Great Artist

Chapter 1879: 600 million moat

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Throughout the summer of 2008, there were four consecutive weekend box office titles: "Iron Man", "Indiana Jones 4", "Batman Prequel The Dark Knight..." and "Mamma Mia"-"Robot Wall-E" The two championships are won every other week, so they are not consecutive.

Among them, "Iron Man" and "Indiana Jones 4, the current cumulative box office is 317 million X 310 million and 5 million respectively, the gap between the two is very small, it can still be said that It was a hard fight, but from the current form, "Iron Man" still has a slight advantage, and it is very likely to keep it going. And "Mamma Mia" can win the championship, strictly speaking, it should be a combination of its own strength and luck The product after that, "Tropical Thunder" was subdued for three consecutive weeks, which can definitely be described by the word "suffering". Of course, "Mamma Mia" was able to achieve the scale of the screening in the sixth week of its release. A five percent increase in the box office, such a performance against the sky is also very consistent with its champion status.

Before the release of "Batman Prequel The Dark Knight...", professionals generally believed that the film had the ability to determine the trend of the summer box office, and the 2008 summer box office champion was basically the "Dark Knight Little" Iron Man" and "Indiana Jones 4," was born. After the movie was released, not only did the predictions of professionals not fail, but also turned into far underestimated data. With a series of amazing performances, "The Dark Knight" easily took all competitors and all history. The records have become just a string of data, and I can only look at the back of the "Dark Knight" Yiqi Juechen, shaking his head and sighing, and he can't even feel jealous.

The ability of 400 million North American box office in 15 days has turned the originally suspenseful competition for the summer box office championship into garbage time. Even the 2008 North American box office championship has been pre-booked by "The Dark Knight". This is not just a movie, it is a monster, a monster as crazy and wanton as the clown in the movie.

The four-week championship in the North American weekend box office rankings is completely easy to come by, making many competitors in addition to sigh, have no ability to resist, and easily surrendered; after winning the championship for four weeks in a row, "Dark Knight" It won the third place for three consecutive weeks, and together with the three-time winner "Mamma Mia" and Sanlianya's "Tropical Thunder", the summer season of 2008 came to a close. "The Dark Knight"'s ability to hold up at the box office left everyone stunned.

After winning the record of 100 million at the top, 200 million at the fastest... 400 million at the fastest, "The Dark Knight" once again broke the record of the fastest box office of 500 million in North American film history in 23 days. in the bag.

At the end of the summer season, "Black Clear Knight" relied on the record of four consecutive championships and three consecutive Asians to bring the cumulative box office figure in North America to the position of 550 million, and the 600 million natural moat seems to be close at hand.

In 2006, "Pirates of the Caribbean 2, the North American box office crossed the 400 million threshold, creating a miracle, and it also became the first North American film of Evan Bell's works to reach 400 million box office. 400 million is for the North American film market. , is an important watershed, once entering the 400,000,000 clubs, it means becoming a classic. This has nothing to do with word-of-mouth, it is purely because the audience's preference for movies has reached a classic level.

For more than a century since the film was born on December 28, 1895, the North American box office of 400 million was initially a distant dream, until "Star Wars", after its miracle in 1977, entered the People's attention, and then the "Alien E Factory" in 1982, copied such a box office myth, and only 400 million clubs fell in North America. At present, in the entire film history of more than 100 years, the North American box office has There are only nine works in the 400-million-strong music department, which shows that the so-called "achievement of classics" is rare.


If 400 million is the gap to measure whether a movie's box office has become a classic, then 500 million is a huge gap.


In the 113 years since the film was born, after deducting the burden of inflation, there is only one work that has broken the 500 million shackles at the North American box office, and that is the box office explosive "Titanic" at the end of the century!

When this classic movie was released, everyone was not optimistic. The first box office of "Titanic" was only two to eight million dollars, which was a smashing pot for the production cost of up to 200 million U.S. dollars. Neither can make up for the lost buying and selling. It is conceivable that the ridicule and stimulation of James-Cameron were overwhelming at that time, but the legend of "Titanic" became more colorful because of this desire to promote and suppress, and fifteen weeks after that. The box office champion, and the weekend box office did not drop for ten consecutive weeks, but rose instead. The highest increase actually reached 230%. In the end, "Titanic" swept the box office of 600.8 million US dollars in the North American market. It is the first North American box office work to exceed 500 million natural moat, and it has reached an incredible number of 600 million in one go. As for the global box office, it is even more of a myth. The box office figure of 1.8 billion is still a result admired by countless people.

It can be seen how incredible the 500 million box office is for the North American film market, and now, "Batman Prequel The Dark Knight..." After 11 years, it has broken such a miracle in only 23 days. , the cumulative box office exceeded 500 million. Such achievements really made everyone lose the idea of ​​​​competition. They can only watch the cumulative box office figures of "The Dark Knight" continue to rise. After the end of the summer season, and entering the off-season of the autumn season in September, the lack of excellent works in the film market has caused most audiences to stay at home and focus on American dramas, while the audience who entered the cinema did not care about the new works. Under the circumstance, the well-known old works naturally become the preferred choice. The excellent box office performance of "Mamma Mia" is driven by this factor, and "The Dark Knight" and "Robot Wall-E" are the two most well-received works in the Z fierce year so far, and the profits are even more. , especially The Dark Knight.

For a commercial blockbuster, a box office drop of less than 50% is considered an excellent performance, but "The Dark Knight" has always controlled the box office drop to around 40% in August. The number of declines that I can’t ask for, and after entering September, the film market’s pursuit of old films has further controlled the decline in the box office of “The Dark Knight”. All the declines in September were controlled below 30%, which is really It was something that everyone did not expect: after entering October, although the decline has returned to the level of 40%, the performance is still applauded.

The real box office surge was beyond everyone's expectations. It actually came from November. In other words, it was only when the "Dark Knight" was released for seventeen weeks, accompanied by the overall "Dark Knight". Excellent word-of-mouth, and after the arrival of the awards season, the praise for Evan Bell is almost against the sky, and even the "Dark Knight" became the second "Titanic" to counterattack the 81st O'Neuska Cries for Best Picture are everywhere, and it's a huge surprise that "The Dark Knight" has seen a green-text increase at the box office for two weeks in a row. For a summer commercial movie, not only did it not go down at this point in time, but the box office saw a reverse growth, which can definitely be called a miracle.

Compared with cartoons like "Robot Wall-E", which are shown from July to Christmas, this is a normal phenomenon, but the long-term durability of summer commercial blockbusters has always been poor. It will be released in the fourth week of September, and the whole film will be released for 22 weeks; "Indiana Jones 4 will be released in the second week of October, and the whole release will be released for 21 weeks. This is the normal performance of ordinary commercial blockbusters.

But "The Dark Knight" not only completed the feat of reverse growth at the box office in the seventeenth and eighteenth weeks, but also extended the entire screening front to a full thirty-three weeks.

Warner Bros. began to operate after the voice of "The Dark Knight" entering the awards season for the best picture and best director nominations. In recent years, commercial films have gradually declined. Since ZM's "The Return of the King 3" After the big win on Otushka, the rise of independent films was unstoppable, not to mention the sweep of the "Titanic" in 2018. And now Dark Knight" is actually praised as being able to reproduce the glory of commercial films and form a confrontation with independent films, which naturally makes Warner Bros. excited.

Therefore, the screening of "The Dark Knight" lasted from the third week of July to the first week of March in the year of Z. What is even more commendable is that Warner Bros.'s distribution strategy was very meticulous, and it was not affected by the temporary extension of the front. It became panic, and the number of screening theaters decreased after the beginning of December, so that the film box office decline was always controlled at about 10%. The four weeks began to expand the screening range again, which made the film's box office show a rhythmic upward trend and won the absolute attention of the judges throughout the North American awards season. Naturally, the most important reason for such an arrangement is to pin the hope on the superior reputation of "The Dark Knight", so that more and more movie fans are willing to enter the cinema to join in. The second week of November, that is, the weekend from November 7th to November 9th, "Batman Prequel The Dark Knight..." received $1 million at the box office on the third weekend, and the cumulative box office in North America officially surpassed 600 million. Threshold has not only become the second film in North American film history with a box office of over 500 million, but also followed the pace of "Titanic" and became the second film in North American film history with a box office of over 600 million. The biggest suspense and the biggest surprise in the North American film market in the year of Z fierce was finally revealed, "Batman Prequel The Dark Knight..." The North American box office officially broke the Six Huatian Moat, and achieved the second film history myth! There are still outbreaks, ask for double monthly passes! (To be continued [This text is provided by Breaking Dawn Update Group @hongchenranshao]. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to "First Release" to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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