Grassroots Immortality

Chapter 806 A brief moment of tranquility

Although the self-destructing ants are consumables, their attack power is much stronger than that of the main battle ants.

And the number is much smaller.

However, the number of magic fire ants is a huge number. Compared with this huge base number, the number of self-destructing ants is pitifully small.

But in the actual battlefield, the role of self-destructing ants is extremely important.

In this battle with the gold-eating immortals, if there were no seven-colored self-destructing ants, it would be almost impossible to eliminate all the 50,000 gold-eating immortals with the attack power of the seven-colored main battle ants alone.

In the future, Lin Xian may encounter a larger army of gold-eating immortals. With the current power and number of the seven-colored self-destructing ants, if he really encounters a larger army of gold-eating immortals, Lin Xian can only flee without fighting.

After this battle, although the immediate trouble was solved.

Lin Xian is not sure how long Duanmu Lingfeng's army can hold out.

Judging from the fact that Long Xiaoyun has sent out Longyunwei, he is really angry and wants to end the battle as soon as possible.

If he waits for him to free up his hands, the God Locust Realm may face new troubles.

It's just that the time is still uncertain.

Lin Xian only hopes that he can have more time to cultivate the magic fire ants and replenish the magic fire ants consumed in the previous battle.

Before that, Lin Xian had no intention of looking for trouble with Long Xiaoyun again.

After devouring the corpses of two gold-eating immortals, the gold-eating worm king laid about 110,000 eggs.

After Lin Xian's cultivation, the number of gold-eating worms has become less and less.

As a result, the gold-eating worms have no much effect on Lin Xian now.

The reason is also very simple. Affected by the world's resources, the energy required by the gold-eating worms is becoming less and less.

This has led to a decrease in the number of gold-eating worm populations.

Now that there are so many gold-eating immortal corpses, the number of gold-eating worms will definitely be greatly increased.

When the gold-eating worm eggs hatched, they first devoured the corpses of the eleven gold-eating worm kings, and then they also grew rapidly.

When this batch of gold-eating worms grew up, the number of gold-eating worms increased from the original eleven to more than eleven thousand.

Moreover, the peak strength of this batch of gold-eating insects is naturally much stronger than the previous gold-eating insect king.

As long as Lin Xian has enough resources, he can ensure that the number of these gold-eating insects will not decrease.

In the subsequent feeding, Lin Xian gave the gold-eating insects enough gold-eating immortal corpses.

After they devoured the corpses of gold-eating immortals, the gold-eating insects grew very quickly.

The improvement in strength also made Lin Xian very satisfied.

As for the seven-color main battle ants, after devouring some of the corpses of gold-eating immortals, they also laid a large number of insect eggs.

After the eggs hatched, the magic fire ants had a lot of mutations as Lin Xian expected.

With the effect of the luck water, the mutations were almost all in a good direction.

After this cultivation, many varieties of magic fire ants with stronger combat power than the seven-color main battle ants appeared.

Some have stronger defense and have some defensive characteristics of gold-eating insects.

Some have enhanced reproductive capacity. Even if their combat power is similar to that of the seven-color main battle ants, their reproductive speed is stronger than that of the previous seven-color main battle ants.

Some magic fire ants also increased their attack power again, and were stronger than the previous seven-color main battle ants.

The extent of the increase varied.

Some magic fire ants, based on the previous seven-color main battle ants, had a higher intelligence.

Lin now selected the magic fire ants with the most increased combat power among these magic fire ants, and continued to feed them the corpse of the gold-eating fairy.

After absorbing enough energy, the magic fire ants began to lay eggs again soon.

As for the seven-color self-explosive ants, after absorbing enough energy, they also began to lay eggs, and soon hatched.

Lin now used resources to make these magic fire ants grow quickly. After understanding the combat power of these magic fire ants, Lin now felt a little disappointed.

The power of the seven-color self-explosive ants did not increase much, but there were some more characteristics in other aspects.

For example, the reproduction and growth rate were improved.

For example, the defense was enhanced.

For the self-explosive ants, Lin now thought that only the power of self-explosion, the reproduction speed and the growth rate were useful. In addition, the other mutated characteristics were useless.

Even so, Lin Xian was very satisfied.

At least the replenishment speed of the seven-colored self-explosive ants will be much faster in the future.

The 50,000 gold-eating immortals that Long Xiaoyun sent to the God Locust Realm never returned. Long Xiaoyun was shocked and heartbroken.

The training of the Dragon Cloud Guards took him a long time and a lot of resources.

It can be said that every Dragon Cloud Guard is very valuable.

In those ordinary worlds, even if all resources are used up, only a few Dragon Cloud Guards can be trained.

The loss of 50,000 Dragon Cloud Guards at once made Long Xiaoyun angry, shocked, and a little unbelievable.

According to his idea, three to five Dragon Cloud Guards are enough to destroy the God Locust Realm.

In order to avoid accidents and quickly destroy the God Locust Realm, Long Xiaoyun has sent enough Dragon Cloud Guards, which is also to deter other people with ill intentions.

Now it seems that the deterrent effect has not worked, but it has made the God Locust Realm famous.

After seeing that Long Yunwei was destroyed, the Divine Locust Realm did not make any unusual moves, and Long Xiaoyun was relieved.

If the Divine Locust Realm continued to help Duanmu Lingfeng and others, it would be a big trouble for him.

If Nanu fights to the death, his Longyun Guard will definitely be damaged.

Fighting with these small fish and shrimps and losing Longyun Guard will also make Long Xiaoyun feel that it is not worth it.

You know, in the God Realm, there are still four God Emperors sitting on the Diaoyutai, perhaps waiting for the opportunity.

No one can guarantee that they will not attack him.

After Longyun Guard joined the battlefield, Duanmu Lingfeng also sent his own Tiandao Army.

Although the strength is not as good as Longyun Guard, with the advantage of numbers, it can fight Longyun Guard on equal terms.

This war seems to have no end.

Neither side used their full strength and held back.

Once the other side increases the stakes, the other side will have to continue to increase the stakes.

Once all the strength is exposed, it is not a good thing for both sides.

However, long-term consumption is not a good thing for both sides.

The decline in strength is certain and cannot be avoided.

The longer the war lasts, the greater the harm to both sides.

However, now that the two sides have torn their faces, it may not be so easy to stop the war.

Even though both sides knew that continuing the fight would not benefit anyone, they could not stop.

Once one showed weakness, the opponent might launch a more violent attack, hoping to annihilate the other in one fell swoop.

Unknowingly, more than two thousand years had passed.

After more than two thousand years of cultivation, Lin Xian had consumed all the corpses of the gold-eating immortals.

The Qiankun world had grown a little again.

After consuming all the large and super-large immortal veins, the scale of the Divine Locust Realm had already increased four or five times.

And it has not yet reached its limit.

If there were more resources, the scale of the Divine Locust Realm could continue to expand.

After consuming all the corpses of the gold-eating immortals, Lin Xian obtained an army of gold-eating insects with a number of millions.

It's just that their combat power is far from comparable to that of the gold-eating immortals.

Even so, compared with the current seven-color main battle ants, the combat power of this army of gold-eating insects is still much stronger.

The combat power of the seven-color main battle ants has also been improved a little, although the increase is not large, at least it is much stronger than before.

For the seven-color self-destructing ants, even after multiple breedings, the power of self-destruction has not increased much.

However, the speed of reproduction and growth is much faster.

After more than two thousand years of breeding, the number of seven-color self-destructing ants has increased several times compared with more than two thousand years ago.

Today, Lin Xian can be said to be strong and powerful.

The battle between Long Xiaoyun and Duanmu Lingfeng has also lasted for more than two thousand years.

Now, the two sides seem to be in a strange state.

The war has become unpredictable.

You say the war is over, but the two sides are still confronting each other.

Occasionally, some small-scale battles will occur.

You say that the two sides are fighting, but such a battle can hardly cause any impact on both sides.

It is not itchy or painful, and it is no different from a truce.

It will not affect the development of both sides.

Seeing this, Lin Xian also felt that it was impossible for the two sides to fight to the death.

After all, there are still four God Emperors around.

Once both sides consume too much, others will reap the benefits.

After careful consideration, Lin Xian summoned Nanu to his side.

His face was serious.

"I heard from your recent report that Long Xiaoyun and Duanmu Lingfeng seemed to have agreed to stop fighting. It seems that it is impossible to let them fight to the death."

"So, I have decided to take action myself. At that time, I am afraid that it will bring a catastrophe to the God Locust Realm. Your spare body is safe and sound in my inner world."

"Even if the God Locust Realm is destroyed, your life can still be saved. You can select the elite God Locusts and let me take them into the Qiankun World. After I have eliminated the enemy, I will help you rebuild your inner world."

Lin Xian had a serious face and a tone of command.

Nanu did not hesitate at all and immediately agreed.

Before Lin Xian took action, he was able to tell him the truth, which was a great respect for him.

If Lin Xian wanted to use him as cannon fodder, he could just call out all the God Locusts.

As long as the green mountains remain, there is no need to worry about running out of firewood.

As long as the spare body is not destroyed, he still has a chance to make a comeback.

Lin Xian did not abandon him, on the one hand, it may be because the seven-colored locust tribe still has some use for him.

On the other hand, it is also because his master is still sympathetic to his subordinates.

It has been thousands of years since he followed Lin Xian, and Nanu has some understanding of Lin Xian's personality.

Every time he helps Lin Xian, he is wholeheartedly and without any selfishness.

Lin Xian is also very satisfied with him and Xiao Yun.

With the help of Lin Xian, Xiao Yun also won a divine throne and his cultivation strength has also improved a lot.

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