Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 575: Law Weapon (37)


call out.

Silently, the radiation weapon that had been miniaturized was fleeting and disappeared in front of King Chen.

After a few seconds.

With a collapsing force full of Raylow's gravitational control style, the sound of "long" seems to explode in the heart, accompanied by the strong light in the depth of the pupil, at the core of the explosion, tens of thousands of creatures that have not escaped the scope of destruction In the shroud of strong light shock, it was vaporized and evaporated in a flash, leaving only a black shadow on the ground.

next moment.

boom! ! !

Under the shock wave of the terror, raging fire waves rose into the sky.

The terrible radiation ray storm swept through the soil within a few meters of the surface, and the shock wave shattered everything along the way.

Rumbling rumbling.

The terrible high temperature melted an amazing crater with a diameter of hundreds of meters at the core of the explosion. Under the law of cosmic physics, the loss of 10 grams of radiant Jinghua material mass, the horror energy transformed, suddenly gathered in the sky into a diameter of 100 M Fireball!

It is like a newborn sun, and it is still expanding with time.

The steam evaporating at high temperature, combined with various rays, gradually formed a terrible mushroom cloud at a higher altitude, spreading the dangerous radiation dust to a farther distance.

"This !!! No ..."

The face-faced spider mother, who had just climbed out of the cave, screamed hysterically.

It tried its best to mobilize the power of the decaying demon god, but under the power of this universal physical law, the black smoke of the body was pierced with holes almost instantaneously, howling in the blazing flames.

"Culiana, mother, the terrestrial world is terrible, woo woo ..."

In the wailing sound, this face-faced spider mother whose strength is comparable to the legendary creature, had not persisted for a few seconds at the core of the explosion, and was burned out by the eruption of the horror energy of the newborn star.

A terrible super-death storm torn apart everything along the way, including the main altar hall and the rotten temple that has not yet been built.

Sure enough, as previously guessed.

The seemingly large and decaying shrine, because it has not yet been built, has no protection from the power of the law, and is closer to the explosion core of fission-level law weapons, it was destroyed on the spot.

The relatively small devouring temple, due to the protection of the power of law and belief, and the radiation weapon explosion core far from the entrance of the magic cave, although severely damaged in the shock wave, it temporarily survived. Everything, relying on the remnant faith law of the temple, Yu Wei, lingering in the radiant fireball.

"This is power! The power to make those ancient civilizations disappear!"

Every second immersed in this devastating power, King Chen couldn't help murmuring.

Affected by the law weapon, the magic cave channel connecting the surface world and the underground world has completely collapsed and disappeared. The surface layer even formed a solid glass lens due to the terrible high temperature.

"Your Majesty, we succeeded."

With a gratifying look, Corleone murmured, but he was stunned to find that at the moment Chen King's hand, a brand new radiation weapon was suddenly added.

"this is?"

He looked at King Chen with a puzzled look.

"The cave entrance has been destroyed, and the empty arrangement of the remaining temple is difficult to keep intact. You are ..."

"I was thinking, Academician Rello may be right!"


Corleone looked at King Chen quietly, and in the seemingly calm eyes, there was a hint of crazy King Chen.

He said slowly: "We obviously have unparalleled power, but we are always fearful, but it should be my enemies who should be afraid, let them feel real fear!"

In Chen King's eyes, the kindness to the people was swallowed up by the desire for power.


The magnificent explosion seems to have completely opened up the desire for power in King Chen ’s heart. Facing the devouring temple where tens of thousands of monsters escaped, the temple that melted under the radiant fire, the laws and beliefs Yu Wei continued to dissipate, just see The unsustainable shrine, King Chen immediately released a second fission-level radiation weapon.


The world is quiet.

Deathly silence.

But it was just a brief silence before the storm, and the next moment was the end of destruction.

"Shiver, creep, die under my supreme majesty!"

Staring at the hysterical King Chen at this moment, Corleone felt strange and instinctively noticed something wrong, just like the awakening of another personality.

But reason tells Corleone that something terrible is happening to King Chen.

Could it be ... Superbody! ! ! !


Corleone, who made a bold guess, immediately thought of Lei Luo, that crazy man, almost like a wizard, hiding the infinitely ambitious man who worried and feared him, Lola's husband!

What he once liked was the madness of Rello, but now it seems that this madness has begun to make him fear.

Cold sweat.

Corleone's eyes of different sizes shed a cold sweat on his forehead.

In his heart, he has always believed that the Grand Duchy can defeat these underground creatures, overcome the Holy See, and face all difficulties, because this is the great kingdom he deserves.

But the crazy man wanted to turn the entire star screen into a dreamland of terror, turning it into a death vortex that everyone and all civilizations can't avoid!

At that time, all invading civilizations, underground creatures, unknown civilizations that have destroyed the land of night, and other unknown civilizations that may appear, even the human power of the wizard and the Holy See, will fall into the superhuman coming and humanity In the destruction attack of the indiscriminate catastrophe of our radiation weapon, the land of the star curtain is transformed into an unprecedented horrible waste waste!

And the last winner of this doomsday wasteland is only those who survived.

"Damn, damn, damn!"

Corleone seemed to have seen the end-time scene, which was an infinitely beautiful land of star screens, and the end of the desperate wailing of hundreds of millions of creatures in the hysterical disaster.


call out.

A flash of sharp light.

Beep beep.

Suddenly, a strong sense of law was felt by this flying vehicle flying at high speed in the star screen.

The foreign guests in the aircraft are intensively discussing the discovery of this completely different land and creatures.

"High frequency law ripples, it is likely that a large-scale temple war is taking place in that direction!"

Little black dot life analysis said.

Destroying and killing these giant lives, and preventing them from threatening the homeland hidden in the death storm, is the responsibility of this squad of doomsday destroyers of the Black Dead Civilization.

The most direct way to deal with these 'large worlds' is to find gathering places, let the virus spread and clean up.

In this way, this branch should have advanced towards the Aurora Central Great Empire, looking for the light gathering arc of the human gathering place, but turned sharply and turned to the direction of the Grand Duchy!


Along the way, it glanced at low altitude, once again penetrating the body of a beast to obtain supplies, while also conducting a micro-level analysis of the cell field of this ‘world’ creature.

Didi didi didi didi.

Soon, the result came out, another horrifying result.

"In the deep inheritance of cells, there is a horrible antibody factor. Once awakened, it will be a strong lethal factor for us. According to the experimental results, the recovery probability of this sample cell is 0.08%!"

"That kind of thing actually exists?"

The Black Death antibody was originally a science fiction thing imagined in the end of the Black Death civilization.

The individuals of the Black Dead civilization are too small. They can survive at the cellular level. Although they have been able to use their own power to control some large creatures as their greenhouse homes, mobile cities, and create their own civilizations.

Their individuals are hardly affected by large outside creatures, but their civilization is indeed vulnerable to blows from outsiders.

After all, who would not have eaten these creatures who accidentally discovered the dead storm oasis?

But for these creatures, the few small creatures that are often hunted at random are the destruction of the city of black dead civilization.

Maybe just one or two large creatures that accidentally broke in ~ ~ will easily destroy the urban civilization they have built so hard, so they have to keep the Black Dead civilization extremely hostile to the outside world.

But in the imagination of this strange civilization ...

It's another thing that really brings the Black Dead civilization into the end of the day, called the 'factor' of the Black Death antibody.

The Black Death civilization found that even at the cellular level, there is still a food chain relationship in nature, so the Black Death civilization has to have doubts. Perhaps in the infinitely vast endless world, there is a perfect evolution for the Black Death. The thing that emerged was the true natural enemy of the Black Death.

In this way, the Black Death civilization named it Black Death Antibody.

This is something of a sci-fi nature, something that has never been proven, is similar to what is in terror, but in this new world discovered, it is characterized as a livable vast season, even at the cellular level of archaeological remains In, I found traces of such a thing that once existed! ! ?

Horror is becoming a reality?

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