Great Husband of the Northern Song Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1360: Then go and smash his house

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A cry came from the room. The fruit outside sat on the stone bench, holding his cheeks in both hands, and said sadly, "Madou loves to cry!"

Taro sat on the edge, nodding bitterly.

Just now he went in to tease his brother, and he cried.

Mao Dou had to stop crying when she cried, and she had to cry in shock.

Just now, Taro coaxed his younger brother, and was slapped by Yang Zhuoxue. Fortunately, he was coaxed by Guoguo.

Zhao Wuwu looked at the aunts and nephews and shook his head.

"How do you feel that there is something missing in this house?"

She felt that the backyard of the Shen family seemed to be lonely.

Aunt Chen smiled and said: "It is the absence of the head of the family, the head of the family, without the owner, this family will have no soul."

Zhao Wuwu thought for a while, "But Lang Jun doesn't know when to come back?"

"Autumn breeze rises, big geese fly south, almost."

Aunt Chen was quite sure that Shen An would come back before winter. "The letter was sent every three weeks, showing that Lang Jun is thinking about his home."

She spoke for a while, then went to the front yard.

In the front yard, Yang's male servant Zhao Shun was talking honestly with Zhuang, looking sad.

"what happened?"

Zhao Shun came, most probably something happened.

Zhao Shun said: "Lang Jun fell ill. Someone came to see if she could ask her to hire a doctor."

Zhuang honestly said: "You can talk to your lady about this matter. Look at Lang Jun's friendship."

Aunt Chen went in again and said the matter. Yang Zhuoxue, who was holding Maodou, immediately commanded: "The official knows the imperial doctor and also has friendship, but that is not suitable ... Let the housekeeper go to the imperial city and pass the message to the king Things said. "

Aunt Chen went, and Yang Zhuoxue was restlessly waiting for the news.

Zhuang honestly came back later, saying that the doctor had already gone.

"That's fine."

Yang Zhuo Xuesong breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the edamame sleeping in his arms, and said: "It's a debt collector!"

Aunt Chen smiled and said, "Most children are debt collectors. Who said this, but it was good? Look at my governor, he was stupid from childhood, and finally Lang Jun gave the opportunity to study, and he did not hesitate. Yes, I will give the little girl Xiaolangjun a hurry after saying something. "

What Zhou Dudu will do in the Shen family is the world servant.

Once this kind of relationship between master and servant with employment ascends to the height of world servant, then the status will naturally be different.

Later, Aunt Chen returned to her home in the front yard and saw that she was lying on the bed on Tuesday, tilting Erlang's legs, and she didn't know what to hum, she slapped him in the past.

"Hey!" She was shocked by her on Tuesday and opened her eyes. "Just come back with two plums to buy vegetables, don't make trouble."

Aunt Chen sat by the bed and said startled, "I just tried it with my lady, and said that our family governor would rush to the house in the future. The lady did not say whether it was good or bad ... I was worried that the mother would not be governed in the future ..."

On Tuesday, he said angrily: "How old is Du Du now? Where can he work? Besides, Lang Jun let him study, maybe he wants to cultivate him! Don't you want the Du Du exam to be a jinshi or something in the future? By then, you too There can be a reward ... "


Aunt Chen pouted him and said, "Then Jinshi is good? You haven't seen Wang Langjun even take the exam! That's a clever person. He's not sure. How can our family have a chance?"

She leaned over on Tuesday and stretched her arms around her waist. Aunt Chen twisted, and then said quietly: "This mother, thinking of the child is good, and there is no way to think. I wish I could arrange him for a lifetime. , So dare to close your eyes and enter the coffin ... "

"What are you panicking for?"

Tuesday ’s hand groped in, and then said comfortably: “Lang Jun is here! You did n’t pay attention, Lang Jun often stood on the steps to watch our governors scatter, what is this? This is pondering the governor ’s temper ... Does the arrangement have to be well-founded or not? "

Aunt Chen rejoiced when she heard it, "Really?"

Laughed on Tuesday: "Don't believe in others, don't you believe Lang Jun?"

"Believe, why don't you believe it?" Aunt Chen pulled out his sloppy hand and said, "Lang Junwen and Wushuang Quan will start to be prime ministers in the future. Who doesn't believe him?

On Tuesday, he also wanted to reach in and was slapped hard by Aunt Chen, and jumped up in pain.


Someone was patting the door outside.

Under normal circumstances, even if noble guests come, they will not shoot the door, which is very rude.

So on Tuesday, the subconscious rushed out.

"Who dares to come to trouble and kill him!"

He rushed out, and Yao Lian Chen Luo also came out.

Zhuang honestly coughed, "Open the door."

He carried an axe in his hand, Yao Lian held Qi Mei stick in his hand, Chen Luo held his short blade behind him, and then went to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, Zhao Shun was sweating.

"Not good ... Lang Jun is not good."

Zhuang honestly changed his face and said, "Aunt Chen quickly went inside to tell the lady that Yao Lian quickly went to see the king ..."

"Let the lady stabilize!"

When the news reached the backyard, Yang Zhuoxue froze for a moment, then slowly said: "Let the housekeeper look at the house, Guoguo ..."

Guoguo came, Yang Zhuoxue said: "You are too old, the sister-in-law went back to her family, you are at home ..."

She pressed Guoguo's shoulders, "You are sitting at home, but if you have anything, you just push it."

"Good." Guoguo nodded firmly.

The sister-in-law wants to go back to her mother's house to see her father.

Sitting in town is just a statement, in fact, let her rest at home.

Taro will cry and ca n’t stay, let alone Maodou, once Yang Zhuoxue is gone, there will be no end to crying after a while.

Therefore, the mother's strength in many cases is forced out.

Yang Zhuoxue took two children and followed Zhao Wuwu and Chen Luo to the Yang family.

"The little lady is back." A Qing greeted Yang Zhuoxue with joy.

This long-lost title made Yang Zhuoxue somewhat sad, and she went all the way to the backyard.

The doctor was sitting in front of the case with a pen in hand and paper on the case, but he couldn't write the pen.

Is it in trouble?

Yang Zhuoxue's blessing is near, "Dare to ask Mr., is your father all right?"

The doctor looked up, and when she saw her, she sighed, "This old man is hesitant."

This is because there is no way to determine the cause of the disease, and therefore no medication.

"Thank you."

Yang Zhuoxue said: "Although my peer is an enemy, my father's affairs have left me with six gods and no master. Later, a doctor will come and I will ask Mr. Haihan."

She said she was blessed again.

You ask a doctor to see a doctor, and then another one, that is offending.

Does the previous one think you look down on me?

The next opportunity to hit your face came ...

So Yang Zhuoxue put the words in front, just want to avoid this situation.

——If you feel wronged, you can avoid it first, and we should n’t have it.

This is a time when human lives are at stake, and she can't take care of much.

And this kind of treatment is open, but the doctor is not uncomfortable.

Then Yang Zhuoxue entered the bedroom.

Yang Jinian was lying in bed, looking at his face red, breathing babble ...

"Mother, what's wrong with Dad?"

Li turned back and said solemnly: "Your father said that his stomach was uncomfortable the other day, he had a fever after a day, and now he is unconscious ..."

Yang Zhuoxue glanced up recently and frowned, "The official is not here, but there will be a royal doctor later."

"Yes!" Li's also sad.

The son-in-law claims to be the only descendant of the monk of the mountain, if he is there, there must be a way.

"Isn't the royal doctor just outside? How come there?" Li's puzzled.

Yang Zhuoxue said: "This doctor is probably not good at this ..."

"Will the doctor in the palace let your family dispatch?" Li's thought this was inappropriate and a little flustered.

"Miss you rest assured." Yang Zhuoxue comforted: "Officials have a lot of credit in hand."

Li's subconsciously said: "Isn't that the leg?"

After the mother and daughter looked at each other, they couldn't help laughing.

"Madam, a doctor is here."

Five doctors came later.

The Li family could n’t help but be flattered, “The King is so cherished, and the Yang family is grateful.”

The head doctor said: "The official family learned that Shen Jungong worked for the country in the northwest. There was something wrong in the family. The palace naturally couldn't just stand by and let me wait for the treatment, and go back and get something.

Some people said that Zhao Shu was mean, some people said he was sick, but at this moment Li was moved to tears.

The five royal doctors went together, and it didn't take long to reach a conclusion, and then the medicine was bad. Someone went back to the palace and took it, which was really popular.

"Son-in-law is so valued by the official family, you have to wait for him to survive."

Seeing that the doctors were all confident, Li Shi couldn't help but secretly rejoiced, and said something nice to her daughter.

"He doesn't like people waiting."

Yang Zhuoxue smiled and said, "He can do everything except not wanting to wash clothes, and often cooks and cooks. The family eats and says yes ... Sometimes he secretly goes out to eat with fruit and taro. It's delicious, come back and wipe your mouth clean and say you are going out for a walk ... "

This son-in-law ...

Li couldn't help laughing.

"Now these men like to pretend, their son-in-law and other true temperaments are less."

"There is a little aunt in your house. I'm afraid it's not safe. You should go back quickly."

Li started to chase people ~ ~ Yang Zhuoxue said: "Later, I will go back when they are diagnosed with prescription."


At this time, the Shen family, Guoguo was sitting behind the screen in the partial hall, surrounded by Zhao Wuwu.

Outside the screen stood Xiang Xiang's steward, Lei Xiang, and Zhuang honest and Yao Lian stood on either side.

"... The Chen Fu'er's family is in the cotton business. Every year, we buy a lot of cotton to weave cloth, and a lot of manpower is needed ..."

"Normally, the two wells do not violate the river, but our workshop is mainly for women. Then Chen Fu'er's family started to do things with men. Later, it was found that men do not have women's fineness, so they changed. People do n’t worry about their going home. Our family has a good reputation. Bianliang people of Lang Jun ’s reputation of serving people with morals know that, so as long as you shout, someone will do it ... "

Serve people with virtue!

Zhuang honestly couldn't help raising his head.

"People recruited by Chen Fu'er's family have all kinds of crooked dates, so I'm not in a hurry. They even came to the women in our workshop to work ..."

There was no word behind the screen, and Zhuang honestly asked, "What means did he use?"

"Bid a high price and promised to be 20% higher than ours every month."


This price tag is not low, which shows how much money the cotton business makes.

"We have Buzhuang in our family. The villain asked the people in Buzhuang and said that cotton cloth is not worrying about selling and making money now."

Guoguo's voice suddenly came from behind the screen, "Who is reasonable?"

Lei Xiang said: "Our family has a contract with those women. Only recently, the contract of a hundred people has expired. This has been pulled by more than 20 people, but our family contract says what is the priority to renew the contract ... ... our family is reasonable. "

"Then hit his house."

Guoguo's voice is very clear.


New year and new weather, ask for monthly tickets.

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