Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 207: Frost World

"Ji Jie, this sacrificial technique you developed is really interesting!"

The old monster seemed to see the speciality of this witchcraft.

Sorcerers are civilized by sacrifice and self-reform. According to legend, during the period of prosperity, they even summoned a powerful will that could fight against the creator of light. Unfortunately, it has long since declined.

The crow mask man who failed to summon once remained calm.

The power of this sacrifice is that through the mystery of the Aurora space-time channel left in the ancient times, it is used through some deep-level principles, and it will summon some of the world ’s eligible powerful creatures again and again. The sacrifice is constantly disappearing.

He knew clearly that most of the seemingly powerful old monster was sealed with the resistance consciousness of No.7.

As one of the many top painters dispatched by the night ground, this old monster is far from as easy as it looks, otherwise he has already sealed No. 7 into the magic mirror.

It is for this reason that the attack of the other party just now will be easily dispelled by his own sacrifice call.

"Come! The second advent!"


Icy biting frost marks.

The temperature dropped sharply, and the Raven Mask man was about to say something according to the rules, but he was clever, and he seemed to realize something. While his face changed slightly, he showed incredible fanatical surprise!

the other side.

Holding the old Corleone monster in the head of No.7, the expression of laughter and fun changed abruptly.

A light of darkness spread silently, pulling Lei Luo and the shadow of the sky beside him.

The whole world seems to be quiet.

The extremely deep frost flows through.

In addition to the crow mask man, the wizards beside him, the mercenaries in the distance, even the rainbow goblin, the goddess of the goddess of love, the seven owls, the boy of the dragon bird, the silver tooth war wolf, etc., all in a moment It was frozen and became a living ice sculpture!

Already mentally tired.

Rello felt that his consciousness seemed to be dimmed, and time lost its meaning.

I haven't known for a long time.

When Rello woke up again, he was completely stunned by the scene in front of him.

The huge blood demon flower forest has become a frost world, each mercenary, a famous wizard, the blue ogres in the distance, countless night creatures, ice sculptures come to life, and the fat blood nest is already Completely disappeared, and the one who disappeared together, there was the man who claimed to be the shadow king of the shadow of the sky.


The shadow of the sky is far away, and the color of pain looks at the mercenaries who have frozen into ice sculptures under their own hands, and they continue to try to restore them by various methods.

"Master, what happened!"

After froze for a while, Rello asked Corleone in disbelief.

"The spiritual consciousness of a frost creature came here in less than thirty seconds. She took away the sacrificers. The naturally overflowing frost power killed all the weak and turned it into an ice age."

Lei Luo will never forget the fanatical look of Corleone's old monster at this moment.

It was hysterical madness that came from the heart and wanted to occupy it.

"Can't even the master stop all this?"

In the frosted world, Lei Luo asked.

"Junior juniper, the nature of the law, whether lofty or not can be judged by the half-life, the nature of the common law affects at most decades, don't you find that the changes in the frost world here are almost permanent?"

Lei Luo thought of his specimen, cursed by the goddess of wisdom, half-human and half-pig. According to his own determination, the energy half-life was indeed what Corleone said, for decades.

The energy half-life here is actually eternal?

Of course, this so-called eternity is not really eternal, but ordinary people have been difficult to calculate its specific value, at least for tens of thousands of years.

"You mean, it's a higher level creature."

Rello took a deep breath, and Nane couldn't believe it.

"Dear Master Corleone, can't my men recover?"

Musou Galle asked painfully in the distance.

The Shadow of the Mercenary Corps is his pride. He lost the mercenary, leaving him alone. What meaning does the mercenary regiment have!

"There are two people who may have a solution in the land of the star curtain, one is Gauss Adolf of the Principality of Zealand, and the other is the goddess of nature in the thorn forest. I suggest you try it from the latter."

The old monster just responded casually, his eyes staring excitedly at the endless world of ice and snow.

"It is a great living body. From her body, I seem to have seen the fanatical beliefs of hundreds of millions of snow and ice creatures. If she can be placed on the test bench to blaspheme, it will be equivalent to ruining the holiness in the hearts of hundreds of millions of creatures. It ’s really exciting to think about it. "

Listening to the old monster's unabashed murmur, Lei Luo's forehead was black.

"Master, grief."

Raylow already knew a little bit about the misunderstanding of the shadow of the sky.

"Who would be the person who disguised the shadow of the sky? Do you have any clue? Imitate your dress, imitate your title, and seem to want to replace you with fairness and justice? Or that he longs to be you?"

"I do not know."

The shadow of the sky said angrily: "However, the breath on him gives me a very familiar feeling, even a very intimate feeling, I can't be wrong!"

Very familiar feeling?

Feeling airy?

Feel the same as yourself!

Sorrow and sigh, Wushuang looked at Lei Luo.

"Brother, I went back to St. Granberg some time ago and met with my mentor. He told me about your situation. Now that I know that you are following Master Corleone, I am relieved to study with Master Corleone. , Graduation assessment one and a half years later, I hope you can complete my mentor's dream instead. "

Unconsciously, it has been half a year since I left the college.

"Got it."

Raylow responded lowly.

"I'm going to find a way to restore my friends. Their friendship is the most precious asset in my life. Even if it is difficult, I can't give up! Brother, goodbye."


Fortunately, Wuying's media partner Xiaoying was not frozen. One person and one eagle wore many ice sculptures and flew into the distance.

Lei Luo stared at the endless snow world.

It still looks like a dream, unbelievable.

"Master, 5th-level creature, has such a power to change this place into the snow world?"

Corleone's old monster took a deep breath of coldness.

"Their power is not only a short-term effect on the laws of nature, but a long-term erosion and pollution. It is for this reason that under the influence of the bright creator, the star screen will combine the natural forces here to form one after another. For a gentle environment suitable for human habitation, for exotic organisms, that is the radiation pollution of the power of light ... "

"Well, like those pink mists that represent the true **** of fear in the land of night, the permanent law of pollution spreading is no longer simply the power of the law of faith gathered by believers. It will be based on the prayers of believers. Feedback, at this point, they are no longer even life in the ordinary sense. "

Suddenly, Raylo felt that the world seemed to be different.


Rello felt very depressed. That was the depression of scholars facing the church.

But now, Lei Luo suddenly feels that he is very small, people are always used to mistake what they see as the world, and simply can not imagine the unknown huge and deep!

The so-called God of Light is just one of many Level 5 creatures in this world! ! !

"By the way, Master, I felt an urgently needed higher magic material here in its pumpkin hut."

Lei Luo pointed to the number 7 that had been completely controlled by the old monster.

"Do you know why it's called number 7?"

The old monster got up.


"Because there are Nos. 1 to 6 in front of it, and Nos. 8 to 12 behind it. There are 12 heresy invasions in total. We only found one of them. Jilin Jielin, this time, Oro The Crusaders are busy! Let's go and find what you said first. "

No. 7 has been tortured by the old monster, but it will definitely not affect its life.

It can be seen that it was dissected by the old monster when Rellow was dormant under the influence of the freezing rule.


Its eyes, exuding the grayness of death, were carried in the hands of old monsters in good mood like soft toys.

It seemed to notice that Rello was looking at himself, his button eyes rolled slightly.

"Kill me, I beg you."

Rello smiled ceremonially.

"Remember to tell you, it is not a pity, because we will continue to chat happily in the future, you will pray that I will kill you."

"I promise to kill you whatever you want!"

No. 7 said in a hoarse voice that it was tormenting.

"You promise me whatever I want? Then I want you to live well, hum hum."

The hypocritical comfort can't restrain the excitement in the heart. For such a specimen, Lei Luo can't wait to have a good anatomical study. How can it be easily killed?

"Jade, Jade, guess what secret I found in it?"

The old monster and Rello walked in the snow, looking for the pumpkin hut that Rello said, and asked proudly.

"What secret?"

Lei Luo responded to the old monster's question.

"It's mystery of reproduction! Its fur is stitched from the fur of a night-time wombat. My laboratory even has its specimens, and its blood is made up of 108 different creatures. The blood source constitutes, uh, the blood of intelligent creatures, most of which are also creatures of the night, but there is also human blood. I guess it was left by the unfortunate crusaders, and its breeding core is a split seed Do you know what this means? "

"It means ... they, like the dolls of dolls, need to be made by themselves?"


The old monster exalted excitedly: "I used a bottle of anesthetic in exchange, and he admitted it himself! I even thought about the content of the next book, 桀桀 桀桀! But I suddenly thought of a more in-depth The question, their origin, their history, how was the first blood-born born? "

Somehow, Lei Luo thought of the human face spider.

The wizard may perish, how should the human face spider view history?

"The product of the last civilization?"

"Huh? Your wisdom, you can't see a little guy who hasn't left the college."


The blood river rolled and was frozen instantly, maintaining the moment when the waves rose.

Lei Luo looked at the frozen pumpkin hut aside and was surprised: "This is it!"

After several attempts, Rello wanted to open this frozen pumpkin hut, but affected by the power of the ice, this pumpkin hut was harder than expected. Rello even used harmless hints and gravity fireballs. This frozen hut is helpless ~ ~ From this, it can be imagined what kind of horror is the level 5 living body that will come shortly.

Lei Luo can still clearly feel the magic material he needs, right here.

That's the mysterious magic guide material needed for the evolution of your own star.

"Let me come."

The old monster looked ridiculously helpless as Lei Luo looked helpless.

I saw his skinny fingers, pressed on the door handle, a silent dark force rushed through, "click", the pumpkin door opened easily, without even destroying the structure of the house.

The walls of the room were covered with frozen Facebook.

These Facebooks are the cartoon smiling heads of derived creatures!


The eyes of the old monster and Lei Luo were naturally attracted to the pink spar on the matrix altar in the center of the pumpkin hut.

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