Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 726: Civilian star

It ’s the same for me, Ren Jun picking, come on, in front of so many people, I will not reject you.

However, Chen Hao is doing the same. When you have a 'weakness', you will no longer be invincible. With so many lenses, what have you done to me? Are you in love with Dili Reba now, dare you do anything excessive?

Chen Hao retired, admitting that he had softened at this moment. You are a great lady, I served it and begged for mercy.

Ke'er deliberately babbled: "It's a pity, our boss has persuaded him now. Forget it, my grown-ups don't care about him in large numbers. So, tomorrow, I will be the host to interview the anchor program ..."

Chen Haoshun responded, "I'm going. Is it OK if I go?"

The audience at the scene issued bursts of laughter, and the live interaction can make the audience interested, that is, successful interaction, there is no second standard.

This red carpet walked for another seven or eight minutes. Most of the photos were consumed by photography alone. Not only was the media satisfied, but many fans who had come in line early in the morning also took a lot of photos at close range.

The weather in Modu was quite cool, but when Chen Hao walked into the on-site passageway, he felt a slight sticky feeling on his body. When he walked into the passageway to face the central air-conditioning, he deliberately stopped for a few seconds, blowing more Blow the wind from the air-conditioning outlet.

At the beginning of the red carpet, the entire staff at the scene was busy. Everyone was afraid of any mistakes in their work. They all hurriedly rushed in the dressing room in the lounge, and there was no afternoon relaxation. It's all the same pace.

Chen Hao took a break, followed the instructions to enter the scene, and sat down in the first row belonging to him. At this time, most of the anchors and guests who had entered the scene were chatting with nearby people, and entered the final preparations. Time period.

All links are tightly connected. There have always been problems such as this in the past years. They have not appeared this year. Chen Hao looked for a while. The level here has not lost a large party, and everything is prepared in an extraordinary way. At the beginning, the live effects and other aspects are no longer simple and rude, no less inferior to David ’s awards or New Year ’s Eve, each anchor broadcasts one by one to receive awards and performances, there are enough people, and there are enough programs. Those who can perform a show alone are recognized by Lele as your big anchor with an average popularity of 100,000 people.

In this year's awards ceremony, in this way, an official definition was made for all anchors.

There are no more super frontline anchors, popular anchors, big anchors and so on. There are 100,000 people, 10,000 people. On these two bars, the average popularity after 10,000 is even a small and famous anchor. You can barely label yourself an internet celebrity; the anchor with more than 100,000 people, even the big one, can also be regarded as a real internet celebrity.

Go to the Magic City seven or eight days in advance. The official hotel will provide you with a long stay. The only thing is that everyone has a more complete rehearsal time. Repeated rehearsals to ensure that the performance tonight can reach a really high level.

All anchors have seen Chen Hao, knowing that the road to reality stars is not as narrow as before. There is already a successful person standing here. If we work hard, we can reach his height.

Many anchors are actually talented and graduated from professional colleges, and some of them have studied dance, eloquence, singing, etc. since childhood. If the supergirls and good voices of previous years were a civilian draft Stage, then the current webcaster's business is a more grounded civilian stage. There will even be a wider selection process, longer training and growth, and a good publicity channel. The threshold for various types of draft shows and network platforms is lower.

If Lele can get more promotion, it will be more people to come in.

In the past, some people said that the Internet was a bit vulgar and the overall standard was low. In the past two years, the intensity of remediation has become more and more powerful, and the power of restraint has also increased. Some vulgar things on the Internet have become less and less. The annual ceremony of the conference is coming. Taking this opportunity, Lele also made a big hit. This year's annual ceremony awards party chose to cooperate with Oriental Satellite TV for live broadcast and officially connect with audiences across the country through more formal channels. People who do not have Internet access can also have a way to watch the talent shows of the most popular civilian stars today.

Net red = civilian star.

Not using grass-roots stars to describe this group of anchors is also the cleverness of Lele. It is not cold for a day, and it is not a matter of overnight that you want to completely reverse the negative impressions of some audiences on online celebrities. Side to everyone.

Singing, dancing, dj, rap, shouting Mai ...

Even if everyone doesn't agree with Shout Mai, there are still quite a few people who are really excited to see those c come up on the stage of live performance. Of course, the official Lele is not stupid, knowing what kind of shout Mai Closer to reality, those big words of lip service are the most unsuitable at the moment, and it is mainly the sound, momentum, and mic words that stir up the audience ’s emotions. This is the only way to call mic is successful.

Due to the official investment of Lele, the major guilds also want to support the next level, and have all-round packaged for the anchor. This live broadcast feels on the TV, and it is no less than a hot and good voice. It ’s going to be worse. Even everyone has ample stage experience and fame experience, and the typhoon on the stage is more stable. This is also due to the increasing number of offline activities and performances of the anchor in the past two years. It ’s almost practiced, it ’s almost a bit, there will also be a steady typhoon on this stage, so the awards ceremony at halftime will be very different if compared with previous years.

Eastern Satellite TV ’s ratings have skyrocketed, and things that have been lost in the New Year ’s Eve, in this lunar month, have received a very explosive data ratings and attention.

Online live broadcast, Lele today will not give any video website opportunities, Lele official channel live broadcast, the popularity of the live broadcast room after the awards ceremony, once passed 7 million, this data is not too bad, Chen Hao has also done live broadcasts for more than 5 million people. An official event looks like only 7 million people, but do n’t forget. At this moment, TV is also broadcasting live.

There were less than 2,000 people at the scene, and the cheering and shouting created the feeling, just like the feeling of a 10,000 people stadium.

The performers are all crazy. The atmosphere at the scene is good. It is destined to increase the enthusiasm of the anchors. Although there are occasional small mistakes, these mistakes appear insignificant in the super hi atmosphere on the scene.

Dongfang Satellite TV regrets that this live broadcast has no advertisements. You can't shamelessly broadcast the live signal for live broadcast of advertisements. Temporarily cooperate with Lele. Lele has no advertising cooperation at the scene. It ’s just a wonderful show. After getting the ratings and share, Oriental TV ’s first reaction was that it did n’t make good use of this annual Lele annual festival to make money. It ’s natural to have this idea, and it was actually relieved immediately. It ’s so easy to have both fish and bear ’s paw. It ’s an unexpected joy to get a current share of close to 10. What we need to do now is not how much money we make now, but what we should pay attention to the Lele platform and the Internet. Video entertainment live.

Not only Oriental Satellite TV, but after seeing good results, visionary TV leaders think of one thing in a short period of time-long-term cooperation with Lele, a super girl with a good voice can feed a front-line satellite TV New Year's Eve party and guests of various variety shows, what about the future Lele? Tens of thousands of good anchors, one by one, will be enough to reduce the price of commercial performances in the entertainment industry a few times, but also make more people want to do a platter performance without much money but not Organizers intending to make a decent deal have more options.

In other words, I ’m going to a grass-roots star stage like Spring Festival Gala. It wo n’t be once a year, but 365 days. You can turn on your computer, mobile phone or TV anytime, anywhere. Dreaming ~ ~ is a breeze.

Two-thirds of the awards ceremony, Lele executives got the news, and also knew the success of this awards ceremony.

Lele is not stupid. Lele's Internet celebrities are not as well-known as those big stars, so in the awards section, they are as short as possible to intersperse between performances. All guests who need to speak on the stage need to make drafts in advance. Don't say anything when you are on stage. You can't make a fart with the three sticks on the belly, but you haven't spoken easily. The words are still nondescript.

The two-hour performance also came to an end. The award for the best male gold artist of the year was placed last. A deputy director of Oriental TV, a Lele boss and strategic partner, gave the award. Who is the award lineup? With the second and third place of Chen Hao's group, they knew it well.

"The winner of the 20xx Lele Best Male Artist of the Year is ... Haozi!"

The audience cheered and gave the warmest applause. Even under the leadership of the Happy Times and Haomen anchor, several leading anchors took the lead to stand up. In the soft seats for the anchor and guests in the first few rows, most people stood up and applauded. And then all of them.

This year's Lele has a clear stipulation that anyone who does not come can participate. Once you are here, no one is allowed to leave halfway. You must sit all the way to the end. Do n’t dare to give the camera more than half of the award ceremony. There are few people left.

In the last award, the guy with the biggest coffee finally landed on this stage. There was a beam of light hitting Chen Hao on the scene. There was a special camera to follow him. The two or three people who were able to join the stage with him completely reduced to the background. screen.

Maybe even the backdrop is n’t. The backdrop is occasionally seen by a few people. The two of them, too many people, simply ignore their existence.

The reason is that the man in front of them is too bright.

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