Great Nobleman

Chapter 798 The idea of ​​a decisive battle!

Follow the old gentleman's gaze and look over.

I saw many people gathering in that direction, and many others approached curiously.

Seeing this situation, Brand, the dean and others looked at each other.

They quickly joined the curious ranks.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the center of this area.

A young-looking bright blue figure in formal attire was standing in front of a map and talking about something.

Because of the distance, they couldn't hear clearly.

The staff in the conference hall are marking the map according to the gentleman's ideas.

After looking at the map carefully, Brand discovered that it was a map from the north of the empire to the coast of the Endless Sea.

The highest tide line is clearly marked.

The current winding defense line of the Northern Expeditionary Alliance is also on it.

The Eastern Allied Forces are close to the highest tidal line of the Endless Sea, which was the original end point.

The Western Allied Forces advance was just over halfway.

The progress of the central coalition forces is the most lagging behind.

In addition to these contents, there is also a marching arrow specially marked in bright red color.

——Starting from the main station of the Eastern Alliance Army to the Endless Sea in the far north.

He was in a daze.

There was a word that reached his ears clearly across the distance:

--"decisive battle"!

When I heard this word, I didn't know exactly what the gentleman was talking about.

But Brand suddenly became very interested.

At this time, the dean on the side said:

"Reynard Guest, the eldest son of the previous Viscount Guest.

Last week, he was officially succeeded as Viscount Gerst. "

Hear the surname "Gest".

Brand quickly recalled that this was a feudal viscount family in the western part of the empire.

Somewhat similar to the Mesa family, it is a family that exploits the power of the legions.

In addition, they also run a business with war horses.

Look at the young appearance of Leonard Guest.

Combined with the words of the dean, Brand quickly realized something.

The dean of the college also further explained:

“Last week, I went to the palace to attend this gentleman’s title succession ceremony.

Because the previous Viscount Gerst died in the central battlefield.

So this Mr. Renard became the new Viscount Guest.

Since His Majesty the Emperor had no time to be distracted on the battlefield, the ceremony was presided over by the eldest prince.

Now it seems that the relationship between this gentleman and the eldest prince should be quite good. "

Hearing this, Brand's eyes turned to a gentle man standing next to the map.

——Patrick Fuentes, the eldest prince of the empire and heir to the throne.

Because he was not familiar with it, after a casual glance, Brand returned his attention to Viscount Gerst and the map.

When Brand was about to get closer and listen.

It seems because the story has been told.

Viscount Gerst stopped talking, left the map, and joined the eldest prince.

At the same time, many people came over to talk to him.

The crowd gathered here did not disperse, but talked in groups about everything Viscount Gerst had said before.

Brand also knew the thoughts of Viscount Gerst:

Abandon the remaining combat plans of the western and central coalition forces.

Gather all supplies and troops on the Eastern Allied Forces, which is making the fastest progress.

Then they marched north towards the Endless Sea, forcing the orcs to fight them!

"Actually, I have also thought about ways to gather troops.

According to the original war plan, we would occupy all areas north of the empire's border and south of the highest tidal line.

If we abandon the remaining combat plans of the western and central coalition forces and concentrate all our forces on the eastern theater.

We do have a chance to fight all the way to the Endless Sea.

The supply line will certainly be very long, but because it is backed by snowy mountains, we only need to defend one direction.

This is obviously acceptable.

Of course, you can think of many issues that need to be considered in this plan! "


Transferring supplies from the other two theaters to the east is a time-consuming matter.

Once we decide, we probably won’t have much way to go back!

In addition, once our troops gather towards the eastern theater, the orcs will obviously not sit idly by!

At that time, it will really be a decisive battle!

The losses on both sides will never be as mild as they are now! "

"And the most important thing:

We must consider the magical tides of the endless sea.

Once nothing can be done, the orcs may give up resisting the tide!

When the magic tide comes, our army will be in danger of being destroyed! "

"I don't think the orcs would want to die with us!

As long as the gray fog of war is resolved, the war array can be used to lock the movements of the orc army at all times.

And don't drive out all the orcs.

We can take this risk! "

“Of course the risk is not unbearable!

But how do you know the orcs want to die together?

What if someone has a way to protect their own army? "

Listen to everyone's conversation.

Brand's mood gradually fluctuated.

In his opinion, there are still many problems with this plan.

But it is also much more reliable than the previous [Ultra-Long Range Strike Plan] and [Advanced Soldier Plan]!

Just when I heard it.

In another part of the conference hall, someone also asked the staff to put out maps and start talking.

This time, because he discovered it early, Brand got closer.

Only Sanders Daher, Director of the Ordnance Department, was seen commanding the staff.

In the upper right corner of the map, the location on the easternmost side of the northern empire [Endless Sea Coast], bordering the snowy mountains, is the starting point.

A red diagonal line was drawn toward the southwest.

The end point of this diagonal line is a point in the northwest direction of the empire, the [highest tidal line of the Endless Sea]!

Seeing this slash, Brand immediately felt that it should have some very important significance!

While he was thinking about it, Sanders directly answered his question:

"Based on my judgment.

If a 'wall' were to be used to block the rising tide of the Endless Sea.

This red line is the simplest way to build that 'wall'! "

After leaving everyone some time to think.

Sanders pointed to the current progress of the three major coalition forces below, and then pointed out a fact:

"As you can see, the ones closest to this wall are actually the Western Alliance Army!

And it just so happens that the current orcs have invested the most troops in the western battlefield! "

Hearing this, Brand couldn't help but feel enlightened.

——The actions of the orcs some time ago suddenly became reasonable!

Just then, someone said:

"This is indeed the simplest way to build a wall, but in order to ensure that the wall is safer, is it possible for the orcs to build an upward curved arc?"

As soon as he finished speaking, someone shook his head and said:

“There is no point in arguing about this issue as long as we deal with the fog of war.

Everything will appear before our eyes. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Sanders suddenly shook his head and said:

"I thought of a possibility before!

What if we can’t solve the fog of war?

For example, the orcs have established a new war fog production place elsewhere? "

As soon as these words came out, the scene fell silent.

——This is not impossible!

Then, just listen to Sanders continue:

“Next, we want to continue trying to reach the endless sea.

Concentrating your forces and fighting the orcs is the best option.

But specifically, choose the eastern theater or the western theater.

I'm afraid we have to think carefully and not make a decision in a hurry! "

Thanks to book friend 20200718155550089 for your monthly ticket

Thanks to the book friend "Xinzhichan" for your monthly ticket

Thanks to the book friend "Swallowing the Sea of ​​Stars" for your monthly ticket

Thank you to the book friend "Ordinary Trail" for your monthly ticket

Thanks to the "zeroth spectator" who lost to Europe for his monthly ticket

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