Great Artist

Chapter 538: The premiere ended

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Natalie-Bōtman said goodbye neatly, just as she thought before, came over to say hello and left, and she did exactly that. As for the phrase "the reporters' faces should be ugly now", she still decided to send a text message to Evan Bell, she believed that he would understand the meaning of her words. Between them, many words do not need in-depth explanation.

After Natalie-Bōterman left, Evan-Bell and Anne-Hathaway also turned around to bathe and change their clothes, otherwise they would really catch a cold.

Blake Lively, who was about to leave, was kept by Catherine Bell, who said he wanted to talk again.

As wise as Katherine Bell, she naturally guessed what was between Blake Lively and her younger son, but she was not in a hurry, nor did she deliberately ask anything, she was more talking about tonight's "Nine" with Blake Lively , and occasionally chat about life in Los Angeles. Of course, when it comes to fashion, the topic of the two is endless. As a result, Teddy Bell and Eden Hudson were in a daze next to them, and Katherine Bell and Blake Lively talked more and more. Katherine Bell was walking for the spring and summer shows of the four major fashion weeks in October this year. Concept inspiration, young people's ideas can always give her a lot of fresh ideas.

After bathing and putting on a set of dry clothes, Evan Bell felt alive again, or else the champagne was all over his body just now, and he felt that the clothes were sticking to the skin, and even the pores were filled with the sweetness of bubbles. . Evan Bell didn't rush to find his family, but went to Travie Nann first.

Travie-Nan has ended the spree and is back in his studio. The end of the premiere does not mean that things are over, on the contrary, this is the beginning of the performance season. Travie-Nan has to figure out what's wrong with today's performance and come back in practice tomorrow.

"Travi, don't you go take a shower before you work?" Evan Bell knocked on the door of the studio. Travie Nahn didn't look back, still writing something on the table.

Evan Bell walked to the table and saw Travie Nunn observing the notes he had just made in his notebook. During the performance, Travi-Nun would watch the performance in the audience, watching the mistakes in the performance from the perspective of the audience. The mistakes here not only refer to the mistakes of the actors, but also the mistakes of the dancers, stage lighting, design and other aspects. Only in this way can we maintain the excellent quality of the repertoire throughout the performance season.

After a while, Travi-Nan said, "Fix things first. Otherwise, you'll forget about it in a while." After sorting out the notes, Trave-Nan looked up and looked refreshed Evan Bell, rubbed the sun, a smile flashed on the corner of his mouth, "I'm not younger now, it's not good to take notes. I'm always worried that there will be omissions. When did you read my notes before?"

Evan Bell couldn't help but nodded. He never saw Travie Nunn having this habit when he was rehearsing "Cats". It seems that it should be a habit formed only last year.

"How did you feel on the stage today?" Travi-Nan did not praise his disciples, because the performance season had just begun, he did not criticize, it was a compliment. It's only when the whole show season is really over that you can relax. Of course, as a Broadway person, I always hope that the season of performances can last forever, like "Cat" and "The Phantom of the Opera", which have been performed for more than ten or twenty years. So, Travie Nunn is asking how Evan Bell feels.

In a Broadway show, the actors have different senses on stage than the audience, and they see different scenes. Maybe the actor's perspective is one-sided, but as a director, he needs the actor's one-sided perspective to enrich the perspective of the play in his mind.

Evan Bell just thought about it for a while, and the scene in his mind emerged, "In the beginning of the section where I was walking on the single-plank bridge, the lighting was wrong, which affected my sight. I think there may be a problem with the construction of the scaffolding..." What Evan Bell told was that his views when he played Guy Duo were very one-sided and subjective. What Travie Nunn needed to do was to listen and then make his own judgment. So, while Evan Bell was telling the story, Travie Nunn picked up the pen again and made key minutes in the notebook.

The two chatted for about fifteen minutes before Evan Bell stopped. After Travie Nahn finally put a period on his notebook, he looked at his disciple, "Go back and have a good rest, Come over for rehearsal tomorrow at eight o'clock." Broadway, once the show starts, there is no time to rest. After a pause, Travie-Nan seemed to remember something, "There will probably be reporters surrounding the theater tomorrow, you can come in directly through the back door." This is actually one of the ways that Travie-Nan is satisfied with tonight's performance. Performance, he thinks the reporters will definitely applaud for tonight's performance, and they will run to interview Evan Bell and sing the whole play.

Evan Bell shrugged, "Reporters have been around the theater all the time, like flies that can't be shaken off." These words reminded Travie-Nan of the more than two months of rehearsal in the past, before and after because of In many incidents, reporters have always made way for the Broadway theater, and the play "Nine" has become the focus of attention during the rehearsal stage.

"These reporters always forget where you came from. This is the stage where you have been trained since you were young." Now these two lads have grown into actors who can stand on their own. "But even if reporters remember you're from Broadway, they don't want to believe your persistence." In fact, even Travie-Nun isn't sure.

This is a materialistic society. Whether those young people who shouted "my dream" still remember their original dream ten years later, no one knows. In the face of the pressure of life, dreams can only be clouds. In the same way, whether an actor who has gone out on Broadway and achieved success in Hollywood remembers the days when he struggled on Broadway and returned to the stage that cultivated him is also a huge question mark.

When Evan Bell left Broadway, he was adamant that he would be back. Travie-Nun believed it. It's just that Evan Bell has developed ups and downs along the way, but overall it still presents an amazing upward curve. With Evan Bell's current popularity and position, he is definitely bright in Hollywood. So, even Travie Nunn isn't sure if Evan Bell remembers the dream when he left Broadway. If the reporters don't believe it, that's normal.

But the truth is, Evan Bell has never forgotten his dream. Maybe it's because the memory of the last life that never happened to be with the dream is too deep. I make music that I like to my bosom friends, enjoy the joy brought by the stage, and enjoy every moment of my life to the fullest. Evan Bell's lifelong dream has never been shaken. So he came back to Broadway, and came back without any hesitation. Not only because "Nine" is a brilliant script, but also because he has never forgotten Broadway, the stage where he is always dreaming.

"The beliefs of the reporters, to me, have no value. Because their beliefs are never worth anything." Evan Bell knew the reporters well, and broke the truth in one sentence, so that Travie Nahn He also laughed, "I'll go back first. You go take a shower too, go home early." Evan Bell said with a smile, and then waved to Travie Nahn to say goodbye.

Carnival, the carnival lasted for half an hour after the premiere, and now everyone is preparing to go home. Tomorrow, we will gather for rehearsal at eight o'clock.

Walking out of the studio, Evan Bell saw a group of people waiting for him in the corridor. Katherine Bell and Blake Lively talked with smiles on their faces, Anne Hathaway and Teddy Bell who came out of the bath stood by and said something, Eden Hudson was still a towering iceberg.

"Hey, go home." Evan Bell took a slightly tired pace and ran in the direction of his family and friends.

After leaving the Broadway theater, Evan Bell took Blake Lively back to the hotel, Teddy Bell took Anne Hathaway back to the school dormitory, and Eden Hudson and Katherine Bell returned to Prince Street Eleven first. No.

Down Broadway, Blake Lively and Evan Bell walked side by side, silent at first, as if the three women had met this evening, and also because they had talked too much with Katherine Bell. The two of them were speechless for a while.

The quiet air flows between the two. Although silent, it is not embarrassing. On the contrary, there is a kind of indifferent and quiet comfort.

"Katherine is designing the brand, and she has a really keen sense of menswear," Blake Lively said with a smile.

Evan Bell nodded, but said something else when he opened his mouth, "Come over today, are you tired?" Blake Lively looked up and saw Evan Bell Those talking eyes, cheeks couldn't help but warm, "Is Hu Tian still here?"

"Go!" Blake Lively replied without hesitation, "of course!"

Evan Bell couldn't help but smile, "Well, I'll wait for you." The ticket was given to Blake Lively by Evan Bell, so she naturally knew where she should do it. When Blake Lively heard Evan Bell's words, his heart couldn't help but warm. Although the smile on his face was not big, it was slightly sweet.

Blake Lively lives just above Broadway, not far, so it's coming soon. Evan Bell stood in front of Blake Lively, and his tǐng body completely enveloped Blake Lively in it. Just as Blake Lively was thinking about how to say goodbye, Evan Bell's figure leaned down, and then under the gaze of Blake Lively's wide eyes, he printed a wěn on his forehead, "Good night, my little princess."

In the sky behind him, among the tall buildings, one or two stars can be seen, blinking with a hint of shyness. The thick ink of the night turned crimson.

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