Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 556 Shrek under the surging undercurrent

Chapter 561 Shrek under the surging undercurrent

After entering April, the weather became particularly unstable, sometimes sunny and sometimes overcast with dark clouds.

But this kind of weather did not affect the cheerfulness of the chickens and ducks beside the pond in the woodland. Each one of them had shiny fur, and looked smart when fluttering in the grass or in the water. They did not look like one-month-old chicks at all.

The native chickens were walking leisurely among them. Occasionally they saw a fat grasshopper or other insects, and they immediately ate them.

The small river section is even full of ducks, and from time to time they sink to the bottom and pick up a small fish competing for food.

After a month of development, the forest land cleared of weeds has faded away from its desolation.

Ankle-length green pastures cover the entire forest, like a thick carpet, stretching along the hillside, rising and falling under the breeze, and carrying the fragrance of green grass.

Aquatic plants are also common in small river sections, with smooth and slender stems. The plants are submerged in the water, and the tops are slightly exposed on the surface of the water. Many small fish can be seen swimming around and pecking at the aquatic plants.

Wang Xiaofeng took a deep breath, and the fragrant smell of grass and trees came to his nostrils. He felt relaxed and happy, and the soul power in his body automatically moved a little faster.

This closed food chain circulation system that took him a lot of effort to build did not let him down.

Humans and nature coexist in harmony, this is the true practice of mimicry.

"Boss, boss!" Klev shouted in the distance on his short packhorse.

"Here it is." Wang Xiaofeng responded, and following the voice, Greif saw the figure in the forest.

Gref has been out running business for more than half a month. Unexpectedly, when he came back half a month later, the territory had undergone earth-shaking changes, and he was almost unrecognizable. If no one showed him the way, he might get lost in the forest. .

Greif rode his horse to Wang Xiaofeng and reported: "Boss, what you asked me to do has been done. Master Taitan is willing to help introduce Master Niu Gao to us, but he wants our staff dormitories and storage warehouses." The construction can be done by his Titan family."

Unexpectedly, the masters of the Blacksmith Association would not let go of such a small order. It seems that Wuhun Palace has been causing trouble for them recently.

Wang Xiaofeng nodded and said: "Yes, as long as Master Niu Gao is willing to help me build the laboratory, it is expected that the two large chicken and duck houses, biogas pool and tavern that will be built in the second half of the year can also be handed over to them."

Compared with the small amount of material and labor costs, Wang Xiaofeng values ​​​​the laboratory more. With Tai Tan's upright character, I believe he will not let him down.

"The caravan sent the second batch of 4,000 ducks and chickens today, and I have sent people to receive them; all the major restaurants and colleges in Tiandou City refused to cooperate with us, even if we are willing to compete with the original channel dealers. Offered 10% more profit but they still refused”

Wang Xiaofeng took the contract from Gref and signed it quickly.

"There is a lot of oil and water in the purchasing channels. It is impossible for those old guys to let outsiders intervene, so our focus is still on local small restaurants and farmers' markets."

It only took two minutes for Wang Xiaofeng to process the documents that had accumulated for half a month.

"Is there anything else I need to deal with."

"Well, there is one little thing you need to know." Gref looked at Wang Xiaofeng's face and said cautiously.

"The farmers in Yushu Village saw the five guards who disappeared before and fled southward two days ago."

Wang Xiaofeng said nonchalantly: "Just run away. It just so happens that you don't have to waste time and manpower to find them. You can go to the black market to fill up the vacant posts in a while."

"These bastards are really cheap." Gref cursed: "Thanks to the boss being so kind to them, they only have to work for 10 hours a day and get a salary of 1 Gintama Coin every month. With this kind of blessing They actually thought about escaping."

As he spoke, Gref felt something was wrong with the boss in front of him, and the clothes on his body seemed to be billowing like waves.

"Boss, you seem to be becoming transparent."

Wang Xiaofeng innocently spread his hands and said, "Are you too tired recently and haven't had a good rest? Do you want me to grant you a few days off?"

Gref rubbed his eyes. The strange scene just now seemed like a dream. He muttered: "Maybe it's because I didn't sleep last night. Boss, I'll go and get busy first."

Not long after Gref turned around and left, Wang Xiaofeng suddenly faded away all the colors, leaving only the transparent outline of the human body, which instantly melted into water and fell on the ground.

Ten meters deep underground.

A little white mouse twitched desperately in the glass cover, but it did not die immediately even though all its soul power was taken away.

Wang Xiaofeng held the empty syringe and observed it with interest.

Suddenly, a brand new memory appeared in the brain out of thin air.



"I lasted 19 seconds longer than No. 73, which is good."

Wang Xiaofeng danced lightly with his right hand, commanding the gourd vine to record on the blank paper: "Clone No. 74 lasted for 3 hours, 7 minutes and 45 seconds at an ambient temperature of 25 degrees Celsius, an average wind force of level 3, and an air humidity of 95%. During this period, the following problems occurred.”

The long experimental data was turned into a several-page report with the help of gourd vine and neatly placed on the experimental table.

A few minutes later, a unique figure slowly seeped out from the ground and reappeared in the forest, smiling and greeting employees who occasionally passed by.

Thick darkness shrouded Shrek Academy. It was already late at night and everything was silent.

The dean's office was very rare and the lights were still on.

Along with the sound of footsteps, there was a sound from the thin wooden door.

Someone would actually come to me at this time? Flanders put down the quill in his hand, took off his glasses tiredly and rubbed his eyes, "Come in."

The black figure walked into the bright room, revealing his straight and stiff body.

Flanders put on his glasses again and poured cold tea for the master: "You don't sleep at night, why do you have time to come to me? It can't be that Er Longmei is not here, so you can't sleep alone.

Alas, Erlongmei ran to the far north without saying a word, leaving a lot of stalls behind. Poor me, I have to work so late. "

The master ignored Flanders' teasing and took out a letter from the soul guide and placed it on his desk: "Teacher Jin Ming just submitted his resignation letter to me, and I agree."

Flanders' smiling face suddenly stiffened. He picked up the letter and glanced at it a few times. He slammed the teacup in his hand on the table, "This is already the third teacher this month who has resigned. Wuhundian is really It’s too much to bully others.”

The master was also a little helpless: "There is nothing we can do about it. Our Shrek's salary is already low, only four-fifths of that of Tiandou Royal Academy. If Wuhun Palace cuts off his soul master subsidy, his family's life will be affected. more difficult."

"Damn Spirit Hall." Flanders drank the herbal tea in the cup, "I heard that not only our college, but also many neutral high-level spirit master colleges were targeted, and even many small sects and The soul master clan has also been involved, and I don’t know what the crazy old dog Salas is doing, biting people everywhere.”

"All in all, it's still a conflict between Wuhun Palace and the Empire. We are just the little shrimps affected, but I always feel that something is wrong."

The master looked at the tea with only a little foam, raised it and put it down again, "What did the royal family say?"

Flanders said: "I heard from Sect Master Ning that Prince Xue Qinghe is currently in charge of this matter. He is collecting evidence of Salas' crimes and will jointly examine Salas with the trial court. This clown will not be around for long."

The master's stiff expression softened a little: "This is barely good news. By the way, the recruitment announcement has been out for so long. Are there any suitable people to apply?"

Flanders muttered in a low voice: "There are a few, but they were all wiped out by your perverted theory test."

The master coughed, and the cheap tea scratched his throat. After a while, his throat felt better, and then he explained: "Our college has no shortage of practical teachers, whether it is Teacher Zhao Wuji, Teacher Li Yusong or Qin Ming Teachers are all excellent teachers.

Other subjects are also good. Teacher Lu Qibin’s Go class and Teacher Shao Xin’s wilderness survival classes are both very popular among students.

However, it is not enough. Compared with other colleges, there is a big gap in the basic subjects of our college.

And now, teachers Li Jinming and Liu Xiao, who were responsible for explaining soul beast knowledge to lower grades, have resigned one after another, and there are no astronomy, art, and arithmetic teachers that were originally planned to be recruited.

In order to ensure the quality of teaching, theoretical courses in lower grades can only be suspended for a while. "

Faced with the master's complaint, Flanders said a little aggrievedly: "I know it's not easy for you, so I sent my beloved disciple to help you."

It's okay if Flanders doesn't say it, but he gets angry when he mentions master. Ma Hongjun is not made to be a teacher at all. Even as a teaching assistant, he can make mistakes in preparing the course materials for the next day. He really puts all his talent in training and Now that he's eating and drinking, it's better to let him work as a chef in the back kitchen. Maybe he can save some money on hiring a chef.

The master rubbed his swollen temples and said, "What did Xiaofeng say?"

"Rejected." Flanders spread his hands: "He said that he is young and is currently focusing on improving his cultivation. Moreover, the affairs of the territory involve most of his thoughts, and he really doesn't have the extra time to devote to teaching."

"speak English."

"Shrek doesn't have the resources he needs, please don't touch him." Flanders smiled helplessly: "The total cash in the entire academy may not be as much as the amount in his card, and there is no way to spend money."

"No, Flanders, for soul masters, we really don't have anything good to attract them, but if the other party is a scholar, it is not necessarily the case. We have very scarce resources." The master pointed Flanders with his fingertips. , pointed at himself again.

“Resources that money can’t buy.”

It was sunny last Tuesday and I have been practicing

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