Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 328: Deep sea darkness (2)

Latest website: After three hourglass hours.

"By raising my hand to vote, 13; 3, I announced that after a vote, the General Assembly decided to give this dangerous civilization ... destruction!"

Throughout the conference, Lei Luo and many members of the Dark Web were silently listening to the heated discussions of many big guardians.

In just three hourglasses, these dozen guardians announced on behalf of the will of all mankind that they would destroy a civilization that knew almost nothing about mankind.

As for the cause of destruction, it is simply because this civilization is likely to pose a serious threat to the Land of Stars at some time in the future.

The meeting dispersed.

The two permanent guardians are A and X.

A is a woman with a golden mask, carrying a sword, undoubtedly born in the Holy See, undisguised and powerful!

As for X, it was the bald red-haired depressed man, the Flame Demon growler of the Principality of Zealand, destroy!

M came slowly.

With a sigh, he voted against it just now, but after all, it was only a minority.

"If it were you, would you object?"

Rello shook his head slowly, "No."


M frowned: "Am I too kind?"

Rello said calmly: "Because in this continent, we are humble and do not have the right to be kind."

"Maybe I am really old, K is right to recommend you to me."

M sighed.

Rello walked quickly behind M and left the lobby, asking, "How much time do we need for this mission?"

If the time is too long, Lei Luo is a little worried about the Red Ridge Mountains.

The development of radiation weapons has reached a critical period. If you are optimistic, you will be able to make up 1,000g of radiation in at least one and a half years, but before that, there are still many things to be prepared by yourself.

"It depends on the degree of development of this civilization. If it is only a low-level temple civilization, sub-god-level creatures are limited to very few existences, and if you go back and forth, it should be about half a year, but if you step into a mature Shending civilization Level, it ’s hard to say. "

M saw Rello feel a little depressed, thinking Rello was worried about the progress of the war.

"Don't be too burdened. This kind of guardian of extinction war has been carried out many times in the history. As long as there is no true **** level, the airborne strike of the guardian is enough to destroy most of the temple civilizations that have entered the mature level."

The vast majority?

Raylow heard some anomalies.

In the face of Lei Luo's doubts, M explained: "There was a civilization in history, even if the guardian airborne strikes have no choice but to force it later, the guardians use the last resort to destroy it, you will know later."

Rumble, Rumble!

The ground of the guardian hall is slowly opening.

Along with the dull rumbling sound, a behemoth of more than 100 meters is constantly absorbing the thunder falling from the sky and slowly rising.

Not only Lei Luo, but many dark web leaders who saw such a magnificent war weapon for the first time showed a horrified expression.

"Sky Fortress !!!"

Rello exclaimed.

The sky fortress is the pride of the Grand Duchy.

It is said that under the immortal fortress against the most pioneer of the Principality of Zealand, there is a sky fortress, and the Aurora Light Empire also has one sold by the Principality of Gran.

It is said that this kind of war weapon, since its development, has been almost like the radiation weapon that Rello wanted to develop, and was supported by the principality with no spare effort.

But because its engineering volume is too large.

A construction period of several decades!

Even more frightening is that its energy consumption, even the source of energy, is difficult to drive, so it can only replace the energy demand with huge spars, so every second of consumption it floats in the sky will be an astronomical figure.

It is for this reason that although the Grand Duchy invented this kind of war weapon, it was so advanced that it was barely used.

Now it seems ...

"It stores energy by absorbing the rich thunder here?"

Rello sensed the special energy structure of this sky fortress.

"Well, it is said that a lot of performance has been sacrificed for its energy consumption. This is a secret weapon that the guardian only obtained from Glenn decades ago. There was no such thing before."

Many guardians, led by the leaders of the dark web, soared to the sky fortress.

Unlike Balloon Fortress.

The structure of the sky fortress is a floating island structure, the top floor is quite flat.


Thunder Phoenix was guided by Lei Luo, and flew over. The huge body fell behind Lei Luo, because there were too many strong people gathered here, and the breath of the law made it restless.

"Hey, Rello, get this thing!"

Corleone gave Raylow an energy crystal.

This thing Raylo knew from his own, but was the medium that summoned Corleone to lock the coordinates and speed down.

"Any mission?"

Asked Rai Luo, puzzled.

"It's okay, I'm afraid you will have an accident there. My baby Lola has become a widow. By the way, I will study Haiqi specimens here. Would you like to come over?


The general dark web leader, since there is no house allocation, can only find a place to rest on the floating island.

Rello followed Corleone to his private room.

After the sixteen guardians and more than 400 dark web leaders gathered, the outer energy shield of the sky fortress covered the entire floating island.

The huge contaminated sailed to the far southeast.


"Hey, old stuff ..."

The stormy woman came to Corleone's room.

She frowned at Lei Luo beside Corleone and said, "Who is he?"

"Jin Jie, this is my baby granddaughter's husband, how is it, not bad?"

Corleone put down the scalpel in his hand and looked at the graceful figure after the hurricane gradually dissipated. He said with a smirk: "Sorry, the old man can't communicate with you in depth today. Older, the spirit is not younger.


Lei Luo was rather embarrassed and had to pretend to hear nothing. He was studying the Haiqi specimen.


The graceful figure snorted.

She lowered her voice and said: "Rare those old monsters only came to A and H. I mean, this is a rare opportunity for us. Would you like to try it? When the time comes, we will share equally, otherwise the next time this opportunity, no I know how long it will take. Once those old guys intervene, how can we share that kind of thing? "

Corleone's expression grew serious.

After a moment of silence in the room, he murmured: "Let's look at the situation. If there is a chance, I wouldn't mind cooperating once."

"Well, that's the deal."

The graceful figure left.

Only Relo and Corleone were left in the room, and Relo could not help wondering: "Who is she?"

"Finnish adjudicator, Nagas."



Rello was incredible.

Finland is dead!

The verdict, as far as Raylo is aware, is the only horror scholar who once crossed into the realm of Finland!

Corleone sneered: "This old thing is insidious. The demise of the Finnish capital more than a decade ago. If you have nothing to do with her, no one will believe that this old thing must have benefited from other places. Be careful. Point her, stay away from her. "

Ray Luo nodded silently.

After a full month of driving, the Sky Fortress finally crossed the Aurora Empire and came to the coastal area.

Along the coast, there are many kinds of deep sea horror legends.

The most common of these are rumors of giant sea monsters, some pirates are at the end of the legendary ocean, and there is another continent, but they have all proved to be nonsense.

the reason is simple.

With the broken ships of the pirates, once they leave the eye of the star curtain, they are afraid that they will be torn apart by the wind in an instant. How can it be possible to explore what continent?

Another ten days later.

Even in the laboratory, you can feel the violent vibration of the energy hood outside, not only the dark net leaders on the deck looked up, but also a kind of guardians also left the laboratory, walked onto the deck, and looked towards The head of the sky fortress gradually rushed out of the wind wall.

The endless wind wall stretches to the end of the sky, reaching more than 10,000 meters.

Within the wind wall, the wind and the sun are extremely calm.

But outside the wind wall, it is the worst death zone, and only the most tenacious and terrifying creatures of life can survive difficultly.


As the sky fortress burst out of the star curtain, the sky was completely dimmed, and the huge thing over a hundred meters was slightly bumpy.

Corleone coughed and attracted everyone's attention.

He looked at the other great guardians and said, "Do you have any anatomy of the specimens over there? Did you find anything?"

The great guardians of academic status shook their heads, and the great guardian who studied evolutionary prosperity on the spot was Corleone alone.

"Ji-Ji-Ji, I found something here."

Corleonesen smiled.

"I found that males of this species have a very short life cycle, only about ten years or so. If the life intensity is at most a bit stronger than that of ordinary humans, they have almost no specialties. But they have a very strange habit That is, when mating, a part of my spiritual soul will be given to the female, and I guess that the female body of this species is the structure of the queen body, which means that it will mate with many males. "

He paused.

"Think about it, as long as the female of this species survives long enough and mates enough times, then the spiritual power of the soul it possesses can grow almost infinitely!"


The judge Nagas took a deep breath.

She couldn't believe it: "You mean, the evolution of this species does not require faith?"

Other guardians heard the words and were shocked.

An evolutionary approach that does not require the power of faith ~ ~ does not need to be bound by the torrent of faith, which is the greatest advantage of anthropologists and the greatest advantage of guardians.

And this species has evolved this ability?

Suddenly, the degree of threat of this civilization has greatly increased in the hearts of everyone.

This highly threatened creature must be destroyed as soon as possible!

Otherwise, once this civilization has matured, the eye of the eye will continue to expand, and it will compete with human beings. At that time, human beings still relying on the evolution of the temple will have little advantage at all.

"Oh, by the way, in addition, this little guy around me also discovered an interesting phenomenon. The biological clock of this creature seems to enter the excitement period on the full moon, and according to the physiological evolution characteristics of this creature It seems that mating needs to be done on land, which means that there must be a large island group at the coordinates, so I suggest that on the day of the full moon, a sudden attack! "

Fight on land?

This is good news!

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