Great Nobleman

Chapter 1176 [Maybe]! [By the way]!

A week later.

Leaving the castle for the first time in a long time, we came to the dock of the port.

Watching many warriors boarding the elves' warships.

After bidding farewell to the elders and others, he watched the ship slowly leave.

Brand lamented:

"In a few months or even half a year, there may be no need for warships to escort us, and everyone will be able to cross the sea route and go to and from the Elf Forest.

By then, this sea route should also be officially open to the public. In addition to businessmen, adventurers and tourists should also join in. "

Chrissy said:

“The prosperity of this route is obvious, but if we want to gain more from it, we need more ships.

Although the craftsmen at Chenhua Port Shipyard are working hard to build ships, the speed is still a bit slow, and the performance of the built ships is not ideal.

Although compared to other ports in the empire, we are already relatively fast.

But in the future, many chambers of commerce in the Elf Forest will also become our competitors to a certain extent.

So the Lord needs to think of a way to deal with this matter.

In addition to high-end warships, we actually need a large number of commercial ships.

The more the better, and we may also be able to try selling or leasing them at that time. "

After glancing at Chris who seemed to be testing and indicating something.

Brand spread his hands and said:

"I don't have any good ideas, just take it one step at a time.

And isn’t it your job to develop territory business? I only care about the military.

Are you looking for my help? "

Hearing this, Chris said helplessly:

“Then, Lord Lord, can you help your most loyal consul a little?

By then I will definitely produce results that satisfy the lord. "

Brand shrugged and said:

"What can I do? I have never built a ship, and I don't know any good shipbuilders.

If you are short of money, you can come to me. "

After telling this fact.

When Kris was doubting whether there was something wrong with her previous judgment.

Brand suddenly changed the subject and said:

"You can recruit a group of craftsmen for me as soon as possible. They don't need to be highly skilled.

Be smart, obedient, agile, good at learning, and then sign a strict confidentiality contract.

Then find me a larger place on the beach and let them wait there. I have something to ask them to help me with, and I can also transport some shipbuilding materials there.

If you're lucky, I might be able to help you alleviate the problem of ship shortage. "

With that said, Brand walked leisurely towards the castle, leaving Chris with a frown on her face.

——For almost the first time since childhood, Chris found that she couldn’t understand something.

She originally thought that Brand might have recently discussed shipbuilding with top craftsmen from other places through some methods.

The ship model on Crescent Lake may be the model brought out by the other party.

But now it seems that maybe that's not the case?

At the same time, Frost Star in the simulated world.

Brand came to a huge harbor dock.

The warehouses inside the shipyard are neatly placed with [No. 1] from the very beginning.

The latest one so far, [No. 35] integrates many design advantages of small sea-going ships.

Different from the models on Crescent Lake, the ships here are created according to the size of real ships.

The smallest one is more than eighty meters long and more than ten meters wide.

Of course, they currently only have a main frame of the ship created in a fantasy, and the various parts have not been created and assembled.

It is not like the ship model in Crescent Lake. Various extraordinary materials have been further used in various parts for subsequent processing, and a basic power system has even been installed.

According to the trial data, as early as around the 20th, the theoretical performance of these ships had reached the prototype level of the Silver Phoenix.

If it can be built strictly according to the design plan, judging from the theoretical data.

[No. 32] has already reached the level of a war-class small sea-going ship prototype.

The latest [No. 35] has completely surpassed the threshold.

And this is not the end. Brand actually feels that there is room for further improvement and optimization.

He has not yet finished studying the various shipbuilding information that Veriana gave him.

In the next trade, the other party will probably send more!

So Brand was originally planning to keep improving and optimizing until one day he encountered a bottleneck, and then he would consider actual shipbuilding.

However, Chris requested this.

Brand suddenly felt that he might be able to try to build some real ships based on his existing experience.

——The failed products may be used for Chrissy’s business!

In this way, it shouldn't be too wasteful.

After some thinking, Brand came directly to the ship [No. 35], followed the gangway into the hull, and looked around.

During this process, a book recording the detailed structure of the main body of the ship was constantly materialized in Brand's hands.

He couldn't directly manifest such a big ship now.

However, the dream materialized ship is integrated into one body, and dismantling the materialized ship may not necessarily lead to smooth reorganization outside.

So the best way is to have someone build an identical main frame directly outside to lay the foundation for subsequent processing and actual testing!

In Brand's opinion, this shouldn't be difficult for the craftsmen of the Farns Continent.

If it doesn't work, he can also send members of the library to use "absolute power" to assist!


Three days later, Chris found Brand.

The two took a carriage to Dawn Flower Harbor together.

On the way, Chris said:

"There are many large warehouses next to the dock of Dawn Flower Harbor.

If you need any tools, you can go to the dock next to it to borrow them.

Those places should be able to meet the needs of the lord.

As for the craftsmen, I also recruited many according to the types of craftsmen in the dock.

Many of them came from the former Kingdom of Mosal.

In addition, I also asked people to prepare various shipbuilding-related materials.

Lord, do you think there is anything else you need."

Hearing this, Brand said leisurely:

"I don't need anything. You can consider it when the time comes to see what the craftsmen need."

Seeing Brand say this, Chris looked very puzzled.

Soon, the two arrived at the warehouse next to the dock and met with the craftsmen.

After some inquiries and discussions.

Brand left a [building plan] and then left the warehouse with Chris, who looked confused.

Starting from the next day, several members of the library were sent to use the [wind element magic field] to assist.

Ten days later, when Brand and Chris came to this warehouse again.

The main frame of the [No. 35] ship, which was exactly the same as the simulated world and the Frost Star dock warehouse, was displayed in the center of the warehouse.

Seeing this thing, after careful observation, Chris gradually hesitated and said:

"Lord, are you sure you want to help build a civilian ship, not an oversized ship toy?"

Hearing this, Brand was a little surprised and said:

"When did I say I would help build a ship?

I just said 'maybe' I can 'by the way' help you solve the problem of lack of civilian ships."

As soon as these words came out, Chris stood there with her red lips slightly open!

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