Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 499: Beast Tide (Part 1)

Tick ​​tick…

The heavy rain that lasted for many days seemed to be because Nidia consumed most of the surrounding water vapor, causing the surrounding precipitation to decrease significantly.

The heavy rain turned into drizzle, and silk strands fell on the brown raincoat.

"La, la, la, la la la..."

Wang Xiaofeng hummed an unknown tune and moved his hands up and down rhythmically.

The soaked brown soil flew high into the sky under the influence of the shovel, flying towards the huge gourd standing on the ground. However, when it came within one meter of the gourd, it disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

From time to time, a vine would roll up a bird carcass and throw it into the gourd.

In the Wuhun space, everything was crowded into a corner, leaving only a large group of liquid, broken red ice cubes and an increasing number of mud corpses occupying most of the space.

Nidia hid under a barely intact roof, tilting her head as she looked at the ever-expanding potholes and the fewer and fewer bodies, sighing in her heart.

At this time, Wang Xiaofeng was really more like a control-type soul master than a control-type soul master, and his multitasking became a problem for him.

Wang Xiaofeng didn't know that Nidia was secretly arranging for him, and he was trying to reduce pollution as much as possible.

The raincoat that was stained with blood before had been replaced by another one.

Before we can figure out the cause of the animal mutation, whether it is a curse, a virus, or a strange toxin, everything must be collected and stored carefully.

Something is obviously wrong with this beast wave, and it feels like a déjà vu from a certain game.

Wang Xiaofeng moved the shovel with both hands up and down rapidly, as if he wanted to dig three feet into the ground. The uneven ground caused by the battle had now turned into a large ditch, exposing the slightly moist sand underneath.

The entire blood-stained surface of the ground had been wiped away by him.

After humming the tune, Wang Xiaofeng, who was "doing nothing", noticed that Nidia seemed to be a little idle.

An idea flashed in Wang Xiaofeng's mind. The ring fusion was so rough just now. Why not help her review the past and learn new things now? Analyze the various minor mistakes she made when using the ring fusion just now, so as to avoid exhaustion with a secret technique next time.

Wang Xiaofeng babbled: "...When the first soul ring is the main ring and the other soul rings are the secondary rings, the soul power operation must take the Shenming point as the starting point...and then pass through... When you were running the soul power just now, your attention Not concentrated enough, not strong enough to control the soul power in the body..."

The nagging words turned into spells and penetrated into Nitya's ears.

Isn't it supposed to be a loving kiss after a big fight? Why did it become a post-war review teaching with her?

Nitya covered her ears and wanted to pick up the stick on the side and hit the straight man on the head.

"...So, although the above minor problems are inconspicuous, the cumulative consequence is that the soul power in your body will be consumed by 60% more than expected..."

Wang Xiaofeng chattered a lot, completely unaware of Nitya's gradually darkening expression.

There are only a few difficulties in integrating the ring.

The most difficult thing is to control the fusion and compression of the soul power of different soul rings in the body while also focusing part of the mind on the external environment.

But this is not an insurmountable difficulty.

Wang Xiaofeng's biggest optimization of ring fusion is to improve it from a secret skill that must be learned with talent to a secret skill that can be learned only by learning step by step and completing the set standards.

It is easier for people with strong innate mental power to do this. As a control soul master, Nidia's mental power is obviously stronger than that of a soul master of the same level, so the difficulty of learning is not high for her.

However, because the big difficulty is divided into countless small difficulties, people who have just learned to merge the rings will feel incoherent when they first start to connect different soul rings.

Nitya, on the other hand, made all the small mistakes that a novice can make at once. If it weren't for the improvement of the fusion ring, which optimized the input of the overall soul power, and the risk was reduced a lot, otherwise this mistake would have turned her into a human. Dry.

Overall, there is still a lot of room for improvement.

After completing the collection work, Wang Xiaofeng looked around. He collected the blood-stained soil into the gourd, leaving only a layer of water in the huge pothole.

Visual inspection showed nothing missing, and even if there was, it was just hair and the like and would not be a source of infection.

Wang Xiaofeng jumped out of the pit and saw that the officers and soldiers who had just dispersed the crowd had somehow formed a circle around him.

"What do you want to do?"

"Why is this gentleman looking at us like this?"

The two stared at each other, and the air suddenly fell into an awkward atmosphere.

After a moment of silence, Wang Xiaofeng turned around and left.

He didn't want to look at each other with several men, and he was not a fencing enthusiast.

Upon seeing this, the leader of the team quickly stepped forward: "Lord Soul Sect, please stay."

"What's the matter?" Wang Xiaofeng raised his eyebrows. He still had a lot of things to do, but he was in no mood to play the power game.

There is a big problem with this beast tide, and a solution must be found as soon as possible.

First, we have to find a quiet place to dissect these corpses. By the way, in my rush to save people, I forgot to tell Uncle Wang...

Wang Xiaofeng couldn't help but get distracted as he was thinking about it. But in the eyes of others, he suddenly exuded the aura of keeping strangers away from him, and seemed very dissatisfied.

The squad leader's heart went cold. At that moment, his mind began to recall the anecdotes he had heard from his peers about various soul masters drawing swords and killing people due to disagreements.

When the team leader was overthinking and was about to scare himself to death, a fat figure squeezed through the crowd and said, "Sorry to keep you waiting."

"I, Wang Fucheng, am responsible for patrolling the town's security. I wonder if this soul master can come to my house. I have an important matter that concerns millions of people that I want to discuss with you."

"This kind of half-baked official language sounds really disgusting." Wang Xiaofeng muttered after coming back to his senses.

As for what the other party said about the people, just listen to it, it's just talk for the occasion.

The fat man in front of him seemed to be in trouble and asked for help. If he didn't take the opportunity to kill him at this time, it would be a waste of the opportunity given by the other party.

"Okay, no problem." Wang Xiaofeng nodded happily.

When the inspector Wang Fucheng heard this, he was extremely happy. It was just as he had guessed. It was easy for civilians to deal with such a soul master with a good-natured character.

Both sides got the answers they wanted.

Wang Xiaofeng patted the big gourd next to him and shrunk it away under the strange looks of everyone.

According to the regulations governing the wartime beast tide, individual soul masters like Wang Xiaofeng can only take one-tenth of the corpses of strange apes and birds they kill, and the rest must be handed over to the empire for disposal.

But who makes him stronger than the people present?

Everyone present pretended not to have seen him put all the corpses on the field into the gourd.

"Everything has been put away, let's go." Wang Xiaofeng clapped his hands cheerfully.

However, it seems that something has been forgotten?

A dark shadow quietly came behind Wang Xiaofeng.

Nidia tilted her head with a dazed expression, her dull eyes reflecting the scattered raindrops and Wang Xiaofeng's somewhat thin body.

The cold scepter was raised high. At this moment, the diamond-shaped ice crystals dotted around the main crystal on the ice staff faded away for the first time its full presence and extremely luxurious appearance, revealing its ferocious face. .

The sharp water chestnut hit that incomprehensible head hard!


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