Great Artist

Chapter 1845: be alone

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"No." Evan-Bell replied succinctly. Such a direct answer made Adam...Ficher completely stunned. Adam...Since Fischer made it clear and blunt, Evan Bell has no intention of beating around the bush, "The Internet is a propaganda platform, just like all newspapers and magazines, but the Internet is different from TV stations, newspapers and magazines, and the Internet has no political slogans. Anyone can take advantage of the political position, no one is special, and no one will be treated differently.

In fact, Evan... Bell's words are not correct, he also knows this. Even in the Internet, as long as someone participates, there is a position, just like intimidating U, Facebook and Twitter, what is the political position of Eleven Studio, then what is their position. In this regard, the Internet is the same as TV stations, newspapers and magazines. But the most peculiar thing about the Internet is that TV stations and newspapers and magazines are places where a few canon leaders speak, and ordinary people are more of a recipient; and although there are canon leaders on the Internet, But it is a carrier where every ordinary people's speech can be brought to the extreme. This difference complicates the political nature of the emerging media, the Internet.

One can say that Fox is the mouthpiece of the Republican Party because the Rupert-Murdoch-led News Corporation has expressed support for the Republican Party: but it is difficult to say which political position the network is, because even ten A studio has chosen a team, but the speeches on this platform are also varied. Therefore, compared to standing in a team, Evan-Bell feels that it is the best choice to be alone. Furthermore, Evan-Bell really has no plans to get involved in the political field.

"No, I think you misunderstood," Adam-Ficher noticed Evan-Bell's toughness and couldn't help but feel a little tricky, but he didn't panic, the stun was only for a moment, he quickly explained, "I Just hoping that Facebook and Twitter resources will give Barack some slant, not asking you to take a political stance."

Adam Fitchell thought that Evan... Bell misunderstood his meaning, such as publishing a Barack-Obama campaign ad on Facebook, such as supporting Barack Obama when commenting on the election situation, this way is naturally not Suitable for online platforms, Adam... Fitcher knows this very well, he just hopes that Evan Bell can have some resources tilted. For example, Facebook gave more exposure to hot topics of the day, such as providing more data when the campaign team analyzed Twitter responses. Through these methods, Barack Obama can make more full use of the online platform to campaign.

Evan...Bell smiled, "What difference do you think it makes?" Evan-Bell's face had a faint smile, which made Adam-Ficher sigh in his heart. Indeed, Evan...Bell, as a veteran member who brought Shanting U and Facebook to the top, his use of these social networks is far more familiar than Adam...Ficher, but even so, Evan-Bell is still Rejecting Adam-Ficher's request is enough to explain Evan... Bell's position. "In my opinion, when you suggest that you need me to provide resources, you are asking me to express a political position. The only difference is that I am supported by sponsoring and speaking, while I am a platform. Way to support, no?"

Adam-Ficher opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but Evan... Bell shook his head, "I think you've entered a misunderstanding. The advantage of social networking is its openness. , widespread, civilian. If you take it as the traditional media asking me to provide resources to tilt, it shows that you simply do not understand how to use the social network.”

Evan Bell's remarks made Adam... Feichel completely stunned. This is obviously something in the words. How to use the advantages of social networks is very particular. For example, by holding a live Q&A on Twitter, you can spread your political opinions more directly and widely, and the influence is definitely not inferior to public debates: for example Regularly hold relevant activities through the Facebook group, and use the firm stance of supporters to expand their influence: another example is to conduct viral promotion in the form of advertisements through the hot spots created by the planning team, showing a snowball-like influence on the network platform.

These are just the most basic examples. People who really know how to use social networks will never find Evan at all... Bell asked him to stand in line. Instead, he used the civilian nature and breadth of the Internet. The details that can be made are countless. . The wisdom of the crowd is great, and this sentence has been most directly proved on the Internet.

However, Evan Bell did not give Adam Fitcher more time to think, and he continued, "Today I'm just doing my part for the Wenchuan earthquake disaster area, this is the focus of today's gathering, so I think, Mr. Fisher wouldn't want to spoil the atmosphere, would he?"

Adam-Ficher can clearly distinguish the strength of decisive killing from Evan-Bell's understated tone. He also knows that Evan...Bell attaches great importance to this disaster relief operation, otherwise he will not be unprecedented This is the first time to hold a charity party for the upper classes. In addition to artists, politicians are everywhere. Steve... Jobs, Lee... Kelleher, Barry Mayer and other business leaders Top people also appeared, and many high-ranking people from the Upper East Side of New York, Zhazi Town, Los Angeles and other places also attended, which shows the appeal of Evan Bell.

Evan Bell spent so much experience holding such a fundraising event, and naturally he didn't want to spoil the atmosphere. Adam...Ficher also replied with a good smile, "Of course. Barack also asked me to bring it. His prayers." The subtext was that Barack Obama would also donate. However, it can be heard from Adam Fitcher's name of "Barack" that Barack and Obama intend to donate money in a private capacity, and then see what name Evan and Bell donate collectively to China, China Fourth, Chuan, this also avoids Barack... Obama was directly involved in issues related to his position on China during the campaign.

Looking at the back of Evan Bell leaving calmly, Adam Fitcher remembered the words he said when he got Steve Jobs's advice, "Don't underestimate Evan..." Even if there are more rumors from the outside world, Even though Steve and Jobs said it face to face, Adam Fitchell still felt less emotional than the face-to-face confrontation today. It was less than ten minutes before he and Evan Bell fought back and forth, but he still did not gain the upper hand, and his momentum was even lower than Evan Bell, which made Adam...Ficher suddenly have a feeling: Maybe there's still a lot of untapped potential in social networks, maybe following Steve... Jobs's advice Using social networks for elections was one of Barack Obama's smartest decisions.

After saying goodbye to Adam Fitchell, Hillary Clinton's campaign representative Howard Wolfson waited for an opportunity to find Evan Bell. The Hillary-Clinton campaign team has had a hard time recently. They originally had a lot of advantages, but recently a series of events beyond the control of the campaign team have occurred, making Hillary...Clinton's election prospects suddenly bad, Especially when the tipping scandal in Iowa broke out, Hillary-Clinton's reputation suffered greatly.

NM released a report critical of Hillary-Clinton, saying an Iowa waiter complained that Hillary was being blunt with her over tipping. After the report was published, the Hillary campaign team presented a large amount of evidence to refute it. Although there was something wrong with the report, which was later clarified by NPR, the damage had already been done. The domineering image of Hillary-Clinton has left its mark on people's minds.

In fact, after this kind of thing broke out, choosing an online platform to respond as soon as possible is the best way to eliminate the impact, and stifle the negative impact in the infancy before the netizens have heated discussions. This is one of the most obvious advantages of Twitter and Facebook. It is a pity that Hillary Clinton woke up too late, and the campaign team is only now realizing the importance of Evan Bell, or the importance of social networks under the leadership of Evan Bell, obviously already Can't keep up with Barack Obama's progress.

Howard-Wolfson expressed his intention to cooperate with Evan-Bell, but he was still rejected by Evan-Bell without hesitation. In fact, it's more than Howard-Wolfson and Adam-Ficher. Michael Bloomberg can see clearly next to him. Today, all the candidates trying to win over Evan-Bell have been dumped as shameless. In less than an hour, the name "Switzerland" spread among many people along with the figure of Michael Bloomberg admires Evan very much... Bell's sobriety and rationality, in the eyes of others, have become the object of competition among many forces, and countless people want to come to flatter. Favorable weapons, still not complacent, treat everyone equally, this maturity and wisdom beyond the age, people can't be admired.

What is even more commendable is that Evan... Bell never regarded today's occasion as a social occasion. The theme of fundraising for the Wenchuan earthquake disaster area has always been in mind, and runs through Evan... Bell's every social process. Looking at the celebrities on the scene today, from entertainment circles to business circles, from traditional aristocrats to politicians, the scale of nearly 300 people is really not to be underestimated, and Evan Bell is even more like a duck to water. It can be seen that the first time a charity party was held, Evan Bell maximized his influence and appeal.

Michael Bloomberg even began to look forward to the surprise of the fundraising results.

At this moment, Michael Bloomberg noticed that Evan Yier's figure greeted the door, and the new guest actually had an Asian face, that beautiful and tall lady, Michael... Lomborg recognized that it was Zhang Man, Jade, who was well-known all over the world!

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