Grassroots Immortality

Chapter 812 Dominating the Three-Dimensional World

In the God Realm, since both Duanmu Lingfeng and Long Xiaoyun were attacked, Long Xiaoyun did not continue to attack Situ Yue and other God Emperors.

Including Duanmu Lingfeng.

Although Duanmu Realm was destroyed, his body in the God Realm was safe and sound.

Long Xiaoyun also found some problems. As long as those who are at the top of the God Realm do not kill each other, the cultivators in the God Realm, even if they are jealous of their positions as God Emperors, can't do anything to them.

The man who was hiding behind Nanu secretly, no matter how mysterious he was, Long Xiaoyun could feel strong hostility from him.

Maybe it won't be long before Duanmu Lingfeng and Situ Yue can stand on the same front again.

Long Yunwei suffered another great defeat outside Duanmu Realm and suffered heavy losses.

In addition to the Long Yunwei who were lost before the God Locust Realm, the Long Yunwei cherished by Long Xiaoyun lost more than 200,000.

In order to prevent the God Locust Realm from being attacked by other worlds, especially by Long Xiaoyun, Lin Xian did not stop with Nanu.

A crazy war in the three-dimensional world began.

It can be said that he was unscrupulous, arrogant and rampant.

Lin Xian first attacked the worlds of those who were related to Long Xiaoyun, especially the subordinate God Kings of the Cloud Temple, and even the world of the God Lord was not spared.

This was a spectacle that had never happened in the three-dimensional world.

It was also a large-scale war that had never happened in the three-dimensional world.

In this war, the God Locust Clan became the main force.

Although the God Locust Clan's combat power was not strong, the number of tens of billions was enough to scare people.

And behind Nanu, there were people supporting him. How could those incarnations of the Heavenly Dao in these three-dimensional worlds resist?

Facing the ordinary world, the God Locust Clan can easily deal with it.

If they encounter an opponent that the God Locust Clan cannot defeat, Lin Xian will help.

Even Long Yunwei can be killed, it is estimated that there is no existence that Lin Xian cannot kill in this three-dimensional world.

This is indeed the case. In general worlds, the God Locust Clan can easily deal with it.

Lin Xian only plunders resources.

Of course, Lin Xian will still leave a lot of resources in a world.

After all, the God Locust Clan itself needs a lot of resources to reproduce and grow.

There were originally more than 60 billion God Locust Clan. After destroying several worlds, not only did they not decrease, but they increased a little.

And the combat power of the God Locust Clan has also improved a little.

Those God Locust Clan that are too weak still suffered a lot of losses.

Lin Xian originally thought that Long Xiaoyun would come to help, but the final outcome made him a little disappointed.

Long Xiaoyun watched the worlds of his subordinates being destroyed, but he was indifferent.

As if he was scared by Lin Xian.

This is indeed the case.

After losing more than 200,000 Long Yunwei, Long Xiaoyun no longer dared to send Long Yunwei out easily.

Although he still had more than one million Dragon Cloud Guards, the fierce battle in the void outside Duanmu Realm had left a deep mark in his heart.

Long Xiaoyun had a feeling that this Dragon Cloud Realm might not be able to be saved in the end.

When did such a terrifying force appear in this three-dimensional world?

Even if Long Xiaoyun investigated in many ways, he could not find out which world had frequent military mobilizations.

In this way, things became very bizarre.

There were no signs of military mobilization in the worlds in the three-dimensional world, except for the God Locust Realm.

But Long Xiaoyun believed that Nanu was definitely not the culprit. Even if he destroyed the God Locust Realm at all costs, it would not have any effect on that mysterious force.

How could the small God Locust Realm dare to attack his huge Dragon Cloud Realm!

Anyone could see this.

But even so, Nanu still showed an indifferent look to the outside world and only attacked the worlds under Long Xiaoyun.

The purpose was obviously to come to him, Long Xiaoyun.

There is also a suspicion of siege and attack.

After the first subordinate world was destroyed, Long Xiaoyun asked all his subordinates to transfer their spare bodies to Longyun Realm.

Even the elite world guards were taken to Longyun Realm together.

Therefore, Nanu led the God Locusts to sweep through the inner worlds of most of the cultivators in Yunshen Temple.

The inner worlds of the cultivators in Yunshen Temple were almost all destroyed by Nanu!

This move seems crazy, and there must be someone behind it.

Otherwise, with Nanu's strength alone, how dare he directly attack the cultivators of Yunshen Temple.

The people of the entire God Realm hid and watched this incredible war.

Nanu, with his own strength, destroyed all the worlds of all the cultivators in Yunshen Temple like autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves.

In the end, only Longyun Realm was left!

Just when Long Xiaoyun thought that Nanu should attack Longyun Realm next, Nanu's spearhead began to point to Ning Xinyao's subordinates again.

Ning Xinyao suffered more serious losses than Long Xiaoyun in the battle in the void outside Duanmu Realm.

Long Xiaoyun could only hide in Longyun Realm, how could Ning Xinyao dare to send elite troops to help.

Without reinforcements, he could only retreat.

Ning Xinyao, with his elite guards, also began to move towards Longyun Realm.

Even Ning Xinyao's own world guards were transferred to Longyun Realm by him.

Nanu swept through the world abandoned by his master again.

Ning Xinyao's subordinate world and Ning Xinyao's own inner world were destroyed very smoothly.

Most of the resources were plundered by Lin Xian, and the number of the God Locusts increased again.

Those God Locusts with weak combat power have been replaced by God Locusts with stronger combat power.

Although the number has not increased much, the overall combat power of the God Locusts has increased a lot.

Just when everyone thought that Nanu would continue to command the army to attack Longyun Realm, Nanu stopped moving.

In today's three-dimensional world, the incarnations of the heavenly way of those gods and men are worried about being attacked by Nanu.

Even the God Emperor is no exception.

The God Emperor can call the wind and rain in the God Realm, but they have no way in the three-dimensional world.

If their inner worlds are completely destroyed, the cultivators in the God Realm will not have any protection.

Once they die, they will really die.

However, a powerful God Emperor like Long Xiaoyun, even if his inner world is destroyed, he is still an existence that no one dares to provoke in the God Realm.

Even if his inner world is not safe in the end, Long Xiaoyun will not worry about being attacked.

But Long Xiaoyun was very curious, who on earth had such a skill that he could destroy the inner worlds of all his subordinates and those close to him.

Since their inner worlds were destroyed, should the next step be to attack their original bodies in the God Realm?

Looking at the God Realm, who dares to attack him, Long Xiaoyun.

Even Duanmu Lingfeng and Situ Yue joined Long Xiaoyun's camp.

How powerful is this force, five God Emperors, and many God Kings under them.

Even if they don't have their inner worlds, their combat power will be affected, but who can match them in the God Realm when they join forces.

After destroying the inner worlds of all the people, the three-dimensional world actually returned to its previous calm.

The inner worlds and subordinate worlds of other God Emperors were not attacked by Nanu.

Obviously, Nanu's attack targets were not random, but had obvious intentions.

It was to deal with Long Xiaoyun.

This is no longer a secret.

As a result, five of the ten great emperors of the God Realm have lost their inner worlds.

It is estimated that in the near future, this number will become six.

Everyone is always paying attention to whether Long Xiaoyun's inner world can be preserved.

Even if these people have lost their inner worlds, they are still alive and well in the God Realm, and they are just a little more threatening.

They also lose a last retreat.

Once their original bodies are killed again, they will really perish.

But everyone has been waiting for a long time, but Nanu has not made any movement.

At this moment, Nanu and Lin Xian are digesting the resources plundered from these inner worlds.

Resources are almost useless to Nanu.

For Lin Xian, only the Immortal Gang Immortal Veins are of some use to his Qiankun World.

The three-dimensional world has returned to peace, but everyone's eyes are focused on Nanu.

Nanu has not made any movement, and mainly focuses on cultivating the God Locust Clan.

The number of the God Locusts has reached hundreds of billions, but their combat power is not high.

They can only deal with ordinary world guards.

If they encounter a world guard like Longyunwei with extremely strong defense and attack power, Nanu will not be able to defeat the opponent even if he uses up all the God Locusts.

No matter how many God Locusts there are, fighting against powerful world guards will become a tactic of adding fuel.

In addition to letting the Qiankun world continue to grow, Lin Xian is also constantly cultivating gold-eating insects.

After devouring a large number of high-quality resources in the world, the strength of the gold-eating insects has increased a lot again.

In addition to the more than 200,000 gold-eating immortal corpses outside the Duanmu world, the strength of the gold-eating insects has gradually approached the level of gold-eating immortals.

The competition in the three-dimensional world is gradually coming to an end.

The destruction of Longyun World is just a matter of when Lin Xian will take action.

These things are just the first step of his revenge, and the real difficult things have just begun.

Even if Lin Xian is now the king of the three-dimensional world, if he does not have strong strength, even if he enters the God Realm, he can only watch Long Xiaoyun continue to live happily.

And he can only do this, nothing else.

Therefore, Lin Xian must completely activate the Qiankun Mirror.

Only by completely activating the Qiankun Mirror can he have the capital to deal with Long Xiaoyun.

Judging from the current situation, there should be no problem in activating the Qiankun Mirror.

He got most of the resources of the Xiao Realm.

Later, he successively got most of the resources of the two great God Emperor worlds of Situ Realm and Ning Xinyao.

If the resources of Longyun Realm are counted, the Qiankun World will definitely grow to its limit.

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