This is either brilliant or a prophecy of complete destruction.

Charlie had never divined it.

Even if it is predicted that Fish-Man Island will be occupied by Charlotte Lingling, some kind of event will happen two years later… and finally put Fish-Man Island on a peaceful path.

But that path is not easy.

Even if they take that path, the changes to Fish-Man Island will only be slightly better than what they are now. brilliant?

Not even in its prime.

To be honest, Charlie didn’t know what this so-called glory looked like.

But she was certain of one thing.

This will definitely make Fish-Man Island more beautiful than ever before.

She immediately went to Neptune and explained the prophecy clearly.

“Either destruction, or incomparable glory?”

After Neptune heard Charlie’s prophecy, he was a little confused.

“Charlie, what do you mean by this prediction? Neptune asked in confusion.

Charlie is the most famous fortune teller on Fish-Man Island. Although she cannot predict the exact time when the incident will occur, her prediction accuracy is as high as 100%. The other party had it when he was 4 years old. Foretelling the coming of the era of great pirates.

Neptune naturally trusted her very much and valued her prophecy.

But this kind of prophecy… left him confused.

“To be honest, I don’t know either.”

Charlie had a wry smile on her face.

“This is the first time I have seen this kind of prophecy, but……”

There was a glint in her eyes, and Xia Li’s tone was serious as never before.

“What I am sure of is that the current Fish-Man Island is about to reach a fork in the road. There are only two choices, either death or life!”

“If we go in the right direction, then it may be the era that we on Fish-Man Island have longed for the most for thousands of years.”

Neptune was excited for a moment.

If we go in the right direction, it will definitely be an extremely good thing for Fish-Man Island.

“So how should we choose? Neptune asked quickly.

But Charlie’s answer made him look ugly.

“I don’t know either.”

Charlie said simply

“how come?”

Neptune couldn’t believe it.

“Didn’t you already predict it? How come you don’t know how to choose?”

“I predicted it, but I don’t know if it’s because there is some special power in the prophecy……”

There is still some extremely terrifying strong man.

Charlie didn’t say the next sentence.

Because she was afraid that speaking out would cause unnecessary panic.

Even when it comes to predicting Roger’s becoming the Pirate King, or even his death, her crystal ball remains intact.

This shows that the predicted powers and characters are within the range of her prophecy.

But this time, I’m afraid it was predicted and unimaginable existence.

Making her prophecy unbearable.

Even to see, it is also to find the future of Fish-Man Island.

She had exhausted her powers of prophecy.

From now on, she can no longer prophesy.

But even so, she only got this information

“……So, my crystal ball is shattered and the prediction is not very clear.”

Charlie said

“Can you predict again? Neptune asked quickly.

It was about the life and death of Fish-Man Island, and he had to care about it.

“Unfortunately, because of this prophecy, my power of prophecy has completely disappeared.”

“how so?”

Neptune fell down on his seat, with a look of confusion on his face.

Under such circumstances, how to make a choice?

And when should one choose?

The most important thing is, what choice is faced?

“Although I don’t know how to choose, I know that the time to choose is coming soon.”

Xia Li suddenly said

“Coming? when! asked Neptune.

“It should appear soon!”

As soon as Charlie finished speaking, a figure suddenly rushed in.

Neptune was about to get angry, but found that the intruder was indeed his eldest son – Shark Star!

He knew Shark Star’s character and was very stable.

If not, he would not have identified him as the next king of Fish-Man Island so quickly.

“Shark Star, what happened to make you panic like this?”

“Father, we have distinguished guests coming to our door.”

Dear guest?

Neptune and Charlie looked at each other, a trace of hesitation flashed in their eyes.

Has the person they asked Fish-Man Island to choose appeared?

“Who is he?”

Nipton asked.

And at this moment… there was a bang.

Nipton just saw a black shadow flying over.

It hit him hard.

A voice followed.

“King Neptune, our first meeting, this is my gift to you!”

Meeting gift?

Neptune was stunned, and then he couldn’t help but exclaimed when he saw the black shadow falling in front of him.

Vanderdeken IX?

This person who has intentions for his daughter has always been Neptune’s. Neptune had a headache.

In order to catch him, Neptune had spent so much effort over the years.

But now he is such a character.

But he fell at his feet…

Judging from his breath… he seemed to be dead.

Subconsciously Looking up, Neptune was even more surprised when he saw the person coming.

“Are you Nanaya, the leader of Nanaya Throne?”

That’s right!

The three people who appeared in front of Neptune were none other than Qiye and the others. They had been on Fish-Man Island for a while.

During this time, Qiye asked Ulquiorra to give Vanderdeken IX to Caught him.

As for Vander Deken IX, Qiye had long felt that he was extremely disgusting.

Just because of the fact that Princess White Star was trapped for eight years because of him, Qiye didn’t want to go around him.

So, with this scene

“You are so bold, you actually dare to call me by your name, merman, are you looking for death?”

As soon as Neptune finished speaking, Ulquiorra’s eyes flashed, full of murderous intent.

Suddenly, the entire hall was enveloped in a layer of terrifying murderous intent.

Charlie’s expression changed.

There was something about such a terrifying murderous intent that made her It’s like facing the devil in hell.

So scary!

“Wait, this is my fault. I apologize to you, Qiye Mian, and please forgive me for my offense!”

Nipton shouted hurriedly.

Under this terrible murderous intention, he didn’t resist at all.

And Ulquiorra was Qiye’s subordinate. His subordinates were so terrifying, what about Qiye?

Neptune had no doubt that he would be offended. After seven nights, it is bound to be a dead end.

“Ulquiorra! Qiye said.

Suddenly, the terrifying murderous intention disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.

The previous encounter was just a nightmare.

But Charlie and Neptune were completely sure of the future of Fish-Man Island. The choice is definitely because of the man in front of me

“I don’t know why Qiye Mian came to our Fish-Man Island? Neptune asked, his tone was very respectful.

“It’s nothing, I just plan to take that piece of historical text and see if I can find the historical text of the red stone road sign.

Then, take the opportunity to meet the mermaid princess of this generation.”

The historical text of the red stone road sign?

Although the other party was surprised to know that there was a historical text of the red stone road sign on Fishman Island, it was top secret.

Even that piece of historical text was known to very few people.

However, compared with these, Qiye That last sentence made Nipton pay special attention to it.

Meet the mermaid princess of this generation?

Isn’t that his youngest daughter Bai Xing?

Does the other party know the power of Bai Xing?

Nipton suddenly became wary.


Second update!

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