Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 514: Rot or Burn

The full moon is like a disk, hanging lonely in the night sky, and under its light, the stars are eclipsed.

The lush forest was bathed in moonlight, casting large swaths of rich shadows.

But in the center of the forest, a pothole suddenly appeared, as if it was caused by a heavy object falling from the sky. The surrounding trees were withered, making it even more eerie.


There was a strange noise in the pit, and suddenly, a pair of arms with only half of them left crawled out from the edge of the pit.

Several blood-red tentacles sprang out from the broken arm, twisting and intertwining wantonly. Just when the arms, body, thighs, and head were about to form a complete human form, they suddenly collapsed and shattered, and black blood spread everywhere. Plants stained with blood will wither and die.

The blood has polluted the earth. If nothing happens, the land within a hundred meters will eventually turn into a dead zone, and no more life will be born.

The two severed arms clattered to the ground, half dead.

It seemed that all of his strength was consumed at once.

After a long time, the broken arm managed to regain some vitality, and at least a few fingers could move.

His fingers pushed the ground hard, pulling on the arm which was extremely heavy for his fingers, and just moved it bit by bit.

Having lost his true spirit, he has completely lost his ability to think. With only his hazy consciousness left, he can only seek opportunities for resurrection through the last bit of information remaining in his blood.

The broken arm crawled hard, and the blood guided it to keep moving forward. Finally, he found a human being.

The human was sitting next to a fire, exuding an aura of weakness and powerlessness.

It wasn't until he found the human that Broken Arm's remaining hazy consciousness realized why the blood had guided him here.

The human has been parasitized by blood worms and is still very weak, which means that He only needs to get within five meters of this human to erode into his body.

The blood worm host and the weak state are simply destined to die.

At this moment, for Him, this is the most perfect body.

The fingers slowed down, dragging the arm forward bit by bit.

Well, the human didn't notice Him at all.

Fifty meters, thirty meters, twenty meters closer, the last bit of distance.

The fingers suddenly exerted their last strength, and the broken arm was like a spider pounced on the prey trapped in the web that could not move. It jumped high, and the fingers clawed at the human with claws and fangs.


The lid suddenly closed, and gourd vines instantly jumped up from the ground, tying the container tightly.

"Well done!" Wang Xiaofeng turned around, with no look of weakness on his face.

He patted the gourd vine happily.

The sudden unexpected gain made him feel much better after his newly broken love.

People always have to look forward.

Wang Xiaofeng pretended to be relaxed and poured himself a bowl of chicken soup. Then he picked up the box and shook it. Hearing the sound of objects colliding inside, he smiled like a scientific research madman: "I have discovered half an hour ago that the ghosts living in the body are The thing was constantly spreading out unknown pheromones, so I deliberately didn’t deal with it, but I didn’t expect that I actually caught a big fish.”

Putting the things into the gourd, Wang Xiaofeng clapped his hands with satisfaction: "Let's go, maybe we can catch a lot of experimental materials along the way."

The gourd vine burrows into the ground, waiting again for the "big fish" to take the bait.

The Star Luo Empire, the Tiandou Empire, the four kingdoms and principalities occupy the richest area in the center of the continent.

Due to the extreme lack of certain resources in other remote areas, development has not been as rapid as in the central area. Moreover, the scarcity of resources has caused these places to be in a state of chaos and struggle for a long time.

Most of the western side of the continent is composed of desert. The unique geographical environment has created a strange scene where there is an extreme lack of water resources even if it is close to the ocean. In this way, areas where birds poop naturally become places specially used by empires and kingdoms to exile sinners.

The local indigenous people and criminals fell in love and killed each other. Over time, a special culture was formed here.

The weak eat the strong, and the fittest survive.

This is a hell for the weak and a paradise for the strong.

Oasis No. 3: Underground Palace, the road leading to the deepest level.

The endless steps seem to lead to the abyss of hell, and the ancient and deep black stone walls seem to seal the original malice of this world.

Row after row of stone lamps are embedded on both sides of this sloping downward staircase, but the bright light seems unable to fight against the darkness entrenched in this passage.

The sound of friction between pulleys and iron chains sounded between the stairs and the corridor, and Bella walked slowly in this passage leading to the abyss of flesh and blood.

Faint crazy words echoed in her mind, but she had long been used to it. Pingting's graceful figure moved forward in the powerless firelight, while the darkness kept closing behind her.

A particularly heavy and ancient stone door appeared in front of Bertila. The surface of this stone door was painted with twisted flesh, plants, and a mysterious starry sky that did not exist at all in this era: this was the last barrier leading to the "Secret Chamber".

In front of the stone door, two tall figures bent down slightly and silently saluted Bella.

They were two formidable creatures - although human characteristics still remained on them, they could no longer be described as "human".

They have swollen and deformed heads covered with growths. Their eyes and ears have been severely degenerated and turned into sinuous and wriggling tentacle-like structures. Their limbs are thicker than humans and are wrapped in layers of bandages to prevent those who get out of control. Flesh and blood are separated from the body - they are the "caretakers" of the underground palace.

It is also the original monster created by the organization using the knowledge given by the gods.

Before becoming Watchers, they were the most fanatical and loyal members of the organization.

After learning that the organization needed a group of watchers to guard the base, they gave everything they had without hesitation, and even turned into this chilling appearance.

Ordinary human guards can't hold on in this passage for long, but monsters of the same origin can stay here forever.

Bella nodded to the watcher, and then walked forward with a solemn expression.

The heavy, ancient stone door built by an unknown person automatically opened in front of Bertila, and a small hall with three forked paths appeared in front of her.

The fork in the middle leads to the real "Abyss of Flesh and Blood", the left leads to the "Sacrifice Field", and the right leads to the "Conference Room".

Bella walked to the right. The moment she stepped through the door, countless crazy murmurs suddenly intensified, echoing in her mind as if they were about to devour people. The female dean couldn't help frowning, and then Walking towards the conference room amid the entanglement of crazy murmurs.

The moment she walked into the conference room, all the crazy chattering disappeared instantly, and the chaotic mental pressure that had always been on her body disappeared. Bella breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at the conference room.

The conference room is not big, and there are no extra decorations except for the huge stone round table and chairs in the center.

There were only twelve chairs placed around the stone table. Among them, ten bloody shadows of different sizes floated in front of ten chairs.

Bella twisted her slender waist and sat in the lowest position.

As soon as he sat down, a strong blood figure more than two meters tall in the middle shouted loudly: "So, why did you suddenly summon us? Finally, a group of robbers intercepted the goods, and I was just having fun."

"Okay, Mulla, be patient. We all know that the leader will not call us unless there is something important." The blood shadow closest to the main seat said softly.

The strong man remembered that he went to challenge not long ago but had his bones crushed bit by bit by the other party. He immediately closed his mouth and the conference room became silent again.

"Luthor's soul lamp went out."

After hearing such news, everyone was unmoved.

If he dared to take on such a lifeless mission, Luther would covet the mission reward.

A low voice came from the blood shadow on the third chair, mixed with a hoarse voice: "We are gathered here today to commemorate our good companions.

He dedicated everything to the organization, and now he is even more sacrificing for it. I think we should stop work for half a day to allow believers to recite sermons in memory of him. "

"Haha, it's only half a day." The fifth seat let out a sharp, inhuman laugh: "People outside say that our organization is a gathering place for villains. If you pull out the heart of any believer, it will be full of filthy sins. Blood, but I feel that your heart is ten times dirtier than this."

"Although I look down on Luther, he sacrificed his life for the ideals of the organization after all. And you cowards who only hide in corners to evade tasks, it's best to keep your mouths shut." The fourth seat said lightly.

The person on the throne coughed lightly, and all the disputes disappeared. "The drama here has come to an end. All the noble sacrifices will be engraved in our hearts and will last forever."

"Under the watchful eye of the omnipotent God, we will obtain the coordinates of this world and incorporate it into the territory of the Kingdom of God."

The blood shadow on the main seat raised his hand to draw out a trace of transparent soul fire from the extinguished lamp on the wall, and fed it into the mouth of the bat statue that exuded a strange aura in the center.

After completing the ceremony, the blood shadows on the chairs disappeared one after another.

Only Xue Ying, who was sitting on the main seat, and Bella, who was at the bottom, were left.

"Master, the investigation you asked me to investigate has made progress." Bella said respectfully: "As you expected, Tang Hao has indeed not left the Tiandou Empire."

"The thread of destiny will not be easily disturbed." The leader nodded slightly and said in a low voice: "Has our arrangement in the Balak Kingdom been started?"

"The war supplies with the Star Luo Empire's logo have been successfully received. Following your orders, the war will come in a false peace."

The leader was silent for a long time, then let out a slight sigh: "...This is the price that mortals must pay to escape their fate."

"There is one thing that is very concerning, leader." Bella, who was sitting at the end, suddenly said, "The Wuhun Temple's recent actions are becoming more and more extreme. In the name of fighting heresy, they have begun to suppress other sects everywhere, and They have attracted shallow believers and new believers on a large scale. In just three months, they have stolen 1,245 new believers and 379 shallow believers from our church..."

"Short believers... do you want to rely on numbers..." The blood shadow on the main seat muttered to himself, and finally shook his head, "Searching for death... If they continue to develop, sooner or later they will be betrayed by what they believe in Devoured by the Holy Light, all their efforts at the moment are just weaving a noose around themselves."

"But if they really succeed, Wuhun Palace will probably become an existence that cannot be competed with..."

"The two empires will not watch Wuhun Temple grow, and other sects will not sit still and wait for death. The stronger the Wuhun Temple is, the stronger the resistance it will face," the blood shadow on the main seat shook his head slightly. , "In any case, now is not the time for us to intervene."


Tens of minutes later, Bella left the bottom floor of the underground palace, walked through the deep corridor filled with crazy murmurs, dark terror, and left all the auditory hallucinations behind her. The female bishop exhaled slightly.

Looking at the brightly lit underground palace corridor in front of her, she whispered to herself: "I have escaped detection again."

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