Grassroots Immortality

Chapter 1 Linjia Village

Canglan Kingdom, Yuanguang County.

The entire county is dominated by mountains and is the poorest area in the Canglan Kingdom. People mostly make a living by gathering herbs and hunting, and most people still live a life of hunger.

Baishi Town is located in the northern part of Yuanguang County. It is deep into the Okura Mountains and is the only small town within a hundred miles. People usually trade supplies and sell medicinal herbs here.

Linjia Village is a very ordinary one among the many villages in Dacang Mountain.

According to village records, Linjia Village has lived and thrived here for hundreds of years.

It is said that our ancestors came here to escape the war. After hundreds of years of reproduction, the village now has a population of more than 300.

Because we are in the mountains, the atmosphere in the village is also extremely simple. No matter which family has trouble, they will get help from other villagers.

For example, if a family wants to build a house, or if a family wants to hold weddings or funerals, the villagers will act collectively. There is strength in numbers, because only through unity can we live better here.

Lin Changfeng's family is an ordinary family in the village. Recently, he has always been worried and frowning. Whenever he has free time, he will hold his dry tobacco stick in his mouth and take a few deep breaths from time to time. Take it easy.

Exhaling a long puff of smoke, Lin Changfeng said to his wife: "My dear mother, I haven't gained much from my recent trips to the mountains. Our family has been out of food for several days. We can only borrow it from Lin Xiang and his family." That’s not an option. Besides, how much food can their family lend to our family?”

Lin Changfeng's wife also let out a long sigh and said: "The child's father, we can be hungry, but the children are still growing..." Lin's wife did not continue speaking, because her voice had already I choked up, my tears couldn't stop flowing out, and my body began to tremble constantly...

Linjia Village was already lacking in supplies and life was difficult. However, Lin Changfeng's family had four children. As the children grew up, the situation at home became even worse.

The eldest son is twelve years old, the second son is ten years old, the third son is seven years old, and the fourth daughter is four years old. However, the family has been without food for several days. In these days, they have been relying on food borrowed from neighbors. After going into the mountains for several days, there was still no harvest. It is not an option to continue like this. It is not easy for everyone, and we cannot rely on borrowing food from neighbors for a long time.

Lin Changfeng is an honest man, and his family lives the most traditional life in Linjia Village.

His wife and children went to the mountains to collect herbs, while he went into the mountains to hunt.

If you are lucky, you can get a lot of food in exchange for hunting a large animal such as a wild boar.

If it is just some small animals such as hares, even if they return empty-handed, life will be very difficult for the whole family.

But now he is in the worst-case scenario. He hasn't hunted any large animals for a long time, and his family's life has become unsustainable. This is what he worries about day and night.

Seeing her husband holding a cigarette stick in his mouth whenever he had free time, the wife did not blame him. She also knew what her husband was worried about.

As a wife, she couldn't help much, and she felt very guilty.

Looking at the four skinny children, she felt even more sad. She often cried silently in hiding. She knew that her husband was under even greater pressure.

"Alas..." Lin Changfeng tapped the cigarette rod on the ground angrily and sighed again.

Although Lin Changfeng had worked hard, the god of luck did not favor him, and the situation did not improve.

Lin Changfeng was also worried about this day and night. Finally, he planned to go to the village chief's home to ask for help.

The village chief is recognized as the most knowledgeable and wise person in the village. This is also Lin Changfeng's last hope.

Without discussing with his wife, Lin Changfeng came to his home in the village alone.

The two sat down separately, Lin Changfeng still frowned.

The village chief is an old man over sixty years old. Although he is thin and his beard and hair have turned gray, he is in good spirits.

Walking in the mountains all year round, as long as you are not sick, your health will be good.

Seeing Lin Changfeng's expression, the village chief had already guessed the purpose of Lin Changfeng's trip.

There are only so many people in the village, so the village chief naturally knows what kind of situation each household is in.

Of course, the village chief also knew about Lin Changfeng's character. He was an honest and honest man, but it had been a while since he came to his house and he still didn't have the nerve to speak.

In the end, the old village chief did not beat around the bush and said directly: "Speaking of Changfeng, I also know the situation of your family, and I also know the purpose of your coming to my house this time. If you just rely on everyone's help, this will not last long. You should be here today to find a solution. If you just want to borrow food, that’s fine.”

Lin Changfeng's eyes lit up when he heard the old village chief's words. Although he was honest, it didn't mean he was stupid.

He clearly heard from the old village chief's words that he had a solution.

He became a little excited for a moment and asked: "Old village chief, do you really have a way to solve our family's situation? Several children are so hungry that they are just skin and bones. As a father, every time Seeing their thin bodies, my heart..."

Speaking of this, Lin Changfeng couldn't help but shed sad tears again.

He blamed himself and said: "It's my fault as a father, otherwise they wouldn't have to work so hard."

As Lin Changfeng spoke, the circles under his eyes began to turn red again. The old village chief also clearly felt the helplessness, sadness and self-blame of being a father from his words.

He is also a father, so the old village chief can naturally understand Lin Changfeng's mood. If he can help Lin Changfeng, he will not refuse.

After a brief thought, the old village chief seemed to be organizing his words.

After more than ten breaths, the old village chief continued: "Changfeng, now the family's source of income is indeed a little simpler, mainly relying on you and your wife, and the children can only help with some small things. It’s also limited. As the children grow up, the family’s expenses will continue to increase, haven’t you thought of some other ways to increase your income?”

After hearing the old village chief's words, Lin Changfeng thought for a while.

However, he still didn't understand what the old village chief meant. Of course he wanted to increase the family's source of income.

But how to do it? He was puzzled, and in the end he could only look at the old village chief blankly. Since the old village chief said so, there must be a way.

Seeing Lin Changfeng's appearance, the old village chief knew that Lin Changfeng did not understand what he meant.

He didn't beat around the bush anymore, stared at Lin Changfeng solemnly and said, "Changfeng, I can't blame you if you can't think of a way to increase your income. This is how our Linjia Village survives. This is how our ancestors have been here for generations. I have even less contact with the outside world, and I don’t understand the outside world at all. I only go to the town when I need to sell prey or herbs. I only got the news not long ago, and I originally planned to let all the school-age children in the village try it. Try it, after all, this is a rare opportunity.”

When the old village chief said this, he turned his head and faced the distance.

He continued leisurely: "I heard someone mention it a few days ago that a martial arts sect called Cangyue Sect in our Okura Mountain will come to our Baishi Town to recruit disciples in the next few days, as long as they are children between six and twelve years old. Participate in the assessment, and if you pass, you will be taken to the Cangyue Sect for training and become a disciple of the Cangyue Sect. It is said that the treatment of the disciples is very good, at least one tael of silver will be given a month, and food and accommodation will be provided. "

At this point, the old village chief stopped talking and turned back to look at Lin Changfeng.

Lin Changfeng was stunned for a while, and then his face showed an excited look.

As long as he is not a fool, he should understand the solution the old village chief came up with for their family.

Of the four children in the family, the second and third children should be the most qualified. As long as one of them passes the examination, the family will have a steady stream of financial resources.

Not only does it solve the child's feeding problem, but it also increases the family's source of income. Even if I encounter a situation like this again, the family will not go hungry.

Even one tael of silver is enough to feed their family for a month, with some leftover. Then the current situation is solved, isn't it?

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