Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 872: Opening year plan

An artist who has been able to become a protagonist on these three stages is already very, very amazing.

At least one of the guests performing at the Super Bowl Midfielder.

At least one Grammy won an award for a singer.

At least one non-technical actor award at the Oscar.

In this way, it is worthy to have the identity of the protagonist on the stage.

Chen Hao had the opportunity to become the protagonist of the three stages in the same year. Grammy won the award and the Super Bowl performance was set. Now it ’s up to Oscar to get the best supporting actor. Created a little miracle belonging to the world of arts.

The reporter asked this question and it meant to praise. You Haozi could be nominated for the Best Supporting Actor in an Oscar and was a hit. It has made history.

"In addition to being grateful for the motivation that drives me, I can do better."

The live media exclaimed. This is big news. Chen Haojian refers to Oscar's best supporting actor and wants to stand alone on the stage of the Super Bowl midfield performance. In addition, how can he do better?

On this question, it was enough for everyone to write a lot of colorful articles. Chen Hao nodded and wanted to leave. One of the media responded quickly and asked a question. He also stood away from the interview area and answered this. problem.

"The Battle of the Sky has also invited you. Have you seen the script? Will you confirm that you will pick up the show?"

"I saw it, but I won't answer it. The reason is well known."

Chen Hao chose to take a shortcut directly to this question, which didn't bother to offend Paramount. Whether you offend people or not, if you think I offend, I have nothing to say. Already.

The truth is vertical and horizontal, it doesn't matter who the person is talking about, it's how the listener thinks.

I'm not the kind of person who laughs and picks up sugar-coated shells after being so dark.

The trophy was handed to Qiu Yu. Chen Hao did not leave the field and returned to his seat. He watched the entire award ceremony steadily and gave all singers respect, not asking them to know but satisfying the respect they wanted. .

What is the biggest highlight of Grammy this year?

Many people, including many media, spontaneously came up with such thoughts in their minds after the awards ceremony, and they always wanted to find a topic that could support the scene for this year's Grammy.

There is no doubt or suspense. Everyone's choice is a new song sung by Chen Hao in the opening performance. A song "mylyivew, I can hear the explosion, and Chen Hao's affectionate interpretation did not have any sound quality discount because it was at the scene With the response from the scene, it created a better atmosphere for the song and gave up the harmony. Chen Hao alone exemplified the song with step-by-step singing methods.

Grammy's end, the live video of this song began to be hot, in a short time, several large domestic and foreign, combined total of 500 million views, total comments reached 30 million, This number is not the end, it can only be the start.

"Myiuse's new song debuts in Grammy, shocking-Yan audience!"

Similar titles have become the label of this year's Grammy. It is not so important who wins the award. There are not many accidents. In the fair, all the winners should be awarded, and Chen Hao won. The best singer of the year, everyone also feels no surprise, this is a big hit, and it is well received.

Chen Hao promised all the fans that he would broadcast live to everyone for the first time after each event, so that friends can see themselves more.

The night Chen Hao got the Grammy, it was broadcast live in Lele. On the second day of the new year, the number reached 8 million. At the same time, one thing happened in Yangcheng. Lele Yangcheng headquarters, Lang Kuan represented Lele. Meet the young heir of the Joseph family, Carol Joseph, formally rejected the capital injection request of the world-class consortium.

Funding is only one of the conditions. The real Carroll is talking about leveraging his own influence in the world for many years to promote Lele's global development in the world, and spare no effort to promote it.

Regarding Lele's refusal, Carroll could only express regret, and said a word on the scene: "I'm really sorry, I hope you can convey to the general manager, I am not malicious, and there is no irreconcilable conflict with myiuse This is just a business. We can win-win business. I hope we do n’t bother to lose our chances. I am very optimistic about the influence of myiuse. Grammy will be a Super Bowl performance. I am looking forward to and trusting him. There will be great performances on it, let us wait and see. "


"People who hacked me, I said that there will be more explosive big news covering up your hacking topic." Mylyivew is not big news. Are you surprised? "

A new song appeared under overflowing expectations. Of course, it was a surprise, especially the quality of this song was not weaker than the previous song. In the live broadcast, Chen Hao also announced that at zero in the United States, the official version of this song The version will be fully logged in, and the mv version will be delayed.

Nowadays, even some foreign media are used to running to Lele's five squat guards, where they can often get some news about Chen Hao, a message he spit out casually, which may form a news, so that a considerable part of the media in The next day there will be no empty windows on the paper layout.

Many fans and media in the live studio are concerned about one issue. When Chen Hao's next Hollywood movie is finalized, everyone is looking forward to it. What is his new year's opening plan, I hope he can share with you.

"I think it's not too far away. There are a few scripts being talked about, and I personally have a lot of interest. Thankfully, someone finally asked me to shoot the male No. 1."

This sentence was put a year ago and said that a hundred people would feel that he was too arrogant and did not speak through the brain. Today, when a character like a clown comes out, he is indeed qualified to say this. When Supporting role, I have performed to the extreme, what else can you attract me, is there any role more crazy than the role of the clown?

In the face of media interviews, Chen Hao can hide, go, or not answer. At most, he is asked two questions. It is completely different between live broadcasts. Everyone will keep asking, but not curious just what the idol is doing next. There is no reason to administer field control to ban people ’s words.

The live broadcast has an incredible effect on honing the patience of an artist. When Chen Hao is sometimes irritated, he thinks that these people are sitting in front of himself and that he is on a stage. Below Hundreds of people are sitting in chairs listening to themselves. Why do people listen to you? The crowds below are very crowded. Why can you sit for just a few hours and listen to you?

Whenever he thinks of this, he will put away his irritability and have more heart.

"There is a TV series that is currently being talked about. There are obstacles that will not be resolved. Even if I like the script very much, I can only give up."

"There is also a movie that asked me to be the number one male. The script I have watched is very enjoyable. I also want to shoot it. I have good news to inform you as soon as possible. You do n’t want me to talk about it now. Did things come to light? "


The morning after Grammy ended, entertainment news all over the world was talking about Grammy last night, and they were talking about Chen Hao's new song. The studio version was released at zero. With Harmony, I feel more complete and sing The difficulty has also been reduced a lot. This is less than ten hours. There are many people who are covering this song, let alone Lele. Not to mention, from the zero time in the United States, all paid downloads, the fastest speed to learn Open a live broadcast and sing in your own live broadcast room. With this song, you can attract yourself a considerable amount of popularity.

Chen Hao once again received guests from Fox in the large living room of his suite.

"Mr. myiuse, if it is a matter of compensation, we can renegotiate."

Chen Hao shook his head with a smile: "My thoughts will only be signed for one season. If I have to think about it, I will choose to sign up for two seasons at most. If you are sincere, then modify some of the contents of the second season. This film is really not suitable for a big series. I am personally willing to reduce some of the film pay to show my sincerity. "

"Mr. myiuse, you should know that we are here because of your joining ~ ~ I am confident to make this drama into a big drama. You can see the two scripts, and we will be more exciting later, we can guarantee."

Chen Hao still shook his head and told himself in this matter that he must be willful. Even if he lost a good opportunity, it doesn't matter. Now he has the capital of lost opportunity, but if he is bound to a large-scale American drama, then It is irresponsible to oneself, the other party is not the first company to come and find their own drama series.

The identity of Asian yellow skin is destined that real movie majors will rarely find him to shoot the male number one. Despite the saying that the movie actor does not make TV shows, we can now give you male number one and tailor-made large-scale productions for you. In the United States The big production of a TV series is nothing worse than a movie. Are you still not satisfied?

"I feel that the content of the two episodes is already full, and I even think that the second one is just digging for treasure and running away without thinking about revenge. I feel that there are some deliberate arrangements for the plot behind. I'm sorry, I can sign the contract right away in one season. I need a revised script for two seasons. "

"Unfortunately, Mr. myiuse, we have a final discussion."

"Okay, please reply to me as soon as possible. I have already got the new movie script, male number one, which will give you ample production costs." Chen Hao took the script of this TV show away from his hand, and there is a script below, without the cover. Write the name, but everyone with a good eye knows that it is really a movie script.

After the guest left, Chen Hao first set the TV script aside and opened the movie script. The name was revealed. Whether to accept the film or not, he had not really made a decision yet.

"Perhaps I am too arrogant. I'm not interested in non-system production. No, this is an idea. Clowns are not the best example."

A TV series filmed in prison.

A Hollywood-style commercial blockbuster on the subject of love shootouts.

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