Great Artist

Chapter 1889: Alternative Justice

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Evan Bell has never admitted that he is a good person. On the contrary, he is a very bad guy from many perspectives. For example, he calculated Disney and completed the acquisition of Pixar. For example, he deliberately calculated and used lighting. Entertainment provoked the relationship between Disney and Universal Pictures; another example was the serial plot of "Another Factor" and "Voice of America", which made the TV station suffer a heavy loss.

But Evan Bell will not feel guilty, because in his position, the intrigue in the market will not be unbearable because of the kindness of one of them. On the contrary, the strong will eat the weak without hesitation. If Evan Bell isn't the leader of Eleven, that's another story. So, the **** determines the head.

In the same way, now Evan Bell took the initiative to tell his long-time nemesis Sean Hall about his rejection of the Queen's award, which was also determined by the current situation. Since Sean Hall wants to expand the influence of the eavesdropping incident, and use Evan Bell and the British royal family as the boo head to ignite the fire, then Evan Bell, who decided to help, is now making this boo head more explosive. , more powerful, thus brewing a more powerful storm for the "Guardian" to break the news about Millie Daller's incident.

Let the storm come more violently.

Sean-Hall didn't tell Evan-Bell every detail of his plan, he just told a general idea, and then it's over. Because Sean Hall knew that, with Evan Bell's ingenuity, he would naturally know what to do. At the same time, Sean-Hall did not express his gratitude to Evan-Bell. Even though the two have "cooperation" this time, they are still not friends. They were not before, they are not now, and they will not be in the future.

Sean Hall stood up and was about to leave. He held up the empty beer can in his hand, "She said your hospitality." Then he walked towards the door of the room, but there was another message behind him. Evan Bell's voice came, "Then what do you do yourself?" Sean Hall couldn't help but stop.

Sean Hall, as one of the most senior and important reporters of the "News of the World", he personally planned all this to overthrow the "News of the World", contacting Evan-Bell, contacting the "Guardian" only himself Know what else is planned. Not to mention his own unemployment problems after the newspaper accident, just imagine how angry the "News of the World" would be to know all this, and the monstrous anger of Rupert-Murdoch for losing the "News of the World" In fact, Sean Hall is just an ordinary person, and he will face the revenge of News Corporation, which ranks among the top companies in the world.

At this time, Evan Bell really admires Sean Hall, even if he is his enemy, even if his so-called justice is not pure at all, but the fact is that not everyone has Sean Hall. Such courage.

"I'm fine. I'll be fine.

"Sean Hall said the first sentence first, then paused, and said the second sentence in the future tense voice, without looking back, then continued to walk away, and when he reached the door, Sean Hall turned his head, "I think the way of answering just now is very handsome, isn't it? After speaking, Sean Hall opened the door of the room and disappeared into the goose-yellow lights in the hotel corridor.

Evan-Bell stood there, but in a trance, he seemed to be watching Sean-Hall walk into a flame, but the flame was obviously very gentle, and it didn't seem to have any lethality, but everyone I know that no matter how mild the flame is, it is still a flame, and it can easily burn everything up. Even if it has natural enemies, it is not something that the human body can resist.

Exposing the "News of the World" wiretapping scandal was indeed a sea of ​​fire, but Sean Hall walked in without hesitation. Evan Bell knew that Sean Hall was actually the same type of person as himself. He pinned all his dreams on music and movies, and then enjoyed life to the fullest; All his bargaining chips are placed in the reporter's line, he exhausted all his energy and life, enjoying the happiness of reporters. Therefore, Sean Hall made his own choice, as if Evan Bell insisted on music and the film itself without hesitation, even if all professional film critics and all film companies were not optimistic, he did not care. Sean Hall, too.

Evan Yibel stood up with the beer in his hand, walked to the window, looked at the majestic rain world outside through the hazy glass, heard the sound of raindrops colliding violently with the glass, and opened the door. The Kaifeng beer was put to his mouth, and he took a sip. It was cold and refreshing, but it couldn't extinguish the flames that jumped up in his heart.

This reminds Evan-Bell of love, even if a moth flies into a flame. Many people actually don't understand love. Alcoholism, fighting, irritability, drug use, and even domestic violence can't stop love from happening; age, height, status, belief, and even gender can't stop love from happening. To onlookers, it is poison, a bomb, and a scythe of death, but to both sides in love, it is the sweetest honey.

But when love disappears, everything turns into something else. Resilience, grace, kindness, courage, and even thoughtfulness will all become the focus of mutual hatred and criticism; beauty, glamour, mansions, good cars, and even Money will become a topic of accusations and curses. For the third person, it is beautiful or happy, but for the two parties who no longer love each other, it is an ugly reality.

Shawth Hall loves the reporter industry, so he embraces it desperately, but when it betrays his expectations, he will destroy it with all his might, even if there is a sea of ​​swords and flames in front of him, even if he will be shattered. , and never look back.

"You're just standing there watching me burn, but that's okay, because I like the heartache, are you going to stand there and listen to me cry, but that's okay, because I love you to lie love the way you lie (Bi, . . . Ai Bi)."

Evan-Bell hummed softly to the tune he had been writing for two months tentatively titled "The Way of Love," but Evan-Bell couldn't find the right lyrics to it. Matching, but I didn't expect that today, I blurted out a piece of lyrics, which completely fit together.

After humming this sentence "Love the way you lie (e, a" Evan Bell listened, there was a hint of bitterness in the corner of his mouth. Is this true love? Even hurt, even lying, even destroying, it can't be stopped. Unexpectedly It was Evan Bell that was inspired by Sean Hall, which was an unforeseen situation.

Looking at the tightly integrated rain curtain outside the window, but what appeared in front of him was the picture of Sean Hall embracing the flames, and the smile at the corner of Evan Bell's mouth could not be completely released. Evan-Bell raised his head and drank the entire can of beer in one breath, and then squeezed the entire beer can with his right hand. He smashed the can on the ground, and the floor was covered with thick The carpet didn't make any sound, but the beer can bounced to the side and hit the glass window, making a crisp, loud noise.

Evan-Bell just felt that the lyrics were like fireworks blooming in his mind, not flowing like a river, but gathered together and released all of them suddenly. This is not singing, but rapping from the lips and teeth.

"I can't tell what it is, I can only tell you what it feels like, right now it's like a steel blade in my windpipe and I can't breathe, but I'm still struggling, it's like being lifted into the air I have no sense at all. I want to break free by venting my anger through alcohol. It's like I'm addicted to drugs. The longer I sink, the deeper the injury. And just when I was about to indulge, she saved me. She hated me extremely, but I But I just like this feeling. Wait, where are you going? I'm leaving you.

No, you can't go, come back, let's do it again! It's the same thing every time. It's **** insane because when it's all going to be okay, I'm like Superman, and she's like Superman's idiot girlfriend, and I'm ashamed that she ruined everything. Who is this person? I didn't even know his name, I beat him up and told her I'd never give in again and I didn't even know how tough I was. "

This is not the first time Evan Bell has created a rap song. Although the overall feeling is still a bit stumbling, the use of slang and rhyme has been coherent, and the lyrics flow out of the mouth without even thinking too deeply. It feels good. Emotions seep out from the lyrics like toxins.

When the performance came to this point, Evan-Bell stopped and stood there panting heavily. It wasn't because he couldn't breathe well when he finished singing a long paragraph of lyrics, but because of the emotional fluctuations in the joke's mind. Evan-Bell put his hand on the glass window, felt the coldness from the glass, and hummed the first melody just now, "You just stood there and watched me burn out, but no Relationship, because I like the heartache, are you going to stand there and listen to me cry indifferently, but it doesn't matter, because I love the way you lie, the way you lie."

This piece of lyrics is actually very simple, but it has an alternative beauty. I love the way you hurt me, the way you lie, isn't that the essence of love? Even hurt, even pain, even confrontation, can never dissolve the passion released by love itself.

Evan Bell tapped lightly on the glass window with his slender fingers, feeling the rhythm of the melody, and then began to organize the language in his head again.

"Have you ever loved someone to the point of suffocation? When you met her like this, and you didn't even have time to stop yourself, you had such a warm and addictive feeling. Oh, those happy times you used to have, now you even glance at each other It's disgusting, you swore never to do anything to hurt him again. But now you've changed your face, and you're talking badly at each other, you're pulling each other's hair, wrestling into a ball, beating, shoving, and torturing each other, You lose yourself in that moment. It's like a game, but sin is in control, so people say parting ways is your best option. They probably don't know what happened today is a repeat of yesterday, Yesterday is over, this is another day, repeating over and over again like a broken record. Your promise to her, next time you have to restrain yourself, otherwise there will be no chance between you, life is not infinite Game. But you broke your promise again, and now you can only helplessly throw away the last chance she gave you, I guess that's what's called regret?"

This is the second stage of love. After the dopamine disappears, the remaining love is burning, hating and loving each other, pushing each other, beating each other, crying, but reluctant to let go. How easy is it to just let go? If love could really be turned on and off like a switch, there would not be so many people trapped in love.

This time, Evan Bell did not continue to sing the first lyrics, but hummed the first melody softly, the kind of high-spirited and entwined majestic in the fire, with a fiery beauty, releasing an unapproachable momentum. The power of music is amazing at this moment.

"Now I understand that what people said backfired and was duplicitous, we went back to the original routine and started the same route, but we all have the same bad temper, you are like me, when Love can be blind when it comes. Come back, baby. Well, it's all my fault baby, maybe our relationship isn't as hopeless as it seems, maybe that's what it's like when a volcanic eruption meets a tornado, I I just know that I love you so much. Go home, take your things and go home. Don't you hear the sincerity in my voice? I said it all, it's all my fault, come and watch My eyes. I'm never going to get angry again, never again. I know my apology is a lie, I'm fed up with this fight, I just want her back. I know I'm a liar, but If she tries to get the **** out of me again, I'll tie her to the bed, to the bed, and set the house on fire..."

This is the third stage of love. It is divided and closed. Either break up completely, or fall in love and kill each other, and tie the other party to oneself forever. In fact, the most direct and rude way of expressing love is to keep the other party by your side forever, but whether this is the true meaning of love, who can know? Some people say that true love is to see each other happy, but how many people can understand the overbearing words like "love is possession"?

Closing his eyes, Evan Bell saw the raging flames again, but there was no Shaun Hall in it, so everything was burned and turned to ashes.

Continue to break out today, begging for double monthly ticket support. [Unfinished to be continued "This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @that touch of tenderness5566". If you like this work, you are welcome to ◣First Release◥ to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. 】

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