Great Artist

Chapter 1574: ardently hope

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The excitement of Oscar night came to an end, which also marked the official end of the 2006 awards season. All the Oscar statuettes found their owners, and the chaotic awards season also came to an end. www.) Martin Scorsese was finally crowned, the rise of Evan Bell was formed, and the academy's insistence on innovation was all settled.

Of course, the tumult of 2007 has already started, and it begins a cycle every year. What will the actors and singers who continued to be strong last year achieve in the new year? This immediately became the focus of attention.

At the just-concluded 49th Grammys and 79th Oscars, Evan Bell, who was in the limelight, has not been able to create a new historical record, but he has been able to maintain a rising momentum for five consecutive years. It is rare in the entire entertainment history. In addition, after the end of "Wild Survival", Evan Bell has not announced a new filming plan. If the promotion period of "Fourth" in October is added, it has already been five months. So, this also makes people more and more interested in Evan Bell's new work.

Fortunately, this time the reporters' pursuit finally paid off. The latest news from Teddy Bell came. The works of the 1920s that Evan Bell mentioned several times before have entered the final preparations. At the stage, it is currently determined that Evan Bell will assume the duties of director and screenwriter, the main actor will be Leonardo DiCaprio, and the rest is undecided.

As soon as the news came out, the entire entertainment circle was instantly lively.

For reporters, they're concerned about the Evan Bale and Leonardo DiCaprio collaboration, which is definitely doubling down on expectations. As we all know, Leonardo DiCaprio did everything possible to cooperate with Martin Scorsese in order to chase a golden man, and then. Leonardo DiCaprio has indeed become Martin Scorsese's royal actor, and the spark between the two has been unanimously praised.

As for Evan Bell, who doesn't know that now Evan Bell is definitely the first director of the new generation, and Evan Bell has always been praised for his tune and coaching of actors. Joseph Gordon-Levitt in "Mystery Skin." Abigail Branslin and Alan Arkin in "Little Miss Sunshine" and Alan Rickman in "Perfume" all won acting nominations, with Alan Rickman in "Perfume" Kerman is the golden man who won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor, and Evan Bell himself has won the halo of Oscar nominations for acting for five consecutive years. , The popular after the movie.

Now. Leonardo DiCaprio is going to join Evan Bell again. What kind of sparks will these two close friends collide? Leonardo DiCaprio will show his acting skills again What kind of progress is made, this is really worth looking forward to.

Moreover, Evan Bell has written, directed and acted in "Perfume" and "Wild Survival" successively. He is an all-rounder like Clint Eastwood, but this time Evan Bell actually The starring position was given to Leonardo DiCaprio, which is really worth looking forward to. What kind of role is that!

In addition, the cooperation between Leonardo DiCaprio and Evan Bell has also indirectly clarified the "sex scandal" that has been raging for more than two months. The friendship between the two men had no bearing whatsoever.

Reporters and film critics are concerned about the work itself. Everyone is curious about what kind of surprises Evan Bell will come after "Perfume" - "Wild Survival" has not been released yet, whether it is a surprise or not is uncertain. This time, Teddy Bell did not mention the specific work, whether it was an adaptation or an original, what the theme was, whether it was an illusion or a historical fact. ". It is so mysterious that it keeps people guessing.

For major film companies, it must be disappointing, because Evan Bell will direct Eleven Studio's own script, and their plans will undoubtedly fail again, under this situation. The only one who can laugh at it is Disney. "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" will be released this summer, which is definitely a rare commodity.

However, when Warner Bros. announced that Evan Bell had confirmed his plans to join Christopher Nolan's new film, Disney couldn't laugh, what a fool! Warner Bros. said that Christopher Nolan is writing the script, and what role Evan Bell will play will be discussed with Christopher Nolan, but Evan Bell has already confirmed that he will join the work that the script has not yet completed. .

The news was confirmed by Evan Bell, "After I finish filming the work in my hand, I will join Chris's crew." Facing reporters' questions, "Don't you need to watch the script?", Evan -Bell said, "As long as it's Chris' script, I'm willing to believe that it's a tacit understanding between us, isn't it?"

So, the result came out. After "Pirates of the Caribbean 2", Evan Bell's first non-Eleven studio work ended up going to Warner Bros. Sure enough, in this society, relationship is the last word!

In addition to reporters, film critics, and film companies, actors are also looking forward to Evan Bell's movements, not to mention second-tier and third-tier actors. Many first-tier actors are also looking forward to joining Evan Bell's works. Not only because Evan Bell's works can learn a lot for actors, although he is nearly twenty-four years old, Evan Bell's ability as a director and producer is obvious to all; but also because of his participation in Evan Bell's work. Work means attention, which is definitely a big boost for my acting career. Therefore, whether it is an actor who yearns for the box office, attention, or an actor who cares about acting and awards, Evan Bell has a lot of attraction for them.

When Teddy Bell confirmed Evan Bell's shooting plan, Sean Mayer received a lot of calls from agents, and everyone was asking if Evan Bell had put the script outline on the Screen Actors Guild. , When will the actor interviews start? Many of them even directly stated that no matter what role they are willing to play.

The Screen Actors Guild's already busy phone line has soared even more, with more than a dozen calls coming in almost every day to inquire about the interview time for Evan Bell's new work. The staff of the union had to patiently repeat over and over again, "Evan Bell's new work has not been submitted to the union to select actors for the time being. Please keep an eye on the union's news updates, thank you."

Originally, Evan Bell's work was already infinitely attractive, and now with a Leonardo DiCaprio, even if this work has just announced the start of the project, it will easily attract the attention of all the actors. Note, this is undoubtedly worth fighting for. This may be the most powerful cast ever chosen by Evan Bell as a director, and it is even more anticipated than "Perfume".

Scarlett Johansson, a direct and bold girl, expressed her thoughts bluntly when she was interviewed by reporters, "Oh, of course, even if I play an unremarkable role in Evan's works, I am willing God knows what to learn from the set, doesn't it?"

And Jessica Alba, who just started promoting "Fantastic Four 2" recently, was also asked this question. This new generation of actresses who became famous in 2005 because of "Fantastic Four" and "Sin City" also Expressing his affection for Evan Bell, "Evan and I once collaborated on a MV, it was a very pleasant cooperation, if there is a film cooperation, it will be a very precious time for me. I'm going to give it my all to win this role." Jessica Alba and Evan Bell have collaborated on "Old Love Is Dead... this MV.

Among them, the most daring speaker is Megan Fox. This model-turned-actress who collaborated with Evan Bell "Tonight Tonight..." is still not well-known, but the action that will be released this summer The blockbuster "Transformers" is likely to become an opportunity for her to become famous all over the world. This girl, who has always been open-minded, said directly, "If I can get a role in Evan's movie, even if it is one of the dead. I would also like to have a corpse. "As soon as Megan Fox's words came out, it caused a heated discussion in the whole Hollywood. Many talk shows used this sentence to make fun of it, and Bo Jun smiled.

In addition to actors can always have a better performance in Evan Bell's works, starting from Ryan Gosling in "The Notebook", to "Mysterious Skin", "Perfume" "That's all, "Little Miss Sunshine" is an exception. Therefore, many young actors have also expressed their desire for Evan Bell's works.

For a time, Evan Bell's new actor interview time became one of the focuses after the Oscars. Unfortunately, neither Studio Eleven nor the Screen Actors Guild made any news. Obviously, Evan Bell is still in the preparatory stage.

However, those eager actors are expected to be disappointed. This time there are no female characters in "The Blood Is Coming". In fact, there are not many roles. Although there are supporting roles, there are not many scenes. Most of them are dragon roles. It is estimated that the second-tier actors will not be reconciled. Evan Bell guesses that the third-tier actors are enough.

On the other hand, with the end of the Oscars, it means that February is coming to an end. In February 2007, there were no 29th days, and the rest of the days quickly slipped from the fingers. At 11:59 on February 28th, when the second hand pointed to "twelve", the time jumped to At 0:00 on March 1, Hulu, the video website of the Opposition Alliance, was officially launched!

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