Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 890: Magnetic pole person (top)

This is a breeze mixed with yellow sand, blowing across the remote area of ​​the star screen.

The breeze blew into the distance, but the yellow sand remained.


This strand of yellow sand unexpectedly formed a human-like phantom. It looked at the land that was gradually being nourished by Quan Zu, and muttered: "It seems to be stronger than it was a thousand years ago."

After murmured, the figure of Huangsha disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

The birth of the pole man originated from an accident tens of thousands of years ago.

It may be regarded as one of the oldest and most mysterious civilizations on the Glacier Continent, but after that accidental opportunity, they no longer claim to be a simple civilization, but are highly compatible with the star screen world, the absolute kindness of this world. The camp, a special group of guardians.

Since its birth, this civilization has continued a mission.

That is once every thousand years, along the latitude and longitude of this world, outline the laws of this world. During this period, they will examine every civilization with potential, and they will also eliminate some potential dangers within their ability. It is also for all low-level guardians. A big check.

Except for the civilizations that stand on top of the world, the outside world knows very little about the magnetic poles.

Even the vast majority of so-called advanced civilizations have never noticed their existence, and they seem to have no intention of interfering with the operation of this world, but behind the scenes, in a way that key events affect nodes, silently operate the world according to their vision. .

For example, the cruel competition system of potential civilizations on various continents, and the parliamentary system of peak civilizations.

All in all, this is a group of mysterious creatures that only appear once every thousand years, or mysterious guardians. People don't even know whether their existence is in the form of a civilization or in the form of individual creatures.

But there is no doubt that they are almost close to the deepest rules of the world.

In history, these magnetic polers have been killed by some despised clans, even arrested and studied, but they will appear intact in the next millennium.

Magnetic poles are still magnetic poles, but the higher civilizations that once despised them have been extinct, so many guardians and higher secretaries have speculated that they are immortal clones.

Every thousand years.

They will start from the magnetic pole where the Arctic Ocean and the Frost Continent meet until the end of the compass disappears.

After that, many guardians will be promoted as a result, many guardians will become weak, and many risk factors will quietly disappear.

The world is crying.

In the eyes of magnetic polers, the world is red.

Because the world is bleeding and being mutilated by parasites outside, the whimper in the ear has never stopped, it has been weeping for tens of thousands of years.

If the magnetic pole person has the heart, then he will also cry with this world.

But it is just a pole person.

An outsider seems infinitely mysterious, but he only exists with the cold company.

They accompany the world, spending the most painful and cold time together.

Since the life form of the pole person is so special that it can’t even be called life, we will call this pole person “seven degrees east longitude” for the time being, because its mission is to cross seven degrees east longitude from north to south, and will travel along the way. Civilization, guardian, and potential threats are recorded one by one.

this day.

In the eyes of seven degrees east longitude, the sky is no longer filled with yellow sand.

The green grassland made it stunned for a long time. It seems that every millennium passed, the vitality in its eyes was less than that in the previous one, and even these green grassland made it infinitely nostalgic.

As it stays here for longer, the originally pure emptiness and transparency seemed to be affected by the vitality of the nearby greenery, and its body gradually showed a touch of pale green.

This is the nature that is perfectly integrated with the environment, there is no such thing as being strong or weak.

It seems to be just a part of nature.


He raised his head at seven degrees east longitude. It was an academic anti-gravity speeding vehicle, which passed quickly at low altitude, leaving an energy trail in the air, but no one noticed its existence.

The pale green figure gradually faded again and completely disappeared.

Its appearance did not cause any impact here.

Similarly, its departure did not take away a leaf or even a grain of dust.

When seven degrees east longitude reappeared, it was in a human city.

People come and go on the streets, the speeding cars from the ground and the sky are endless, the tall buildings and mountains are scattered next to each other, the huge projection screens are dazzling, and there are those giant bird mounts that have passed away by accident.

Everyone is busy.

As the staying time at 7 degrees east longitude was extended, its body began to have a little color due to the huge projection screens and building speed cars around it, but because it only stayed in the dark corners of the street, except for stray pets that feed on garbage. , Almost no one will pay attention.

Because the history of coexisting with the Wall Shadow Demon for hundreds of years tells people that this kind of place is very unclean and must be kept away.

This time the stay at 7 degrees east longitude is very long.

It seems to be in a special way, carefully ‘tasting’ and analyzing everything here, dissecting the appearance to explore the essence, just like opening a thick storybook and savoring the history here.

Its figure gradually merged with the old buildings, forming a bottle of statue.

I don't know how long it took, maybe a few days or nights, and the 7th east longitude disappeared again.

There is only a lack of a strange statue that has appeared for a few days in the city. Maybe someone has seen its existence through the window of a spacecraft, but no one has really cared about its disappearance.

Seven degrees east longitude appeared again.

But the place where it appeared this time was inside the Heilongjiang Academy of Arts.

The precise and powerful energy restraint did not affect it at all. It easily passed through all the guards and appeared in a huge and messy room with countless specimens piled up, some of which were ordinary plant seedlings. Des are seeds, and some are the heads of creatures, as well as fossil bones in another area...

They have all kinds of weird shapes, and they are kept in completely different ways.

The area where the seventh degree of east longitude is located is a row of wooden racks on which a jar of animal specimens soaked in antiseptic solution is placed. The label also contains the date of preservation and the text of the academic name.

Gradually, the body at 7 degrees east longitude showed the color of wooden frame and glass jar specimens.

It stood motionless, seeming to observe every specimen here, collecting all the information on it.


Two advanced laboratory assistants opened the door of the room.

They seem to have been used to everything here, and they turned on the crystal light switch in the hall. Hundreds of chandeliers immediately illuminate the huge specimen room, but the two of them just bowed their heads and referred to the note on the note. Information, come to the specimen area that needs to be taken away, take away a glass jar containing the head of paleontology, and use it for school tutors to display in class.

The crystal lamp went out, and the energy prohibition was turned on again.

After the heavy door closed again, the room plunged into darkness again.

Movement 7 is still observing quietly.


He seemed to be aware of something, and his figure suddenly faded and disappeared.

The next moment, 7 degrees east longitude appeared in front of a can of specimens soaked in antiseptic solution. It seemed to be a little unstable, which caused the surrounding specimens to begin to be affected and slightly shaken.

Seen in the eye.

This is a huge sealed glassware with a height of about two meters.

In the pale yellow antiseptic liquid in the container, there was a slightly hideous old human being immersed in the antiseptic liquid, floating quietly in the antiseptic liquid.

Taking a closer look at the old woman's body, UU Reading only has a slight damage to the corner of her forehead.

And it seems that it is precisely because of this damage that the old woman's death was caused and she was soaked in this container.

In the upper right corner of this huge container, there is a label.

"In the 109th Wasteland Era, ordinary human females occupied by superhumans were able to display the strength of the third-level biological level before they were alive. They died because of the damaged skin and was eroded by the power of the world."

This is truly the age of the Wasteland Cataclysm, and humans whose bodies have been invaded by Superhumans can be seen everywhere.

It tells a cruel history, a dark history, a humble history that is gradually forgotten by modern scholars.

At 7 degrees east longitude, the shaking gradually ceased and calm was restored.

"Confirm the new carrier of Superman, the human being in the academic world, the nearest Stormwind Continental Council civilization, and the collapser civilization, and request it to be destroyed!"

The short voice seemed to be self-confirming, and the seventh east longitude disappeared again.

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