Grassroots Immortality

Chapter 760 End of Retreat

This incarnation secret technique was originally created by him in his previous life, and it is extremely mysterious.

After more than 500 years of cultivation, the combat power of the magic fire ant army has made a qualitative leap.

It has become much stronger.

However, the cultivation of the magic fire ants has not encountered a bottleneck, and there is still room for improvement.

As long as there is room for improvement in the magic fire ants, Lin Xian will not act rashly.

Only by continuing to cultivate the magic fire ants and letting the magic fire ants reach their peak combat power, then it is time for Lin Xian to take action against other worlds.

The method of cultivating magic fire ants has long been familiar to Lin Xian.

It’s just that the growth of magic fire ants also takes time, so the cultivation of magic fire ants also takes a long time.

If you want to get a magic fire ant army with peak combat power, and require a large number, this project is originally a long process.

After Lin Xian completely refined all the fairy crystal veins, it was meaningless to continue to retreat.

When Lin Xian appeared in the Qiankun world again, he had come to the fairyland in the Qiankun world.

Nowadays, the space of the fairyland in the Qiankun world has increased several times compared with five hundred years ago.

The cultivation environment in the fairyland has also improved.

Even so, the situation in the fairyland is not optimistic.

Because this fairyland is extremely barren and not suitable for cultivators to practice, and Lin Xian brought a large number of fairyland cultivators into the Qiankun world, the fairyland in the Qiankun world also seems very crowded.

The fairyland cultivators who entered the Qiankun world were grateful to Lin Xian before.

But as time went by, coupled with the bad environment in the fairyland, some cultivators began to feel dissatisfied.

Fortunately, there are three fairy emperors such as Taiqing Fairy Emperor in charge. Even if these cultivators are dissatisfied, the order in the fairyland is well organized and there is no chaos.

The three fairy emperors are respectful to Lin Xian, and even if there are fairyland cultivators who are dissatisfied, they dare not show it.

In the Qiankun world, next to the Naihe Bridge in the underworld.

Lin Xian stood in front of a wooden house, which made him feel a sense of familiarity.

An old woman was moved and quickly pushed open the door.

When she saw Lin Xian, the old woman also bowed respectfully.

"Thank you for saving my life, senior. I have no way to repay you. Guarding the underworld for you is the only thing I can do for you."

The person who spoke was Meng Po.

When Lin Xian returned to the Sancang Realm, he naturally did not forget Meng Po who had helped him.

When the fairy world was about to be destroyed, he also took Meng Po into the Qiankun world.

The structure and operation of each world are similar.

If living beings want to live forever, they must continue to reincarnate.

As the world grows, the number of living beings will increase.

There will also be more and more living beings that will develop intelligence and form souls.

As long as the soul is immortal, they can enter the way of reincarnation.

With the existence of the underworld, the number of mortals can also be guaranteed to increase.

The scale of the world will naturally become larger and larger.

The world breeds life, and no matter what form life is in, it can draw spiritual energy from the world.

Life can be cultivated and purified, and eventually form a body of soul with consciousness.

If life eventually perishes, the soul will dissipate between heaven and earth, and the final destination is to enter the path of reincarnation.

If the soul can continue to cultivate and become stronger, he can transcend reincarnation, immortal and indestructible, and become an eternal existence.

And the final destination of these souls is no longer to enter reincarnation.

But the high-dimensional world.

Meng Po's attitude towards Lin Xian is very respectful.

When she saw Lin Xian that year, Lin Xian was no different from an ant in her eyes.

Letting Lin Xian hand over the golden hairpin is just a chance.

Giving Lin Xian the soul-raising tree will not cause any loss to her.

I didn't expect that only thousands of years have passed, and the junior with low strength at the time has grown to such a point!

"Thank you, Senior Mengpo. If you hadn't given me a piece of soul-nourishing wood, my Taoist partner would have died long ago. I will always remember this kindness."

"Now this world is still in its infancy. It is not suitable for cultivators like you to practice. Of course, you don't need to practice anymore."

"So, arranging you here will not have much impact on you. Moreover, this place is the most secluded. You can comprehend the practice method I will teach you."

"As long as the time is right, I will help you break through the shackles of the Immortal Emperor. Of course, before that, you must find someone to replace you."

Lin Xian taught Mengpo how to build the inner world, as well as some cultivation methods of gods and men.

Mengpo's cultivation can be said to be the highest existence in the immortal world, and she is also the one who is most likely to break through the shackles of the Immortal Emperor.

It is precisely because of this that she was suppressed by the way of heaven and was finally imprisoned in the underworld.

If Lin Xian hadn't appeared, she would never have been able to turn things around, and her life would have come to an end only when the world collapsed.

Hearing Lin Xian's words, Meng Po also showed joy on her face.

Meng Po would choose to believe Lin Xian's promise without hesitation.

Because her golden hairpin is now worn on her head again.

Lin Xian not only rescued Meng Po, but also took those powerful monks in Rashomon into the world of Qiankun.

It is also because of this that Mengpo and her husband, who had been separated for countless years, were finally reunited.

For this, the monks of Rashomon not only fully trusted Lin Xian, but were also very grateful to him.

If Lin Xian had not extended a helping hand, they would have perished with the fairy world.

For a person who keeps his promise so well, even a small golden hairpin can make him remember it for thousands of years, not to mention other things.

Rashomon moved into the underworld and became a powerful force guarding the underworld.

With this force guarding it, the underworld will never become chaotic.

And an orderly underworld also plays an important role in the entire world of Qiankun.

"Don't worry, senior. With our monks from Rashomon guarding the underworld, the underworld will be in order and there will be no chaos. As for the breakthrough to the Immortal Emperor, we have been waiting for countless years, so why would we be in a hurry?"

"In the previous world, we monks from Rashomon could not see a glimmer of hope. Now, senior not only taught us the skills, but also gave us hope. We are also very happy."

Meng Po smiled lightly and looked very relaxed.

There was no sign of impatience at all.

It only took thousands of years to cultivate from an ordinary monk in the fairy world to the level of the Immortal Emperor.

Who can do this?

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