Grassroots Immortality

Chapter 643: Breaking down into smaller pieces, the Huangkun tribe disbands

The Sea of ​​Bones is the entrance to the Deep Space Abyss, and there is an extremely powerful force nearby.

The role of this force is to suppress the power of the gods. Under the suppression of this force, not only will the strength of the gods no longer exist, but they will also be corroded by this force for a long time, and the gods will also suffer considerable damage.

It is for this reason that no one is willing to approach the Sea of ​​Bones.

It is also for this reason that the Huangkun tribe survived and persisted until Lin Xian appeared.

Lin Xian stayed in the temple for three days. During these three days, Lin Xian also planned what to do next.

The mission of the Huangkun tribe has been completed, and there is no need to stay here.

Lin Xian arranged for them to split up and go to various places in the Deep Space Abyss to find news about Gan Nu.

This is also crucial for him.

And he himself, because his cultivation has not broken through the realm of the Immortal Emperor at all, entering the Deep Space Abyss is no different from a mortal.

In this way, he could pretend to be a native creature in the deep space wasteland and join the forces in the deep space wasteland.

There is no spiritual power or immortal power in the deep space wasteland, so naturally, it is impossible to practice.

If you can't practice, you can only practice body.

The body practice in the deep space wasteland is completely different from the body practice in other places. The body practice here has a complete system, and the resources used are unique to the deep space wasteland.

After practicing to the highest level, they can still become gods.

The God of the Wilderness is the supreme existence in the deep space wasteland.

Although a lot of information was learned from the leader of the Wild Kun tribe, it was still very one-sided and extremely limited.

In order to learn more and more detailed information, Lin Xian must join the local forces, walk more in the deep space wasteland, and communicate more with local cultivators.

Only by completely integrating into the local cultivators can Lin Xian have a clearer understanding of the practice rules of this world, and maybe he can find out how to leave the deep space wasteland.

All members of the Huangkun tribe have dispersed and went to various places to inquire about the news of the Huanggan tribe.

And Lin Xian also left the Huangkun tribe.

Because a large number of gods were exiled to the deep space wilderness, countless years have passed, and the descendants of these gods have continued to multiply, forming the unique indigenous creatures in the deep space wilderness.

After the gods arrived in the deep space wilderness, they no longer had unlimited lifespan.

Because the divine power cannot be replenished, even if they can use the means of gods, they will not use it easily.

They will not consume divine power for some unnecessary or unimportant things.

As long as the divine power is still there, they don’t have to worry about their lifespan.

And their status in this deep space wilderness is much higher than that of other natives.

And these native creatures, after countless years, have also created a unique way of cultivation.

Because the natives here are all descendants of gods, they naturally have the blood of gods in their bodies.

Different people, because of different bloodlines, have different bloodlines of gods in their bodies.

Not only that, because the gods also have strengths and weaknesses, their god bloodlines also have strengths and weaknesses.

These indigenous creatures are slightly taller than ordinary mortals.

Their physical fitness is naturally much better.

Children in their teens can fight with the wild beasts in the deep space abyss.

As long as the god bloodline in their bodies is activated, they can practice.

And to activate the god bloodline in their bodies, the crystal core in the wild beast must be used.

The crystal cores of different wild beasts will have different effects after activating the god bloodline.

The future and combat power of the indigenous cultivators will also be affected by both the god bloodline and the wild beast crystal core.

The wild beast crystal core is the essence of the wild beast's life, and it is also the place where the wild beast's soul resides.

These natives were originally unable to practice, but with the help of the wild beast's crystal core, it is equivalent to transferring the wild beast's cultivation ability to themselves.

And their fighting is actually somewhat similar to the fighting method of the wild beast.

Wild beasts, as unique creatures in the deep space abyss, are also the earliest masters of the deep space abyss.

It was not until the gods were exiled to this place that their status was gradually replaced by the gods.

And they also became the main source of energy for the descendants of the gods.

Not only that, even the gods found that eating the blood and flesh of wild beasts could reduce the consumption of their divine power a lot.

If the blood and flesh of wild beasts were of high quality, their divine power would not be reduced at all by the suppressing force in the deep space abyss.

After they used a large number of descendants, the gods would not do it themselves, and everything was done by their descendants.

The descendants of the gods gradually created this unique method of cultivation in the long-term hunting process.

At the beginning, they only used the ability of wild beasts to absorb the unique breath in the deep space abyss to improve their combat power.

This situation cannot be said to be cultivation.

As time went by, after countless years, they even created a method of cultivation to speed up the speed of cultivation.

At this time, these descendants of gods and men truly possessed the ability to practice.

After countless years of improvement and precipitation, this set of practice methods can now be said to be very complete and mature.

Lanying Village is a remote village.

There are about a hundred descendants of gods living in the village.

Because of their bloodline, they have never been valued by gods.

After leaving the Huangkun tribe, Lin Xian has been heading away from the sea of ​​bones.

After walking for an unknown period of time, Lin Xian finally saw the indigenous creatures in the deep space abyss.

Compared with himself, they are not much different.

It's just that their fighting style makes Lin Xian feel curious.

A monster with a height of more than six feet is attacking three indigenous monks.

Although the figures of the indigenous monks are not much different from Lin Xian, there is a monster light and shadow behind them.

During the battle, although the indigenous monks are constantly making various attacking postures, it is the light and shadow giant beast that finally takes action.

Although there are as many as three indigenous monks, the battle with the wild beast is still evenly matched.

Whether it is the wild beast or the three indigenous monks, it seems that they are using the power of the flesh.

However, during the battle, there was a strange wave in the air.

This breath was unique to the wilderness.

Wild beasts could improve their strength by absorbing this breath, and the indigenous monks today were even more so, and they even created a special cultivation method.

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