Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 497 Beast Tide (Part 1)

In a very short period of time, Wang Xiaofeng could only think of two options. One was to immediately turn around and return to the Southwest Military Region camp, wait until the Star Luo Empire calmed down the beast tide, and then go back to find his family.

Second, it is...

Wang Xiaofeng, who was sitting in the carriage, suddenly felt something. He couldn't help but stretched his head out of the window next to him and looked back. His pupils shrank, and his vision increased to the extreme. In an instant, he could see clearly. On the roof of the building on the left side of the street in the distance, there were three The figure ran in panic.

Sometimes they ran, sometimes they jumped more than ten meters away. Passers-by just blinked and lost track of them. These three figures were extremely fast!

The dancing yellow and purple soul rings on their bodies were telling others about their identities, that they were powerful soul masters.

But these three people were in a very embarrassed state at this time, with frightened expressions on their faces as if something terrible had happened to them.

As they ran, they turned to look back, but they did not notice that a huge black shadow suddenly jumped out of the alley below, rushing towards the house in front of them like a cannonball.

boom! !

Under the horrified eyes of passers-by, the seemingly solid house instantly turned into ruins.

The huge cloud of dust brought by the collapse of the house swept around.

Except for a few unlucky ones who were nearby and were affected by sawdust residues and fell to the ground bleeding, not knowing whether they were alive or dead, the others dispersed in panic.

And the three soul masters who had lost their sense were shouting something in mid-air, but they didn't even release their soul skills. They plunged into the smoke like panicked rabbits.

The howling only lasted for a moment, and with a few crisp cracking sounds and the chilling sound of chewing, everything became quiet.

Only the denser footsteps of pedestrians were left.

After a few breaths, suddenly, the calm smoke seemed to be attracted by something, spinning and concaving a semicircle in the middle, and then...

boom! ! ! !

The huge black shadow smashed through the smoke and rushed out, and then pedestrians heard the huge vibration sound of the earth shaking.

"Dad, look."

Because he was too close, his left leg was hit by a sharp sawdust, so the man who fell to the end of everyone unconsciously looked back subconsciously when he heard the words of his son in his arms.

The black shadow kept dilating in his frightened pupils. With the help of adrenaline, this time, he finally saw clearly what the black shadow really looked like.

It was a giant beast more than two meters tall. Its entire body was covered with thick, dark black hair, and its arms were as thick as water tanks and filled with explosive muscles.

The grinning mouth still contained some scarlet flesh, and the scarlet eyes contained endless violence.

The chimpanzee raised his arms high, and then aimed at the man who was unable to move because of fear and the child who looked confused, and slammed them down.

Just heard a loud noise.

boom! ! ! !

Purple mixed with scarlet soul power spread around.

Just a few stones mixed with soil were used to pave the dirt road, and a large hole with a diameter of five meters was instantly created!

The broken soil mixed with rainwater shot holes as big as thumbs into the surrounding houses like bullets.

The parts of the ground that were not soaked stirred up large amounts of dust, and even rainwater could not purify the earth-yellow space.

At the moment when he was about to die, the man felt a huge force coming from his waist. When his thoughts occupied his brain again, he found that he was far away from where he was just now.

Sharp stones and large chunks of soil fell from the sky.

The man quickly used his body to protect his child from being hit, causing his head to bleed.

A vine emerged from under him, and it struck a few times casually, clearing a safe area around him.

"This is a calabash vine?!"

The man stared blankly at the powerful vines in front of him.

He would never admit it. There used to be a bunch of them growing in the corner of his yard. At that time, he hoeed them all off so that he could grow vegetables in multiple places in the yard.

But he didn't expect that the gourd seemed to have mutated. It grew again after being cut, and it was cut again when it grew. He had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​cultivating vegetable fields and become neighbors with this unlucky gourd.

Calabash Vine is an old acquaintance.

The black gorilla's eyes were briefly confused as to why his fist had stopped, but the violence in his head had completely burned away his brain.

So he couldn't figure it out, roared and punched again.

Click! The sound of breaking sounded.

This time he saw clearly that his invincible fist struck a weak human being, but why? His hands were so painful! ! !

Roar! !

The pain further aroused the violence in the blood.

The beast's instincts constantly sound warnings of danger, but they are all suppressed by the desire to kill.

The blood crawled out from the wound on his right hand, like a conscious life, forming a special pattern on the body.


Roar! !

Power, it felt as if it was constantly gushing out of its body, was far more powerful than before.

The broken right arm was straightened with a strong force, and the wound was covered with ferocious bone spurs.

The soul power even overflowed from the orifice blood, and the purple-red soul power flames had completely transformed into scarlet.

Douluo Continent's traditional method of judging age based on the color of soul power has lost its effect for the first time.

A red monster emerged from the smoke, and many passers-by were so frightened that they knelt on the ground.

The most people can come into contact with are spirit beasts in the form of rabbits, wild boars, and wolves, which are still within the scope of their knowledge.

As for such a cruel and terrifying appearance, I have never seen it before.

They were shivering, their faces full of horror, and they could only utter fragmentary madman's ravings.

Before the despair could spread, it was shattered by a muffled thunder-like sound and a crisp bone cracking sound.

The monster who looked like a god and a demon just now, now, his profile is shattered.

The huge body was leaning back uncontrollably.

And the figure of a young man was stagnant in mid-air.

The young man's right fist was wrapped with cyan soul power, and the four soul rings on his body shone endlessly, like a young dragon soaring into the sky.

A little immature, but beginning to show strength.

At this moment, he seemed to ignite a fire called hope in people's hearts.

Wang Xiaofeng smashed most of the gorilla-like soul beast's facial bones with one punch. After flipping in the air for two and a half weeks to remove the force of the shock, he landed lightly on the ground.

Before he could relax, a huge black shadow enveloped him, and violent red flames exploded in all directions with the orangutan soul beast as the center.

Wang Xiaofeng only had time to unite his arms. The next second, a huge impact came from his hands.

Wang Xiaofeng was knocked down by the huge unexpected force.

The ground that had been heavily compacted exploded again with this punch.

A bowl-shaped depression ten meters in diameter was blasted into the ground.

Crackling! !

The orangutan soul beast even waved its arms at an afterimage close to the speed of sound, and dense fists continued to hit from top to bottom.

The huge impact was like a wave, hitting Wang Xiaofeng's blocking arms crazily.

The huge pit collapsed again.

At this time, the ground was full of cracks, and the nearby houses collapsed one after another.

The whole ground was shaking violently.

This battle is no longer something ordinary soul masters can intervene in.

The belated officers and soldiers were in a dilemma, hesitating and halting.

Just a soul beast that broke through the defensive line was so powerful. How miserable would the front line be? Did they have no hope?

Suddenly, a crisp sound of cracking bones sounded in the center of the battlefield surrounded by smoke and dust.


The cyan soul power is raging!

The soul power, as red as blood, suddenly dissipated.

The surrounding rain stopped for an instant, and after half a second, it continued to fall.

Everyone followed the sound and found that the orangutan soul beast was maintaining a fist-pumping posture. The blood-colored aura burning like a flame around its body had dissipated and was motionless.

At this moment, everyone held their breath.

Wang Xiaofeng was standing in front of the orangutan soul beast, with his right hand like a dragon's claw tightly clasped on its fists, with no intention of letting go.

After a while, the newly promoted officers and soldiers gradually realized...

The battle is over, the young soul sect has won!

Wang Xiaofeng gave a thumbs up to Nidia who had just evacuated civilians in the distance.

Okay, now you don’t have to choose.

This group of strange soul beasts had already made his choice for him.

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