Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 620: patrol guardian

The information from the Helen Academy of Natural Sciences obtained from X was indeed far more complicated than Laidlaw expected.

Moreover, in the competition between these two remote colleges in recent years, X Progress College seems to be at a relative disadvantage. It can only rely on the advantages of trade routes and obtain constant supplies from other colleges, which consumes the power of Heiwen College and maintains a balance. .

This made Laylo, who originally wanted to visit Hewen directly at the door and achieve his goal by exerting pressure, to change his mind.

In order to prevent the dean of the academy from making a stupid choice and delaying the establishment of the alliance, it is better to take a more prudent approach!

half a month later.

Death storm deep in the desert.

A guardian of the Heier Liberal Arts Academy looked angrily at the occult scholar wearing an X mask.

This is exactly what Laylo, according to X's suggestion, finally found a patrol guardian of Heiwen College after searching this desert for more than half a month. He is specially responsible for monitoring the possible dangers in the vicinity of the college. Responsibility for maintaining order in desert trade routes.

Although Heier Literature College has not been able to establish trade with other central colleges, it has developed several hidden affiliated college forces in the surrounding area, which has produced a certain central siphon effect.

Lai Luo stepped forward to stop him, and wanted to ask the other party for intelligence information of Hei Er Wen Academy. After this guy recognized that Lai Luo was not a person from He Er Wen Academy, he shot directly.

Laiduo reluctantly fought back and captured him on the ground.

There is no doubt that this place is very close to Helman College.

"Bitch of X Academy, give it up, you don't want to get any information from me!"

It is not difficult to understand the almost incompatible hostile relationship between X Progress Academy and Heir Literature Academy.

Lai Luo was the first to visit the X Progressive Academy of Sciences, and from the standpoint of the X Progressive Academy of Sciences, the dean of the academy came from the land of Middle-earth, and the reason why the land of Middle-earth became what it is today is all thanks to these wizards, Even if X is not a member of the Holy See, as a proud resident of Middle-earth, his hatred for wizards is deep in his bones.

Then, the black literature scholars in the most remote areas who hook up with these wizards are naturally hostile to the Progressive Academy.

Although there has not been a full-scale war between the universities and colleges like the Holy See treats heretics, the small-scale conflicts have almost never stopped.

Helman College is originally the most remote college in the radiation wasteland. The communication with other colleges is far away and dangerous. Coupled with the many obstacles of X Progress College, it is not surprising that the Grant Academy of Natural Sciences has a high regard for the Helman College. Information is lost.

Even the Heir Literature Academy, which is most eager to trade with several other academies, has few scholars who have broken through the crises of X Progress Academy and the Dead Desert.

And the more this is the case, the Heerwen Academy, which is facing a huge existential crisis, has to have a closer connection with the wizard to fight against the X Progress Academy and the many crises from the Dead Desert.

Day after day, the relationship between the two parties has become what it is today.

The occult scholar looked at the other party cheerfully, and was not angry when he was cursed by the other party.

"How many times have I said that, I am a business path explorer from Xiaokang Business School. I came across the dark radiation area. It has nothing to do with X Progress College."


The guardian sneered and kept silent.

Since the two academies were hostile, I don't know how many spies from X Progress Academy wanted to get the coordinate information of Heirwen Academy from guardians like themselves.

The Heirwen Academy is built in a magic eye pyramid, and the coordinates will be changed regularly, so that the X Progress Academy cannot find the exact location.

After all, the other party couldn't find him, which almost made him invincible first!

"For the cruelty of dark competition, this Heiwen Academy seems to understand more deeply than other academies. It takes hiding their coordinates as the top priority. Only those who learn to hide themselves first will be able to survive in this crisis-filled place. In the dark world, live longer."

Laidlaw took out a token of Xiaokang Business School.

This is a high-strength alloy metal plate with the eight-character school motto of Xiaokang Business School inscribed on it, namely: Wealth can drive away ghosts, and wealth can lead to gods.

"Look, this is my token."


The guardian of Hei Er Wen Academy just glanced at the so-called token, then spit and looked dismissive, obviously still not believing in the identity Laylo made up.

Lai Luo was stunned.

On the one hand, the scholars in these marginal places are so sturdy, they have forgotten the etiquette of nobles, and they are astonished to do such rude behavior.

On the other hand, it is not difficult to see that the fire and water between the two colleges are incompatible.

After Lei Luo paused for a while, the smile under X's mask did not diminish. After he smiled, he actually put away the token in his hand and exchanged it for a bag of gold coins. There are at least hundreds of gold coins in the bag, and they kept in his hands. As he weighed it, with the pleasant sound of gold coins hitting, several gold coins jumped out of his pocket.

"The academy has always believed that wealth can be connected to the gods, hehe hehe."

Lai Luo's smirk made the guardian's eyelids jump wildly.

In these years, the value of gold coins and energy spar as currency has increased by dozens of times compared with that before the Wasteland Age, and the purchasing power is far from that of the Peaceful Age. Indifferent is also false.

Lai Luo was indeed keenly aware of the fleeting greed in the opponent's eyes.

**Progress College has been blocked all the year round, and the Hei Er Wen College is extremely scarce of materials, almost beyond imagination. With so many gold coins, how many much-needed materials can be purchased from those wizards!


The Guardian's greed was only fleeting, and soon returned to indifference.

Although his eyes never left the gold coin pocket, he said with a sneer: "Hmph, get out, I'm the guardian of Hei Erwen Academy, never uh..."

Speaking of his lips, the next moment, the guardian widened his eyes, looked at the other thing in Lai Luo's hand without blinking, grunted, and swallowed hard.

At this time, in Lei Luo's hand, there is a high-level energy spar!

After the radiation wasteland era, the spar ore veins have basically been submerged by the death storm, and the few remaining ore veins are all barren ore veins that can only excavate the lowest quality energy spar.

Today's high-level energy spar, in addition to hunting third-level monsters, has almost no choice!

But even so, after the collapse of the eye of the star screen, and the mass extinction of the creatures, even if the advanced scholars have the power and want to obtain them through hunting, it is difficult to find the traces of the advanced beasts.

In this way, the value of this energy crystal core in Lai Luo's hand can be imagined.


"Hmph, go away, I'm the guardian of the Heirwen Academy, I will never er... tell the master any news about the coordinates of the Heirwen Academy."

The second half of the sentence is so duplicitous that anyone can hear it.

Lai Luo is also a flexible person, naturally it is not difficult to hear some of the doorways, and the smile under the X mask is even brighter.

"Well, I won't embarrass you. You stay here and let your mount go back to report the letter. I really want to establish a mutually beneficial business and trade relationship with your college. After that, no matter what the result is, these rewards will be yours. "

Rolling his eyes, Laidlaw's proposal didn't seem to have much problem.

Now that his own life is in the hands of Lai Luo, the guardian has no choice. After a moment of hesitation, he changed his previous tough attitude and tentatively asked: "Is this the truth of the master?"

"Of course!"


a few days later.

This guardian mount brought back the response of An Qi, the vice president of Hei Erwen Academy [Wasteland Watcher].

The guardian opened the paper on the mount, which was covered with code numbers.

After a while, he excitedly said: "Dean An Qi agrees with you to take you to the relay point to accept the pick up!"

The negotiation went very smoothly, and he finally wrapped his life for the time being, and maybe he could get a blessing in disguise and make a lot of money, how could he not feel a trace of happiness.

"Relay point?"

It's probably an area like censorship quarantine points.

Lai Luo nodded and said, "Then I'll trouble your Excellency to lead the way."

With that said, under the excited gaze of the guardian, Lei Luo threw the crystal core out of his hand. After being caught by him, he put it into the space box and jumped back to the back of the giant bird. Take Lai Luo to fly into the distance.

"Be careful……"

However, the road was not uneventful. On the way, the two encountered an extreme storm.

The storm of death was already everywhere, the alpha violent particles increased sharply, and the customs almost doubled in just a few breaths!

The guardian's giant bird only had time to scream, and even before it could hide in the sand, it was blown away by the storm and separated from the guardian. The guardian's protective cover was also crumbling in an instant, and his face suddenly lost its color.


A big hand caught it firmly, fell to the ground together, and plunged into the way to avoid this terrifying storm that shreds everything.

After a long time.

The sandstorm began to ease.

Two guys slowly drilled out of the sand, looking like they were afraid.

"Thank you, Master, I didn't expect such bad luck to encounter such an extreme storm. If it wasn't for Master's timely response, I'd probably have..."

No wonder he was so terrified.

In the short two or three seconds just now, he could clearly feel the energy pouring out like a tide, but the protective cover was crumbling and could be broken at any time, which means that during this period he encountered at least a continuous attack of more than 100 degrees!

With such a power, it is endless, even if a legendary creature is lost in the storm, it will probably be completely torn apart by the power of nature.

"It's a pity that it was so sudden that I couldn't save your mount."

After the guardian suffered for a moment, an unusually short special ceremony was held in the storm, and after a moment of remembrance, the two continued on their way.

After experiencing life and death, the Guardian's attitude towards Laidlaw has obviously changed.

Lai Luo can clearly feel it. It seems that this is because it is the edge of the natural eye of the Pangula The speed of the storm is even higher than that of the Glenn Academy of Natural Sciences.

Lai Luo knew very well that the Pangula Heights was surrounded by a giant tortoise that was so powerful that it was an ancient god.

This giant tortoise, even if it has been killed by the superhuman, the power of the law left behind is enough to form a stable eye for thousands of years.

And according to the information, those catastrophic evil dragons from the depths of the continent are lingering in this eye of the wind, and they have become human beings!

The former Pangula Heights was a barren plateau that blocked the central great empire of Aurora and the principality.


On the territory of Superman's ambitions, the Pangula Heights is impressively the central gateway between the Middle Earth, the Wasteland, and the Underworld!

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