Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 264: Closed assessment

in the examination space.

The students are ignorant of what is going on outside.

In the central area of ​​the Foggy Stone Forest in Zeeland, the ground is full of craters and ravines after the battle, especially the impact of Seymour Xiong's purgatory fire, which destroyed the battle area into a mess.

The sun rises.

Early morning fog, gradually thinning.

Lei Luo gasped slightly, staring at the direction where Wuming disappeared, the pupil of the moon flickered slightly.

Gulan Shayan was still brewing. As the final trump card, he didn't use it. He wanted to seize the opportunity and turn the situation around with a close blow. Escaped the assessment space.

The space bracelet on his arm flashed, and Bai Yoyo appeared.

"Why did you call me?"

His roots and feet stood on the ground, his hands covered his nose, and he looked at the thick smoke behind the burning ashes around him.

"Help me collect badges."

Lai Luo smiled: "This is the reward."

Seeing that Lai Luo was so generous, he took out two copper coins in one breath. The little ginseng elf, who was impatient just now, after instinctively took the gold coins in his small hands, stuck out his tongue in excitement and licked like a puppy. .

"Ahahahaha, you said it earlier! Of course I'm happy to help with this trivial matter!"

As a plant ginseng elf, Xiaobai has the ability to travel through the soil in the soil full of vitality, and happily went to help Lai Luo collect badges.

Not for a while.

After the two collected nearly 400 badges, Lai Luo took Xiaobai and left the central area of ​​the Shilin for the assessment of the Xilan Academy, and flew towards the Gran Academy.

Originally, according to the plan, Lai Luo planned to defeat Seymour Xiong and Kui one by one, and then slowly collect the badges of the assessment space.

But I didn't expect such a change because of the appearance of Wuming.

With nearly 400 badges in hand, there are more than 500 students in Grand Academy, that is, more than 500 badges, adding up to one thousand points.


Next, as long as you ensure that the number of badges of the Grant Academy of Natural Sciences does not suffer major losses, and collect another 300 to 400 badges, you can make the Grant Academy's assessment ranking try to compete for the first place.

Now words.

on the one hand.

The elite students of Zeeland College were almost swept away by Lai Luo and Wuming. Now they want to collect badges from a large number of ordinary students in Sealand, and the speed is too slow.

on the other hand.

After continuous battles, the energy consumption in Lai Luo's body is also quite severe, and needs to be temporarily corrected.

More importantly, after the absolute zero seal technique, the self-exploitation of the [Light and Shadow Hidden Man] magic weapon, and the previous research, Lai Luo has a considerable grasp of the promotion of the second-level energy field.

call out.

Flying in the air in the assessment stone forest of Zeeland College, but since Lai Luo did not have a mount with a strong deterrent power like the two-headed ice soul giant bird, it was inevitable that he would be peeped by other students on the ground.


After flying for a while, Laidlaw was attacked by a Zeeland Academy lurking on the ground.


The grimace pumpkin exploded, and the two flew out of the low-altitude fog.

"Ha ha!"

This female student was wearing a white fluffy scarf and holding a gem wand. There were five grimace pumpkins floating around. The grimace pumpkins had white wings. She smiled strangely and looked at another female student proudly.

"Looks like I'm lucky today, I'm faster."


The female student looked regretful and unhappy because of the missed opportunity, and looked at the explosion in the air with resentment.

"Today is the third day. I didn't expect such an ignorant guy."

She glanced at the female student with a grimace and exploding pumpkins floating around her, and said angrily, "You are lucky."


There was a flash of fire, and Lai Luo flew out of the fire.

The female student was stunned for a moment, and when she saw Lei Luo's face clearly, her complexion went from being complacent to being as pale as a ghost. It was only a transformation within a few seconds.

"Blast... Blast killer! It's that devil!!"

The female student who was about to pick up the badge left by Laylo pointed to Laylo's face and screamed in horror, as if this bland face was the devil in hell.

Thinking of something, she screamed and took a few steps back.

According to rumors, the blaster would first show weakness, but then suddenly burst out, admiring the devil who delights in the enemy's progress from complacency to despair!

Well, didn't you just...

Without hesitation, she actually directly activated the badge transfer function, and a twist disappeared.


The energy fluctuations, which are far more powerful than exploding pumpkins, swayed away, and this female student was quite lucky.



She appeared on the Scales Altar of the Finnish Academy.

But when she raised her head and looked around, her pale face was as white as a piece of paper, and her mouth opened wide in horror.

If Laidlaw is just a lonely devil, then at this moment, she is in a real hell!

If she could choose, she would rather immediately return to the quiet and peaceful assessment space.

"This, this, this, am I not dreaming?"


Riding on the back of a giant bird with outstretched wings that was five meters wide, the sky knight, a giant who had already struggled for more than half of his body from the black hole in the sky, slammed it violently, and with a "bang" sound, the afterimage fell.

The giant bird knocked down the spire of a garden bell tower, and the rubble was flying.

Residents hiding in the bell tower screamed in horror, blood-stained hands constantly digging through the rubble, looking for buried relatives.

Countless scholars and the sky knight guards in the capital of Finland fought against the wizards flying out of the black hole of the space-time letter, and tried their best to prevent this terrifying giant from coming.

"go to hell!"

boom! boom! boom…

The magic weapon that was used as the final card of the [Hidden of Light and Shadow] in the assessment secret territory exploded. In the sky of the Finnish capital at this moment, it almost became an explosion of fireworks. In order to protect the capital, scholars and warriors launched a desperate attack.

The shock wave of the explosion swayed, and the beautiful buildings of the original Garden City continued to collapse in large areas.

Originally, it only took ten minutes to complete the incarnation of the shadow of despair that descended. At this moment, it has been stuck at the door of Xinshikongdao for more than half of the hourglass time.

Annoyed color.

The giant kept bombarding the annoying little pups nearby with his unparalleled gigantic avatar.

The blood rained in the air.

Just appearing at the altar for a short while, the female student was completely wet.

An apocalyptic hellscape!

Under the overwhelming pressure, she didn't even have the strength to fly, staring at the sun-covering giant that emerged from the lacquer black hole, and sat limply on the ground.

"No, what happened... woo woo woo."

Several old scholars who opened their real bodies fell from the sky with serious and anxious expressions.

Put away the real behind.

A few people looked at the giant with a black hole in the sky above his head, and one of them helped the frightened female student down from the altar and then formed a circle.

After the complicated incantation, the huge energy gathered, and gradually formed a goat-headed ghost over the altar and rushed towards the altar.

With a hum, the altar returned to the ground and disappeared without a trace.

Several people actually sealed the altar temporarily.

in the examination space.

Another female student who was chased by Lai Luo kept trying to activate the assessment badge, but to no avail.

After a flash of light from the Zero Boundary Stone on the badge, it seemed to be blocked by something and could not leave the assessment space. If it was just panicked just now, then it is really creepy now.

"No, no, no!"

She tried again and again, but to no avail.


As the gravitational energy ball drowned her, Laylo was astonished.

"Even if you die, don't you want to leave the assessment space?"

at the same time.

Similar situations have occurred in many places in the assessment space.

The assessment badge is invalid, and the assessment students cannot leave the assessment space. The original assessment has been eliminated, and it has turned into a life-and-death competition!

The center of the Stone Forest of the Grant Academy's assessment.

The three mysterious people shrouded in black robes stared at the ground and slowly opened an entrance. Elite students from Gran Academy kept breaking in. One of them said in a low voice, "Have you found the target?"

"No, it seems that the target is very cunning and has been prepared for us."

"Humph! That guy from the Sword of Shadows has to do some kind of challenge ceremony, stupid guy! No wonder he hasn't been promoted to the rank of honor for two years, a hopeless guy!"

"Don't pay attention to him, with the strength of the three of us, plus His Highness's secret weapon, the target can't escape, but we have to see who kills who!"

A breeze blows.

These people were obviously a hunting team sent by a certain prince of Xilan, and they did not know what method to take to sneak into the assessment space.

And their target is Laylo!

Over the years.

Due to the weakening of the body of the King of Sealand, the battle between the princes has become more and more fierce, and even began to assassinate each other by unscrupulous means. Therefore, winning his subordinates through personal honor is no longer the main goal, and the direct collision of life and death has become the mainstream. way of fighting.

As a result, the hidden killers in the Grand Academy of Natural Sciences were naturally brought back to the princes.

But if you don't have to pay too much, and at the same time have a lot of confidence, several princes don't mind spending some means to try to get honor.

after all!

If he could get the head of the blaster, UU Reading believed that it would be enough for some neutral and unstable forces to be completely drawn to his side and become his own help.

In this way, this hunting team with a special mission was secretly dispatched to the assessment space through special means.

Of course.

Similar to the Principality of Sealand's honorary goals like Laylo, the Principality of Sealand has many more.

Their greatest value is the honor that the princes can show off when they compete for the strength of their subordinates, so that the major forces believe that this is a man who has the potential to become the king of Zealand.

It's just that this secret team, who had been waiting in the Grand Stone Forest for two days, never imagined that the target they wanted to hunt would actually go to the assessment area of ​​Zeeland where they were located and kill them. Overwhelmed many students.

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