Grassroots Immortality

Chapter 501: The Destruction of the Heavenly Demon Sect

This pressure acted on all the Tianmo Sect cultivators. The Jindan cultivators could still walk with difficulty, but the foundation-building cultivators could only support themselves with great difficulty and could hardly move.

The Qi-training cultivators had already crawled on the ground, unable to stand upright.

The Zhenyue Stick slowly fell from the sky without making any sound.

Runes flickered on the Zhenyue Stick.

The entire Zhenyue Stick was wrapped in a layer of light curtain. It looked like a light curtain when you looked at it closely, but you could see it when you were farther away.

This was not a light curtain at all, it was simply the light and shadow of the Zhenyue Stick, but the light and shadow of this Zhenyue Stick was more than a hundred times larger than the main body.

The light and shadow smashed towards the Demon Cloud Island along with the Zhenyue Stick.

If you were farther away, you could see that a huge light column like a pillar of heaven was slowly smashing towards the Demon Cloud Island.

In the center of the light column was the main body of the Zhenyue Stick, which was only one percent the size of the glowing stick shadow.

Under Lin Xian's urging, the Zhenyue Stick finally hit the Demon Cloud Island, and the Light and Shadow Stick also hit it at the same time.

There was a loud "bang" and the whole Demon Cloud Island seemed to be hit by a huge stick.

The sound resounded through the world and continued to spread far away.

The whole Demon Cloud Island was like the end of the world, with mountains collapsing, rocks flying, the sky falling and the earth sinking, smoke and dust rising, and the monks screaming.

The sea area near the Demon Cloud Island also had a tsunami several feet high, but the waves went far away, not towards the direction of the Demon Cloud Island.

The Light and Shadow Stick fell completely, and the Zhenyue Stick also hit the Demon Cloud Island completely.

On the Demon Cloud Island, it was like experiencing the end of the world at this moment, and everything would be reduced to ashes.

After dozens of breaths, Lin Xian took back the Zhenyue Stick and looked at the Demon Cloud Island below.

Lin Xian was also shocked.

There was no Demon Cloud Island below. All he could see was the endless sea. The Demon Cloud Island had long since disappeared without a trace.

The blow of the Zhenyue Stick actually turned the entire Demon Cloud Island into dust!

The smell of dirt and dust could still be smelled in the air. The sea water below was also quite turbid, and there were still some ruins floating on the sea.

Everything in front of him was telling Lin Xian that this was not a dream!

The blow of the Zhenyue Stick could actually be so powerful!

Although this blow consumed 80% of Lin Xian's magic power, the power was beyond Lin Xian's imagination.

The first time he used a spiritual treasure to attack, Lin Xian also had some understanding of the power of the spiritual treasure.

Because of this, Lin Xian's vision was once again improved.

The power of the spiritual treasure is indeed not comparable to any magic weapon.

A large island was turned into dust under the blow of the Zhenyue Stick. Such a thing, Lin Xian did not dare to think about it before.

At this moment, Lin Xian was still hovering in the sky, he was still in a daze.

With one strike of the Zhenyue Stick, the entire Demon Cloud Island disappeared in the Wuwang Sea, and the name of the Tianmo Sect also disappeared in the cultivation world of the Wuwang Sea.

He only used the first level of Tongbao Jue, and he just exerted only 20% of the power of the Zhenyue Stick.

The Zhenyue Stick should have five levels of Tongbao Jue, and he had to wait until the late stage of Huashen to learn the fifth level of Tongbao Jue.

And in the Yuanying stage, he could only learn two levels of Tongbao Jue.

However, Lin Xian was extremely satisfied with the power of the Zhenyue Stick.

The movement here on the Demon Cloud Island also quickly attracted the attention of the nearby cultivators.

Lin Xian had already left the Demon Cloud Island at this moment.

At this moment, this place can no longer be called the Demon Cloud Island, because this is also a vast sea, without even a reef, how can it be called an island.

When the cultivators came to the original location of the Demon Cloud Island, they all showed shock on their faces.

There was no Demon Cloud Island. There was only a vast sea in front of them.

The monks kept rubbing their eyes. They even suspected that they had gone to the wrong place.

But after searching around, they finally found a problem - Demon Cloud Island disappeared!

This discovery made their hair stand on end and their scalps numb.

At the same time, they did not dare to stay here for long. They directly set up the escape light and scattered.

What kind of means could raze the entire Demon Cloud Island to the ground?

The Heavenly Demon Sect must have disappeared completely. Who did the Heavenly Demon Sect offend?

What did they do that angered the heavens and the people? So that the entire Demon Cloud Island was razed to the ground?

The monks were confused. The Heavenly Demon Sect was powerful. No one dared to provoke them in the Wuwang Sea. They practiced magic and killed mortals. Although they were notorious and passed down for thousands of years, no one dared to trouble them.

In the eyes of the monks, mortals were not much different from ants.

These cultivators would not believe that anyone would raze the entire Demon Cloud Island to the ground for some humble mortals.

But the fact is that Lin Xian expelled the entire Tianmo Sect from the world of immortal cultivation because of some mortals.

Maybe Lin Xian is an outlier among cultivators. His way of thinking is completely different from other cultivators. Although he is a cultivator, he has not yet lost his humanity.

In his eyes, mortals are no different from him. They also have the right to survive and they are worthy of respect.

He himself has also transformed from a mortal. The difference between him and mortals may be that he has a longer lifespan. He can fly into the sky and hide in the ground. Maybe he can kill countless mortals with a breath.

It is precisely because he has such abilities that Lin Xian feels that he should protect those mortals who need protection instead of hurting them.

If Lin Xian's idea was known by other cultivators, they would definitely laugh.

All cultivators pursue immortality. Anything that hinders their pursuit of immortality will be regarded as an obstacle on the road to cultivation. Of course, they will clear such obstacles without hesitation.

The disappearance of Demon Cloud Island and the extermination of the Heavenly Demon Sect soon became the biggest news in Wuwang Sea and began to spread widely.

Everyone was thinking in their hearts, who was responsible for this incident?

After thinking about it, there really is no such person in the Wuwang Sea cultivation world.

When Luo Yuxin heard the news, she immediately thought of Lin Xian. She even wondered if Lin Xian was now eliminating potential enemies for Xinluo Sect?

The more Luo Yuxin thought about it, the more she felt that this was the case. She also had more expectations for the future. She hoped that Lin Xian could return to Xinluo Sect.

However, her expectations were destined not to be realized, and the ending was destined to disappoint her.

And she was a little self-indulgent. Although the destruction of the Heavenly Demon Sect was caused by Lin Xian, it had nothing to do with her.

The disappearance of Demon Cloud Island and the destruction of the Heavenly Demon Sect had spread to every corner of the Wuwang Sea.

For a time, it became a hot topic among the cultivators.

In a teahouse in Jingtao City.

Lin Xian was tasting spiritual tea in a corner of the teahouse, and his ears were filled with people talking about the disappearance of Demon Cloud Island.

The impact of this incident far exceeded Lin Xian's expectations.

Many sects were like they were facing a great enemy, and they activated the sect's protective formation. At the same time, they also sent a large number of disciples to patrol near the sect.

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