Grassroots Immortality

Chapter 89 Return to Wanbao Pavilion

Ever since he learned that the Heaven-Building Pill could repair the Dantian, Lin Xian had no interest in the subsequent auction. No matter how powerful the treasure, no matter how rare the material, it was of no use to him, he kept thinking in his mind. An idea popped into my head.

Although he didn't get the prescription, Lin Xian didn't feel discouraged at this time. Having a purpose was much better than running around everywhere. What's more fortunate is that he has never made a price offer. Now that he thinks about it, he is still a little scared. If he had made even a price offer at that time, it might have attracted the attention of Taoist Zha Tian.

The auction rested for an hour in the middle, and then continued. Lin Xian did not leave the venue in the middle. He was already sure that Taoist Zha Tian must have come to Jingtao City.

In the subsequent auctions, although various treasures emerged one after another, and two more magic weapons appeared that even the golden elixir monks were crazy about, Lin Xian was indifferent to all of them.

Finally, when the auction ended, Lin Xian slowly left the auction house along with many monks and body refiners. He didn't want to look special. You know, there may be more than one pair of eyes staring at these things. For monks and body refiners.

After leaving the auction house, Lin Xian did not return to the inn. He went straight to Wanbao Pavilion. After many considerations, Lin Xian felt that Wanbao Pavilion was still the most promising and safest place for him to obtain the Heaven-Building Pill recipe.

When he arrived at Wanbao Pavilion, just like last time, he was greeted by the same shopkeeper. In the private room, Lin Xian looked solemn and said to the shopkeeper: "Last time I came to your pavilion, I checked many prescriptions. Today at the auction, I saw a prescription called Tianbu Dan for sale. The monks don't seem to be interested in the elixir recipe. I wonder if the shopkeeper knows the reason. "

When the shopkeeper heard this, Lin Xian mentioned the Heaven-Mending Pill in a roundabout way. Of course he knew in his heart that this person might be the one who needed the Heaven-Mending Pill, but he would not be stupid enough to ask any monk who didn't have any secrets. The secret is a big taboo. He has been doing business in Wanbao Pavilion all year round, so of course he knows this.

So, the shopkeeper smiled and replied: "I don't know something, sir. The function of the Heaven-Building Pill is to repair the damaged Dantian. Very few monks will use this pill, and this prescription is not considered among the high-level monks." It is a rare thing, but it is rarely used. Therefore, few people know about this elixir, and they will not have much interest in it. Of course, if one day the Dantian is really damaged, it will be useless to look for this elixir again. There’s enough time, because it’s not a rare thing. Maybe high-level monks carry this elixir with them in their storage bags.”

Lin Xian's face was expressionless, as if he was listening carefully to the shopkeeper's words, and he seemed to be thinking about something. After a while, Lin Xian continued to ask: "Then why doesn't Wanbao Pavilion have this elixir for sale? Doesn't it mean that this elixir is not a rare thing?"

The shopkeeper continued to answer with a smile: "My lord, I have misunderstood. If you need this elixir, I can apply to the superiors immediately, and it should arrive soon. Recently, many of the senior officials of Wanbao Pavilion are in Jingtao City. I must They should all have the recipe for the Heaven-Building Pill."

Hearing the shopkeeper's words, Lin Xian did not answer immediately. He seemed to be still thinking about something. To be honest, Lin Xian's heart was almost tangled up now. The shopkeeper on the side didn't seem to be in a hurry, drinking tea leisurely.

After dozens of breaths, Lin Xian let out a long breath. He had to take a gamble. Since Wanbao Pavilion is a force from the mainland, it should not have too many conflicts with the local forces in Wuwanghai. Contact, their strength is much higher than the local forces in Wuwanghai, and there is no need to do that flattering thing.

Of course, this is not absolute. Lin must block it now, otherwise when will his Dantian be repaired? Now, he is more than thirty years old. Even if he repairs his Dantian, he will only be a monk in the early stage of foundation building. , can I break through to the golden elixir stage before my life span is exhausted? He was also a little anxious. Although there was still a risk of exposure, it was much smaller than the obvious bait in the auction.

After taking a long breath, Lin Xian made a decision in his heart. He decided to take a risk. Then he said to the shopkeeper: "The shopkeeper can report to the boss as much as possible. If your pavilion can sell the Sky-Building Pill, then I will buy the materials for refining the Sky-Building Pill from your pavilion. This should not be a small deal." Bar."

The shopkeeper also showed joy upon hearing this, and immediately said goodbye and left. In the private room, Lin Xian felt uneasy. This time, he took a huge risk to come to Wanbao Pavilion to buy the Heaven-Building Pill recipe. He had to make various trade-offs before finally having to make this decision.

First of all, Wanbao Pavilion is a chamber of commerce on the mainland, and they must value credibility. They are powerful and do not need to fear the local forces of Wuwanghai. On the contrary, whether it is the Xuanqing Palace or the Tianmo Sect, they are very interested in Wanbao Pavilion. Fear, on the occasion of the auction, many high-level monks from Wanbao Pavilion came to Jingtao City, and their fear increased even more.

Secondly, almost ten years have passed since Lin Xian built the foundation, but his cultivation has not made any progress. If the problem of Dantian continues to be delayed, it will have a great impact on his future development. influence, so he had to take this big risk.

The shopkeeper didn't leave for long. After about a meal, the shopkeeper came to the private room with his professional smile.

After sitting down, the shopkeeper took a sip of tea, as if he had said a lot before. After drinking the tea, the shopkeeper seemed to feel much better, so he said: "Sir, the recipe of the Bu Tian Dan says that it can be sold, and it has already arrived. The price is 60,000 spirit stones. Does your lord have any objection?"

Lin Xian was also a little surprised when he heard it, and at the same time, he felt that it seemed too easy, but he couldn't think of what went wrong. So he asked: "Shopkeeper, can we trade now?"

The shopkeeper smiled and replied: "Of course we can trade. The jade slip that records the recipe of the Bu Tian Dan is here. Please take a look." The shopkeeper took out a jade slip and placed it on the wooden table.

Lin Xian picked up the jade slip and placed it between his eyebrows. Soon the contents of the jade slip flooded into Lin Xian's mind. He was not sure whether the jade slip contained the recipe for the Bu Tian Pill, but the types of spiritual medicines in it were twice as many as the Body Tempering Pill he had refined last time, and many of the spiritual medicines seemed very unfamiliar to him. He felt that the medicines recorded in this recipe were very difficult to refine.

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