high-end apartment-style residential area with a housing price of more than 100,000 square meters. There is no hot picture in the sales center here, and there are some guests coming to it. The whole environment and atmosphere It is very well maintained and the transaction rate is very high. If you can come here, Bacheng has already understood the house prices and overall supporting services here, and has the corresponding economic strength and purchase-desire-desire.

At 4 pm, most of the staff ’s enthusiasm for the day was dissipated. When Chen Hao and Xiao Di arrived at the sales center, there were no customers inside. Kang Yan stopped the car directly at the door. The two men ’s hats and sunglasses quickly walked into the sales center. Chen Gang was by his side.

The two people no longer look at the house for fighting, or they will not be so low-key, any woman, when your boyfriend tells you to look at the house together, the heart will grow like grass, and will not be willful fighting, Doesn't prevent them from really coming over to see the house.

The house was introduced by Baby and Master Huang. The overall supporting services and facilities in it are very suitable for celebrities and celebrities to live in, complete shopping and many related living behaviors in the community. It is not a gimmick, but a real living chain.

After entering the sales center, the two took off their sunglasses at the same time, and they saw the buyer consultant who greeted them astonished. Their professionalism was very high. They were shocked and greeted them with a smile: "Mr. Chen Hao , Miss Dili Reba, please here. "

The staff in the sales center were very excited to see the two of them. Everyone was self-suppressed by the urge to take a mobile phone to take a picture and kept smiling. Once they looked at each other, they would show a professional smile at them. , Welcome to the two.

The two really looked at the 240-level Great Leap, and they both caught the eyes of the two. Perhaps when she came, Xiaodi just wanted to see it. When she got there, she nodded and agreed to see the existing house. It is a mix of decoration materials from well-known international and domestic brands. One of them is in line with her aesthetic point of view, whether it is on the floor or in the decoration style. Chen Hao naturally watched her happy to accompany her.

Chen Hao and Dili Reba went to the high-end neighborhood to look at the house. It was suspected that the good news was close. Photos were released in less than half an hour on the Internet. The two kept a low profile but did not hide anything deliberately. Whoever wanted to report will report. Chen Hao is a newcomer, and I have never been afraid of being embarked on the road of mutual exchange with Luhan. Today, I have no reason to taboo anything, whether it has caused thousands of injuries to the deer fans, sorry for me. Can't wait.

The price of more than 20 million is very scary, but it will not scare Xiaodi. When it is really determined to buy a house, money is not the primary consideration. As a public figure, a confirmed identity is the first thing to be determined.

Chen Hao didn't make any promises, but in the process of looking at the house, Xiaodi's parents were taken over by Kang Yan, and he took a closer look at this high-level jump-level house together. This is Chen Hao's promise. No You need to say something or how, attitude is everything.

Let the other party and Qiuyu leave contact information with each other. The next thing depends on whether they want to buy or not. Follow-up related procedures. Here, there is a service plan for guests who are busy and have no time.

After taking a photo with the sales center staff, thank them for opening up the underground garage of the community to Kang Yan, let him drive the car underground, and leave without being blocked by the crowd of media and fans.

"Fanghua" hits hot, Chen Hao and Xiao Di are hot, and the premiere star shines. When the news that revealed his struggle with Luhan was fired, Guan Xiaotong, the national girl, was unlucky, not only 10,000 points. Hurt, all her activities in the next seven days were canceled directly. The Weibo area of ​​the four people became the occupied area. No matter how powerful Haomen was, she could not completely protect the Weibo comment area of ​​Chen Hao and Xiaodi. The strength of Luhan was also beyond doubt. At the beginning of the war, in less than an hour, hundreds of thousands and hundreds of thousands of comments were bombarded with each other. The absolute number of Haomen was dominant, but there was no difference in effect.

The brothers of the men's team also unluckyly canceled some schedules, don't show their faces, the media couldn't find those four, and they chased them crazy. Fawn ran with you for three seasons, and Haozi ran with you for more than two seasons. What do you think of the family?

I ca n’t see, I ca n’t say.

As long as it ’s wrong to speak, do n’t feel that you can be a peacemaker, and you do n’t feel that you can be with the mud. The fans of these two are now in anger, casually touching the pond fish, and the blazing fire can swallow the pond that was hit instantly. fish.

Hidden, as always, the old routine, all hid in the beginning, now it is even more impossible not to hide.

Chen Hao let Xiaodi rest at home for the past two days, and accompanied her to give her a warm family parent. The expansion of "Fanghua" has been temporarily stopped. Not only you are absent, I will cancel the promotion.

Then, Chen Hao accepted an interview by the media himself. He must carry out the promotion of "Prison Break". After being broadcast on Monday night in the United States, the response was good. The 6.8 million viewers fully confirmed Chen Hao's personal influence. It also allows FOX, a huge entertainment group, to have enough self-confidence in the sky-high film pay, and also has confidence in the "Smith and wife" invested by His Majesty's film and entertainment company. At this time, no one can influence this huge group. Movies and TV dramas have all attracted much attention, and can be regarded as the focus of the entire huge industry this year.

The good results made countless people cheer for it, and the country also got the news the fastest, but the effect was not as great as expected. The entire China Entertainment News was bombed by "Fanghua".

It premiered at nine o'clock on Friday night and 60 million box office that day.

On Saturday, 210 million box office.

On Sunday, 260 million box office.

On Monday, 110 million box office.

Box office data is telling everyone a possible fact, maybe the box office myth "War Wolf 2" will soon be broken.

In the news gap left by "Fanghua", all kinds of news only occupied a small part. This powerful Haomen and Lufan started to tear wildly again, and the results were foreseeable. Haomen, Chen Hao's development today is to sacrifice a few streets in Luhan, and then fight again after half a year. The result is nailed, depending on how long this deer rice can support.

Dare to do it.

This is a thing worthy of being a special book by itself. It is just that the co-entered artist Guan Xiaotong didn't show up to support the premiere of "Fanghua" ~ ~ So rare and ordinary things can be turned up by the media. The monstrous waves also reveal a very scary fact from the side. Chen Hao's popularity is really good. The artists he has worked with have a good relationship with him. Jet Li Andy Lau gave Chen Hao "Ignorance" to When the obstruction was very tragic, they all went to the scene to support; Wu Jinggui went to the scene with the double crutches; Sun Honglei, who hadn't finished filming the back drama in the United States, returned with Ren Dahua, got off the plane and went straight to the premiere .

Although there are utilitarian elements in it, personal relationships are still the most important part.

Everyone shy away from this topic. Chen Hao stood up by himself. The media was crazy. One by one, he was afraid that he had missed the camera and sound. If there was not enough security at the scene, the media could easily fight for the position.

"I didn't let Hua Ge and Hong Lei Ge come over today, and I don't plan to make any publicity press conference. I just want to inform you that the first episode of the first season of" Jailbreak "in the United States has just been broadcast and is being produced. Today In the evening, you can have a full version of the subtitles. In addition to the Internet Lele solo broadcast, it will also be on the Mango station. You do n’t need to worry about colliding with the broadcast time of Datang. The Mango station will be prime time on Tuesday night. Come out and broadcast "Prison Break ..."

After a brief briefing, Chen Hao smiled secretly in his heart, and it was really sad. The news of this magnitude was more than the enthusiasm of B. Looking at the media reporters in front of them, they asked questions Interest is far more than the premiere of "Jailbreak".

"Excuse me, Mr. Chen, what do you think about the mutual attack between Haomen fans and Luhan who are hotly debated on the Internet?"

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