
Like a phantom, with the slight tremor of Wumingyue's pupils, in a trance, he found that Lai Luo was standing in the center of the crater intact.

If it weren't for the crater under his feet, everything that just happened would be like an illusion.

"What happened? He didn't leave the assessment space?"

In the continuous battle, he activated the power of the Sun and Moon Demon Eye twice, and attacked the Eye of the Sun and Lai Luo respectively, which consumed a lot of him.

The Sun and Moon Demon Eye is not a magic weapon or the like, but a war machine developed by the Gulan civilization. It needs the support of the Pyramid Energy Hub to exert its full power!

Obviously, the nameless at this stage cannot exert its full power.

To be precise, the so-called magic eye of the sun and the moon is just a core controller of war weapons created by the goblins.

He looked at Lai Luo absently.

"When he was in the Pyramid of Magic Eyes, he also had a similar ability. Now it seems that this is not a hallucination guide, but some kind of strange spiritual power, which seems to be related to the power of the moon?"

the other side.

After launching a dream moon technique, after Lai Luo was promoted to level 1 energy magnetic field, only three and a half moon marks were left, and one was consumed.

Every time the energy magnetic field is improved, if you want to use the dream moon technique, the consumption of moon crystals will increase tenfold!

That is to say, when Lei Luo used the Dream Moon Technique once to consume only 100g of moon spar at a level 0 energy magnetic field, he would need a terrifying figure of 10,000g after being promoted to a level 2 energy magnetic field.

This can only be gathered with powerful national-level abilities, and it is definitely not what Laylo can imagine now.

Open "Mithril Dust".

Gravitational ripples swayed away.

With the blessing of Mithril Sealing Dust, Laylo's gravitational energy ball, extremely dark, silently shot at Nane's absent-minded Wuming.


Wuming once again activated the energy of the Sun Moon Demon Eye.

The jet-black beam of light instantly enveloped the tiny Laylo and the gravitational energy ball on the ground, and wiped it off from the ground again.


The Sun Moon Demon Eye also lost its energy support and slowly dissipated in the air.

The nameless and dim eyes of the sun and the moon stared at the center of the crater.


Lai Luo phantom, reappears!

Raising his head, Lei Luo looked up at the pale Wuming in the sky, with a harmless smile like a spring breeze.

But this smile, in Wuming's eyes, was as piercing as ice.

"It's not an illusion."

Wuming murmured, trying his best to draw natural energy from the air in all directions, and he could no longer support the operation of the Sun Moon Demon Eye.

After all, the magic eye of the sun and the moon is not like Lai Luo's eye of the sun, and the energy consumed is purely borrowed from the laws of the universe.

"The technique of the dream moon is just a trivial application of the cosmic laws of a satellite in the vast universe."

Laylo didn't begrudge his Moon Scar.

Once promoted to level 2 energy magnetic field, these three and a half moon marks, due to the relationship of less than 500g, will disappear automatically and cannot form the minimum half moon mark.

Now, there is still a half-moon scar left.

Nameless old face, a touch of savage color!

Holding the Thunder Creation, he resolutely charged towards Lei Luo.

At this moment, the dark red giant eyes in the air opened again, and the golden pupils overlooked the tiny figure below!

Who would have thought that such a terrifying academic, the energy consumption of Lai Luo, compared to the terrifying consumption of the Sun Moon Demon Eye, is almost negligible.

The light of destruction comes to the world.


The nameless lightning flashed, once as a genius scholar of the Gu Yue family [Lei Ming], although his speed was not as fast as Bourne and Kui in a state of destruction, he was far from being comparable to ordinary students.

Avoiding the beam of destruction beams of dark red giant eyes, Wuming flashed and appeared beside Lei Luo.

The sword of thunder creation in his hand slashed.

The billowing demonic smoke instantly drowned Lei Luo's body, and then the thunder light descended, and with a "bang" sound, the gravel flew!


Laylo's astral body, known for its defensive power, only shattered a small piece.

Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie

In the black smoke, the hoarse laughter of the Moon Shadow Wraith, appearing and disappearing from time to time, seems to be invisible, like the ghost of hell, the evil creatures in the nightmare, surging from all directions without a name.

The old face, the nameless dignified color.

His sun pupil flickered slightly, and with a sound of "huh", the fire wave full of destructive aura spread, and after clearing the nearby Moon Shadow Wraith, a shock wave of annihilating mental power rushed towards Lei Luo.

The pitch-black stone giant felt something, and couldn't help showing a grin of excitement.

"Finally activate this ability."

The moonlight spiritual power that pervaded Lei Luo's body also swayed, and was entangled and twisted with the other party's spiritual power full of annihilation properties.

Then both disappeared.

In a short moment, Lai Luo and Wuming froze at the same time.

Both can faintly feel the other's Moon Power spiritual attributes.

However, Lai Luo's spiritual power comes from his own exploration of the laws of the moon and stars. After sensing the nameless spiritual power fluctuations, it will greatly help his next exploration.

The nameless spiritual power is derived from the refraction of the sun and moon magic eye. Although he can perceive the spiritual power of Lei Luo, it also comes from the mystery of the moon, but he cannot continue to explore, and it is meaningless.

This is the source of the continuous progress of scholars through academic exchanges!

After a short stalemate, they both separated.

Wuming flashed again, dangerous and dangerous, avoiding Lei Luo's bubble restraint technique.

Trapped in it, burnt by the destructive light of the Sun's Eye, he didn't want to try it a second time.


Destroy the beam of light, leaving a dark brand on the ground, chasing Wuming.

Lai Luo, who was shrouded in black smoke, put away the hammer of shock, and gravitational energy **** emerged one after another from his fingertips and shot at Wuming.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom…

The lack of energy in the body, Wuming can feel more and more, and he is a little powerless.

After all, he was chasing [Destroyer] Kui all the way, from the stone forest of Barda College to the stone forest of Zeeland College, almost a day and a half of high-intensity battles!

[Destroyer] Kui, who had already left the assessment space due to exhaustion of energy, Wuming has supported it until now, and even activated the Sun Moon Demon Eye three times in a row at the end!

The Sun and Moon Demon Eye, even if Wuming can't activate all the powers, the second-level arbitrators are almost killed in seconds.

As you can imagine, he has a deep background.

But in the end, he has his limits.

The exhaustion and sleepiness of the body cells, and gradually unable to control the sword of creation, everything is telling him that he has reached the limit again.


The nameless in the breath, no longer escape.

In this way, he is chased by the Sun's Eye Destruction Light Pillar, constantly consuming the thin energy in his body, and he has only one dead end.

He picked up the quaint gourd at his waist again, and threw out the cork.

"I'm so disappointed in you."

Inside the gourd, there was an unceremonious mental fluctuation.

"After leaving here, I don't know how many guys are waiting outside. I'm very weak now, but I don't want to be sealed again before I leave the seal. You can solve it yourself!"

The stopper of the gourd bottle was automatically buckled.


The dark red giant eye destruction beam swept across, Wuming hurriedly avoided again, and took out a wooden box from his chest.

After opening the wooden box, it turned out to be a beating golden heart.

From this heart, Laidlaw seemed to see the power that the wizard's evil had refined.

Surprised by the mental fluctuations in the gourd, Lei Luo came back to his senses and looked at the golden heart Wuming took out.

"Looks like you've reached your limit."

Lai Luo calmly said.

In pursuit of power, no matter what method, there are many unnamed means. In addition to inheriting the power of the Gulan civilization, I also learned witchcraft!

He held his heart high, and even launched the wizard's sacrificial technique.

Weird fluctuations, mighty pressure.

Similar to the distortion of the dream moon technique that Laylo used with the help of the moon crystal, a terrifying creature in an unknown land suddenly descended into a phantom.

This is a huge conch.

The snail shell is covered with dense coral, and countless soft touches protrude from the bottom, turning into fine eyes, overlooking the nameless who holds up the golden heart.

"You're not my follower?"

The unknown creature overlooked Wuming and said strangely: "Humble creature, you can summon me? Weird ability! I have never seen such an ugly two-legged creature like you, a creature on the mainland?"

Anonymous face is a little ugly.

He shouted, "Kill him and you will get a sacrifice."

"make a deal."

In the void, a torrent of the sea descended from the sky like a waterfall.

Lai Luo struggled constantly, the Moon Shadow Wraith howled, but the real body of the star seemed to be immersed in sulfuric acid, constantly being washed away by the power of the sea.

With a hysterical roar from Lai Luo, a strong sense of suffocation completely drowned Lai Luo.

"I remember your breath!"

With Lai Luo's last murmur, the phantom in the sky also disappeared.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Anonymous gasped.

The slight energy backlash made several wrinkles appear on his old face, and he fell to the ground with a thud, holding the Thunder Creature, barely supporting it.

"The feeling of weakness in the soul again, it seems that we must find a way to upgrade to the second-level energy magnetic field as soon as possible."

When he raised his head and saw the dark figure looking at him again, smiling calmly like a spring breeze, his face stiffened.

The sky is dark red with giant eyes, shrouded in the light of destruction.

"Impossible! There is no immortal creature in this world!!"

The nameless body was burning, struggling in the beam of destruction. UU reading


The quaint gourd bottle stopper on his waist opened automatically, and the cold, condensed, vast, and breathless vicissitudes poured out.

next moment.

A dry, pitch-black paw of more than ten meters appeared above the Eye of the Sun. With a sharp squeeze, the giant dark red eye was crushed in an instant.

A touch of pure spirit, wrapped in Wuming, activated the power of transmission of the assessment badge, twisted and disappeared.

Dozens of assessment badges turned into a little bit of light and fell on the ground.

Lai Luo took a deep breath and looked at the place where Wuming disappeared.

. m.

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