Grand Theft Auto: Immortal
Chapter 127
The wealthy man brought a bunch of young men to the door of Wang Ya's car modification shop. At this time, Wang Ya's car modification shop was very excited.。
Wang Ya didn't make any changes at all. They moved in a set of loudspeakers worth hundreds of thousands, and started a party with a group of girls in front of Wang Ya's car modification shop.。
When Wang Ya saw it, what kind of bar should he buy? Just ask Xiao Hei to drive a van to bring dozens of boxes of beer and sell them at a high price.。
A box of 12 bottles of Qingdao Pure Health costs only 70 yuan. Wang Ya directly sold it for 500 yuan per box.。
Those wealthy people don't care. This little money is nothing compared to the money spent on modifying the car.。
That night, Xiao Hei only focused on transportation and directly earned tens of thousands of yuan. Tens of thousands of yuan in this day, and a net income of more than 300,000 yuan in a month. For Xiao Hei who has no source of income, it is simply a huge profit.。
The beer business was left to Xiao Hei. Wang Ya made several million a day, but he didn't care about the ten thousand yuan.。
At this time, the young men got drunk and started to have fun. Some simply found a patch of grass nearby to play and lie down.。
Xiao Hei listened to the meows coming from the grass and swallowed: "Brother Wang, I can consider buying a batch of condoms.。”
“Okay, it’s okay for them to have sex with women, it’s just that men have to be with measures must be taken.。”
Wang Ya, who was sitting on a plastic chair, listened to the two male voices coming from the grass next door.。
This is really degenerate capitalism, and it must be criticized. Gay men need to be criticized, and lesbians need care and redemption.。
In fact, there are many wealthy women in the luxury cars, but Wang Yazhen is not interested in those people. They are all very beautiful, and they are all made by the same surgeon from the Han Dynasty.。
There were also stars around them, and dancers invited from various nightclubs. The scene of depravity was simply incredible!
A group of muscular and fresh-looking strong men surrounded a few wealthy women. Those girls were also Biao. They were drinking and stuffing a lot of money into the pants of the gigolos.。
接触到了这个圈子,王亚才知道什么叫做堕落,什么叫群魔乱舞 。
大多都很年轻,花起钱来也是随心所欲 。
这时一位喝得醉醺醺的妹子走过来,拿着一大把钞票甩在王亚脸上:“今晚陪我,这些钱是你的 。”
喝得烂醉的妹子直接扑进了王亚的怀中,如果是以前的王亚,那肯定是特别兴奋 。
但 ……
一个不知道被多少人玩过的,浑身酒气还忍不住往外吐,散发这恶臭味道的妹子 ……
王亚实在没兴趣 。
一把将妹子推到小黑那:“我看,我地下的人应该能满足你 。”
“诶,这黑不溜秋的……呃。”醉醺醺的妹子打了个酒嗝,趴在了小黑身上:“走…走,我们去爽爽 。”
小黑这货平时听沉默的,现在怀里抱着个妞,鼻孔呲呲的往外喷气:“王哥,我可先走了! ”
“去,记得戴套,不然染病谁也救不了你 。”
“嘿嘿嘿,我懂我懂! ”
小黑这货顿时如同有发·情的公牛,抱着那妞就进了房车里 。
然而王亚这人有洁癖,被人搞过的玩意,实在太脏 。
她那不知道给多少人咬过的嘴去亲你的时候,实在恶心 。
在这群魔乱舞的中,王亚一个人独自坐在门口,喝着小酒看着钱一点点的涨 。
就在这时,那个亚人妹子,和天永用黑色幽灵悄悄交谈的混血儿,坐在了王亚身旁 。
“怎么,不欢迎?”混血少女那茶褐色的眼睛眨了眨,笑眯眯的看着王亚 。
“你也是我客户,当然欢迎。只是……你和这里的其他人有点不一样,为什么不和他们一起玩,非要来我这冷冷清清的地方坐呢? ”
混血少女脑袋一歪:“恩?其实我也不知道为什么,感觉好像在上面地方见过你,不知道是不是察觉? ”
当然见过,只是她和王亚只有一面之缘,穿警服时的王亚和现在的王亚气质有点不同 。
毕竟人靠衣装嘛 。
见过一面但混血少女实在记不起来,王亚就是那天目睹她杀人的小警员 。
“世界虽大,但圈里小,没准我没成名的时候,我们两个在哪个汽车聚会里见过? ”
经王亚这么一说,少女感觉也有点道理的样子 。
就在这时,一群人浩浩荡荡的冲过来,一个马仔指着王亚的改车厂:“阔佬,就是这! ”
阔佬走过来,一脚踩在桌上:“各位!现在我们要解决一点生意上的事情,在场无关的人请离开! ”
正在嗨的人看到阔佬时,他们顿时就认出来是谁了 。
这一代的地下改车都是阔佬管的,好几个厂子都挂在他名下 。
而且非法改车非常暴利,有些零件是需要从国外走私进来,被抓到也不是小事 。
数额巨大能关个好几年 。
这非法改车的人,可不是什么好货色,都是一帮暴徒 。
没人敢多停留,就算是在草丛里开趴体的,也纷纷提上裤子回到自己的车 。
等跑车都离开后,阔佬的小弟拉来路障,手持棍棒封锁了所有离开的道路 。
从始至终,王亚依旧坐在塑料椅上,喝着青岛纯生也不着急 。
此时听到外面有动静的小黑提着裤子跑出来一看:“卧槽!来干架的? ”
王亚还没动,而是看向一旁的混血儿:“你不走? ”
“我的车还在厂子里,我怎么走?”这混血少女耸了耸肩,完全不怕惹上事 。
王亚缓缓站起,走到了阔佬面前:“你好 。”
“好你妈个头! ”
阔佬一个酒瓶子砸下来,王亚血液顺着额头流了下来 。
“王哥!”小黑立即操起砍刀冲过来,却被王亚拦住了 。
阔佬见王亚被打了也不还手,顿时嚣张起来:“你他·妈谁?敢抢老子的生意? ”
额头血液直流的王亚抬起头来,用看死人的眼神看着阔佬:“告诉我,你住哪的 。”
“我?老子就在工业区,看到那大厂子没,那就是我的窝。你小子真不知道规矩? ”
王亚笑着点点头:“那还真是不好意思了,这样你们先回去,我等会亲自上门谢罪 。”
“哟呵,还听上道的啊,行。如果你不来,你就等着厂子被砸!我们回去! ”
阔佬带着人离开,王亚转身进了屋 。
小黑立即追上来道:“王哥,你…你今天怎么了,就这么算了? ”
“算了?”王亚一脸迷茫,从工具箱里拿出了一把电锯:“我不是要上门给他们谢罪嘛?当然要带点礼物过去了! ”
Wang Ya didn't make any changes at all. They moved in a set of loudspeakers worth hundreds of thousands, and started a party with a group of girls in front of Wang Ya's car modification shop.。
When Wang Ya saw it, what kind of bar should he buy? Just ask Xiao Hei to drive a van to bring dozens of boxes of beer and sell them at a high price.。
A box of 12 bottles of Qingdao Pure Health costs only 70 yuan. Wang Ya directly sold it for 500 yuan per box.。
Those wealthy people don't care. This little money is nothing compared to the money spent on modifying the car.。
That night, Xiao Hei only focused on transportation and directly earned tens of thousands of yuan. Tens of thousands of yuan in this day, and a net income of more than 300,000 yuan in a month. For Xiao Hei who has no source of income, it is simply a huge profit.。
The beer business was left to Xiao Hei. Wang Ya made several million a day, but he didn't care about the ten thousand yuan.。
At this time, the young men got drunk and started to have fun. Some simply found a patch of grass nearby to play and lie down.。
Xiao Hei listened to the meows coming from the grass and swallowed: "Brother Wang, I can consider buying a batch of condoms.。”
“Okay, it’s okay for them to have sex with women, it’s just that men have to be with measures must be taken.。”
Wang Ya, who was sitting on a plastic chair, listened to the two male voices coming from the grass next door.。
This is really degenerate capitalism, and it must be criticized. Gay men need to be criticized, and lesbians need care and redemption.。
In fact, there are many wealthy women in the luxury cars, but Wang Yazhen is not interested in those people. They are all very beautiful, and they are all made by the same surgeon from the Han Dynasty.。
There were also stars around them, and dancers invited from various nightclubs. The scene of depravity was simply incredible!
A group of muscular and fresh-looking strong men surrounded a few wealthy women. Those girls were also Biao. They were drinking and stuffing a lot of money into the pants of the gigolos.。
接触到了这个圈子,王亚才知道什么叫做堕落,什么叫群魔乱舞 。
大多都很年轻,花起钱来也是随心所欲 。
这时一位喝得醉醺醺的妹子走过来,拿着一大把钞票甩在王亚脸上:“今晚陪我,这些钱是你的 。”
喝得烂醉的妹子直接扑进了王亚的怀中,如果是以前的王亚,那肯定是特别兴奋 。
但 ……
一个不知道被多少人玩过的,浑身酒气还忍不住往外吐,散发这恶臭味道的妹子 ……
王亚实在没兴趣 。
一把将妹子推到小黑那:“我看,我地下的人应该能满足你 。”
“诶,这黑不溜秋的……呃。”醉醺醺的妹子打了个酒嗝,趴在了小黑身上:“走…走,我们去爽爽 。”
小黑这货平时听沉默的,现在怀里抱着个妞,鼻孔呲呲的往外喷气:“王哥,我可先走了! ”
“去,记得戴套,不然染病谁也救不了你 。”
“嘿嘿嘿,我懂我懂! ”
小黑这货顿时如同有发·情的公牛,抱着那妞就进了房车里 。
然而王亚这人有洁癖,被人搞过的玩意,实在太脏 。
她那不知道给多少人咬过的嘴去亲你的时候,实在恶心 。
在这群魔乱舞的中,王亚一个人独自坐在门口,喝着小酒看着钱一点点的涨 。
就在这时,那个亚人妹子,和天永用黑色幽灵悄悄交谈的混血儿,坐在了王亚身旁 。
“怎么,不欢迎?”混血少女那茶褐色的眼睛眨了眨,笑眯眯的看着王亚 。
“你也是我客户,当然欢迎。只是……你和这里的其他人有点不一样,为什么不和他们一起玩,非要来我这冷冷清清的地方坐呢? ”
混血少女脑袋一歪:“恩?其实我也不知道为什么,感觉好像在上面地方见过你,不知道是不是察觉? ”
当然见过,只是她和王亚只有一面之缘,穿警服时的王亚和现在的王亚气质有点不同 。
毕竟人靠衣装嘛 。
见过一面但混血少女实在记不起来,王亚就是那天目睹她杀人的小警员 。
“世界虽大,但圈里小,没准我没成名的时候,我们两个在哪个汽车聚会里见过? ”
经王亚这么一说,少女感觉也有点道理的样子 。
就在这时,一群人浩浩荡荡的冲过来,一个马仔指着王亚的改车厂:“阔佬,就是这! ”
阔佬走过来,一脚踩在桌上:“各位!现在我们要解决一点生意上的事情,在场无关的人请离开! ”
正在嗨的人看到阔佬时,他们顿时就认出来是谁了 。
这一代的地下改车都是阔佬管的,好几个厂子都挂在他名下 。
而且非法改车非常暴利,有些零件是需要从国外走私进来,被抓到也不是小事 。
数额巨大能关个好几年 。
这非法改车的人,可不是什么好货色,都是一帮暴徒 。
没人敢多停留,就算是在草丛里开趴体的,也纷纷提上裤子回到自己的车 。
等跑车都离开后,阔佬的小弟拉来路障,手持棍棒封锁了所有离开的道路 。
从始至终,王亚依旧坐在塑料椅上,喝着青岛纯生也不着急 。
此时听到外面有动静的小黑提着裤子跑出来一看:“卧槽!来干架的? ”
王亚还没动,而是看向一旁的混血儿:“你不走? ”
“我的车还在厂子里,我怎么走?”这混血少女耸了耸肩,完全不怕惹上事 。
王亚缓缓站起,走到了阔佬面前:“你好 。”
“好你妈个头! ”
阔佬一个酒瓶子砸下来,王亚血液顺着额头流了下来 。
“王哥!”小黑立即操起砍刀冲过来,却被王亚拦住了 。
阔佬见王亚被打了也不还手,顿时嚣张起来:“你他·妈谁?敢抢老子的生意? ”
额头血液直流的王亚抬起头来,用看死人的眼神看着阔佬:“告诉我,你住哪的 。”
“我?老子就在工业区,看到那大厂子没,那就是我的窝。你小子真不知道规矩? ”
王亚笑着点点头:“那还真是不好意思了,这样你们先回去,我等会亲自上门谢罪 。”
“哟呵,还听上道的啊,行。如果你不来,你就等着厂子被砸!我们回去! ”
阔佬带着人离开,王亚转身进了屋 。
小黑立即追上来道:“王哥,你…你今天怎么了,就这么算了? ”
“算了?”王亚一脸迷茫,从工具箱里拿出了一把电锯:“我不是要上门给他们谢罪嘛?当然要带点礼物过去了! ”
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