Grassroots Immortality

Chapter 36 The Burning Heart

Carefully collect the lizard's blood. The fire-attributed talismans made from the blood of this fire-attributed monster have a stronger attack power than those made from the blood of ordinary monsters.

Then the skin and flesh of the lizard, and finally the entire body, were collected into the space of the Qiankun Mirror. Lin Xian knew that the monster was full of treasures and could not be wasted.

After dealing with the monster's body, Lin Xian continued to rush towards the volcano. The closer to the volcano, the higher the temperature of the air. Although the immortal cultivators can be immune to cold and heat after reaching a certain level, the realm of the Qi cultivators is too low after all, and the body has not yet left the mortal body. At this time, Lin Xian already felt a little uncomfortable. The whole person seemed to be in a steamer. The air inhaled into the nose was hot, and even the skin began to turn red, and gradually felt burning.

After another hour, Lin Xian finally came to the foot of the volcano. At this time, he also saw that there were three other people who came here. Because there were no treasures, everyone was just on guard against each other, and no one took action.

After the three of them arrived at the foot of the volcano, they did not stay for too long, but flew directly to the crater on the top of the mountain. Lin Xian followed without hesitation.

When they arrived at the top of the mountain, the temperature here was already very high. Not only Lin Xian, but also the other three cultivators began to sweat on their foreheads. Several people looked at each other and flew towards the crater.

As soon as they entered the crater, Lin Xian suddenly felt that the temperature had risen again, and the sweat on his forehead became more dense.

Driving the flying sword, slowly descending along the mountain wall, Lin Xian also continuously released his spiritual sense to detect the surroundings. This is a large circular hole formed by the volcanic eruption, and the temperature is higher as you go down.

After descending for a cup of tea, Lin Xian found a fire rock crystal on the mountain wall through his spiritual sense. This fire rock crystal is also a relatively precious refining material, especially for fire-attributed magic tools. This material is used. Even if it is sold to the market, it can earn hundreds of low-grade spirit stones. He happily put the fire rock crystal into the storage bag and continued to descend.

Although the heat was increasing, Lin Xian felt that his body could bear it. His body was much stronger than that of ordinary cultivators. The pain of practicing the evil body-building technique was still vivid in his mind, but now the importance of body-building was reflected.

The other three cultivators were sweating profusely, and their clothes were soaked, while Lin Xian was only sweating slightly, and the hot air hardly burned his body.

Along the way, Lin Xian had obtained three fire rock crystals. This feeling was the same as picking up spirit stones, and he picked up hundreds of them at a time. Moreover, the lower he went, the greater the chance of fire rock crystals appearing. There was probably no cultivator who didn't like spirit stones, and Lin Xian was no exception.

Lin Xian was descending rapidly.

One zhang...

Ten zhang...

One hundred zhang...

After reaching a depth of one hundred zhang, Lin Xian also clearly felt the temperature rising. At this time, he was also sweating profusely, and his black clothes were soaked. However, when he saw the ten volcanic rock crystals in the storage bag, all his emotions were replaced by excitement. These ten volcanic rock crystals were equivalent to more than three thousand low-grade spirit stones, not to mention that his body could still bear it. Looking at the other three cultivators, they were all gritting their teeth to persevere.

Two hundred feet...

Lin Xian's body also began to be burned, but it was soon repaired. This magic evil body forging technique was indeed extraordinary. This little burn could only hurt his fur. Although it was a bit painful, it could be repaired immediately. In addition, during this process, Lin Xian seemed to feel that his body, which was originally unable to be strengthened, was also being strengthened little by little. In other words, the bottleneck of the magic evil body forging technique was also broken. The harsh environment here could actually allow his body to break through the shackles!

Feeling this, the joy of getting the twenty volcanic rock crystals was not worth mentioning.

Three hundred feet...

At this time, the three cultivators had stopped descending and had long returned along the original path. Their bodies could no longer withstand such high temperatures. At this time, Lin Xian was in pain and happy. His body was constantly burned by the high temperature, and it was constantly repaired. In the process of constant repetition, he felt that his body was constantly strengthening.

When his body gradually got used to the high temperature of 300 feet, after collecting the volcanic crystals on the surrounding mountain walls, Lin Xian came to the position of 400 feet.

Then it was 500 feet...

After reaching 500 feet, Lin Xian obviously felt that the temperature was much higher. He felt as if the whole person was placed in a large furnace, and the whole person turned into a ball of fire. He was roasted from the inside to the outside by the high temperature. His body was also destroyed by the high temperature, and his clothes were burned to ashes by the high temperature.

In such an environment, Lin Xian's body strengthening speed became faster. Although it was more painful, Lin Xian was gritting his teeth and persisting while feeling the changes in his body. He wanted to take out the healing medicine from the storage bag, but the pill was burned to ashes by the high temperature as soon as it appeared. If he didn't have the Qiankun Mirror, it is estimated that the storage bag would have to be written off.

There was no way, Lin Xian could only continue to wait for his body to be strengthened and wait for the strengthened body to adapt to such an environment. Lin Xian has now forgotten the time. He is fighting against the pain with all his heart and soul. After an unknown amount of time, he finally feels the pain starting to ease, indicating that his body has begun to adapt to the harsh environment here.

After an unknown amount of time, Lin Xian can hardly feel the pain anymore, and his skin actually appears slightly golden in the high temperature environment.

Six hundred feet...

Seven hundred feet...

Lin Xian descended to a depth of seven hundred feet again, and the temperature here soared again. Here, Lin Xian could already see the bottom faintly. There was a sea of ​​magma, and there was a small island in the middle of the ocean. On the island lay a skeleton.

This was already a fiery world, with volcanic crystals scattered all over the mountain walls, but Lin Xian had no intention of collecting any volcanic crystals at this time. He felt as if he was in an oil pan, and the intense pain stimulated every nerve in him. At this time, his veins were bulging all over his body, and his face was hideous. Because his teeth were biting too hard, blood had seeped from the corners of his mouth, but the blood that oozed immediately turned into ashes.

Although he was suffering from unprecedented pain at this moment, his skin was constantly emitting a faint golden light, and as time went on, the golden light became more and more intense. As the golden light became more and more intense, Lin Xian's pain gradually eased. In this way, after an unknown period of struggle, Lin Xian felt that his body had reached another bottleneck, and the strength of his body was no longer increasing.

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