Great Nobleman

Chapter 1154 No one answered!

Simulated world, Frost.

Unlike the aquamarine planet on the other side of the third planet orbiting the sun, where all species thrive.

Since a few years ago, Frost has entered a stage of mass extinction after creating ice and freezing the entire surface of the planet in order to test the [Sacrificial Ceremony].

——Various plants have died on a large scale!

At this point in time, due to the long-term exposure to sunlight.

The ice on the surface of Frost has melted on a large scale, the temperature has risen, the sea level has also risen, and the land has been flooded on a large scale.

Because Brand didn't know how to deal with the aftermath of this planet, he temporarily left it aside.

As for today.

Although because the risks are unclear and the various things in the "imaginary world" of the simulated world are yet to be explored, his sister Celine forbade him to do things like [Sacrificial Ceremony] that are uncertain in risk.

But Brand has been a little bored recently.

After studying [Secret Method of Forging Weapons] for so many days, the excitement has passed, and the finished products are piled up at the feet of Ms. Fanhua.

Although there are many species on the Blue Water Planet, it is a bit aesthetically tiring to look at them every day.

As for reading and studying, Brand didn't want to work so hard.

After thinking about it, it seems that the only thing he can do is to do the [Sacrificial Ceremony] again to see if he can find some fun.

Thinking about it carefully, he didn't encounter any uncontrollable danger last time.

What if Mr. Canderus responds to his sacrifice again after a few years, then wouldn't he have a chance to make a fortune?

——Nothing else is needed, just give him more [Black Dragon Scales]!

Thinking of this, he came to a field on Frost Star, took out the "Instruction Manual" of the [Sacrificial Ceremony] and flipped through it for a while.

With a wave of his hand, Brand quickly completed the array of the sacrificial ceremony.

Then, according to the last successful case, put the same materials in the designated position.

"Cold metal, ashes of fresh grass, hot lava, charred wood struck by lightning..."

"And then there are all kinds of materials from the black-armored rhinoceros, and finally the magic core of the black-armored rhinoceros!"

Everything was ready, and finally the magic core of the black-armored rhinoceros was placed in the center of the sacrificial array.

Brand also pulled up the hood of his flannel coat, put on a wind-proof mask, and waited patiently.


At this time, it was still a huge cave in the vast black lava land.

A huge black dragon that was enjoying dessert suddenly stopped chewing.

The originally leisurely posture gradually became serious!

It left the cave all the way and looked up at the gray foggy sky of this black lava land.

In its unique "horizon", the huge chains that blocked the space were now trembling slightly!

After careful perception, the pupils of the black dragon shrank!

——After several years!

——【The Evil God of Metal and Frost】, now begins to extend its tentacles again, trying to get its hands on this not-so-beautiful continent!

He looked around anxiously, and finally found that the seal he set was not missing or broken.

The black dragon was also a little relieved.

It comforted itself:

“Maybe this is just a random test by the evil god, not a way to break the seal!”

After a long time, the chain stopped trembling, and the evil god’s call stopped.

This further confirmed Canderus’s guess!

After waiting for a while without seeing any more changes, the relieved black dragon grabbed a handful of black armored rhinoceros and prepared to take it back to the nest for a snack.

At the same time, Brand.

Watching the various materials being consumed bit by bit, the sacrificial ritual array in front of him did not show any special reaction.

Brand was also a little disappointed.

Of course, because all this was expected, he did not worry too much.

After he materialized a chair and sat down, he took out the booklet of the Sacrifice Ceremony and began to read it carefully.

Because with the help of the teleportation array, he can now send things from the outside world to the simulated world, and he has no shortage of various magic materials.

So next, Brand is going to try to modify the existing Sacrifice Ceremony to a certain extent to see if he can get some special gains.

While thinking, Brand waved his hand again.

As a gust of wind blew, the various material residues on the sacrificial ritual array were cleared away.

Looking at the ritual array in front of him, Brand thought:

"First, maybe we can try to change the type of materials, such as changing the various biological materials on the black armored rhinoceros to other magical beasts."

After taking out a small notebook and writing down the experimental process to be carried out next.

Brand took out new materials from his magic pocket and placed them on the ritual platform, starting a new round of experiments.

Soon, as the Sacrifice Ceremony was running again.

Far away from the black dragon's lair, there was a burial ground that had been deserted for a long time.

The call of the [Sacrificial Ceremony] was rhythmic.

However, there was nothing around except some ordinary creatures.

So no one could respond to the call of the [Sacrificial Ceremony].

After a while, looking at the exhausted materials and the ritual array that still had no response.

Brand drew a cross behind the experimental process.

Then, he thought about it and began to write the third experiment.

After a while, the call of the [Sacrificial Ceremony] came to an underground mine that had been abandoned for a long time.

Several weak little skeletons were unaware of the sudden call!


When you focus on doing something, time still passes quickly.

In the blink of an eye, a whole day passed.

At night, looking at Brand's thoughtful look, Catherine asked curiously in a gentle voice:

"Master, have you encountered any difficulties?"

Hearing this, Brand gradually came back to his senses.

Reaching out to embrace Catherine, Brand stroked her wings and explained:

"I studied a special thing in the simulation world today.

A lot of materials were wasted, but there is no gain for the time being.

I was just thinking about the next experimental direction.

By the way, how is your research going?"

Catherine responded:

"I have basically studied the inheritance of [Heaven's Afterglow] thoroughly.

But it will take some time to blend it into the knight's inheritance.

In addition, my wings are always different from the flesh and blood wings of angels. It is a kind of living The materialized existence of life energy.

It has some similarities with the elemental body of Little Kaiya.

So the inheritance of the angels is not completely applicable to me, and it needs a certain degree of transformation.

Next, I plan to talk to Little Kaiya to see if I can gain anything. "

After hearing this, after thinking for a moment, Brand said:

"If it is the knowledge of using life energy, you can also ask Haidilin.

The elves are deeply involved in this field.

The inheritance of natural mages and druids involves relevant knowledge.

In addition..."

-There are also undead!

Recalling the inheritance of the necromancers in the simulated world, Brand said again:

"I also collected some research materials on life energy in the simulated world. I will sort them out and give them to you tomorrow."

Catherine leaned on Brand's shoulder and whispered:

"Is it the inheritance of the undead?"

Brand nodded and said:

"A few years ago, didn't we catch a group of undead in the black market in the southern border of the empire? The information in my hand comes from them.

Because it is a little sensitive, remember to destroy it after reading it and don't keep a backup."

Catherine nodded and said:

"Got it, I listen to the young master."

While talking, Celine, who had just taken a shower and was covered in steam, came to the bedroom in a bathrobe.

After closing the door skillfully and activating the isolation array.

Celeen smiled and lifted her purple long hair, throwing a wink at Brand.

The atmosphere in the bedroom suddenly became a little ambiguous...

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