Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 834: Tranquility Bay (below)

"We have dispatched the Sea Beast No. 2 war platform to search for the route information it once left, but the route it left is only the Mireka sea area. No matter how deep the sea area route is, we have no way of knowing it. , that is the dark place full of unknowns, the end of the world that can never be reached."

A tidal elf murmured.

The individual tide elves are really too small. From the perspective of insects, even human beings are giants that cannot be resisted, not to mention the deep-sea beasts in the almost boundless seas, and the breeding of them. Out of the endless ocean of these giant hands.

They never seem to be able to explore the so-called end.

"It's been so long, even with normal energy consumption, the Sea Beast No. 3 is almost exhausted, I'm afraid they have no chance."

A tidal elf sighed.

It is pessimistic, and this pessimism is based on rational analysis, a possibility that is closest to the truth.

Although the tidal civilization has never suffered the disaster of the crash of a sea beast-level combat platform, let alone witnessed it, it only takes a little logical thinking to know that it is not indestructible.

A kind of pessimism inherent in the elf of the tide spreads.

Because compared to the biological chain of this world, they themselves are too fragile, too small, and too limited, and they are like seedlings born in a greenhouse.

"Yes, the probability of survival of Sea Beast No. 2 is too slim. We should make plans as quickly as possible, build a third Sea Beast-class combat platform as soon as possible, and restore the three Sea Beast-class combat platforms to operate at the same time to ensure the safety of Tranquility Bay. , bet on our honor, and we must never let Tranquility Bay experience a third catastrophe!"

Relatively speaking, this tidal elf is more like a human hawk.

And the third catastrophe in its mouth suddenly reminded other tide elves of some very bad things, and it was also every tide elves' nightmare.

"I also agree with the plan to build a third Sea Beast-class combat platform."

Another hawk-like tide elf agrees, and more and more people agree.


A very small number of conservative tidal elites seemed to want to make other opinions out of some consideration, but were quickly overwhelmed by more hawk members.

But the proposal of the hawk tide elves will undoubtedly cause an internal chaos for the tranquil bay tide elves society!

Even they themselves know this.

Because this will mean that the tidal civilization has to continue to increase the quota of life fluid required for the birth of the tidal elves to reduce resource consumption and use these resources as the cost of rebuilding the third sea beast-level combat platform.

This will bring tens of thousands of Tide Elves waiting to split and multiply into despair!

But these sacrifices, in the eyes of the hawk tide elves, are the price that must be paid for the advancement of civilization!

Compared with this kind of chaos, if the third catastrophe comes, the tidal civilization may not repeat the good luck of the first two times.

a few days later.

The news that Tranquility Bay headquarters will plan to rebuild the third Sea Beast-class combat platform spread throughout Tranquility Bay.

All tidal elves got the exact message.

The life fluid quota qualification required for division and reproduction will be further increased!

As such.

Tens of thousands of tidal elves who had made a birth plan suddenly fell into despair, and they really didn't want to wait any longer.

What followed immediately was the chaos that spread to the entire Tranquility Bay.

They protested, they shouted, they went on strike, they marched, they attacked the order at Tranquility Bay headquarters, and eventually the chaos even spread to serving soldiers.

An intra-civilization dispute is inevitable.

For the tide elves of the hawk faction and the fertility faction, the contradiction is irreconcilable.

From the fragile physical collision between the initial tide elves, static electricity attacks, and even the confrontation between seabird-class aircraft!

Funny to say.

The tide elves have not evolved any offensive limbs at all, so the confrontation between their bodies is a bit ridiculous to outsiders, and it will hardly cause any damage to the opponent. Even the most powerful tide elves, the static electricity launched by them. The energy intensity of an attack is less than 0.1 degrees by the level of the academic world. Such an intensity will not kill even a tidal spirit, let alone a human being.

At most, it just paralyzed other tide spirits.

So the offshore cruise fighters in all directions began to host each other.

However, with the escalation of contradictions and the addition of various cruise weapons of Tidal Civilization, the situation is somewhat different.

The contradictory battle between the Hawks and the Fertility faction lasted for a full half a year, because even within the headquarters of Tranquility Bay, there was a conflict of positions.

Tidal civilization is plunged into unprecedented internal chaos!

The turning point at the end of the conflict was an accident.

This is a Seabird-class aircraft.

In a routine conflict, it launched an electric ball strike. The electric ball was originally launched towards another Seabird-class aircraft, but after being routinely avoided by the opponent, it unexpectedly ended up in Tranquility Bay.

in an instant.

The hundreds of thousands of tidal spirits that inhabited the surface of Tranquility Bay were melted.

The deaths of hundreds of thousands of tide elves, or 1% of the species, were wiped out in an instant.

In the face of such a disaster, the tide elves at Tranquility Bay headquarters finally reached a consensus.

This dispute must end!

With the launch of the only sea beast-class aircraft in the local tidal civilization at this moment, the super bubble with a diameter of two meters exudes oppressive power. Even in the face of dozens of seabird-class cruise fighters, Wei Ran does not move, and these The Seabird-class aircraft fell one by one under its counterattack.

The fertility tidal elves were forced to surrender under irresistible force.


Hundreds of thousands of tidal elves died because of the disaster, and their remaining life fluid consumption quota is enough to rebuild the third sea beast-level war so that the tidal civilization does not need to increase fertility. The life fluid quota is up.

"The disaster has brought us sacrifices, but it has also made our great tidal civilization more united! We must remember history, their sacrifices are not meaningless, because the headquarters has decided that it will be used on the reconstructed Sea Beast III application. Our most advanced forces will bring safer protection to Tranquility Bay to avoid the third catastrophe!"

Passionate speeches always come after catastrophe.

However, catastrophe often brings scientific and technological innovation to civilization, improvement of civilization system, and a stronger future.

The tide elves cheered, seeming to have forgotten their grief.

The deep pool of Tranquility Bay was restored to order again, and the factory continued to operate, supplementing the Seabird-class cruisers that were lost due to the war, and the Sea Beast No. 3 that had been planned!

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