Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 340: Deep Sea Darkness (14)

Measured in units of civilization.

The weak first-level primitive tribal civilization has grown in consciousness for hundreds of years and has grown for thousands of years, but in the process, it is almost always on the verge of extinction, and only a small part has the potential to advance to higher civilizations.

Perhaps after a natural disaster, the eye on which they relied disappears without a trace and perishes in the disaster.

However, the second-level temple civilization, due to the establishment of the eye of the wind, has the foundation of manpower to resist natural disasters, which is relatively stable.

They are the most fundamental force in this world.

If there is enough time, these civilizations can gather the power of the gods and establish a higher civilization of the gods.

The key is that this so-called time!

The growth of civilization and the continuous expansion of survival resources in Fengyan will inevitably endanger other surrounding civilizations.

Some civilizations have great potential and can develop and grow in a very short period of time. When this civilization appears in the vision of an ancient civilization, in order to prevent the other party from becoming its own competitor in the future, the most effective way is to do so before the other party has fully grown. before, destroy it!

Of course, this is just one of the reasons.

The belief proposed by Corleone is the law of survival, which may also be one of the reasons, but there is no doubt that the place where human beings are located has experienced many blows from advanced civilizations in history. Therefore, the civilization of ice and filth has avoided it. in the underground world.

In general.

The terrifying eye of the gods supported by the third-level **** civilization is hundreds of times that of the low-level temple civilization.

The vast territory gives the third-level civilization a larger detour space. They are the backbone of this world. Even in the face of the crushing of higher-level civilizations, the war time has become extraordinarily long. Centuries are not surprising.

The foundation of civilization lies in the inheritance of its roots and in the territory it controls.

Destroying the foundational heritage, destroying the homeland and territory on which survival depends, civilization will cease to exist, and the threat will naturally disappear.

There is no doubt that the heritage of Haiqi civilization is these female Haiqi who have a long life!

Sky floating island.

Corleone successfully detonated the pure Eternal Moon Ice Flame energy inside the Magic Eye Pyramid.

Yongyue Bingyan is a kind of annihilation attribute energy that tends to the spirit and distorted space. After dragging the material into a mysterious space, it annihilates and disappears, leaving no trace.

As such.

Under Corleon's intentional control, after the explosion of the energy center, these ice flames not only completed the division that Corleone expected, but also exceeded expectations, completely destroying this floating island in the sky and dividing it into dozens of pieces.

It split into smaller plates, and the magnetic field of its own field was weaker. The natural energy that was originally absorbed was passing by rapidly and was absorbed by the star screen world.

One big and one small dark eyes, with sparse gray hair on the top of his head, Corleone smiled strangely.

"Then next, I just need to push these plates down. Even with my current strength... Jie Jie Jie Jie, it's really powerful."

Gem Island ground.

Two metal weapons of the King of War, heavy body walking on the soil, heavy body, almost one step at a time, dark red eyes looking around the shattered earth in all directions, like a death patrol wandering in the doomsday.

beep beep.

"Find the target."


Behind the two kings of war, there were seven level 3 metal giants to follow, ignoring the energy loss, they killed all the Haiqi they saw along the way.

Behind them, a deep-sea giant tortoise corpse, a deep-sea giant octopus corpse, were violently killed, and the death was very miserable.

"Is this the famous King of War of the Grand Duchy?"

An elderly scholar riding on a magic broom, staring at the ferocious metal monsters, said in shock and fear.

He was one of the master alchemists of the Old Principality of Finland.

The Principality of Finland has almost never had a military conflict with the work of Gran, because most scholars’ impression of Gran is limited to the heyday of evolutionary esoteric scholars hundreds of years ago. The only massive force capable of confronting Zeeland head-on.

for hundreds of years.

With the quiet rise of Vladik, the pattern of the principality has changed unknowingly.

"If the Finnish capital had been guarded by such weapons of war, it would not have perished so easily."

Witnessing the power of the King of War with his own eyes, the kind that ignores most of the attacks with the magic metal shell, and gives the opponent a fatal blow with a brutal impact, these two Haiqi Queens, the resistance only lasted for 150 seconds.

In other words.

In just two and a half minutes, these metal war weapons were crushed all the way, destroying the resistance of the two Haiqi Queens here!

"Maybe it would be a good choice to join Gran?"

These two Haiqi Queens would never have imagined that the real culprit who killed them was actually hundreds of miles away.

They tried countless times to control these metal giants with spiritual threads, but the results told them again and again that it was a huge stone that could not be controlled at all.

They don't know.

Controlling these giant metal objects requires not only guiding the trial, but also a special kind of mental ripple information, which can also be understood as... a password!

This was designed by Vladikon to ensure that the weapons of war belonging to the Grand Duchy would never betray and surrender on the battlefield, but unexpectedly, it formed absolute restraint on these Haiqi queens.

Compared with the spiritual power thread length of the two Haiqi queens, the spiritual blessing device of the source of energy of the tower researched by the scholars of the Grand Duchy is enough to extend the powerful spiritual power of the royal academicians hundreds of miles away, and control these metal weapons. substitute.

M stood firmly on the shoulder of a giant metal object, and he didn't shoot at all.

He is old, and every time he makes a move, he is one step closer to death.

"It seems that Corleone is right, the future world belongs to these magicians..."

Compared with the glorious era of the fighters, the era of relying on hard work and talent has unknowingly been replaced by these scholars who advocate exploration and wisdom.

With a wealth of technical means, they are creating a new era at a terrifying speed that no fighters could ever imagine!

At this moment.

Rumble rumble.

There was a strange vibration from the sky.

Not only M, but almost all the creatures in this gem sea area raised their heads in response, and looked up at the floating island where the sky was gradually cracking.

Pieces of smaller fragments were rubbing against the denser and denser air, causing vibrations of natural energy, sliding down the long tail flame and falling down.

At an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, at the edge of the atmosphere, meteorite fragments fall very slowly and are in the process of continuous acceleration.

But the pressure on the ground was passed on first!

"Could it be that old thing?"

M thought of something, and murmured in shock.

He also participated in the last Guardian Destruction War.

He had a fresh memory of the brutality of the last war, not long after joining the Guardian.

In the era when the god-level war of destruction academics had not yet been developed, if the guardians could not defeat the evil gods head-on, they could only weaken the source of the evil gods' power by slaughtering the source of belief, which once required the low-level guardians to keep fighting. , destroying each other's temples one by one.

but now!

In a war, there were two god-level destruction war academics!

If there was such a strong academic support for the war of destruction in the last war, there would not be such a tragic war.

It is completely possible to slaughter the believers of the evil gods on a large scale through this kind of magic. This is the most effective way of warfare!

It’s only a few hundred years. In terms of civilization, it is not long, and it can even be said to be quite short.

But scholars' evolutionary approach, based on exploring the mysteries of the laws of nature, has revolutionized the Guardians' mode of warfare.

It would be unimaginable to let scholars grow twice as long.

at the same time.

"Evil Island?"

The Haiqi family, the Black Moon Godmother, slowly raised their heads and looked at the floating island in the sky that Haiqi hailed as ominous and evil, and was slowly falling from the sky.

As a species of civilization, Haiqi has ruled this sea area for about four thousand years.

In the initial period, it was unisexual reproduction by the Mother of Darkness, who created a low-status male Haiqi by splitting her own huge spiritual power. Later, some male Haiqi mutated and evolved to form a female Haiqi.

These female Haiqi must reproduce more male Haiqi through continuous mating, so as to peel off some kind of dross in their spiritual power, so as to achieve condensed, strengthened and evolved.

in the long years.

This species, with a total of three queens, broke through that limit and became a new leader following the Mother of Darkness.

Also known as the Mother of God.

Black Moon Godmother is one of them!

And the most powerful power of the Goddess does not originate from herself, but from time!

As long as they are given enough time, they can reproduce through parthenogenesis, once again creating a vast area ruled by Haiqi!

The Black Moon Mother is located in a remote area of ​​Jewel Isle.

It no longer needs to control the parasitic host, UU reading www., because of its size of more than 100 meters, is like a hill, even in the depths of the great trench, it is enough to face most sudden crises!

Through the unparalleled huge spiritual power, it faintly felt the deep malice that filled the air.

This malice is sweeping over from all directions, ruthlessly destroying the foundation of civilization built by the goddesses for thousands of years in the most cruel and cruel way, and slaughtering queens who have the ability to reproduce and inherit civilization.

"Even in this great trench, there are no evil creatures that can threaten us. Could it be from the other end of the dark torrent? Or... outside the eye of the wind, there are other continents?"

Its philosophical thinking is completely impossible for male Haiqi.

Only this kind of thinking behavior is the foundation of the inheritance of civilization, otherwise it is just a primitive beast.

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