Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1000: Big plans, small times

A beautiful sunset, in a reinforced concrete city, in the heavily haze of Yanjing City, the rare sunset glow illuminates the earth, dissipates the heat of the day, and brings a touch of coolness under the night.

Chen Hao beach pants flip-flops with a large T-shirt, Xiao Di a comfortable dress-based dress at the foot of a pair of openwork carved cloth sandals, holding hands, bending in the garden in the neighborhood, met a greeting neighbor They will also respond enthusiastically. Because of its high-end prices and high property costs, high-end apartment residential communities cannot be said to have high quality of the overall resident population. It can only be said that there are many successful people in their respective fields. As successful people have their own Proud, when they see the big stars, they enjoy the equal status of waving and greeting, instead of watching the big stars as ordinary people.

"At this time, I was very comfortable. I finally know what it feels like to sleep lazily and not want to sleep. In the past few years, I never thought I would have a day to go to work? What I thought before was if I could take a good day or two of rest. How good it is. "Xiao Di leaned on Chen Hao's shoulders and enjoyed such tranquility. During this period, both of them were half-rested, satisfying her perfect life state beyond her fantasy of perfect love.

"By taking a good rest, you can work better. You haven't rested for several years before. The feeling of exhaustion will exhaust your creativity. You do n’t have enough thinking space to make great progress. Now you can start yourself. The journey of the past few months was years ago. "Chen Hao slumped a little, and Xiaodi also felt the change in his tone:" Are you going to start? "

"Well, by the way, I'll give you a script, you can play it, and see if your plastic sister flowers will be torn back in the end?"

The next second after he said this, he regretted it a bit, and after an hour, he completely regretted it. Three women played a drama. When his family was surrounded by women all at once, he simply said, no It's time to play, he couldn't escape cleanliness when he took out the script.

Chen Hao would like to say: "I have already found a good idea, why do I still need to draw a lottery, the script will be drawn, and it will be just handed over to the company. Why should I show it in front of my own woman? a bit."

A good sunset walk was over, and then a few phone calls from Xiao Di made their home lively after an hour.

Jiang Shuying and Zhou Dongyu, the spokespersons of the show ’s ‘finally broken plastic sister flower’, are in Yanjing, and they still have time when they receive a call from Xiaodi. These three are in a company, and the struggle of a sister is what everyone expects from the time they enter the company. As a result, it has developed into a sister flower. No one outside the world will believe it. Even the people inside the company think it is impossible and are waiting for something. One day because of something or some benefit, their plastic sister flowers were broken directly.

Actually, how did Chen Hao ask Xiaodi, she did n’t know exactly what everyone ’s mind was. Others did n’t know what she was thinking. She only knew that everyone did n’t harm others ’minds. Now she is a good partner and friend. As far as sister flowers are concerned, it is not plastic sister flowers.

Not only the two of them, but also Brother Tian. The company's development in the past two years has been good, but whether it is Zhou Dongyu or Jiang Shuying, or a new drama invested by the company, it has no strategic significance. It is only a company's normal development. jobs.

Only Chen Hao, what he brought out, was a 'heavy weapon' that could bring strategic development to the company, so when I heard that Chen Hao had come up with a new movie script and put down the entertainment, the first time Came to his house.

When he arrived, Chen Hao was besieged by three women. There was not only a play on the table, but also a draft. Xiao Di only thinks that he occasionally shoots a running man or a product that he has locked himself in the study. He has no doubt that he will have time to create during the holiday period.

Chen Hao sighed and showed a sad expression of a man to Brother Tian: "Brother, it's so hard to be a man, is it easy for me, they let me be the director, I ..."

Tian Ge interrupted him directly: "I think this is a good idea."

Chen Hao collapsed, rolled his eyes and lay on the sofa: "You guys are cruel enough, let me name the general producer."

Everyone still has something to say. If you can't help it, go to the script first.

Chen Hao took out a bottle of wine and poured a glass for everyone: "This idea is also when the company just signed them, and I thought that the women together would be a big show, very lively."

Brother Tian took the script and pronounced the name: "Little Age?"

The script Chen Hao made a few copies in advance, and they were watching at the same time. Zhou Dongyu: "Urban love drama?"

Xiaodi: "The roles of four important women?"

Jiang Shuying's eyes turned: "Love drama, then there must be at least three or four handsome characters?"

Brother Tian turned only a few pages, drank a sip of wine, raised his head and cast a cunning expression: "Hao Zi, who do you think is more suitable for this role? But I have something to tell you first. Our company is going to sign a few small fresh meats one after another, just for this show. Also, your plastic sisters may have to fight for another sister. Maybe they need more people? "

The three daughters of Xiaodi also raised their heads one after another. They didn't care about the newcomers who were behind. They were concerned about the first sentence of Tiange, how to assign roles, and the four best friends were also ranked second and third. This is the same as the original "Fanghua". If it is not divided well, then the direct plastic friendly relationship is broken.

Chen Hao actually wanted to lift his leg and walk into the room when Brother Tian spoke. At this moment, he could only say with a frown, "Oh, I'm just asking for trouble, why bother, play by myself, and find someone to play, all It ’s an opportunity for them to be grateful to Dade. It ’s a mistake to put them in the company. Say, brother, who are you signing for? ”

Brother Tian didn't hide it, and directly said the answer: "You are not unfamiliar, but I have to tell you first that the company is developing very fast. You also know the strategic plan for the second half of this year. At present, you also have There are at least two dramas. We will cast more dramas in the future, we will conduct more extensive cooperation, and we will have more resources. Of course, his side is not counted. "

"It is Gulin Nazha, which has expired. Haozi and Xiaojiang are familiar to you."

No wonder Tian Brother has to explain it. Chen Hao took a look at the expressions of the three women and said that it was too fake to fully welcome it. The competition of the big beauties in the circle is the fiercest now. The only young actresses in the new generation are these. It is impossible to let go by several big companies such as Huayi. The most successful way to set up a studio by yourself is not to sign a contract. Nowadays, I can still **** a female artist's agency contract. It must have paid a considerable price to **** Naza.

It ’s understandable that everyone is understandable. There is no way to have such a powerful Chen Hao. In addition to signing old drama bones, you will not talk to your company at that time or become famous little meat. Resources If you ca n’t get the best in terms of who is going to talk to you, you do n’t have to lie on the side of the happy times. The most important and best resource belongs to Chen Hao.

Cultivating new stars, signing old drama bones, and competing for good middle-aged actors. This has always been the strategic policy of the era of reunion. Suddenly, he signed a Gulinazza. No one from Xiaodi would say madly that he is not in business, especially It ’s Xiaodi, these two exotic beauties. They were born in the same year and graduated from two major art colleges respectively. The road to art is also slightly the same. They have been compared almost from the beginning. Becoming a colleague in a company, how to get along with each other, the three women are not sure, but they are a little curious, what did the boss put out to pull others over, be yourself, what does it look like? What are the conditions to sign a contract to gather together?

Robbing of resources, overlapping positions, the biggest competitor is Chen Hao's fiancee. You have to say that it is Chen Hao's talent that comes. UU reading book is the best and best role of others. It must be left to the fiancee. Yes, isn't it here that you are the model of male artists resisting the era of gathering together? It is almost impossible to compete for the best role.

Chen Hao was right. He needed to change the weird atmosphere at the moment. He saw the look of Tian Ge asking for help. It is more appropriate today to say than other occasions. Now, the artist and the company are basically a cooperative relationship. Everyone There is no subordination. Even the boss, the front-line artist of the company, and the interests of the other party need to be communicated and discussed in advance.

After clearing his throat, Chen Hao first tossed out the script of "Little Time": "This movie is set aside, and it is shot anytime, anywhere. It is only a trendy movie. You should find a favorite character or challenge a different style. That ’s it, Xiao Donggua. Do you want to challenge Tang like this character? It ’s difficult for you to build muscles, but I think it ’s very difficult for a professional athlete with a small body and strong power and a young girl ’s heart. ”

Zhou Dongyu nodded. She was influenced by Chen Hao's attitude. This film is not a big strategic plan. I have something to say now.

"Well, that ’s it. I ’m going to shoot a TV series with a big theme of our Eastern culture. The target audience is the world ’s audience. It will be modeled on the production model of American dramas. At present, I think I can expand. Once we play, we are the main body, big brother, we have to prepare the money. This time we have to shoot well. In addition to the special effects that cost a lot of money, I also need to build a big reality scene to shoot. The original budget was two million dollars a season, thirteen. set."

After finishing the work, everyone ’s attention is not in “Small Times”, but in the new big plan of Chen Hao, 200 million US dollars to make 13 episodes of TV series. In Huaxia, no one dare to play, He is the first person.

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