Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 526 The giant stands on the earth

[Zhangtou Little Theater·Ma Hongjun and the Devil·Fat Man’s life is not easy]

[In the mud pit, a fat figure carefully stuck his head out and looked around for a while. When he didn't find the devil-like figure, he safely took out half a pheasant covered with a thick layer of mud from his arms and gently He gently uses his soul power to heat up. This approach seems to be called "begging chicken"? ...]


The blizzard came very quickly, and the city seemed to have encountered a rare eclipse of the Tengu sun in a century. It was suddenly dark, and everyone could not see their fingers.

The white snow and silver coating seem to bury the entire world in it.

The temperature outside had dropped from minus ten degrees to minus thirty degrees at this time, and there was a cold wind blowing around that could knock down an adult.

Ordinary people who have no soul to keep out the cold can only hide in their houses, wear thick fur coats, burn wood, and pray for the snowstorm to pass quickly.

The entire trading venue suddenly became deserted, and even the auction held in the evening was affected by it and had to be held at a different date.

The entire hotel where Wang Xiaofeng lives is made of thick logs. The thick walls and smaller windows can retain heat to the greatest extent.

The metal fireplace exudes bright firelight, adding some warmth to the house wrapped in wind and snow.

But even so, it cannot completely block the invasion of cold air.

Most people gathered in the hall, relying on each other to survive the cold, while a few people hid in their own small spaces in their houses.

"Phew, it's so cold. Is this brazier not burning?"

"It's burning. If you still have the strength to speak, you might as well go and see if the window is closed tightly to prevent the cold wind from blowing in."

Living next door was a young couple who came to play. They originally planned to check out and leave today. Unfortunately, they did not expect that the weather would change at any time. A sudden snowstorm forced them to extend their stay.

And I had to buy coal and wood from the boss that were twice as expensive as usual.

This made the two people's already poor wallets even worse, and the two started to quarrel without saying a few words.

Then the quarrel gradually turned into the sound of the bed hitting the wall.

It was dark and quiet outside, so this slight sound seemed particularly harsh.

The hotel's exterior walls are made of thick rocks to keep out the cold and warm, but in order to save money, the walls between rooms are very thin and have almost no sound insulation.

Wang Xiaofeng sighed helplessly, and white water mist exhaled from his mouth and nose, and immediately turned into broken ice and scattered in the air.

The soul power blocked the acupuncture points around the ears, and the roaring and gasping sounds surrounding the ears suddenly stopped.

The wind and snow outside the window are getting worse and worse. It is three o'clock in the afternoon, but the environment outside is already as dark as night, and the scattered firelight is shaky, as if it will be extinguished by blowing.

The wind and snow were filled with a raging and destructive atmosphere, as if it was about to destroy the world.

Of course, these are all illusions.

He had spread his mental power before, but when he recovered it, his mental power blended with the breath in the wind and snow, and he was almost destroyed by the breath of destruction.

Wang Xiaofeng shook his head and took back most of his perception, leaving a small part to pay attention to the surrounding environment. The rest of his mind was used to repair the messed up sea of ​​​​consciousness. Although my temples were still twitching, I felt much better than before.

The Far North is indeed a high-risk area. Wandering around the border, you can encounter soul beasts that are over 100,000 years old. If you are not careful, you may be crushed.

You may also encounter unknown dangers in human gathering places and die in the cold.

No wonder the Far North is rich in minerals, but the two empires have no intention of occupying this area. They just continue to earn mineral resources through trade.

It's so hard for people to live here.

100 kilometers north of Baidi City

The far north, the ice restricted area.

The temperature here is below minus 50 degrees all year round, making it a forbidden area for humans to enter.

Every year, a few soul masters who think they are highly skilled step into it with the dream of getting rich overnight, but unfortunately no one ever comes out.

Low temperature, like the shadow of death, slowly takes away body temperature, physical strength, and finally life...

Ice and snow build up the gates of hell, swallowing up all greedy souls.

At a glance, there is an endless ice field, the wind is cutting like a knife, and the snowflakes are dancing in the air like torn cotton wool.

Suddenly, a thunderous sound broke the tranquility of this eternal ice field.

The howling wind suddenly calmed down, and a huge gap opened in the sky above the ice sheet, like a submarine canyon...

It seemed as if some astonishing force shot up into the sky, shattering even the blizzard.

Two huge figures suddenly appeared on the boundless frozen soil. Their bodies broke through the wind and snow and collided fiercely.

Boom! ! !

Invisible shock waves burst out from the collision point and spread in all directions, creating looming gaps in the ice.

The violent force made the earth tremble, and the stones on the ground shook. The blizzard that had just blown was once again calmed by the power emanating from the center of the battle.

The huge force of the counter-shock made both sides take a few steps back. The dim moonlight passed through the wind and snow, which dared not speak loudly, and fell on the figures of the two hundred-meter giant beasts.

The giant beast on the left is at least 120 meters away. What is even more strange is that this terrifying giant soul beast has a shape very similar to that of a human. It has slender arms and long snow-white hair growing all over its body, even on its face. It is also very similar to humans, except that there are many wrinkles on the forehead, the skin is blue-gray, and there are two huge fangs.

The other giant beast facing it was also hundreds of meters tall, with thick silver hair that was several feet long. The appearance of the two was very similar, but one thing that was different was that it had two heads, one big and one small. There is only one single eye on each head, which is scary and frightening.

"My dear brother, it seems that you have lived well these years after being expelled from the tribe."

The giant giant made a dull voice like thunder: "But if you think you can challenge my throne after breaking through the 100,000-year limit, then you are just asking for your own death."

The only thing that responded to it was the breath of ice that spewed out from the small head of the two-headed Cyclops.

Under the blessing of the blizzard, the range of frost and ice crystals increased several times in an instant, directly covering a hundred meters around the giant giant.

"It seems you can't wait to see your father."

The giant giant flipped in the air and dodged the obvious breath. His body was like a cannonball, and his right hand fiercely grabbed the big head of the two-headed Cyclops.

Breathing is not easy to use in close combat, not to mention the distance between the two is only a few hundred meters.

In an instant, he rushed in front of the two-headed Cyclops.

The two-headed Cyclops stopped wasting his soul power and decisively closed his mouth. While dodging sideways, he raised a roaring and harsh wind with his left hand, and slashed at the giant giant in mid-air with his sharp claws.

The whole process was smooth and smooth, and the movements were connected with incredible sensitivity. It seemed that it had been prepared for a long time, and the previous breath was just a flaw that it deliberately sold.

A very fast claw landed hard on the waist and abdomen of the giant giant. The beast's muscles burst out with power and knocked the giant giant's body, which was still a head taller, away.

The giant giant smiled, because when its body was knocked away, it hit hard with its hidden left hand at the same time.

The two-headed Cyclops let out a miserable wail. The left half of its small head completely collapsed into its shoulders, and the remaining half turned into flesh and blood residue scattered around.

This is the unrivaled power that the giant titan is proud of.

The rich smell of blood evaporates in the endless ice fields.

Surrounded by a large group of soul beasts who were attracted by flesh and blood, they greedily looked at the smell of flesh and blood emitting from the battlefield, but did not dare to step into the restricted area.

Just the coercion radiated by the hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast can make the soul beasts present incontinent on the spot. They can only pace back and forth, praying to pick up some scraps after the beating.

The sharp claws of the two-headed Cyclops still left four huge wounds that disemboweled the giant giant's body, exposing the internal organs that were still steaming.

But such injuries are nothing to the giant giant. When it was injured and flew backwards, the muscles on its body squirmed crazily, forcibly closing those terrible wounds like a living creature. As soon as it stood up, the ice and snow energy would Its wounds were frozen, which did not affect its combat effectiveness at all.

With the idea of ​​taking advantage of its illness to kill it, the giant giant jumped up without hesitation, using all his strength to break through the ice in an instant, and smashed into the two-headed Cyclops with a breathtaking momentum.

The two-headed Cyclops, which had lost its small head, was obviously half a beat slower. It was only at the last second that the giant giant was seen, but at this time it was too late to defend. The fist that symbolized absolute power was already close at hand.


The power penetrated the chest of the two-headed Cyclops, directly tearing the hair and flesh, and penetrated deep into the bones.

collapse! ! ! !

The body of the two-headed Cyclops was completely blown away, and after being knocked several hundred meters away, a long ravine was left on the frozen soil as hard as iron. It let out an unbearable howl of pain, and shook its hands heavily. Slap on the ground.

In an instant, a large amount of ice energy gathered and surged on the ground, as violent as a volcano about to erupt.

Tsk tsk tsk! ! ! !

Thick ice spikes a hundred meters long rose up from the ground, exploding in all directions with the two-headed cyclops' body as the center, piercing the air and piercing through the giant giant's body.

The thick ice spikes hit the giant giant's fur and pierced the skin, but soon got stuck in the muscles and could not go any further.

Because of the climate here, the soul beasts in the far north ice field have evolved good resistance to cold and frost.

Especially the Titan Snow Demon clan, whose physical strength has reached its limit and their ice resistance is fully maxed out.

The giant giant casually crushed the ice spikes inserted into his body, and his big wrinkled blue face showed a trace of human disdain: "Is this the revenge power you got by abandoning the physical strength and combat wisdom that the Titans are proud of? That's it?"

Such ridicule made the two-headed Cyclops unable to sit still. It ran regardless of its injuries. The ice attribute energy formed a layer of ice armor on its body. Its limbs and joints were covered with ferocious ice spikes. It took the initiative to move towards the giant giant. The giant comes rushing.

The giant giant didn't dodge, just looked at it calmly.

collapse! collapse! ! collapse! !

The weight of dozens of tons made the two-headed Cyclops run at full speed, and the ground trembled under its trampling. Every step it took left deep footprints on the frozen soil as hard as iron, and it was menacing.

Then, the two-headed Cyclops watched in disbelief as the ice armor on his body was ripped apart like paper.

He raised his head and saw only a pair of plain eyes.

The giant giant calmly withdrew the right hand that pierced the opponent's chest, threw the still beating heart into his mouth and chewed it with a crunch, watching the two-headed cyclops fall in front of him.

Without the heart, even with Titan blood, he would not be able to survive.

Speaking of which, his half-brother is pretty good among hundred thousand year soul beasts.

One head is responsible for controlling the body to fight the giant giant, while enduring pain, dizziness and other negative states. The other head is responsible for casting spells regardless of it and focusing on it, which is equivalent to a combination of a warrior and a mage.

Unfortunately, it was him who met him.

It's too strong.

Even a life-and-death duel between members of the same race that lasted a hundred thousand years could not let him unleash his desire to fight.

From this point of view, he has far exceeded the limit of the Titan Snow Demon clan.

So, having transcended the limits of race, is it already qualified to sit on the supreme throne that symbolizes the strongest in the Far North?

No one told it the answer. It needed to ask the king above the ice personally.

Smash its head in, or be smashed by it.

The huge figure disappeared into the wind and snow, and only the cold wind and the eternal earth witnessed the battle.

The greedy spirit beasts that refused to leave were shocked to death by the pressure of a hundred thousand years.

Three more days passed.

The body that was supposed to be stiff suddenly moved.

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