Great Artist

Chapter 1252: God has been dating for a long time

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When it comes to the famous bad boys in Hollywood, I am afraid there will be a long list. Heath Ledger, Leonardo DiCaprio, Johnny Depp, etc., will all be the dazzling names on the list. Among them, absolutely not Those who will be ignored include Sean Penn and Evan Bell

Sean Penn was a well-known violent man when he was young. The marriage between him and Madonna was a tumultuous one. Every confrontation is absolutely full of sparks. Sean Penn once published an open letter to the president in the "Washington Post", asking the government to postpone the war on Iraq; after the war began, he repeatedly abandoned film appointments, organized and attended countermeasures. war activity

In addition, in the face of Oscar, which all filmmakers are respectful, Sean Penn is also wild and arrogant. After three consecutive works were frustrated with the Oscar, he said madly, "At the Oscar, you either have two seconds to thank God. , or can only be an extra in this trashy TV show, attending the Oscars makes me very embarrassed" The hatred index between Sean Penn and the academics was absolutely broken. Until 2004, the outstanding performance of "Mystic River" made me Sean Penn finally gets Oscar nod and becomes the iconic moment for the two to defuse their feud

Compared with Sean Penn's direct violence, Evan Bell is like a cunning fox. He always opposes the media, makes the media turn around, and even goes so far as to make the media love and hate him. He is clearly gnashing his teeth. Tear up Evan Bell, but repeatedly succumbed to his smell; he always fought against the mainstream, and rejected Universal Music before his debut, which made the two parties unhappy now, and then had troubles with Universal Pictures and Disney. Stiff. Even Warner Records' Lee Kelleher is probably an ambivalent attitude towards Evan Bell, because they have never been able to grasp Evan Bell.

If you want to count it down, Evan Bell’s refusal to attend the Oscars because of his anti-war refusal to attend the Oscars caused the academics to beat the case; Evan Bell made a film of “Brokeback Mountain”, which made conservatives blush, and made a film of “Little Sunshine”. "Beauty", let the mainstream media feel ashamed to take a closer look, Evan Bell is indeed angry

In fact, in a sense, Sean Penn and Evan Bell are so similar, both of them are so unruly In the repeated confrontations between Wen Bell and the media, you can always see the voice of Sean Penn applauding Evan Bell. These two famous Hollywood bad boys can also be regarded as good friends for a long time.

Before that, Evan Bell and Sean Penn had nodded and said hello at several awards ceremonies, but they had never formally introduced each other. Now, the two met at McCanders' house in the Hamptons. It's a little tricky indeed to meet as a competitor

Since Evan Bell arrived overnight, Sean Penn arrived a beat later than Avon Bell. When Sean Penn arrived at McCanders' house, he saw Evan Bell and Karina McCann. Dess, and Walter McCanders, Billie McCanders, and Teddy Bell

Sean Penn only stood by the car door for less than two seconds, and just saw the situation in the yard clearly. Evan Bell saw his visit and waved his hand with a smile. After that, the McCanders family also turned their heads. Come, smiled, and the voice of "Mr. Pan" came over. Sean Penn remembered that the reason why Christopher McCanders chose to abandon everything in the family and choose to wander, a large part of the reason was family problems, but now it has been Fourteen years have passed, the shadow of Chris' departure has gradually dissipated, and the McCanders family has also shown a unity that was not seen fourteen years ago. Perhaps, in a sense, the blow of losing Chris , also reunited this once broken family. Suddenly, Sean Penn thought of "Little Sunshine Beauty" for no reason.

"Evan, you're so fast," Sean Penn sat down beside Evan Bell and said with a smile

Although the two people did not introduce themselves, there is no need to go through this polite process. The smiles in their eyes reveal the friendship between the two people. Even if they are in a competitive relationship, this does not hinder the mutual appreciation between the two people.

"I made a special trip here just for Mrs. McCanders' toast. I miss the taste a lot," Evan Bell said with a smile, and asked Mr. Billie McCanders, who was sitting next to him, to also laughed out loud

Sean Penn deliberately looked around, then frowned and said, "Billy, didn't you prepare for me?"

Billie McCanders smiled gracefully, "Evan, dear, would you like to come in with me and prepare toast for the picky Mr. Pan?" You can hear it from this sentence, Billie McCandless Des and Evan Bell are still very familiar

Evan Bell stood up immediately, "Of course, Mrs. McCanders, as long as you don't dislike my clumsiness, you should know that at home, my mother always thinks that I am not suitable for staying in the kitchen" Evan Bell half-jokingly Seriously speaking, the smile on Billie McCanders' face couldn't help but get bigger.

Sean Penn glanced at Teddy Bell who was left behind. He knew that now was his chance. After all, in terms of movies, compared to Evan Bell, Teddy Bell was definitely not so familiar with "Walter, I listen to you." Say you're willing to make Chris' story into a movie?"

Walter McCanders is a serious old pedant, with a straight face that never sees a smile, even though everyone was amused by Evan Bell's humor just now, he just frowned, "Sean, me and Bi. Lido thinks now may be the right time to put Chris' story on the big screen, but we're not sure what's the best way to do it."

Sean Penn looked at Teddy Bell out of the corner of his eye, but he didn't see any action from Teddy Bell, so he went on to say, "Walter, Chris's story is real, so there is no 'how to do it'. 'It's the best choice. It's the best choice to restore the original appearance of the story. Also, tell the audience Chris's true thoughts through the movie, this is the most important thing."

Teddy Bell had a serious look on his honest face, and he asked sincerely, "Pan, what are Chris's real thoughts? After I read the original book, I have been thinking about this question, what is Chris? Why did he choose to start his life in this way, and did Chris succeed in pursuing freedom after he left the society? Of course, what is the fundamental reason why Chris would have such an idea?"

Teddy Bell's sincere expression when he asks a question gives people a sense of trust, without any negative emotions. It reminds us of the time when he asked his parents "why is the sky blue" when he was three years old. Walter McCandless He was very interested in Teddy Bell's question, and he took over the conversation, "Don't talk about you, I still can't understand what Chris is doing, maybe I won't know in my life."

It has been a long time since Sean Penn last watched the original book "Survival in the Wilderness". He could not remember the details of the story, but he was deeply impressed by Christopher McCanders' firmness in yearning for freedom, so he He opened his mouth and said, "The lack of presence in family and school made Chris unable to feel his own value, so he chose to leave this society, to create his own value, and to pursue his own longing for freedom. Maybe, That's why he chose this path." After saying that, Sean Penn glanced at Walter McCanders, finding no angry expression in the face of the old pedant who had died long before Christopher McCanders. At that time, the family already knew that family was indeed an important reason why he chose to escape from society. Back then, Walter McCanders actually had another family. In short, bigamy, this discovery made Christopher McCandless Des' respect for his father collapsed

But in the face of Sean Penn's seemingly prepared comment, Teddy Bell shook his head, "Pan, I don't think that Chris will leave the house at first, yearning for freedom and escaping society, but in the process, he There are many opportunities to return to the society, but he did not do so, and what has changed in his thinking? In those two years of wild life, Chris was constantly in touch with things and ideas, before he left the world. My true thoughts are completely different from when I first left home.”

This statement is actually very simple and is not complicated. After all, people's minds are always changing, and they mutate with daily changes, but Teddy Bell is telling this simple truth at this moment. Came out, but Sean Penn was speechless. His "research" on Christo McCanders still didn't seem to be enough.

It seems that even if Evan Bell is not there, Teddy Bell is not so easy to deal with, but Sean Penn will not give up. He then expresses his understanding and ideas. After all, he has worked hard for "wilderness survival" for ten years. , If he doesn't do his best, he will definitely regret this time in his life, Teddy Bell didn't speak anymore, just listened quietly to Sean Penn and Walter McCanders exchange, occasionally Karina McCanders I will also insert a few words. From the perspective of the scene, Sean Penn and them are definitely talking very much, but Teddy Bell does not seem to be in a hurry at all.

It didn't take long for Evan Bell and Billie McCanders to come over with toast and coffee, and Evan Bell's cheerful laughter came over, apparently having a good time with Billie McCanders

Zhong sat down at the table, and Evan Bell pointed to the toast in front of him, "Sean, you must try it, you will definitely like Mrs. McCanders' craftsmanship." It's not a matter of heart, which makes Sean Penn a little confused

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