Grassroots Immortality

Chapter 75 Middle Stone Chamber

After staying in the blood pool for several hours, Lin Xian felt a little hungry when he came out of the blood pool. He took out some roasted meat pieces from the Universe Mirror and took a few bites. He felt much better. Then he turned around and returned to the stone gate.

At this time, he didn't know what was going on with the other man or whether the man had already been to the middle passage. However, he finally stepped into the middle passage.

After walking for more than ten breaths, Lin Xian found a lot of zombies wandering in front of him, which meant that the man had not been to the middle passage yet. What was at the end of the middle passage? Lin Xian was also looking forward to it.

Now that his physical strength has been improved again, he also wants to get familiar with this new power through a battle. With a flash of his body, Lin Xian rushed towards a zombie. In just two breaths, Lin Xian's fist hit the chest of a zombie and penetrated it.

The zombies moved slowly and clumsily, but they had no life and no pain. Although the heart was pierced by Lin Xian's fist, the corpse remained unmoved at all and was about to lower its head and bite Lin Xian's arm. .

Lin Xian quickly pulled out his arm and dodged the bite from the zombie, and then punched the zombie's head. This punch directly smashed the zombie's head into pieces, and it was gone. The head and the refining corpse also fell straight backwards.

After the battle, Lin Xian also discovered that the fatal part of the corpse refining is the head. As long as the head is destroyed, the corpse refining will lose its combat effectiveness. After making this discovery, Lin Xian's attacks were also very targeted, and the efficiency of the attacks became higher. Soon, the zombies continued to fall one after another.

Lin Xian is also quite satisfied with his current physical strength. Although his Dantian has been destroyed, his spiritual energy has been drained, and he has lost a trace of cultivation, but with his physical body, even if he meets a monk in the middle stage of foundation building again, he will He is not afraid either, but one thing is that monks can fly with weapons, but now he has no spiritual energy at all, and cannot fly at all, nor can he survive.

With the accumulation of combat experience, Lin Xian's attacks became more and more sharp. Soon, he had cleaned up the corpses in the entire middle passage.

When we came to the end of the passage, there was still a stone room, but there was no blood pool and no coffin. It seems that this is where the monk used to store his weapons.

There are all kinds of weapons in the stone room, and the quality is good. Lin Xian came to the center of the stone room, where three weapons were placed. A heavy sword without any luster, a huge ax as black as ink, and a silver spear. These three weapons all give people an extraordinary feeling.

What's a little strange is that these weapons don't seem to be magic weapons, just ordinary weapons. However, the power of these weapons is estimated to be difficult for even cultivators to withstand. Maybe these weapons are the ones used by the Night Lord before. These weapons Obviously there is no need for spiritual power to drive them, they all rely on physical power to drive them.

Holding the long sword in his hand, Lin Xian waved it casually a few times. He felt that the air around him was cut open by the heavy sword.

"What a sword!" Lin Xian blurted out, shouted two words, took back the heavy sword, and carried it on his back.

Lin Xian picked up the ax and spear again and played with them respectively. They were both good. However, Lin Xian still felt that the epee was the most suitable for him, so he put all the other weapons into the Qiankun Mirror, and Lin Xian carried the epee towards the entrance.

Arriving at the entrance of the stone chamber, Lin Xian thought for a moment and finally chose to leave instead of entering the passage on the left. This time, he obtained the body-refining technique and could continue practicing in the future. Although the journey of body-refining was extremely difficult, he did not give up the idea of ​​repairing his Dantian.

Soon, Lin Xian came to the entrance of the cave. As soon as he came out of the cave, a flying sword came towards him. Looking at the flying sword coming towards him, Lin Xian snorted coldly and punched out casually. The flying sword was struck by He blasted away.

Lin Xian opened his consciousness, and in a flash, he shot towards the man. Since Lin Xian's physical strength increased again, his speed has also increased sharply. In just a short breath, Lin Xian's figure appeared next to the man, and the man also took out a bronze shield and blocked it in front of him. Lin Xian punched out, and the bronze shield shattered. At the same time, his fist hit the man's chest directly without losing force.

The look of disbelief on the man's face flashed, and then turned into a look of pain. With a scream, the man flew backwards, and finally fell to the ground.

Lin Xian appeared in front of the man again. The man now had a look of horror on his face and was spitting out blood from his mouth. He seemed to want to say something, but nothing came out.

Lin Xian looked at the man coldly. He would not show mercy to the person who wanted to kill him, no matter who he was. Lin Xian raised his right foot high, then dropped it hard, and the man's screams sounded again. At this time, the man's Dantian had also been destroyed by Lin Xian. Lin Xian still did not stop. He retracted his right foot, took off the storage bag from the man's waist, and gave the man a hard kick on the head. The man kept spinning. Then he flew towards the distance. At this time, the man had no voice, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

Returning to his residence, Lin Xian took off the heavy sword on his back, stroked the sword with his hand, and was infinitely happy. This time, it can be said that the harvest was huge, and it was also an unexpected harvest. He got a good body-building method, and he can continue to practice in the future, and he can also protect himself when he encounters a foundation-building cultivator. Moreover, no matter which heavy sword, giant axe, or spear, they are obviously treasures of extraordinary quality. Maybe the cultivators don’t like them very much, but for the body-building cultivators, that’s another matter.

No one talked overnight. The next day, Lin Xian caught a lot of prey. He also put the body of a deer in front of the house where Lifia and Ruby lived, and then quietly left.

When Lifia opened the door in the morning, she saw the body of a large deer, and then looked around with her blue eyes, but she didn’t find anything. She knew in her heart that the deer was probably sent by Brother Lin, but this also showed that Brother Lin was safe and sound, and he felt relieved.

When Ruby saw the deer, she was also very surprised. Most of the people living in the fishing village are fishermen. They almost all make a living by fishing. Few people can hunt animals on land. Therefore, this deer is also very rare. Even if it is taken to the town, it can be sold for a good price.

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