Great Artist

Chapter 1841: bound hands and feet

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Blake Lively looked at Evan Bell's face close at hand, the heaviness between his brows still lingered, the shadow of his lower eyelid made him look very tired, and the tiredness at the corners of his mouth made him feel confident and lazy. The arc pulled down a lot, as if two overweight locks were hanging at the corners of the mouth.

Blake Lively knows Evan Bell. Although Evan Bell is not a saint, he will always achieve his persistence within his ability. The founding of Studio Eleven is his insistence on his dreams; road trips, indie music and movies are his insistence on freedom; refusing to attend the 75th Oscars and singing "catalyst" at the Super Bowl is his commitment to freedom. Persistence of the war stance; never forgetting the consideration of charity is his villainy for human nature.

Watching Evan Bell wake up from a nightmare and sit in the hall for a long time unable to fall asleep, Blake Lively knew that Evan Bell was suffering a shock in his heart. It's like Nine-When the outbreak broke out, Evan Bell joined the rescue team without hesitation and dedicated his part to the affected people. So Blake Lively knew that when such a catastrophe happened in China, China, and Sichuan, Evan Bell would definitely want to join the rescue team and go to the front line to devote himself to saving the affected people. That's where Blake Lively said, "You wanna join the rescue, team?"

When Evan Bell heard this, he turned his head to look at Blake Lively, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, but he couldn't squeeze out a smile, "Aren't you worried?" For ordinary people, earthquakes, disaster areas After the ravages, the aftershocks are still frightening. This is different from tsunamis, hurricanes and other disasters that leave behind a mess, but the existence of aftershocks will make the situation in the disaster area very unstable and dangerous at any time. It could happen, and even rescue forces could get caught up in it.

Evan Bell really wants to join the international rescue force, return to his homeland and go to the front line in person. Even if they can't participate in the frontline rescue, they hope to be able to put in comfort work in the disaster area. Evan Bell knew that if he really went, Teddy, Catherine and Eden would definitely not refute, even if they were worried, they would not object. It is very likely that Teddy and Eden would ask to go together, This is the best solution, just like when the Nine-Blood broke out. But Evan Bell did not expect that Blake Lively agreed.

Facing Evan Bell's question, Blake Lively shook his head, "I'm worried, I'll be very worried, because I know how terrible the aftershock is, even more terrible than the earthquake itself." During the rescue process, aftershocks suddenly came, not to mention the people who were originally trapped, and even the rescuers would immediately fall into a predicament of life and death. This possibility of erupting from time to time is the most terrifying. "From my point of view, I don't want you to go, and I don't want you to go." Blake Lively said softly, she involuntarily took Evan Bell's right hand and rested her head gently on Evan. -Bell's shoulders.

"But I know that you want to go. So, I'm willing to support you." Blake Lively said here, paused for a while, raised his head, looked into Evan Bell's eyes, with the most determined The tone said, "I will worry about complaining and even regret at home, but these negative emotions are all because I love you, and I can't control my worries about you. But at the same time, I love you, that is, everything about you, including you. The reckless decision to go to the front line to participate in the rescue, because this is you, these good and bad are all part of you, even if I disagree, but I still love you.

Evan Bell looked at the fear in Blake Lively's eyes, and felt pity from the bottom of his heart, but the smile on the corner of his mouth was gently outlined, although it was only an invisible small extent, but it could still be seen In Evan Bell's exhaustion, there is a little more relaxation.

Blake Lively nestled in Evan Bell's arms and gradually fell asleep. Evan Bell was still refreshing the screen of his laptop, and waited until the night dissipated and the rising sun slowly climbed, making the City of Angels re-plated with a layer of gold. At this time, Sichuan has ushered in the first night after the disaster, but it is destined to be a sleepless night. It is conceivable that the rescue forces are trying their best to enter the disaster area to carry out rescue work, but they are trapped in the rainstorm and after the disaster. The terrifying on-site situation has never been able to do so. At a time when time is money, one can imagine how anxious and urgent the situation in Sichuan Province must be.

Evan Bell carefully flattened Blake Lively on the sofa, covered the quilt, took a shower, and went out.

Evan Bell immediately went to the Los Angeles branch of the Red Cross, but unfortunately the news was that there was no news of the rescue team. Evan Bell knows that at this moment, even if various countries want to send rescue troops, they must communicate and cooperate with the Chinese government, and then cooperate with the itinerary of the local rescue troops to start rescue after arriving in Sichuan, so the earthquake has not yet passed. Twenty-four hours later, there was no way for the rescue operation to start. But even so, Evan Bell still felt very disappointed.

Evan Bell then contacted the British Red Cross, the European Union Humanitarian Aid Office, the United Nations Foundation and other organizations, and the answer was that the rescue force was still under planning. Evan Bell knew he was too impatient. Even the Chinese government has not come up with an accurate charter

In desperation, Evan Bell could only wait restlessly in Los Angeles. He knew that even if he impulsively arrived at Beijing, Beijing or Chengdu by plane, he would not be able to really join the rescue operation. He had to follow An international rescue force would have to go together.

The Wenchuan earthquake quickly shocked the world. This catastrophe involving 45 million people is also the first time since the founding of New China that China has encountered a situation that requires international assistance. With the advancement of time, the domestic rescue operation has finally fully started, and the world has also seen the solidarity and tenacity of the Chinese people. Within the golden 72 hours, the rapid rescue operation and the solidarity of the whole country to support the rescue not only won the respect and praise of the whole world, but also touched countless people.

On the 15th, the first foreign professional rescue force dispatched by Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs arrived in Chengdu, followed by rescue forces from Russia, South Korea, Singapore, Cuba, Italy and Germany successively arrived in the disaster area and launched rescue operations. Relief funds and disaster relief materials from all over the world have arrived in Sichuan, Sichuan and May. In the sunshine of May, the eyes of the world are on China.

After learning that the British Red Cross was going to send a rescue team, Evan Bell immediately contacted the official by phone, but the answer was "rejected". The reason is very simple. Now the rescue forces entering the disaster area are professionals, including professional search and rescue operations and professional medical care. As an amateur, Evan Bell is definitely not allowed to enter the professional rescue force. ——The situation is the same, Teddy Bell was rejected when he wanted to join the rescue team, and Evan Bell was left because of his background in psychology.

Although depressed, Evan Bell can only accept such a result.

However, even if he could not enter the disaster area as a rescue force, Evan Bell still planned to go to Sichuan and join the logistics activities as a volunteer.

In the face of such a major disaster, the disaster area must have a huge demand for volunteers. They not only need professional rescue troops, but also volunteers who help take care of the wounded and organize supplies. However, Evan Bell knows very well that the disaster area has just been baptized by the earthquake and is still unstable. Only professional rescue troops sent by the state can enter the disaster area. The volunteer troops entering the disaster area on their own will only add chaos and may even affect the green channel. The unimpeded operation will not be worth the loss. Therefore, it must wait until the situation stabilizes a little before the large group of volunteers will be allowed to enter the disaster area to help the rescue team complete the rescue work in the disaster area.

But what surprised Evan Bell was that the United States had no plans to send volunteers for the time After Evan Bell reacted, he realized that his skin was not yellow skin and black eyes. . The chaos in the disaster area must be controlled in an organized and disciplined manner, so not only professional rescue forces but even volunteers must be trained. The international rescue force will not easily dispatch volunteer teams, and more volunteers, mainly college students, from both sides of the Taiwan Strait and three places in China have volunteered to join the rescue efforts in the disaster-stricken areas. In the case of Evan Bell, if he really wants to help, he must go to Chengdu in person and sign up for volunteers there.

At this moment, Evan Bell realized that even if he wanted to help, there was not much he could do. This made Evan Bell's mouth have some bitterness, a bitterness that others could not understand. Of course, Evan Bell still has some rationality. If he just ignores entering Chengdu to sign up for volunteers, it is estimated that he will either cause a riot or be satirized by the media. The point is that the help provided to the rescue operation is minimal. The condolence team of Jet Li and others is more realistic.

This is the first time since Evan Bell was reborn that he felt absurd and absurd. The soul in his body was trapped in this skin, and some things could not be done; while the identities of singers and performers brought honor, Also bound his hands and feet. Evan Bell couldn't help thinking that he had always pursued freedom, and now he seems to have tied his hands and feet and made restrictions by himself. Fame is sometimes a burden.

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