Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 876: My stage

In Chen Hao's mind, he has his own set of conclusive philosophy, the kind that he will not say, but simply reflects his own true thoughts. Everyone does not need to disguise himself in his own heart. Your true thoughts.

With such a skill as a sportsman, Chen Hao knows American football very well, but before that, his knowledge of the sport was simple and rude, full of a kind of violence-force-aesthetic feeling that made men swell with blood. Compared to the collision between basketball muscles and muscles, American football brings you another huge sensory stimulus from the armor. When a collision occurs, the feeling that directly impacts your eyes, although Chen Hao is not very good at that time Understand the complicated rules, but it does not prevent him from occasionally looking for some videos on the Internet and watching for a while.

He didn't want to interpret such a profession on the stage as a professional athlete, so even if his interpretation is as good as it is, it is definitely not as good as the two team members who dominate the scene ten minutes and ten minutes later.

He just wanted to make it simpler and make many impulses more primitive.

For this reason, he paid the first appearance and the third appearance position, becoming the second most embarrassing guest.

The first appearance is that this stage is my sense of belonging, and the audience ’s first impression is also him. He has a subjective impression that is recognized by everyone. He performs better than him and everyone will not feel that it is normal. If his performance overwhelms the back, there will be no doubt that the performance guests will be the cannon fodder tonight.

The meaning of the third appearance is known to everyone, the term finale is common throughout the world, especially after the singers in this position have finished singing, the other two singers will return to the stage. At this time, they must be towards the third. The direction of each singer's direction will give everyone a subconscious awareness, and among the three, he will be the first one. It feels that this person is also the most famous.

Two male singers and one female singer, coupled with Swift's qualifications and high productivity, surpassed the two. Due to her innate advantage, her third appearance was almost indisputable. Although it is not popular in the United States to let women, A little bit of a gentleman's spirit, fighting with women, not to mention winning or not, also makes people effective.

Justin Bieber ’s company has been operating for his first appearance. The time of the happy gathering is still poor, and the tricks are not as good as others, and they are slower than others. Fortunately, Chen Hao does n’t want this position. He is completely focused on his performance. .

Today's backstage rest area came to the stage. The security level has risen a few grades. The Grammy incident, no one wants to happen again. That time, although the big things have become smaller, the artists have also had a chance to talk. They helped Chen Hao, Aiwu, and Wu's enemies to die. They are all in the same status. If they encounter similar things in the future, they will be able to resist with strong strength and luck, if not resist? If you succeed, you will be easily turned into a small event, which feels uncomfortable for anyone.

The organizers of the Super Bowl midfield show also took extra care in this matter, and took very strict protection measures from the inside to the outside. When the audience entered the venue to watch the show, the security around the stage was also increased by one compared with previous years. generation.

Justin Bieber has already appeared on the stage. The performance of the two sides in the first half of today ’s game can be summarized in dull words. The victory and defeat are strong, and the excitement of the game is discounted. This has been almost the case in recent years, which indirectly derived the soil that is becoming more and more important in midfield performances. We need to use this performance to hook up everyone ’s excitement factor again and cheer for the arrival of the second half. Good traction.

Chen Hao prepared in the passageway, watching the stage in the center of the venue across a large number of security. He is still far away from there, and from the passageway to the stage, there is a five-person wide road separated by the security at the scene.

Finally, it was confirmed that the styling of his body was completely the dress of a member of the court. Such a set is not even light in weight, but here at Chen Hao, this weight is completely stress-free.

This set of equipment has been made overtime over the past few days. It is different from conventional equipment. To allow Chen Hao to quickly take it off while on the stage, some areas have been adjusted.

In order to show that he has no tendency to win or lose on both sides, he has no tendency to choose a retro style, and then no number is printed.

Justin Bieber has two songs. It ’s two songs. It ’s actually two and a half songs. For more than three minutes, you control how you arrange it. This time is yours. Can you perform it alone? The session was accepted and liked by the audience, and all fate is in your own hands.

The performance of the platter is low, and the audience will not pile up the expectations on one person, and they will not think that the level of the card is not enough to look at. It is not enough. In fact, Swift is enough, but it was only because of some commercial problems. I did n’t have the opportunity to board here, and my grades were a little worse this year, so I had a plan to perform on three topics with young singers.

With the end of Justin Bieber's music, the stage suddenly darkened, and he took the opportunity to come down at the same time, at the same time, the beam illuminated the entrance to the side of the field, and after a few seconds, a beam came on the stage. The beam that covers most of the stage brightly may be less than twenty seconds, and there are already some special props on it.

The re-arranged "rollinginthedeep" added faster and more surging DJ rhythms. At the same time, Chen Hao snapped his hat on. At the same time as the music and live drum beats, he rushed into the scene with accelerated speed. The faster you will have the power to smash everything crazy with this speed.

"So fast!"

If you do n’t reach the real block, this run will have no real meaning. It ’s a show wearing rugby equipment. With this speed, everyone has a subconscious idea. Which team is this team member? The speed is amazing. .

The beam of light chased Chen Hao. At this time, even if there was a fast-tracking shooting scene at the scene, there was no way to show everyone that the running man was the performing guest MOUSE at night.

Near the stage, Chen Hao stood in a heavy state and played parkour movements. The weight of this equipment did not affect him to complete various handsome and difficult movements. In order to cooperate with running, several movements reached the stage. Above, just now, the scene has been given irresistible screams and whistles, applause even sounded as Chen Hao slammed a thick wooden stake with his shoulder position, the wooden stake's The location of the landing is not precise, but the sound of a collision with the stage or grass after the landing of the stakes is transmitted. This technique is not difficult. I heard the sound throughout the audience. The transmission of sound gives everyone a sense of understanding that this wooden stake is not a plastic paste, but a large, synthetic wooden stake.

Two people spread their arms thick, close to a height of 180 cm. When they hit the scene during a live performance, the landing site was cheap, and the protective device on the stage was smashed, resulting in a harsh collision sound. After the audience frowned and covered their ears, all that remained was screams and applause.

Speed, response, power.

This interpretation is a little general, but it can also be regarded as a sense of enthusiasm presented at a certain level of American football. It is simply a matter of how to direct the audience to rely on tactical wisdom to play. American football will not have the status it is today. Visual perception is always the best weapon to challenge the nervousness of the audience.

That's enough. After adding half a minute before and after, Chen Hao successfully let the audience at the scene give him applause without any special courtesy.

When this applause rang, when the whistle was gathered by the young people, when the audience in the center of the venue started waving their hands and shouting, Chen Hao took off his hat and ripped his clothes, when his true appearance appeared In the close-up of the footage, the screams at the scene were even more violent.

At this moment, there is no music, only the rhythm of the drums. Chen Hao did not speak or sing. He pushed his wet hair backwards with his hands, and a little hair hardness caused the rise, which just contributed to the overall hairstyle. .

No one thinks that someone can do what MJ does at the moment ~ ~ It ’s been more than two minutes since the opening, and standing there to pose the POSS, so that the audience can boil it, it is personal charm and An expression of extreme influence.

That picture deeply affected Chen Hao. He didn't feel that he was qualified to try it now, but he learned one thing-on this stage, it is not necessary to sing and dance is the main theme, and it is not necessary to arrange singing and dancing. For example, too intensive ten minutes does not necessarily have the best results, and the slowing down does not necessarily mean 100% failure.

Chen Hao didn't show off, he just stood there, holding his hair, a bright smile at the camera, and then picked up the rugby that he had been holding in his arms from the ground just now. Everyone at the scene felt him When throwing it out or kicking it out as a gift for everyone, he tears his hands at both ends of the ball like a small food bag, and the ball opens, revealing a very delicate pocket guitar inside.

At the same time, the music sounded, and the new song was without a doubt. It was when the influence was greatest that he did not want to use the Super Bowl. He did not do it. "MYLOVE" is a more light-hearted genre. It was boring. The key was that the scene atmosphere was just brought up. In the sound of music, Chen Hao took the exquisite pocket guitar and jumped up and slammed down. This action came out, the stage cooperated perfectly, and sprayed around his body. A fierce dry ice aerosol was generated, and at the same time, the camera advanced, that is, one second to two middle shots of Chen Hao blurred. When the picture gradually became clear with the dry ice aerosol spreading, first all viewers were not eyes first. Seeing, but the ears hear first, the wild sound of guitar playing, so that hearing is accompanied by vision, seeing Chen Hao ’s pocket guitar on the stage into a real guitar, and he, with the most Top guitarist pose, wild playing ...

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