Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 692: Five centimeters of hyperbody space (36)

your breath...

The doubts in Quanzu's heart were not spoken.

It is not the gods who rely on faith to condense the soul and body. The spirit has been polluted by the mottled spiritual power of hundreds of millions of believers who continue to pray. It has its own independent thinking consciousness, and even has a good and evil personality, although it is just a clone of it. But like the absurd emotional warfare weapon summoned by the superhuman matrix base, any of its clones can summon the power of the main body.

At this moment, it did not feel the instinctive kindness from this person named Lei Luo Xing.


Even like Superman, it was filled with an unspeakable strangeness and a vague hostility.

And its mission is to nourish civilization with development potential to fight against superhuman invaders, so it is right that the instinct is to have a friendly perception of the civilization of this world, but it does not respond to this creature named Lei Luo Xing, generate any affinity.

This phenomenon, in its long life, has not encountered many times.

And the limited existences it encounters are almost all extremely special mutant life forms, one of which makes it the most profound is a doomsday person whose mission is to destroy and change, the so-called creation of natural disasters.

Could it be that this Lei Luo star is the same as those special mutant beings?

"Quanzu, let me help you!"

While Quanzu had doubts in his heart, Lei Luo had already descended to an altitude several kilometers away from the main battlefield where Quanzu and Pangula giant tortoise fought.

And the gravitational effect brought about by its huge star, the exotic magnetic field generated, actually began to cause the stream to flow backwards and snowflakes in the local area, the physical rules were extremely chaotic, and even the star siphon of the high-altitude superhuman was also produced. A certain influence, like a tiger's mouth, draws the energy of the star screen world from the siphon channel.

Lai Luo also felt his true star body. In this semi-vacuum field, he instinctively absorbed the star body essence produced by the explosion of the radiation weapon. At the same time, there were also a large number of mottled energy bodies that could not be explained and unknown trace elements. Absorbed by its own laws of gravity.

Like micrometeorite grains scooped up at the edge of the atmosphere, they're making improvements to their star's true identity.

Lai Luo couldn't help but feel a little surprised in his heart!

But despite the surprise in his heart, Lai Luo did not forget his mission.

Spiritual power penetrates through the thick star crust with a radius of more than two hundred meters, and is almost everywhere, sending out a hostile will.

With its angry will, the radiant fire elemental creatures with overwhelming pollution, just like the most devout believers, are not afraid of death, and they rushed forward to the superhuman on the Pangula giant tortoise shell.

Such a scene is almost the same as the star-screen world creatures who are not afraid of death and superhumans!

And among these radiant fire element creatures, some powerful ones already possess the strength comparable to legendary creatures. The number of them is about seven or eight, and they are all small creatures that are relatively concentrated in size compared to the creatures in the star screen world.

They were born in the celestial world that opened in the beginning of the world, and their growth rate is almost closely related to the growth of the world, analogous to some incredible guardians of the star screen world before the ancient war.

And after Lei Luo's real body launched tens of thousands of radiation flame creatures, he was once again bombarded by an unknown metal ball of 10 centimeters, although the result was still the same as before, only blasting through more than 100 meters of crustal plates After that, he was successfully blocked by the thick star body, but it still made Lai Luo in the star core groan and feel a little uncomfortable.

"Now that there is this Quanzu in front, it seems that I don't need to show my power. I have to resist in front of these superhuman beings. I should try my best to save my strength and let it resist the main attack of superhumans."

Thinking like this, Lei Luo, who wanted to activate the true strength of his real body several times, temporarily suppressed his impulse.

It just drives the fire of radiation on the surface and the law of gravity, and launches tens of thousands of flame creatures to assist this giant face of water in attacking the superhuman.

Because Lai Luo clearly knows that even with the strength of his astral body, if the superhuman is listed as an extremely dangerous target, he will launch some real high-level weapon strikes, even the legendary third-level superhuman officer, second-level superhuman. The superhuman chief shot, I am afraid it will also be nine deaths, or even ten deaths!

Funny to say.

Lai Luo's famous astral body, although the thickness has exceeded the Pangula giant tortoise, but in terms of body size, it is still slightly inferior, not to mention the Quanzu.

But what Laylo thought was ridiculous, in the eyes of the superhumans, the ancient gods and the anthropologists below, it was a big joke.

"Then... what is that? Another one!"

This esoteric scholar is the only second-level esoteric scholar left among the few scholars appointed by the Academy of Sciences on the other side of the Blue Lake.

At this moment, he has been able to float in the sky effortlessly, which is completely different from the previous time when the energy and vitality were lacking, and he did everything he could to maintain the flight. Some confrontation and balance have formed, so that the gravitational magnetic field within a hundred kilometers nearby is completely disordered, and everything becomes disorganized.

After the glacial cataclysm caused by snow ink paper everywhere in the air, the water vapor that was baked by this flame sphere creature and melted, seemed to steam all the nearby creatures.

The harsh environment forced scholars to find a safe distance to re-enter the battle with the superhuman.

The high temperature distorts the air, and the scorching battlefield has long been destroyed by cataclysmic blows over and over again, making it desolate and strange like an alien world.

And the fighting style of the superhuman is obviously better than that of the scholars!

With obscure threads of spiritual power, the superhuman is manipulating something that can be manipulated, from magic materials, biological corpses, to the companions of anthropologists. Many scholars have not even seen the superhuman, and they have already been caught Dao's spiritual force was bound and invaded by silk threads, becoming a puppet manipulated by them, fighting to the death with their partners.

In addition, following the previous storm of magical metal particles, the superhuman forcefully used the super-infusion method to forcibly magically guide the soil with huge mental power, forming a giant with a height of 20 to 30 meters. !

There are hundreds of these giants.

Every giant has a strength comparable to that of a legendary creature!

And the formation of these giants is not completed by a single super-human, but by a number of super-heated spiritual threads condensed with each other and poured together, just like the magic particle storm that was jointly completed before. joint action.

From this point of view, the superhuman's combat concept cooperation ability is not known to be many times stronger than that of the almost primitive anthropologists in their eyes.

The existing giant dragon servants and these gravel giants, and then forcefully control their comrades and even the corpses through the spiritual power thread, the combat effect brought by the alliance of more than half of the scholars who have been killed or injured, except for a very few special existences, almost no super body has been seen up close. people.

"Another high guardian?"

On the Pangula giant tortoise shell, the third-level superhuman officer numbered L101, with his unrivaled super-strength mental power, manipulates the Pangula giant tortoise and Quanzu to carry out endless frontal conflicts, while using his spirit The thread of force is pouring into a uniquely shaped firearm, gaining momentum.

This guardian has the ability to suppress absurd emotional biological warfare weapons, which is a bad situation it has never encountered.

On the top of this unique sci-fi gun, there are more than a dozen spiritual threads like the skeleton of a lantern, coiling an unknown metal ball with a diameter of more than ten centimeters around, and there is a terrible pressure in the air.

It is worth mentioning that.

If superhumans want to carry out spiritual cooperation in series, they must exist at the same level, and at this moment, the superhuman legion that has come to this peninsula, some of them were annihilated on the Aurora battlefield, and the other Part of it is in the underground world, responsible for guarding the third-level superhuman officer in this base. There is only one L101, so naturally there is no collaborator.

Huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh...

One after another, the sound of breaking through the air, almost continuous, fell on the giant face of the splash that opened its huge mouth and wanted to swallow the Pangula giant tortoise in one bite.

These energy beam attacks, the density, even Quanzu is not very comfortable.

There are splashes of water everywhere in the sky, and the giant face is always uneven because of this. Some high-energy beams even bombard this giant face with water splashes easily, so that it has to spend effort to repair it again.

But Quanzu has experienced numerous wars with superhumans, and he clearly knows any means of these superhumans, including some interstellar weapons of war that are unimaginable for anthropologists.

And this moment.

The superhuman beings stationed here, regardless of their apparent size and level, are not worth mentioning compared to the cataclysmic civilization that many powerful civilizations in the center of the continent are fighting against. They are just a branch of the base that has just been developed.

If we can't take this opportunity to annihilate it, when it develops for a few more decades, the scale will easily reach several times the current size, and then it will be really difficult.

But the superhumans here are obviously not that fragile.

At least as far as the siphon vacuum catastrophic strike is concerned, in general-level wars, superhumans have no right to call at all. This is beyond the scale of strategic weapons. It is the interstellar weapons used by superhumans when they launched interstellar wars in ancient times. .

"We must take this opportunity to kill the superhumans here. Perhaps this civilization that is fighting against superhumans is also worth spending some effort on cultivating."

Quanzu was obviously curious about these naive civilizations that were still weak at the moment, but they were struggling to resist, and planned to list them in his nourishing cultivation list.

Thinking of this, Quanzu roared.

Click, click, click...

As a living star, the inner workings of continental plates are part of the laws of the world.

As the guardian of the rules, one of Quanzu's abilities is to extract the power of vitality from the energy generated by the inner operation of the continental plate.

It is because of the loss of this law of the inner workings of the world that the superstar becomes dead and becomes a dead star. Therefore, forcing the superhuman who once united the whole world, he has to find a way out on the planet that perishes at the end of the day. As a result, an interstellar civilization was developed, and he turned his attention to the star screen world and launched an interstellar war.

If it was just a natural spurt of Quanzu's power before, then at this moment, Quanzu did his best to mobilize his power and exert a rule guardian strength far exceeding that of ordinary fifth-level true god-level creatures!

In the face of this, the number L101 superhuman leader also knows that this high-level guardian is about to start showing his power.

"Now that the war danger level here has been raised to the third level, the authority has increased, and this guardian has been attracted, so let's deal with the weapon originally prepared for the super-space war platform."

L101's tone, not sure.

As a third-level officer, it retains too many extravagant behaviors, emotions, feelings, art, etc. It is a creature with ideals, not a low-level superhuman just for living.

"Continental Penetrating Cannon?"

A Level 4 superhuman officer responded.

The so-called Continental Penetrating Cannon was originally called the Continental Oscillator.

This is the period of the apocalypse of superstars. In order to save themselves, the former pioneers of superhumans hoped that the core of superstars would rekindle and invented the 'electric pacemaker'. It is hoped that through the simultaneous operation of tens of thousands of continental oscillators, the The superstar continental plates are back in operation, generating heat by themselves.

Unfortunately, this self-help failed.

Continental oscillator technology also fell silent.

Until the time of the ancient war between the superhuman and the ancient lighthouse civilizations of the star screen world, after the superhuman came to log in to this world, during various setbacks, he suddenly thought of this technology again.

because they found out.

Compared with superstars, the continental plate operation of the star screen world seems to be extremely violent. It is precisely because of this that the vitality intensity of its replacement in a short period of time is simply unbelievable, thus causing the biological evolution intensity in the region to be extremely unbalanced. Ancient creatures Their food chain is disorganized, and the change of civilization is extremely unstable, all of which stem from the violent operation within this world.

Thus, the superhuman discovered.

If the Continental Oscillator is used in this world, it will produce an astonishing destructive effect, a physical level of geological plate destruction, with an area sufficient to reach tens of thousands of square kilometers, almost half the area of ​​the Pangula Heights, including the above. Hundreds of vacuum ranges are now siphoning stars.

As such, the Continental Oscillator is also known as the Continental Penetrating Cannon, or Continental Oscillating Cannon.

As a star weapon, if the Continental Concussion Cannon wants to successfully strike the star screen world, it must be carried out in the vacuum field, which means that the super-star siphoning star screen world loses the protection range of the atmosphere.

And the consequences of doing so, in addition to making the area completely dead, since then the soil has gradually turned into dust and been exposed to the most direct cosmic rays, even the most microscopic microorganisms have been completely wiped out and become a dead place in the doomsday. It is to weaken the strength of the vast majority of guardians that appear in this area.

Of course.

There are some costs to launching such an attack.

First of all, there is no need to say more about the cost of energy materials. The authority of star weapon attacks is firmly restricted by the superhuman elders committee, in order to maintain the best balance between the superstar and the star screen world.

Secondly, although it will weaken the strength of most of the guardians that appear in this area, but there are some guardians with extremely special missions, but they will get a rare opportunity to increase their strength and become a superhuman. Scary creatures you don't want to face.

Finally, there is an implicit price, which is the weak area of ​​the star blockade.

Superhumans are small and broad, and they must block the star screen world, and the civilization that blocks this world has stepped into the interstellar civilization. Only by understanding the basic physical rules of the universe can they take advantage of the level of civilization, through the understanding of various physical laws of the universe and the power of time and space technology, Attacking the world has formed the advantage today.

However, such a weak area will form a loophole for the star blockade, similar to the Pangula weakening the existence of the wind eye area.

Such a weakened hyacinth, although not an excellent breeding ground for life, is undoubtedly an opportunity.

And the more such weakened wind eyes, the higher the probability of the existence of creatures. Therefore, the number of times this weapon can be used has been firmly limited to prevent a star screen world civilization from opening the recognition of the basic physical rules of the universe. Know.

Of course, L101 also knew the reason, so the words were not sure.


On the fierce battlefield, I have to mention a group of forgotten people.

Talking, a group of forgotten dragons.

That's right, as a derivative of the superhuman, the hunter's hound, once the hunter decides to take the gun into battle, the hound's entertainment disappears, and it is naturally forgotten. The dragons are obviously used to this.

But what they didn't expect was that the scale of this war was gradually expanding in a direction they could not have predicted. They had a keen sense of danger, from the moment when the Black Dragon King was seriously injured and fainted, they smelled it. Extremely dangerous atmosphere.

This is incomprehensible to superhumans. The dragon's innate awareness of danger, and even the dragon itself, the king of the ancient hundred scales, cannot understand such an ability. He always feels that there is something strange and terrifying, like Something like a superhuman, peeping in the dark.

Silver Dragon Elder Silver Horn, as one of the well-known bone dragons in the Silver Dragon, it has enough strength to rival the median god, and it is the top dragon under the Black Dragon King who came here this time following the Cataclysm Superman. one.

At this moment, it led more than a dozen clansmen to form a relatively empty battlefield, trembling and suspicious prying around, but found nothing.

It smelled dangerous, extremely dangerous, just as dangerous as the original L101.

No, even more dangerous than it is!

This keen sense of smell is like the sensitivity of giant dragons to laws. In ancient times, one of the most fundamental reasons why they were able to dominate and become kings of scales was that they would never provoke some incomparable existences. That is the **** who masters the power of the law!

And other ancient creatures, but not so cunning.

Although many ancient creatures were indeed used to rival the strength of gods, they were only rivals.

"What is it, I seem to smell an extremely strong **** smell!!"

Another old dragon screamed to Elder Silver Dragon in a hysterical voice: "Including the taste of our dragon family, at least ten dragons died in its hands!!!"

Elder Silver Dragon did not answer.

Every scale of it is trembling, because intuition tells it that that thing is right beside it, maybe even on top of its head, or under its wings, it is proud to hide, in the eyes of the other party, it is really It's a poor performance.

at the same time.

A golden giant beetle, the weakest guardian on this battlefield, known as the ancient **** of Qiongqi, noticed this and followed the instinct of the guardian's mission, planning to launch a sneak attack on the dragon derivatives here. look.

The so-called derivative, for the guardian, is naturally the betrayal.

Killing them will be one of the guardians' growth methods, and it is also one of the most difficult ways. Obviously, the growth rate of Lei Luoxing has deeply stimulated Qiong Qi, and he intends to fight to the death here.


"It's really itchy. I just came here to see what's going on here. I didn't expect it to be so coincidental, so much delicious blood, Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

In the shadows, there are figures filled with endless **** smells, Sensen smiled and licked his tongue greedily.

It was both positive and evil, and the voice of Shura Road was hoarse.

The Asura Dao is an extremely special cultivation method created by this figure with great wisdom and his own abilities. As for his own name, it has been forgotten.

ancient times.

After the explorer's time and space fortress accidentally fell into this world, it was trapped by the star blockade. Many ancient Orola people were unable to adapt to the strange and special environment of this world, and once almost faced an existential crisis. There have been many debates, and at that time, Shura Road was just a trivial explorer warrior.

The strange power of the world suppresses the power of the law mastered by the vast majority of humans in the Aurora world.

Jaeger advocates forming an alliance with the local indigenous people to gain strength by collecting the beliefs of the temple, and investigate the world in an all-round way before deciding the future, so as not to alarm the blockers outside.

Capricornus, on the other hand, believes that this is a kind of betrayal. It advocates the practice of concentrated and unrepressed law power, records galaxies with star cores, seeks resources in a violent way, and forcibly contacts the world of Aurora.

The final result was undoubtedly that the weakened Capricorn was accidentally sealed. After Jaeger won the victory, the Holy See was established, and the followers of Capricorn were reduced to the target of purging. Only some powerful people stole the star core information recorder. Fleeing all over the place, various resistance groups have been established.

And these resister organizations, in the end, there is only one organization called the sorcerer, which continues to this day.

Thousands of years have passed now.

Those bigwigs he once looked up to, the conservatives mentioned by Jaeger, have almost all become humanoid weapons, gradually losing self-awareness in the prayers of believers, and even he himself was condemned by Pope Haye for this. s seal.

Not to mention the Capricorn, who was eventually crushed by the Lord, a loser.

Of the three ancient Auroras that survive today.

The continuation of the establishment of the guardian organization, he has seen it a few times, and now it can only be parasitized on an old turtle. There is no human, no ghost, and it is almost impossible for the weakened to enter his eyes again.

As for the other guy who secretly manipulates the wizard, he has never seen it, but judging from the fact that he was hunted and hunted by Jaeger, I am afraid it is not much better. Weak guy.

only him!

The self-created Asura Dao established a gladiatorial organization, and became a real behind-the-scenes force and a real winner in the Star Curtain Land with the evolution of blood and fighting crisis.

"If I can return to the Aurora with my current strength and no longer being suppressed by all kinds of strange phenomena in this world, maybe I should be able to..."

After thinking about all kinds of things, he sneered and restrained the urge, and wanted to make an appearance and wreak havoc!

In the war with the superhuman in the land of Aurora, if he hadn't killed the two troublesome guys with one hand, the fate of Jaeger would never have been better than the true God of Darkness, suffering from the tide of belief. After being imprisoned, his strength declined sharply, and he still couldn't help but sneer when he echoed the shock of the instinctive humanity that was sealed in the deepest part of his soul by Jaeger.

The existence that Zeng Jin even made him look up to was nothing more than that!


The reason why humans in the Aurora world were able to subvert those who believed in becoming gods was because this way of growing up had some fatal flaws.

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