Great Artist

Chapter 1794: turbulent pool water

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Simon Cowell is very capable and insightful. He has Westside Boys in the past, Lianna Lewis in the back, and the "American Idol" that must not be forgotten. It can be seen that he has a great interest in music production. 's uniqueness. At the same time, Simon Cowell is also a very ambitious person. Most of the singers he has produced are the route of starting from England to the world, and his vision will never be restricted to the small British Isles.


Therefore, after the rise of "American Idol", Simon Cowell has been thinking about bringing the "X Factor" to the United States to take a share of the singing talent market. In this regard, even if Evan Bell is not reborn, the line can be clearly seen, not to mention that he has the memory of his previous life.


In recent years, Simon Cowell has risen to prosper as a judge of "X Factor" and "American Idol", and his net worth has quietly exceeded 100 million. But with Simon Cowell's personal strength to buy the US copyright of "X Factor", his funds are absolutely not enough, as Evan Bell said, the original copyright of "American Idol" Fox TV was out of 8,000 The high price of $10,000 is a company-level transaction. Even if the "X Factor" can't sell for this price now, it is definitely not a deal that Simon Cowell can negotiate alone, even if he is behind him. Neither does Simon Fowler, who is on the move.


From Evan Bell's point of view, Simon Cowell has been thinking about starting his own business for the past three years, and it is estimated that the coveted Simon Fowler has not given up on this cake - he and the Fremantle Media are not. Has maintained a good cooperative relationship. But the reason that really restricts the two people from going to the door to negotiate with Evan-Bell is that Evan-Bell has no such plan at all, and the capital chain must be one of the reasons.


Today, Simon Cowell went straight to the door and went straight to the subject , then his dream of self-employment could not come true. That's one of the reasons, the reason he appeared. But what is the reason Simon Cowell dared to speak so succinctly? Evan Bell believes that Simon Cowell must have teamed up with a certain TV station. It doesn't matter whether Simon Fowler is involved or not. It can be seen that the competition for the "X Factor" has already begun from the tentative stage. one step away.


Evan Bell is not curious who the TV station behind Simon Cowell is, he guesses that the most likely one is Fox TV and one of the TV stations. But Evan Bell wonders how much confidence Simon Cowell has!


Evan Bell pointed out the words directly. On the surface, he was testing Simon Cowell's guts, but he was actually the first to shoot, completely disrupting the acquisition of the "X Factor" copyright, waiting for the competition. After getting up completely, Evan Bell can sit on the fishing platform and sell the copyright of "X Factor", and then sell the copyright of "Voice of America". In business, Evan Bell will never be soft-hearted.


Of course, Evan Bell is more inclined to sell the copyright of "X Factor" to Simon Cowell because of the restraint of "American Idol", so the TV station behind Simon Cowell is also very important. Evan Bell also wants to see what Fox's position is?


This time, the competition between "X Factor" and "Voice of America" ​​is very involved. It can be said that the four major TV stations and the entire draft market have been mixed into it. It will even involve the rival League and, as well as the future Distribution of benefits for some episodes. Interests, which have always affected the whole body, is now a part of the interest group, and it is even more impossible to stay out of it.


Sure enough, Simon Cowell was stunned when he heard Evan Bell's words. He had already turned the corner, but he was not that stupid. He really made a direct bid. Instead, he asked, "Evan What do you mean by that? If I make an offer, will you be willing to transfer the U.S. copyright of 'X Factor' to me?"


"Of course." Evan Bell gave a positive answer. It was the first time that Evan Bell made a formal statement after negotiating with the four TV stations before. He said that as long as he can afford the price, there is no problem with the US copyright of "X Factor".


This also means that the draft market in the entire United States - and even the world is really going to be in chaos again.


Simon Cowell laughed, the sincere joy in his eyes could clearly see the excitement in his heart, those eyes gleamed in the soft morning light at seven o'clock in the morning, "Evan, you won't Are you kidding me?"


Evan Bell raised his eyebrows, "Simon, what do you think?" This rhetorical question made Simon Cowell stunned.


Indeed, if Simon Cowell didn't believe that Evan Bell was willing to sell the US copyright of "X Factor", then he would not have rushed to visit today.


Simon Cowell didn't answer immediately, but looked at Evan Bell seriously. Unfortunately, Simon Cowell is destined to get nothing, and Evan Bell's nickname "Little Fox" did not come out of thin air. At this moment, Evan Bell had a smile on his face, and sincerity flashed in his eyes, which made Simon Cowell feel at ease and chose to believe. But in fact, who knows the little abacus in Evan Bell's heart? Perhaps, Teddy Bell and Eden Hudson, sitting in the living room, knew.


"Ten million." Simon Cowell said, looking at Evan Bell's expression seriously.


Evan Bell didn't seem surprised when he heard this answer, and he didn't get too angry, just pursed his lips and clearly expressed his disappointment, "Simon, if you don't have enough sincerity, I don't think we are at all. There's no need to talk." Simon Cowell was about to open his mouth to say a few words, but Evan Bell shook his head and stopped Simon Cowell, who was famous for his vicious tongue on "American Idol", "Simon, look back. Look, this is my home. The CEO of Studio Eleven is here, and the general manager of the legal department of Studio Eleven is here. This is my sincerity, but what about you? Ten million? Hehe, I I don't think we need to continue talking."


Simon Cowell looked back and saw Eden Hudson reading a newspaper with his legs crossed, while Teddy Bell beside him was busy with something on the laptop, he knew Evan Bell Meaning: If he has enough sincerity, it is also possible to hand over the copyright of "X Factor" to him on the spot, but the price he said made the conversation lose its meaning.


"Thirty million." Simon Cowell said again, he looked at Evan Bell seriously, and tried to use his sincerity to express that this was his greatest price.


Evan Bell laughed, "Simon, dear Simon, we are not in the traditional trading market in China Country City. We can't say that I offer a price and you pay a price. Our transaction is not like this." Simon Cowell wanted to speak again, but was forced back by Evan Bell's eyes again, "Simon, you are a smart person, and a person who does big things, otherwise you wouldn't think of putting 'X' factor, brought to the United States, then you should know that I have shown my sincerity, and you must also make a statistic on your own chips, otherwise, the transaction will be impossible to complete, isn't it?"


Although Simon Cowell is not familiar with the business, he is also a very shrewd person, but today he is indeed a little confused. The main thing is that he did not expect Evan Bell to be so neat and simple to show the "X factor" U.S. copyrights are up for grabs. And what makes Simon Cowell the most embarrassing is that the Evan Bell in front of him is completely different from the impression he had in his mind before. Evan Bell's casual and calm look almost made him unable to find Enough breathing space to organize one's own language is something that Simon Cowell has really missed in his life.


Of course, Simon Cowell would never admit that he was the loser. He comforted himself in his heart, mainly because Evan Bell was a seller's market, and he was seeking a position from others, so he was rejected by Evan Bell. The chalk was suppressed.


"So, Evan, what exactly do you mean? Offer your terms and see if I can accept it." Simon Cowell said, and he said something a little harsh, and it is estimated that Evan Bell has always been Press chalk, temper also up.


Evan Bell spread his hands, "I'm asking for 100 million, what do you think?" Evan Bell blocked it with a word, leaving Simon Cowell speechless.


Now the "X factor" is a coveted apple, and there are many people who want it. Although Evan Bell will not be auctioned publicly, the rules for the highest bidder will definitely not change. Open a price limit to restrain So Evan Bell casually said a "100 million", and sure enough Simon Cowell reacted.


After thinking about this, Simon Cowell did not continue to entangle. He is also a person who does big things. He can afford it. After knowing the power comparison between the two sides, Simon Cowell decided to go back and plan in detail. , and then convince Evan Bell at the next meeting.


After Simon Cowell left, Teddy Bell looked up and said, "The news has been released, what are you going to do?" Simon Cowell will definitely seal up the news that the "X Factor" US copyright bid has officially started. Yes, so Teddy Bell contacted William Wood just now, and took the initiative to release the news, and it must be a fight.


Evan Bell thought for a while, "'X factor, just give it to Simon Cowell, but first see who the TV station is behind him." They still need to see how the situation is, behind Simon Cowell It makes a big difference whether it is a TV station or a Fox TV station. "Wait until their first batch of prices is reached."


"How much are you going to pay?" Eden Hudson said, still looking at his newspaper, Shi Shiran.


Evan Bell shrugged, "It's not my decision, but how desperate and eager they are."


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