Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 542 Oscar’s fifth soul skill

Oscar sat cross-legged next to the silent Mirror Beast, with a black soul ring wrapped around his body, and the manic and cold soul power was rushing through his body.

The huge pain made him frown and break into a cold sweat.

Hott cheered for Oscar.

But out of the corner of his eye, he saw Wang Xiaofeng building a charcoal fire in the corner and grilling sausages next to him, and he lost his energy.

"Doctor He, why do I see that you are not worried at all?"

"What am I worried about?"

Putting down the condiments in his hands, Wang Xiaofeng said casually, picked up a roasted and fragrant sausage, and handed it to Haote.

He took out another bottle of sealed wine, and with a pop, he pulled out the mud that sealed the wine bottle.

Hott twitched his nose hard, "What kind of wine, it tastes so good."

Wang Xiaofeng poured a bowl and handed it to Haote.

Hot took the wine bowl and the two touched one together.

Haote took two big sips.

The wine slid down my throat and felt nothing in my stomach until it became spicy after a while.

A flush appeared on his face, "This wine is really exciting! It tastes good."

Wang Xiaofeng smiled and said, "I brewed the wine myself. If you like it, just drink a few more bowls."

This is a good time for late-night snacks. Grilled sausages paired with good wine are quite comfortable to eat.

Haote and Wang Xiaofeng have a normal relationship, so Oscar is the only bridge between the two, so the topic inevitably returns to him.

"Xiao Ao's body is extremely weak. Can he survive this difficulty?"

Seeing his somewhat concerned but confused look, Wang Xiaofeng felt helpless:

"He has just absorbed the soul ring and can't see anything. It will take at least an hour to know whether it is good or bad. Why are you anxious?"

"Actually, neither am I." Haote drank the wine in his hand in one gulp. The spicy wine irritated his throat and made him cough a few times. "Hey, I'm not afraid of your ridicule, Doctor He. This kid, Xiao Ao, looks a bit like my brother."

Wang Xiaofeng held up the wine jar and filled it for him, "Oh, then your brother looks quite anxious."

"They don't look alike, mainly because of their body shape. Thin and tall, like a bamboo pole." When chatting about these things, Haote didn't take it seriously. He leaned against the rock wall lazily and poured wine.

"My younger brother's innate soul power was only level three, and he didn't become a soul master until he was twelve years old. His family thought he had no talent for cultivation, and wanted him to inherit the family's pork shop. However, it aroused his rebellious heart and ran away from home. I became The main reason for being a mercenary is to find traces of him."

After drinking like this but not eating sausages, Haote began to feel a little confused, but the memories in his mind were very vivid, and he unknowingly confided in Wang Xiaofeng.

Wang Xiaofeng poured wine for him while holding his eyes in his hands. Unknowingly, there were several empty jars on the ground.

What Haote didn't know was that the wine he drank was spiked.

An hour later, Haote fell into a deep sleep with the empty jar in his arms.

Wang Xiaofeng knew everything about his family situation, interpersonal relationships and even the color of underwear he was wearing today.

"Surprisingly, he is not an undercover agent sent by Wuhun Palace, but an outer deacon of Qibao Glazed Sect." Wang Xiaofeng took a bite of sausage, "It seems that Ning Fengzhi is not old enough."

But it was a bit of a waste of the wine.

In order to lower Haote's wariness, he specially took out the limited-stock fine gourd wine.

During the previous exploration of the ruins of the Star Luo Empire, many items in the gourd were soaked in the special solution, including the special space for storing wine.

Most of the wine was no longer drinkable, so that he only had nine jars left in his hand.

"One, two, three-seven, a total of seven jars were drunk.

The drug resistance of Quasi Soul Saint is strong, so the dose of scopolamine can be increased a little. Well, you should note this and prepare it again when you get back.

There is no need to entertain him with good wine when we meet next time. Just feed him alcohol-flavored scopolamine. "

Wang Xiaofeng held his chest and felt a dull pain in his heart. It was the sound of gold coins flying away.

Wine of this quality can easily be sold for five thousand gold coins per jar in Baidi City, making it priceless.

As time went by, the coldness coming from Oscar's body became more and more serious, and his eyebrows and hair even became frosty.

This is the energy in the soul ring repelling Oscar's soul power and martial soul.

The reason why non-combat type soul masters generally don't absorb animal type soul rings is because of the repulsive nature.

The more powerful an animal was in life, the stronger its repulsiveness would be, which was very fatal for the auxiliary system whose body was much weaker than the combat system.

Now is the most critical time.

Wang Xiaofeng stared at Oscar closely, pointing the gourd in his hand at his Dantian.

As long as Oscar's body cannot bear it, Wang Xiaofeng will immediately interrupt the promotion ceremony and suck out the uncontrollable soul power.

Even if Oscar's cultivation level will decline due to this, it is still better than losing his life in vain if he fails to advance.

Fortunately, although Oscar's expression was painful, his will was very strong.

Even though his teeth were almost broken by his bite, he was still trying to tame the violent soul power.

Finally, after countless efforts, all the cold air flow and the black soul ring merged into one, turning into a circle of faint fluctuations and completely integrated into the body.

Above the four yellow, purple, and purple soul rings, a black soul ring was officially added.

Oscar slowly opened his eyes and let out a long breath.

In the process of absorbing the soul ring, the spirit of the mirror beast continued to impact his will. Several times he almost couldn't hold on, but whenever he was about to give up, Rongrong's figure would always appear beside him, cheering him on. .

Only then could he persevere in the competition of wills and absorb this soul ring.

Oscar stood up from the ground, and his whole temperament also changed, becoming more stable.

Wang Xiaofeng asked curiously: "Is it that kind of copying soul skill?"

Oscar gnawed on the sausage and nodded, "Yes, even if I don't rely on hidden weapons, I can still stand alone."

Wang Xiaofeng clapped and celebrated: "Congratulations, Xiao Ao, you have finally fulfilled your wish. When will you invite me to a wedding banquet?"

Oscar shook his hair very coquettishly, destroying the sense of stability he had finally established.

"I owe you first. I'll treat you to an engagement drink at the next party."

Oscar took off his soaked clothes and put on clean clothes. He looked around and found someone missing, "Hey, why don't you see Brother Hao?"

Wang Xiaofeng pointed to the unconscious Mu Mu in the corner, "It's over there."

"Oh, I actually drank seven jars." Oscar glanced at him and was immediately in awe.

Among the people he knew, Zao Wuji, who drank the most, only had a record of five drinks. It seemed that the rumors that all the people in the far north were all heavy drinkers were not false.

Oscar covered Hot with a blanket to prevent him from catching a cold.

Wang Xiaofeng, who was dismembering the body of the mirror beast, suddenly shouted: "Oscar, you are really the face of Goddess Luck!"

Oscar pretended to be dissatisfied and said: "Why are you swearing? I advise you to talk to me. After all, I am the Soul King now, one level higher than you."

"Tch, the Soul King is nothing. I've even beaten the Soul Emperor." Wang Xiaofeng smiled disdainfully.

The power in his hand gradually increased, and the thing in the mirror beast's head also revealed its true appearance.

"Come here, I found something good."

"What good things can there be? Can you dig out the soul bones?" A bright light came from Wang Xiaofeng's hand, almost blinding Oscar's eyes.

A crystal-clear bone appeared in Wang Xiaofeng's hand. The entire skull seemed to be made of a mirror, shining with a faint red light under the light of the flames.

Oscar rubbed his eyes and said in disbelief: "Oh my god, there really are soul bones!"

The probability of soul bones appearing after the death of a soul beast is only one in a thousand. Soul beasts that are old or powerful will have a higher probability of producing soul bones, but the production capacity is still almost zero.

It was completely unexpected that the Mirror Shadow Beast could produce soul bones, and it might be more shocking.

Wang Xiaofeng showed the soul bone to Oscar: "And it is the head soul bone that is second only to the torso bone in rarity. I didn't expect that the mirror shadow beast could also be considered a spiritual soul beast.

With this soul bone, you can feel a little more secure as the uncle of the Qibao Glazed Sect. "

"It's even more beautiful than Rongrong's skull of the Illusion of Wisdom."

Oscar took the soul bone, played with the crystal-like soul bone in his hand, and then handed the soul bone back to Wang Xiaofeng.

"Brother Feng, it's up to you to absorb this soul bone."

Wang Xiaofeng stopped the dissection work in his hands and looked at him speechlessly, "What are you crazy about?"

Oscar's eyes were very serious, "Brother Feng, I will always remember the help you have given me over the years. Not to mention just a piece of soul bone, even if you want my hands, my legs, my heart, oh, my heart No, that belongs to Rongrong.

Even if it takes my life, I am willing to do it. "

"Eh~" Wang Xiaofeng wiped his arm coldly, with a happy expression on his face, "I can hear these words from you, my trip to the far north is not in vain."

Soul bones, I have to say that this thing looks really good.

The beautiful thing full of dazzling stars is like the most precious gem, exuding an intoxicating brilliance.

Even if it wasn't a soul bone, but just kept as jewelry, those nobles would still be willing to spend countless gold coins for it.

"Although soul bones are good things, they are not suitable for me." Wang Xiaofeng threw the soul bones into Oscar's arms.

"Brother Feng!" Oscar thought he still wanted to refuse.

"Xiao Ao, you'll understand just by looking at it." Soul power surged out of Wang Xiaofeng's hand and wrapped around the soul bone.

If it develops normally, the soul bone will resonate with the soul power and then be absorbed by Wang Xiaofeng.

However, the moment the soul bone came into contact with the light blue soul power, it bounced away with a bang.

Oscar rubbed his chest and looked at the soul bones falling on the ground, with a rare expression of confusion on his face.


Wang Xiaofeng raised his hand as if he was innocent, "You see, it's not that I don't want to absorb soul bones, it's that I have more than enough ambition but not enough strength."

Looking at the nonchalant Wang Xiaofeng, a bolt of lightning suddenly passed through Oscar's mind.

No wonder Brother Feng has been reading those boring books and doing weird and complicated experiments since they met.

And that weird physique that has no limits.

It turns out that all this happened because Brother Feng had a strange disease.

The master said that everything has a price, so what price did Brother Feng pay? Is it just that he cannot absorb soul bones?

Oscar picked up the soul bone and held it cherished in his hands, a firm look flashing in his eyes.

I swear on the name of this soul bone that I will find a way to cure you.

Wang Xiaofeng didn't know that Oscar had already completed a set of completely unreasonable thoughts. Seeing that he no longer hesitated and was ready to absorb the soul bone, he showed a pleased expression.

Oscar's soul power was only slightly released, and the soul bone in his hand reacted immediately. The entire soul bone turned into a ball of silver air and poured into Oscar's seven orifices.

This may be because the soul ring and soul bones were produced from the same soul beast.

After absorbing the soul ring, Oscar absorbed the soul bone very smoothly. In about half an hour, his dull eyes regained their former agility.

On the other side, Wang Xiaofeng also finished disassembling the body of the mirror beast, divided it into three parts according to the team's distribution ratio of 5:3:2, and then put his own part into the gourd.

"Are you awake? I'll take care of it at the same time." Wang Xiaofeng leaned over and said, "Since you now have half the combat power of a soul master, I'll let you keep vigil tonight."

"Of course! But Brother Feng, you have to give me a drop of blood first. My soul skills require the cooperation of others to be used."

Oscar was slightly excited. This was his first night vigil. In the past, he had always stayed in the tent as a protected person. Now, can he also protect others?

Wang Xiaofeng stretched out his right hand nonchalantly, his index finger turned slightly red, and a drop of blood suddenly seeped out from the fingertip and dripped down.

Oscar quickly stretched out his right hand to catch the blood and shouted a spell: "I have a mirror intestine."

The black soul ring was placed in the palm of his hand and completely sucked in Wang Xiaofeng's blood.

Then, the black soul ring twisted and turned into a messy black mosaic.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the mosaic that changed from a spherical shape to a square shape, and wondered: "Your soul skill preparation movements are really strange."

Oscar was also a little dumbfounded. This was a little different from his impression, but he didn't show any timidity. He just silently increased the output of his soul power. "It's my first time making it, so I'm a little nervous."

The soul skill seemed to sense Oscar's will. In a strong wave of soul power, the black mosaic slowly turned into a crystal intestine glowing with emerald green light.

Wang Xiaofeng touched it curiously and looked at it again: "Is this the sausage created by your fifth soul skill? I thought it would fail."

Oscar secretly wiped his sweat, let alone you, I also thought it would fail. In order to make this sausage, I directly drained 50% of my soul power, and now my legs are so weak.

Wang Xiaofeng was very curious about the effect of this soul skill, because the talent of the mirror beast was copying and clones. He didn't know that Oscar's soul skill couldn't help him peek into the secret of Golden Finger.

“What is the effect of this sausage?”

"It's a clone."

Oscar ate the mirror sausage and suddenly transformed into an identical figure.

Unlike the virtual clone created by Oscar's third soul ring, this clone has a physical body, and four gray soul rings appear on the clone's body one after another.

Wang Xiaofeng squeezed the clone curiously, and a silicone-like touch came from his fingertips. "Entity clone? What capabilities does it have?"

Oscar patted the clone on the shoulder, "It has 60% of the strength of the blood provider, and can use all soul skills.

Number 1, uses the fourth soul skill. "

The clone silently raised the gourd in his hand, and a stream of light suddenly spewed out from the mouth of the gourd and injected into Wang Xiaofeng's body. He blinked and his vision became much clearer. He indeed had two-thirds of the soul skill effect.

"Awesome, that doesn't mean that if you have the blood of a Titled Douluo, you can also create a Titled Douluo with 60% strength."

Oscar shook his head, "Making this sausage has already consumed 50% of my soul power. Titled Douluo might as well forget it. He can't make it even if he drains my soul power."

Wang Xiaofeng sighed, "The clone is limited by the soul power of the creator, and the clone created is relatively dull.

There is a big gap between this and the scene I imagined. If it were on a real battlefield, I would probably be killed instantly if I met him face to face. Are you sure this can be used as a battle soul master? "

Hearing what Wang Xiaofeng said, Oscar suddenly showed a mysterious smile.

A silver light suddenly burst out from his left eye, completely covering Wang Xiaofeng's body.

Although he was shrouded in silver light, he didn't feel anything on his body. Just when Wang Xiaofeng was about to ask a question, there was a sudden movement in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness in his mind.

A trace of spiritual power in the sea of ​​consciousness actually escaped his control and disappeared without a trace under the silver light.

Oscar covered his left eye and took a few deep breaths, "Damn it, it's too hard for you to absorb this mental power."

As he spoke, the clone, whose eyes were as dull as a puppet's, suddenly changed into a different person.

No, it would be more accurate to describe it as suddenly having a soul.

Without any order, the clone actually took the initiative to release the third soul skill at Oscar. As the soul power increased, Oscar's expression relaxed a lot.

"This is my skull skill. It can absorb the opponent's mental power to give the clone a certain intelligence. It can also increase the soul skill effect of the fifth soul ring by 15% without any side effects."

Wang Xiaofeng looked confused: "Isn't this just cheating and hiring someone to do it for you?"

"Play on behalf of others? Well, that's a good word, easy to understand."

Oscar said excitedly: "The ingested mental power will not disappear directly. It can also be stored in the soul bone and slowly be warmed and restored. So as long as I absorb enough mental power and store enough blood, I can cope with all situations." .”

Wang Xiaofeng smiled and said: "The method of using this soul skill is exactly the same as the master's martial soul."

Oscar put his hands behind his back, looking like a lonely master, "It's still different. The clone is the clone, and I am me. No one who is attacked will be hurt by the other person."

The words just fell.

With a roar.

The clone immediately turned into silver light and disintegrated.

Under Oscar's speechless gaze, Wang Xiaofeng put down his palm innocently, "I didn't expect this thing to be so unphotographed."

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