Great Artist

Chapter 1896: friend or foe

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Evan Bell pulled the hat of his jacket, joined the trend of more than 100,000 people at the scene, and slowly walked outside the scene. Today is August 8th, the day of the opening ceremony of the 29th Beijing, Beijing, Olympic Games. After Evan-Bell left London, he returned to the motherland according to the long-planned itinerary and made a special trip to Beijing to watch the Olympic Games.

Different from watching the live broadcast in front of the TV in the past life, this time Evan-Bell watched the opening ceremony at the Bird's Nest. To be honest, because of the viewing angle at the scene, it was not as comprehensive and spectacular as it was in front of the live broadcast screen, but the fiery atmosphere of the scene was deeply rooted. .

Crowded in the crowd, Evan-Bell couldn't help but wonder what it would have been like if he had agreed to the invitation of the British Olympic Organizing Committee to participate in the eight-minute performance in London at the closing ceremony of this year.

As one of the most famous British entertainers in the world today: perhaps this "one" can be omitted, Evan Bell has more than popularity and attention, but also his endless talent, from singer to actor to The director, Evan Bell, can definitely be called an all-rounder, and his strength has been tempered and certified countless times. Therefore, Evan Bell is undoubtedly among the ranks of British icons.

At the closing ceremony of this year's Beijing Olympics, London, which is about to host the export-year Olympics, has eight minutes to show itself. This is also London's official takeover of the next four-year Olympic Games cycle. Therefore, these eight-minute performances are naturally affected by a lot of attention. The Olympic Organizing Committee thought of Evan-Bell almost immediately, and invited Evan-Bell to be a member of the eight-minute closing ceremony.

But Evan-Bell rejected the proposal after considering it, saying that the reason was "schedule conflict." But Evan-Bell's own thoughts were a little awkward. in the north. Beijing, attending the Olympics as London's representative, made Evan Bell feel a little bit dumbfounded. Compared to standing on the stage for eight minutes in London, Evan Bell would rather be an ordinary spectator and sit in the audience to experience this Olympic Games that is enough to go down in history.

But now, Evan Bell is starting to think about what it will be like to appear at the opening ceremony of the London Olympics four years later? Evan Bell is always so keen on live performances, but the stage of the Olympic Games is completely different. This is definitely the largest stage in the world, even higher than the Super Bowl. This will be a new challenge. .

After thinking about the wonderful part of the opening ceremony for a while, and thinking about the feeling of standing on the stage for a while, the half-hour playing time of rubbing shoulders will not be so difficult.

After leaving the Bird's Nest, it is not so easy for the audience who came by private car or the audience who intends to get a taxi home. Even if they take the bus, they must still suffer from traffic jams. It is estimated that only the subway is crowded. The crowd can be evacuated as soon as possible.

Evan-Bell didn't drive and didn't plan to fight. After leaving the bird's nest, he walked slowly along the road. He lived in Pangu Grand View not far away. Although it took some time to walk back, it was better than convenience. . Looking back at the bird's nest that was still steaming in the night, the flaming torch was particularly conspicuous in the bright lights of the night sky. Even if the strong wind in the middle of the night made the body temperature continue to run towards single digits, the smile on the corner of the mouth was still as bright as Xi. blooming like sunshine.

The mobile phone in his pocket rang, and Evan Bell was still guessing when Catherine Bell and the others called, including Teddy Bell and Eden Hudson, who did not come to the scene, but were on the TV. I watched the broadcast before, so they must be very curious about Evan-Bell's impression of the scene. However, when he took out his mobile phone and looked at it, Evan-Bell couldn't help but be stunned. It was actually Sean-Hall's phone call. Exactly what he expected.

"Could it be that you called to share with me your experience of watching the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games?" Evan Bell answered the phone without any courtesy, greetings, or even a title. past.

Sean-Hall on the other end of the phone obviously didn't mind either. He and Evan-Bell were indeed not good friends. "Did you buy a ticket to enter the Bird's Nest and watch the live broadcast of the opening ceremony?" He also He responded to Evan-Bell's question with a rebuttal, and he could also guess that, with Evan-Bell's personality, the odds are very high that he is now in Beijing, "You can simply join the 'London for eight minutes, more than 8 minutes'. Well, you can also feel the atmosphere of the closing ceremony up close."

Evan-Bell pouted, "How did you know that I would be invited?" The British Olympic Organizing Committee kept all the content of the eight minutes in London very confidential, and no news of the candidate selection was leaked at all.

"Guess." Sean Hall's voice contained a faint smile, "You know, sometimes, reporters have more intuition than women."

"In that case, female reporters are going to dominate the earth." Evan Bell's sarcasm made Sean Hall laugh out loud. "You called at this time, shouldn't you be teasing each other with me?" Evan-Bell took the initiative to break the layer of window paper that was testing each other between the two.

"I'm enjoying dinner. Lamb chops are paired with red wine." Sean Hall restrained his laughter and said in a relaxed tone, "To celebrate the successful conclusion of this wiretapping scandal."

In fact, the storm of eavesdropping scandal has not completely ended. It is only because of the arrival of the Olympic Games that everyone's attention has been temporarily distracted. The focus on News Corp has never shifted. After all, this is a media scandal that has caused a sensation in the whole UK and even the world. , almost all media industries are involved, especially with News Corp.'s global reach. But there is no doubt that News Corporation has fallen from the altar almost overnight this time, and the closure of the "News of the World" is only the beginning.

"Which restaurant?" The corners of Evan Bell's mouth quietly raised an arc, not used to being a viewer in his previous life. This time Evan Bell can be said to have personally experienced the closure of the "News of the World". the whole process. For a long, long time before, the grievances between Evan-Bell and the "News of the World" can be said to be endless. This time, watching the "News of the World" fall is a different kind of revenge.

The sound of wine pouring into the glass came from the other end of the phone, and Sean-Hall's reply did not come immediately. When the sound calmed down, Sean-Hall's voice came, "My family .I cook it myself, to my own taste."

"This can't be considered a celebration. It's a do-it-yourself feast, no companions, no champagne, and labor. What kind of celebration is this?" Evan Bell said with a smile.

"So I called you." Sean-Hall's words answered Evan-Bell's doubts. Speaking of the celebration, Evan-Bell definitely has a credit, although from Evan-Bell's point of view , the "Guardian" credit is obviously much larger.

The smile on the corner of Evan Bell's mouth became more playful, "It's a pity that I don't have a glass of red wine in my hand."

"Please don't envy me." Sean Hall said triumphantly, he picked up the glass, smelled the aroma of red wine, and made a satisfied voice, just teasing Evan Bell. Although separated by the phone, Evan-Bell also felt Sean-Hall's intention to provoke him, and shook his head helplessly, "We are really not friends."

"But we are not enemies either." Sean Hall said decisively, with a faint smile in his voice.

"We are the enemy." Evan Bell shook his head, denying Sean Hall's statement. He and Sean Hall are definitely enemies. Whether it is from the perspective of "News of the World" or from Sean Hall's personal point of view, there have been countless incidents of grievances between the two sides in the past few years. The two sides are no different from the enemy.

Sean-Hall chuckled softly, "But we are also friends."

"Do you mean that the person who knows yourself best will always be your strongest enemy?" Evan-Bell explained in this way.

"Isn't it?" Sean Hall's rhetorical question came from the phone, a little far away, and there seemed to be some echoes. Vaguely, Evan Bell could hear a trace of loneliness in Sean Hall's words. But Evan-Bell didn't think much about it, after all, Sean-Hall personally overturned the "News of the World" that he had devoted countless efforts to It is impossible not to lose.

Evan Yi Bell didn't speak, raised his head, and the cold wind was blowing in his face, looking at the hotel not far away, but he didn't plan to enter the hotel lobby, but continued to wander around. Two people who are neither enemy nor friend, both enemies and friends, are on both ends of the phone, silent.

After a long time, Sean Hall's voice finally rang out again, "Looking back on the years in the 'News of the World', the time when I was your opponent in the United States was the happiest and most enjoyable. I am very fortunate Being able to have an opponent like you in my journalistic career has made my entire career colorful." There was a touch of loneliness and sadness in Shawn Hall's voice.

Hearing this, Evan Bell was not moved, but said jokingly, "'Sir, don't you really plan to be friends with me?"

"Of course not." Sean Hall did not hesitate at all, and the disgust in his tone could not be concealed even through the phone, as if Evan Bell was a disgusting virus, so he could not avoid it, "Absolutely not!" Repeated again once.

"That's good, it startled me." Evan Yibel chuckled, "Then I don't think you should talk about the disgusting conversation just now. I don't want to have nightmares tonight."

Once again the 26,000-word explosion, I cried for double the monthly pass! Seek all kinds of support!

[To be continued [This text is provided by the breaking dawn update team Xiu Xiu@人地秀罗6] If you like this work, you are welcome to ◤First Release◢ to vote for a recommendation ticket and a monthly ticket. Your support is my biggest motivation. 】

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