Great Artist

Chapter 1289: Momentum is king

Today's third update, please recommend, please read!


"Mike, try again." Evan Bell said with a smile, obviously not very satisfied with Michael Fassbender's performance. Facing the inquiring eyes of Michael Fassbender, Evan Bell seemed to have no intention of interpreting the Bible, but continued, "You treat me as this object and yell at me. But before that, you need to turn back Take a look, your queen is behind, you seem to be asking for the queen's opinion, then turn around and yell at me. Do you understand?"


Michael-Fassbender is a kind of Evan-Bell cooperation experience, and it is a very pleasant cooperation experience. He knows that Evan-Bell is not a person who will aimlessly. In the director's position, Evan-Bell's words often There are words in words. Actors must think and understand carefully, and then give new things according to their own understanding. This is the way Evan-Bell guides. Michael-Fassbender whispered, "Give me thirty seconds." Then he lowered his head and thought seriously.


Afterwards, Michael Fassbender took a deep breath, and without informing him that he was ready, he looked back directly. The other audition actors standing behind saw Michael Fassbender's tough face, which was hidden in the brilliance, and could only hide the glowing eyes, which made people terrified. Michael Fassbender turned sharply, then yelled in the direction of Evan Bell, "Crazy? This is Sparta!"


This time, Michael-Fassbender had the preparation to turn around, and his entire popularity became more condensed, which was quite a shock that made people take a step back. I have to say that Michael Fassbender's delicacy and sculpting in his acting skills are really outstanding.


Evan Bell did not speak for the first time this time, but turned his head and glanced at Zach Schneider. The two exchanged two words in a low voice, and Evan Bell turned to look at Michael Fassbender. , said with a smile, ', Do you want to try again? Or, you think it's good this time. "


This line is always evil for many people who participate in interviews or exams, because this questioning that makes oneself make judgments will often shake people's self-confidence, unless they have enough confidence in themselves. Say 'I think it's fine right now...', or most people will waver.


Michael Fassbender never underestimated the 23-year-old boy in front of him. He knew that when Evan Bell said this, it meant that he was not the most satisfied with the performance. But Michael-Fassbender's character has done his best to show his talent. If he can play it again in a short time, it will not change much, unless he can give him a little time to think about Evan-Bell. What is the deep meaning behind the action of letting himself "look back at the queen" just now, otherwise he doesn't think he can show something new.


"I need time." Michael Fasspin said his thoughts directly, which surprised others who had just participated in the interview. Could they still ask for time on their own initiative? Everyone suddenly became a little squeamish.


Evan Bell smiled at Michael Fassbender, "Very good, then I'll give you time. After the rest of the personal interviews, you have another chance to work..."


Michael-Fassbender nodded, took a step back, and stood in the queue again.


Evan Bell didn't seem to notice the commotion of the actors, turned his head to look at Zack Snyder, and handed over the control to the director again. Gerald-Butlerton felt bad all the time, because it meant that Evan-Bell really looked at Michael-Fassbender differently - although everyone was mentally prepared for this fact, and Michael's method Spinder's performance really brightened everyone's eyes, but it still made Gerald-Butler very frustrated, and only felt that his inner hope was dimmed a little bit.


The following interviews also confirmed Gerard-Butler's idea. The other actors imitated Michael Fassbender and showed momentum from their lines, but no one got Evan-Bell. of favor. One of them also dared to ask, ', I need time.


Zack Snyder looked at Bell, the dog, with an embarrassed look on his face, but Evan and Bell didn't move at all. He smiled and said, "You haven't reached this level." Disgraced the actor.


In a blink of an eye, there were only three of the fifteen people left. Gerald and Butler only felt that their adrenal glands jumped up, and the tension returned again, and their limbs felt a little numb. However, Gerald-Butler continued to cheer himself up: he was a must for the role of King of Sparta, he was the most suitable person for this role, and he was the person Evan Bell was looking for...

Zach Snyder also seemed to pick up his eyes, and rubbed his temples tiredly, "Try this guy." Zack Snyder's voice rang out, and Gerald Butler saw Zack. When Schneider pointed to himself, he seemed to be indifferent, anyone could do whatever he wanted, and he hadn't called his name, which gave Gerald Butler the confidence he had built up. Immediately it crashed


Gerald-Butler looked at Zach-Snyder, pointed to himself, and confirmed whether he was talking about himself.


Zach Snyder nodded, "Go ahead and work..."


Gerald Butler took a deep breath, and he kept telling himself that no matter what Zack Snyder said, at least he had to perform well, otherwise everything would be in vain. This is the most important opportunity in his career. He must seize it, otherwise the opportunity will not be available forever. In the fiercely competitive Hollywood, the opportunity to waste money means being replaced. This is a challenge that he has no way out. Gerald-Butler was putting pressure on himself, but also pumping himself up again and again, and then he took a step forward.


Standing still, Gerald-Butler forced himself to throw all his thoughts away In the role of Nida, I recalled my own plans. After Gerald-Butler had settled all his thoughts, his aura had also accumulated, and when he opened his eyes again, those piercing eyes suddenly burst into a terrifying light, "Crazy? This is Sparta!"


Gerald-Butler only felt that he had released all his strength, and all the strength was contained in the sound, as if a cannonball was fired at once, and then when it came into contact with the air, it exploded, bursting out endlessly. 's momentum. When the whole sentence was finished, Gerald-Butler only felt that his brain was a little lacking, the air seemed a little thin, and he really did his best. Gerald-Butler forced himself to stand firm, not to stumble in shame, and that would have ruined everything.


Gerald Butler is now in authority. He doesn't know how his performance is. He doesn't know whether he is better or better than Michael Fassbender's performance. He doesn't know anything. He could only look at Evan Bell and Zach Snyder calmly.


Evan-Bell's mouth seemed to purse, and Gerald-Butler couldn't tell whether it was an unexpected surprise or disdain. Evan-Bell and Zach-Snyder exchanged glances, and Zach-Snyder said, "Take Evan as an object, yell at him, and say it again." As soon as these words came out, everyone whispered. Laughing, Zach Snyder was obviously too timid and didn't want to be a target, so he pushed out Bell, but Zack Snyder was not at all, and then said, "Said Before the line, look back once, look at your queen, as if asking for her opinion, and then yell."


Gerrard-Butler was a little excited, he won a second chance, which at least shows that his performance is comparable to Michael-Fassbender. However, he did not have much time to be excited because he had to Allow yourself to calm down and think about how this time is different from the first. Why should I look back at the queen, looking back at the queen is asking, so should the tone of a line change? Gerrard-Butler's thoughts were spinning, and the whole person was in a state of complete concentration.


When a person is pushed to the limit, the energy released is beyond his expectation.


Gerald-Butler has been nervous all day today, but at this moment, he suddenly calmed down, unprecedented calm, and the whole idea became extremely He did not know his speculation Is it correct, but at least he is now convinced that his ideas are correct.


So, Gerald Butler bowed his head, and when he turned around, his expression didn't contain much content, but a slightly frowning brow revealed what he was thinking. Then, Gerald Butler turned his head slowly, very slowly. It seemed that this short turning back had become a process of brewing his momentum. When Gerald-Butler turned his head after the order, his eyes were like unsheathed swords, galloping straight towards Evan-Bell, he opened his mouth, "Crazy?" This sentence is sarcastic , the volume is not loud, but he can clearly feel the turbulence and tumbling in his heart, as well as the anger contained in that simple word. This expression method is something that no one has thought of before, and it is quite innovative.


Then, Gerald Butler leaned forward, his eyes fixed on Evan Bell, his lips said, "This is...", the tone here is still an understatement, not the same as the previous "crazy" It's a big difference, but suddenly, the explosive force in less than a millisecond suddenly burst, "Sparta!"


Between that, Gerald Butler's aura was like a turbulent sea, and he rushed forward with an indomitable arrogance, and instantly drowned all the interview judges in front of him. The whole room was filled with Gerald Butler's flamboyant, domineering, and arrogant temperament!


Outbreak to ask for a monthly pass, ask for a subscription! There will be one more later! (To be continued [This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @花长kong]. If you like this work, you are welcome to ◤First Release◢ to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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