Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 852: Big deal, I shot it myself

At the beginning of the new year, the entire circle is in a state of volcanic eruption, and the presence is being brushed. The media is also the busiest during this period. Except for some high-level coffees who have achieved great achievements, they will do everything possible to brush the presence at this time. There is not much media to pick on weekdays. From Christmas to the Lunar New Year, there is a little bit of capital. At the same time, staff in other industries can be a little lazy to spend the Spring Festival. After the year-end summary, Lazy, the company boss will open one eye and close one eye. This media industry enters the busiest working state at this time.

Downstairs of Chen Hao's apartment, there are more than a dozen cars parked from all corners of the street on the outside. In the apartment park, they start to squat in various camouflages. In Yanjing, where almost all the stars gather, there will be Media reporters stay on guard all the year round, and the security layers of various high-end apartment residential areas are screened. The two sides are looking for ways to dismantle, and the only thing that can be done is to ensure that the apartment building cannot mix in the media.

Chen Hao and Dili Reba have never been able to cover up since the relationship was disclosed. They are generous and rarely go out to cover their whereabouts. At most, they wear a mask. There is no way, Yan Jing. The haze has almost destroyed the will of everyone to live here.

Early in the morning, the two walked out of the apartment, a white couple down jacket that did not hide their relationship, and a pair of short leather boots under their feet. They came out jokingly, and Qiu Yu and Xiao Di ’s assistants each carried one. Backpack, Kang Yan has driven the car, now when there are six more people traveling, without a big nail, you will choose an Elfa, for some occasions or airports and the like, a car with six people, no short distance pressure. The previous commercial nanny car was used by Xiaodi most of the time, and the clothes behind her were almost hers. It is really convenient. Changing clothes and makeup on the car can solve it. For female artists, this car is more useful than The male artist is much bigger.

In January, Yanjing felt a little dirty. The haze and rising global temperature reduced the snowfall in Yanjing in winter. This small amount of snow would make the streets dirty and the wheels rolled. Many people are unwilling to go out on foot. In addition, although this snow is small, but it comes from time to time, Yanjing has always been like this these days. Through the window of the car, the traffic is crowded and chaotic. The crowd rushed to work, all tired and dissatisfied, all disappeared, sitting in a car with the air-conditioning temperature just right, and not hurrying to the destination, Chen Hao was very satisfied, those who always regret and pity themselves as stars He is tempted by personal space, he would like to let him go and see "Party A and Party B" once directed by a small steel cannon, please be content, don't always get in your ordinary person's acquisition, always look at those who have paid for themselves, always It's a tragedy for those who pay.

Xiaodi took Chen Hao's mobile phone and updated his Weibo with a message. Like his own, he turned to the big power of last night and the old Liu's Weibo, accompanied by the heads of the two at this moment. Selfie, compared to the classic scissors, smiled and told the other party in this way, last night on the stage, but we won.

In the face of the black fan's doubts and the media's biased attention, the more you interpret it according to their meaning, the more they will interpret it as a cover up. It is better to follow your own heart. The reason I explain is not to those who oppose me. The people are for those who support me and let them see that we are really just kidding and don't need to bother with those black powder.

When the car was blocked on the road, Qiuyu and Xiaodi's assistant Ashun were even more busy than the star himself. They were basically answering the phone along the way, and they would ask Chen Hao or Xiaodi if they encountered very special things. Answer the phone.

Asun also came from Xiaodi's hometown, and she still had a little relationship with her. After following her for several years, she came out of Yang Mi's studio, and the girl was willing to endure hardships-and was dug out a little bit, followed by Qiu Yu I have learned a lot. Under the premise that the company is equipped with a broker, as an assistant who should only handle the chores of life, I also have some responsibilities. After a period of exercise, many things have been able to help Xiao Di to handle it. Let her have more rest time than normal work.

In the past few years, Xiaodi worked almost all year round, and she is working hard now. She has unconditional support for her choice. Everyone has the right to choose how to develop her career. As a boyfriend, You should n’t take the lead, just silently support it, and it ’s better not to point your finger at it.

With the support of the company, the growth of Ashun, and Xiaodi, who has the same work intensity, now has increased her rest time, and she will not be as busy from morning to night as before. Such a change is extremely happy for her, at least She will feel that she has time to fall in love.

Some happiness, you have to slowly realize from life, Chen Hao did not intentionally say that some kind of life is not good, nor did he mean to disparage anyone, but when he can get out of the car, he arrived at the door of Huayi's office building. Formerly, the soles of the shoes are not contaminated with snow, cement and water, which is a kind of happiness in itself.

Because of the struggle, you have a different life from others. This is not a premium life for a few people. Many young people who have struggled hard will not have such a life. They squeeze buses and subways and fast on the snow. Step forward, no one likes this way of going to work. It ’s fine in good weather. In order to avoid traffic jams, choosing a public transportation mode is a healthy concept. The snow on the ground is really melting, and the ground is wet with dirty muddy water. At this time, you can get on the car with a clean foot in the underground garage at home and drive all the way into the company's underground parking garage.

Get up early, buy a car, buy a car, maintain a car, congestion, fuel consumption and even a series of problems that may no longer be a problem in the face of neatness and safety. Chen Hao will look at the problem from a very ordinary point of view. There is a sense of happiness in it, and then there is a sense of awe and gratitude for the current state of existence. In terms of work, there is support for happiness, not tired or bored. The feeling to others is always vibrant, small Di was greatly influenced by him. He practiced dancing here every day a while ago. To be honest, there was a trace of resistance in the heart. Just because of repeated resistance, but with Chen Hao, he felt that he always had It is a breath that makes people feel full of happiness. When you go back and look at the same things that need to be repeated, you can find a little different feeling in it.

Entering Huayi's place, you can be more comfortable, no one will be blocked on the road to interview you, and no one will continue to take pictures with you with your mobile phone.

There are still more than 20 minutes until the appointed time. President Wang Lei, Zhong Lei, went out of the office to meet at the elevator. He invited Chen Hao to his office to drink tea and treat him. He could not treat him as an artist. Classmates have also been promoted.

"Today it was in the conference room, just in the small conference room outside my office. Director Feng came here, as if he was going to deal with something, and came over in a moment."

Once upon a time, Chen Hao still remembered that when Brother Tian borrowed a baby to shoot mv with himself when he was looking for a relationship, the distance from President Wang at that time was a greeting to the other person, and the other person was in a good mood, and nodded and encouraged two distance.

Today, everyone sits together, drinks tea and chats. The atmosphere we play is what we want to cooperate with, and what are the long-term plans for us to play together. You can get happiness in things like your feet are not sticking to the snow. At this time, the sense of happiness directly turns into a sense of accomplishment, allowing Chen Hao to struggle for his own work and the future, like charging, and full of energy. .

The small steel cannon had a bloodshot drill in his decadent eyes. After Chen Hao came, Xiao Wang ’s office was not closed, and the secretary was waiting outside. Several main actors and crew members came here. Come here first. Drinking tea, waiting for more people, let's go to the small conference room.

"Guide Feng, did you stay up all night yesterday?" Chen Hao teased the small steel cannon intentionally with a Beijing accent. He sat and nodded at Xiao Di, and Wang always poured him a cup of tea, and he drank it. And do: "You are asleep."

Because I am familiar, I have a familiar way to get along, this kind of response with a little bit of taste, only between acquaintances and friends, or just looking at the age, the small steel cannon would not make such a joke, otherwise It's embarrassing to be Xiaodi, not Chen Hao.

Xiao Di blushed and lowered his head, and Chen Hao said with a grin: "I'm busy too. The Lele on the side of Datang always called me over and over again. Director Huang also said that there was a problem with actor coordination. Everyone. The expectation is that the first season of the New Year will be online, and I don't want to fly past it ... "

I didn't finish the following words, the small steel cannon had taken out the posture of the wolf dog fangs: "Dare you? Let them stop for a while ~ ~ When we go out to Hainan for a few days, we will go two ahead of time God, I'll take a look with you. "

Of course, Xiao Gang Cannon is familiar with Chen Hao's routine. This guy deliberately holds it. The joke is a joke. The busyness is true, but he is not busy in "Datang." Where can there be experience in dealing with this kind of affairs in the era of happy gatherings, it can only fall on Huayi, which is in the honeymoon period now. Both Xiao Wang and Xiao Gang cannon know that Chen Hao's ignorant attitude has made some people in Hollywood very Dissatisfied, no actor in the world will refuse the call of a bigger stage but nest in his hometown. Chen Hao, who struggles in China, will be regarded by Hollywood as you look down on us.

The time for joking is over, the time to talk about the matter is not yet up, and drinking tea, the small steel cannon, as a good friend, forgets to be a big brother and asks about Hollywood.

Chen Hao held a tea cup and took a shallow sip: "I need good scripts and good characters. I ’m just an idol drama and a big series. I ’m not interested. It ’s okay to give me the male number one. You also know that big series, The best role for me can only be male number 2. In fact, I don't care about the role, or the script. I will go for the good script even if it is a low-cost literary film. I will also shoot the fun script even if it is a TV series, but it has not moved me yet. Instead of rejecting the script, it's better to leave it unattended, and it's better to have a bad feeling than to offend people specifically. "

"The influence of the role of the clown is at most the first half of this year, three or five months after Oscar."

"It doesn't matter, I have some ideas in my head now, I'm not mature enough, no one asked me to make a movie, it's a big deal for me to do it myself. What about the Hollywood process and how to find a production company? Go in. "


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